Meteosat Second Generation - ESA
Meteosat Second Generation - ESA
Meteosat Second Generation - ESA
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The<br />
Satellite<br />
Development<br />
BR-153<br />
November 1999<br />
<strong>Meteosat</strong><br />
<strong>Second</strong><br />
<strong>Meteosat</strong><br />
<strong>Second</strong><br />
<strong>Generation</strong><br />
BR-153<br />
November 1999<br />
The Satellite Development<br />
<strong>ESA</strong> BR-153 ISBN 92-9092-634-1<br />
Technical Coordinators: Bernard Weymiens & Rob Oremus<br />
MSG Project, <strong>ESA</strong>/ESTEC<br />
Published by: <strong>ESA</strong> Publications Division<br />
ESTEC, P.O. Box 299<br />
2200 AG Noordwijk<br />
The Netherlands<br />
Editor: Bruce Battrick<br />
Layout: Isabel Kenny<br />
Cover: Carel Haakman<br />
Copyright: © European Space Agency 1999<br />
Price: 50 DFl / 20 Euros<br />
Foreword 1<br />
1 Introduction 3<br />
1.1 Programme Outline 3<br />
1.2 History of the MSG Satellite Concept 4<br />
1.3 Mission Objectives 6<br />
2 Programmatics 11<br />
2.1 Organisation 11<br />
2.2 Overall Schedule 12<br />
3 Satellite Development 13<br />
3.1 Design & Development of the MSG Satellite 13<br />
3.2 AIT Programme 16<br />
3.3 Product Assurance 18<br />
3.4 Image-Quality Ground Support Equipment 20<br />
4 Payload<br />
4.1 The Spinning Enhanced Visible and<br />
Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) 23<br />
4.2 The Mission Communication Package (MCP) 33<br />
4.3 The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget<br />
Experiment (GERB) 38<br />
4.4 The Search and Rescue (S&R) Mission 40<br />
5 Satellite Subsystems 43<br />
5.1 The Structure 43<br />
5.2 The Unified Propulsion System 45<br />
5.3 The Attitude and Orbit Control System 47<br />
5.4 The Electrical Power System 50<br />
5.5 Data Handling and Onboard Software 52<br />
iv<br />
The authors wish to thank those companies and institutes that have provided illustrations and<br />
photographs for this Brochure, but for which a specific acknowledgement has not been possible.<br />
Contributors (in alphabetical order) :<br />
D. Aminou<br />
J. Azcarate<br />
C. Bassoua<br />
H. Bran<br />
R. Brandt<br />
A. Camacho<br />
F. Cavé<br />
G. Dieterle<br />
G. Dupré<br />
S. Fiorilli<br />
G. Ibler<br />
K. van ‘t Klooster<br />
N. Koppelmann<br />
D. Levins<br />
H.J. Luhmann<br />
N. McCrow<br />
K. McMullan<br />
H.L. Möller<br />
J-M. Nonnet<br />
R. Oremus<br />
A. Ottenbacher<br />
L. Ouwerkerk<br />
J-L. Parquet<br />
A. Ramusovic<br />
J. Schmid<br />
C. Schöser<br />
W. Schumann<br />
H. Stark<br />
I. Stojkovic<br />
S. Strijk<br />
W. Supper<br />
W. Veith<br />
P. Vogel<br />
B. Weymiens
Foreword<br />
Now, in November 1999, MSG-1, the<br />
<strong>Meteosat</strong> <strong>Second</strong> <strong>Generation</strong> development<br />
flight model, is about one year away from its<br />
scheduled launch. Its flight-readiness review<br />
is planned to take place in August 2000,<br />
with launch on an Ariane vehicle scheduled<br />
for the end of October 2000, from Kourou,<br />
French Guiana.<br />
We in the Project look forward to these<br />
events with confidence, secure in the<br />
knowledge that the flight-model spacecraft<br />
will deliver excellent performance, based on<br />
a development plan that includes:<br />
• the mechanical and thermal tests already<br />
successfully performed on a Structural<br />
and Thermal Model spacecraft<br />
• the electrical performance tests, some of<br />
which are still ongoing, on an Electrical<br />
Model spacecraft, and<br />
• last but not least, subsystem tests<br />
performed on Flight Model hardware and<br />
software that prove that the performance<br />
margins identified on earlier models are<br />
also available on the Flight Model.<br />
At this point, integration of the second of<br />
the three-spacecraft series has also begun, in<br />
time for its scheduled launch in 2002.<br />
