Erica's Ocarina Experience: Saria's Song

It’s time for another Erica’s Ocarina Experience! After going through every single request from the first two videos, I was able to narrow it down to Saria’s Song. Sadly, I will be leaving for a week, so I went ahead and gave the entire Lost Woods song for you all as well!

When I first told a few friends I was going to start recording, they all agreed I had to play this song. I can understand, since the ocarina has a sound that gives a sort of magical feeling, much like the Lost Woods. Saria’s Song is my ringtone, and I’m very happy to share it with you all.

Once again I split up the fingerings into two different images. The basic tune for Saria’s Song is the first part, and then the rest is if you want to play Lost Woods.

Lost Woods Part One

Lost Woods Part Two

Thank you for watching! Please comment and make a request for the next video. I won’t be looking at the old videos for new requests, so the only ones I will be looking for will be either here or on the YouTube channel.

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