This Brochure provides a comprehensive<br />
overview of the history of the MSG<br />
programme, the mission objectives, which<br />
are tailored to meet the ever evolving and<br />
ever more demanding needs of operational<br />
meteorology and climatology, and the<br />
design and development of the MSG<br />
spacecraft, the systems and subsystems of<br />
which incorporate many technical advances,<br />
and of their state-of-the-art payloads.<br />
G. Dieterle<br />
MSG Project Manager<br />
1 Introduction<br />
1.1 Programme Outline<br />
The primary objective of MSG is to ensure<br />
continuity of atmospheric observation from<br />
the geostationary orbit at 0.0 degrees longitude<br />
and inclination, as part of a worldwide,<br />
operational meteorological satellite system<br />
consisting of four polar-orbiting and five<br />
geostationary satellites (the World Weather<br />
Watch programme of the World Meteorological<br />
Organisation).<br />
The <strong>Meteosat</strong> <strong>Second</strong> <strong>Generation</strong> (MSG)<br />
satellites benefit from several major<br />
improvements with respect to the first<br />
generation in terms of performance:<br />
– 12 imaging channels instead of 3<br />
– an image every 15 minutes instead of<br />
every 30 minutes<br />
– improved spatial resolution, and<br />
MSG Facts and Figures<br />
– extra services such as a Search and<br />
Rescue Mission and an experimental<br />
Radiation Budget measurement<br />
instrument, along with much improved<br />
communications services.<br />
The MSG development programme is now<br />
about 1 year away from the first scheduled<br />
satellite launch. A satellite thermal and mechanical<br />
model was successfully tested already<br />
in 1998, an engineering model is currently<br />
undergoing final testing to demonstrate the<br />
electro-optical performance and, in parallel,<br />
the first flight unit (MSG-1) is being<br />
integrated and tested for an Ariane launch<br />
from Europe’s Guiana Space Centre in<br />
October 2000. Two more spacecraft, MSG-2<br />
and MSG-3, which are identical to MSG-1,<br />
are also being manufactured to be ready in<br />
2002 for launch and 2003 for storage.<br />
Purpose – To make an image of the Earth and its atmosphere every<br />
15 minutes in 12 spectral bands (2 visible, 1 high-resolution visible,<br />
7 infrared, 2 water vapour)<br />
– Dissemination of the image data and other meteorological<br />
information to data user stations<br />
Technical Features – Spin-stabilised spacecraft<br />
– Mass (at launch) about 2 ton<br />
– Diameter 3.2 m<br />
– Height 3.7 m<br />
– Lifetime 7 yr<br />
– Orbit geostationary<br />
– Orbit location in the equatorial plane and above 0˚<br />
longitude<br />
– Launch vehicle compatible with Ariane-4 and Ariane-5<br />
– Launch date October 2000 (MSG-1)<br />
– Payload • Spinning Enhanced & Visible InfraRed<br />
Imager (SEVIRI)<br />
• Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget<br />
(GERB) Instrument<br />
• Search & Rescue (S & R) Transponder<br />
• Mission Communication Package (MCP)<br />
The MSG programme is a co-operative<br />
venture with Eumetsat, the European<br />
Organisation for the Exploitation of<br />
Meteorological Satellites, based in<br />
Darmstadt, Germany. For the first MSG<br />
satellite, Eumetsat is contributing about<br />
30% of the development cost of the <strong>ESA</strong><br />
programme and is financing 100% of the<br />
two additional flight units, MSG-2 and<br />
MSG-3. In addition to having overall system<br />
responsibility with respect to end-user<br />
requirements (i.e. operational meteorology<br />
from geostationary orbit), Eumetsat is also<br />
developing the ground segment and<br />
procuring the three launchers, and will<br />
operate the system nominally from 2001<br />
until 2012.<br />
The MSG programme is based on the<br />
heritage of the first-generation <strong>Meteosat</strong>s,<br />
which have now been operated for about<br />
22 years with 7 consecutive satellites in<br />
orbit. This allows the technological risk to be<br />
kept to a minimum. Moreover, costs are also<br />
being kept to a minimum thanks to the lowcost<br />
spinning-satellite design principle used<br />
and due to the economy of scale of a<br />
three-satellite procurement in combination<br />
with contracting rules with industry such as<br />
firm fixed pricing and incentives based on<br />
meeting schedule and on in-orbit<br />
performance.<br />
MSG is an <strong>ESA</strong> Optional Programme, which<br />
was started in 1994 and is funded by<br />
thirteen of the Agency’s Member States:<br />
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,<br />
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway,<br />
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United<br />
Kingdom.<br />
4<br />
1.2 History of the MSG<br />
Satellite Concept<br />
The concept of the <strong>Meteosat</strong> <strong>Second</strong><br />
<strong>Generation</strong> (MSG) satellites has been<br />
developed through a series of workshops<br />
organised by <strong>ESA</strong> with the European<br />
meteorological community, which started in<br />
Avignon, France, in June 1984.<br />
This first MSG workshop identified the major<br />
future requirements for space meteorology<br />
in Europe as follows:<br />
• geostationary satellites providing highfrequency<br />
observations<br />
• an imaging mission with higher<br />
resolution and more frequent<br />
observations than the first-generation<br />
<strong>Meteosat</strong>s<br />
• an all-weather atmospheric-sounding<br />
mission.<br />
Based on the Avignon workshop, three<br />
expert reports on imagery, infra-red and<br />
millimetre-wave sounding and on data<br />
circulation were commissioned by <strong>ESA</strong>.<br />
The reports on imagery and sounding were<br />
presented to a second workshop with the<br />
European meteorological community in<br />
Ravenna, Italy, in November 1986. That<br />
workshop confirmed the basic requirements<br />
of the Avignon workshop and provided<br />
some updates and refinements.<br />
The data circulation report was reviewed at<br />
a workshop in Santiago de Compostela,<br />
Spain, in May 1987. This workshop<br />
recommended two important changes<br />
concerning the Data Circulation Mission<br />
(DCM) of the first-generation <strong>Meteosat</strong>
satellites: the processed image data must be<br />
available within 5 minutes of acquisition, as<br />
required for nowcasting applications, and<br />
the current analogue WEFAX service to<br />
secondary user stations must be replaced by<br />
a digital format.<br />
In 1986, a new European intergovernmental<br />
organisation called Eumetsat was set<br />
up in Europe to ‘establish, maintain, and<br />
operate a European system of operational,<br />
meteorological satellites’. Since then, <strong>ESA</strong><br />
has been collaborating with Eumetsat on<br />
the definition of the MSG satellites.<br />
In 1987, <strong>ESA</strong> initiated several instrument<br />
concept studies, covering:<br />
• a visible and infra-red imager (VIRI)<br />
• an infra-red sounder (IRS)<br />
• a microwave sounder (MWS)<br />
• the data-circulation mission (DCM)<br />
• the proposed scientific instruments.<br />
Parallel studies of an 8-channel VIRI and of<br />
the infra-red sounder were performed by<br />
industry, and they demonstrated the basic<br />
feasibility of these instruments. The<br />
microwave sounder was studied via parallel<br />
contracts, which revealed major problems<br />
with respect to, for example, mass, diameter<br />
and sensitivity.<br />
In the same year, <strong>ESA</strong> also provided parallel<br />
contracts to study possible satellite<br />
configurations for MSG. As a result, a spinstabilised<br />
satellite configuration was<br />
excluded due to the presence of the<br />
microwave sounder. Dual-spin configurations<br />
were considered but rejected as the<br />
MWS and IRS instruments require very stable<br />
pointing of the platform, whilst the IRS<br />
instrument requires a very stable rotation of<br />
the drum, and these two requirements<br />
cannot be satisfied simultaneously.<br />
Accordingly, the only viable configurations<br />
for the multi-instrument satellites were<br />
three-axis-stabilised configurations.<br />
These results were presented at a workshop<br />
with Eumetsat and the meteorological<br />
community in Bath (UK) in May 1988. As a<br />
conclusion of this workshop, the overall<br />
mission philosophy was again endorsed,<br />
while some mass-driving requirements were<br />
reconsidered and eventually revised.<br />
However, a few months later further doubts<br />
were raised about the usefulness of the<br />
sounding mission, as proposed in Bath, and<br />
about the relationship between the<br />
sounding mission of MSG in a geostationary<br />
orbit and sounding missions from polarorbiting<br />
satellites. As a consequence, the<br />
mission requirements were again<br />
reconsidered, and further mission studies<br />
were called for.<br />
The essential point of the reconsideration of<br />
the mission requirements was that some<br />
sounding capability had to be retained. It<br />
was proposed to achieve this by adding 5<br />
additional narrow-band channels to the<br />
imager VIRI that had been defined in<br />
Avignon and in Bath, in order to obtain a<br />
pseudo-sounding capability. Consequently,<br />
the corresponding instrument was then<br />
named the ‘Enhanced VIRI’, or EVIRI. Thus,<br />
further mission-feasibility studies were<br />
requested by Eumetsat and initiated by <strong>ESA</strong>.<br />
On the basis of the results of these<br />
deliberations and a recommendation by<br />
<strong>ESA</strong>, the Eumetsat Council determined in<br />
June 1990 that:<br />
• MSG should be a spin-stabilised satellite<br />
• the spin-stabilised satellite should have a<br />
capability for air mass analysis as the<br />
essential part of the former sounding<br />
mission and a high-resolution visible<br />
channel.<br />
Following this decision, and the new<br />
requirement that the Spinning Enhanced<br />
Visible and Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) should<br />
also be capable of providing data for air<br />
mass analysis, <strong>ESA</strong> conducted an<br />
assessment study of the feasibility of<br />
accommodating the extra channels into<br />
SEVIRI. Originally, EVIRI had 8 channels,<br />
and the new SEVIRI requirements called for<br />
14 channels (1 high-resolution visible, 3 in<br />
the VNIR, and 10 in the IR).<br />
The assessment study concluded that the<br />
imager could be expanded to<br />
accommodate 12 channels in total<br />
(1 high-resolution visible, 3 in the VNIR,<br />
and 8 in the IR). The requirement for<br />
10 cooled IR channels was essentially not<br />
feasible, given the cost and schedule<br />
constraints.<br />
Finally, with Eumetsat endorsement, <strong>ESA</strong><br />
initiated the development of a spinstabilised,<br />
geostationary satellite with a<br />
12-channel imager, called the ‘<strong>Meteosat</strong><br />
<strong>Second</strong> <strong>Generation</strong>’ satellite.<br />
6<br />
1.3 Mission Objectives<br />
As the successor of the <strong>Meteosat</strong> firstgeneration<br />
programme, MSG is designed to<br />
support nowcasting, very short and short<br />
range forecasting, numerical weather<br />
forecasting and climate applications over<br />
Europe and Africa, with the following<br />
mission objectives:<br />
• multi-spectral imaging of the cloud<br />
systems, the Earth’s surface and radiance<br />
emitted by the atmosphere, with<br />
improved radiometric, spectral, spatial<br />
and temporal resolution compared to the<br />
first generation of <strong>Meteosat</strong>s<br />
• extraction of meteorological and<br />
geophysical fields from the satellite image<br />
data for the support of general<br />
meteorological, climatological and<br />
environmental activities<br />
• data collection from Data Collection<br />
Platforms (DCPs)<br />
• dissemination of the satellite image data<br />
and meteorological information upon<br />
processing to the meteorological user<br />
community in a timely manner for the<br />
support of nowcasting and very-shortrange<br />
forecasting<br />
• support to secondary payloads of a<br />
scientific or pre-operational nature which<br />
are not directly relevant to the MSG<br />
programme (i.e. GERB and GEOSAR)<br />
• support to the primary mission (e.g.<br />
archiving of data generated by the MSG<br />
The mission objectives were subsequently<br />
refined by Eumetsat, taking into<br />
account further evolutions in the needs<br />
of operational meteorology, and resulted in:<br />
• the provision of basic multi-spectral<br />
imagery, in order to monitor cloud<br />
systems and surface-pattern development<br />
in support of nowcasting and shortterm<br />
forecasting over Europe and<br />
Africa<br />
• the derivation of atmospheric motion<br />
vectors in support of numerical weather<br />
prediction on a global scale, and on a<br />
regional scale over Europe<br />
• the provision of high-resolution imagery<br />
to monitor significant weather evolution<br />
on a local scale (e.g. convection, fog,<br />
snow cover)<br />
• the air-mass analysis in order to monitor<br />
atmospheric instability processes in the<br />
lower troposphere by deriving vertical<br />
temperature and humidity gradients<br />
• the measurement of land and sea-surface<br />
temperatures and their diurnal variations<br />
for use in numerical models and in<br />
nowcasting.<br />
Imaging Mission<br />
To support the imaging mission objectives,<br />
a single imaging radiometer concept known<br />
as the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-<br />
Red Imager (SEVIRI) has been selected. This<br />
concept allows the simultaneous operation<br />
of all the radiometer channels with the<br />
same sampling distance. Thus, it provides<br />
improved image accuracy and products like<br />
Imaging format<br />
Imaging cycle<br />
Channels<br />
Sampling Distance<br />
Pixel Size<br />
atmospheric motion vectors or surface<br />
temperature and also new types of<br />
information on atmospheric stability to the<br />
users. Moreover, as the channels selected<br />
for MSG are similar to those of the AVHRR<br />
instrument currently flown in polar orbits,<br />
the efficiency of the global system will be<br />
increased owing to the synergy of polar<br />
and geostationary data.<br />
2.25 km (Visible)<br />
4.5 km (IR + WV)<br />
1 km (HRV)<br />
3 km (others)<br />
2.25 km (Visible) 1.4 km (HRV)<br />
5 km (IR + WV) 4.8 km (others)<br />
Number of detectors 4 42<br />
Telescope diameter 400 mm 500 mm<br />
Scan principle Scanning telescope Scan mirror<br />
Transmission raw data rate 0.333 Mb/s 3.2 Mb/s<br />
Disseminated image 0.166 Mb/s 1 Mb/s<br />
Transmission burst mode 2.65 Mb/s Search & Rescue package<br />
The imaging mission corresponds to a<br />
continuous image-taking of the Earth in the<br />
12 spectral channels with a baseline repeat<br />
cycle of 15 minutes. The calibration of the<br />
infra-red cold-channel radiometric drift may<br />
be performed every 15 minutes, owing to<br />
the presence of an internal calibration unit<br />
involving a simple and robust flip-flop<br />
mechanism and a black body. The imager<br />
MOP MSG<br />
30 min 15 min<br />
Wavelength<br />
Visible 0.5 - 0.9 HRV<br />
VIS 0.6<br />
VIS 0.8<br />
IR 1.6<br />
Water vapour WV 6.4 WV 6.2<br />
WV 7.3<br />
IR 3.9<br />
IR window IR 11.5<br />
IR 8.7<br />
IR 10.8<br />
IR 12.0<br />
Pseudo Sounding<br />
IR 9.7<br />
IR 13.4<br />
7<br />
The mission evolution<br />
from First- to <strong>Second</strong>-<br />
<strong>Generation</strong> <strong>Meteosat</strong>
Earth imaging frames:<br />
full image area, HRV<br />
channel normal mode<br />
and alternative mode<br />
provides data from the full image area in all<br />
channels except for the high-resolution<br />
visible channel, where the scan mode may<br />
be varied via telecommand from the normal<br />
mode to an alternative mode.<br />
The six channels VIS 0.6, VIS 0.8, IR 1.6, IR<br />
3.9, IR 10.8 and IR 12.0 correspond to the<br />
six AVHRR-3 channels on-board the NOAA<br />
satellites, while the channels HRV, WV 6.2,<br />
IR 10.8 and IR 12.0 correspond to the<br />
<strong>Meteosat</strong> first-generation VIS, WV and IR<br />
channels. The following channel pairs are<br />
referred to as split-channel pairs, since they<br />
provide similar radiometric information and<br />
may therefore be used interchangeably: VIS<br />
0.6 & VIS 0.8, IR 1.6 & IR 3.9, WV 6.2 & WV<br />
7.3, and IR 10.8 & IR 12.0.<br />
The HRV channel will provide highresolution<br />
images in the visible spectrum,<br />
8<br />
which can be used to support nowcasting<br />
and very short-range forecasting<br />
applications.<br />
The two channels in the visible spectrum, VIS<br />
0.6 and VIS 0.8, will provide cloud and landsurface<br />
imagery during daytime. The chosen<br />
wavelengths allow the discrimination of<br />
different cloud types from the Earth’s surface,<br />
as well as the discrimination between<br />
vegetated and non-vegetated surfaces.<br />
These two channels also support the<br />
determination of the atmospheric aerosol<br />
content.<br />
The IR 1.6 channel can be used to<br />
distinguish low-level clouds from snow<br />
surfaces and supports the IR 3.9 and IR 8.7<br />
channels in the discrimination between ice<br />
and water clouds. Together with the VIS 0.6<br />
and VIS 0.8 channels, the IR 1.6 channel
The spectral characteristics of the SEVIRI channels<br />
Channel Absorption Band Channel Type Nom. Centre Spectral<br />
Wavelength Bandwidth<br />
(µm) (µm)<br />
HRV Visible High Resolution nom. 0.75 0.6 to 0.9<br />
VIS 0.6 VNIR Core Imager 0.635 0.56 to 0.71<br />
VIS 0.8 VNIR Core Imager 0.81 0.74 to 0.88<br />
IR 1.6 VNIR Core Imager 1.64 1.50 to 1.78<br />
IR 3.9 IR / Window Core Imager 3.92 3.48 to 4.36<br />
WV 6.2 Water Vapour Core Imager 6.25 5.35 to 7.15<br />
WV 7.3 Water Vapour Pseudo-Sounding 7.35 6.85 to 7.85<br />
IR 8.7 IR / Window Core Imager 8.70 8.30 to 9.10<br />
IR 9.7 IR / Ozone Pseudo-Sounding 9.66 9.38 to 9.94<br />
IR 10.8 IR / Window Core Imager 10.80 9.80 to 11.80<br />
IR 12.0 IR / Window Core Imager 12.00 11.00 to 13.00<br />
IR 13.4 IR / Carbon Diox. Pseudo-Sounding 13.40 12.40 to 14.40<br />
may also support the determination of<br />
aerosol optical depth and soil moisture.<br />
The IR 3.9 channel can be utilised to detect<br />
fog and low-level clouds at night and to<br />
discriminate between water clouds and ice<br />
surfaces during daytime. Furthermore, the<br />
IR 3.9 channel may support the IR 10.8 and<br />
IR 12.0 channels in the determination of<br />
surface temperatures by estimating the<br />
tropospheric water-vapour absorption.<br />
The two channels in the water-vapour<br />
absorption band, WV 6.2 and WV 7.3, will<br />
provide the water-vapour distribution at two<br />
distinct layers in the troposphere. These two<br />
channels can also be used to derive<br />
atmospheric motion vectors in cloud-free<br />
areas and will support the IR 10.8 and IR<br />
12.0 channel in the height assignment of<br />
semi-transparent clouds.<br />
The IR 8.7 channel may also be utilised for<br />
cloud detection and can support the IR 1.6<br />
and IR 3.9 channels in the discrimination<br />
between ice clouds and Earth surfaces.<br />
Moreover, the IR 8.7 channel may also be<br />
applied together with the IR 10.8 and IR<br />
12.0 channel to determine the cloud phase.<br />
The SEVIRI channel, which covers the very<br />
strong fundamental vibration band of ozone<br />
at 9.66 µm, denoted as IR 9.7, will be<br />
utilised to determine the total ozone<br />
content of the atmosphere and may also be<br />
applied to monitor the altitude of the<br />
tropopause.<br />
The two channels in the atmospheric<br />
window, IR 10.8 and IR 12.0, will mainly be<br />
used together with the IR 3.9 channel in<br />
order to determine surface temperatures.<br />
The IR 13.4 channel covers one wing of the<br />
fundamental vibration band of carbon<br />
dioxide at 15 µm and will therefore mainly<br />
be utilised for atmospheric temperature<br />
sounding in support of air-mass instability<br />
estimation.<br />
Product Extraction Mission<br />
The product extraction mission will provide<br />
Level 2.0 meteorological, geophysical and<br />
oceanographical products from SEVIRI Level<br />
1.5 imagery. It will continue the product<br />
extraction mission of the current <strong>Meteosat</strong><br />
system, and provide additional new<br />
products. MSG meteorological products will<br />
be delivered to the meteorological user<br />
community in near-real-time via the Global<br />
Telecommunication System (GTS) or via the<br />
satellite's High-Rate Image Transmission<br />
(HRIT) and Low-Rate Image Transmission<br />
(LRIT) schemes.<br />
MSG mission overview<br />
Data Collection and Relay Mission<br />
The data collection and relay mission will<br />
collect and relay environmental data from<br />
automated data-collection platforms via the<br />
satellite. The mission will be a follow-on to<br />
the current <strong>Meteosat</strong> Data Collection<br />
Mission, with some modifications as follows:<br />
• Increased number of international Data<br />
Collection Platform (DCP) channels<br />
• Increased number of regional channels<br />
• Data Collection Platform (DCP)<br />
retransmission in near-real-time via the<br />
LRIT link<br />
• Some of the regional channels will<br />
operate at a higher transmission rate.<br />
Dissemination Mission<br />
The dissemination mission will provide<br />
digital image data and meteorological<br />
products through two distinct transmission<br />
channels:<br />
• High-Rate Information Transmission<br />
(HRIT) transmits the full volume of<br />
processed image data in compressed<br />
form<br />
• Low-Rate Information Transmission (LRIT)<br />
transmits a reduced set of processed<br />
image data and other meteorological<br />
data.<br />
Both transmission schemes will use the<br />
same radio frequencies as the current<br />
10<br />
<strong>Meteosat</strong> system, but coding, modulation<br />
scheme, data rate and data formats will be<br />
different. Different levels of access to the<br />
high- and low-rate information transmission<br />
data will be provided to different groups of<br />
users through encryption.<br />
The Meteorological Data Distribution<br />
mission of the current <strong>Meteosat</strong> system will<br />
be integrated into the HRIT and LRIT<br />
missions of MSG.<br />
Geostationary Earth Radiation<br />
Budget (GERB) experiment<br />
The GERB payload is a scanning radiometer<br />
with two broadband channels, one<br />
covering the solar spectrum, the other<br />
covering the infrared spectrum. Data will be<br />
calibrated on board in order to support the<br />
retrieval of radiative fluxes of reflected solar<br />
radiation and emitted thermal radiation at<br />
the top of the atmosphere with an accuracy<br />
of 1%.<br />
Geostationary Search and Rescue<br />
(GEOSAR) relay<br />
The satellite will carry a small<br />
communications payload to relay distress<br />
signals from 406 MHz beacons to a central<br />
reception station in Europe, which will pass<br />
the signals on for the quick organisation of<br />
rescue activities. The geostationary relay<br />
allows a continuous monitoring of the<br />
Earth’s disc and immediate alerting.
2.1 Organisation<br />
The MSG system is developed and<br />
implemented under a co-operative effort<br />
by Eumetsat and <strong>ESA</strong>, with responsibilities<br />
shared as follows:<br />
<strong>ESA</strong>:<br />
• develops the MSG-1 prototype<br />
• acts, on behalf of Eumetsat, as<br />
procurement agent for:<br />
- MSG-2/3 satellites<br />
- interchangeable flight-spare equipment<br />
- Image Quality Ground Support<br />
Equipment (IQGSE)<br />
- the ‘Enhanced Suitcase’.<br />
For the development and follow-up of the<br />
production of the satellites, <strong>ESA</strong> has<br />
established the MSG Project team at its<br />
European Space Research and Technology<br />
Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk (NL). This team<br />
is part of the <strong>ESA</strong> Directorate of Application<br />
Programmes, within the Earth Observation<br />
Development Programmes Department.<br />
Eumetsat:<br />
• contributes one third of MSG-1 funding,<br />
and funds procurement of MSG-2/3<br />
• finalises and maintains the End User<br />
Requirements for the MSG mission<br />
• procures all launchers and the services<br />
for post-launch early operations<br />
11<br />
The MSG industrial<br />
• develops the ground segment<br />
• ensures consistency between the system<br />
segments (space, ground, launcher<br />
services segments)<br />
• operates the system (over at least 12 years).<br />
A project team in Eumetsat acts as the system<br />
architect and integrator. The development<br />
and integration of the overall ground<br />
segment is carried out by the Eumetsat<br />
team, with the development of the individual<br />
ground facilities subcontracted to industrial<br />
companies across Europe. Once integrated<br />
and fully tested, the MSG system will be<br />
routinely operated by the Eumetsat<br />
operations team.<br />
Industrial Consortium<br />
For the development, manufacturing,<br />
integration and testing of the MSG satellites,<br />
<strong>ESA</strong> placed a contract with a European<br />
industrial consortium, led by the French<br />
company Alcatel Space Industries (Cannes).<br />
The work has been subdivided over 105<br />
contracts, which were negotiated with 56<br />
different companies.<br />
The UK National Environmental Research<br />
Council (NERC), acting through the<br />
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), is<br />
responsible for the provision of the scientific<br />
12<br />
payload. The GERB instrument is developed,<br />
based on funding from the United Kingdom,<br />
Belgium and Italy, as an ‘Announcement of<br />
Flight Opportunity’ instrument. This optical<br />
instrument, monitoring the Earth’s radiation,<br />
will make use of a small free volume and<br />
available resources on the spacecraft<br />
platform.<br />
Launcher<br />
Arianespace is providing the launch vehicle<br />
and all associated launch services. The<br />
launch will be performed nominally by an<br />
Ariane-5 vehicle, as part of a dual or triple<br />
launch. Compatibility with Ariane-4 (as part<br />
of a dual launch inside Spelda-10) is<br />
retained as a back-up.<br />
2.2 Overall Schedule<br />
The Phase-B activities were started in<br />
February 1994, during which detailed<br />
plans and requirements were established,<br />
necessary for precise definition of the main<br />
development, qualification and manufacturing<br />
activities. Phase-C/D started in<br />
July 1995 and will last until the Flight<br />
Acceptance Review in August 2000. It will<br />
cover the detailed design, development,<br />
qualification and manufacture of the satellite.
3.1 Design & Development<br />
of the MSG Satellite<br />
Heritage<br />
In order to limit MSG development cost and<br />
risks, existing hardware/design heritage<br />
from the <strong>Meteosat</strong> first generation and<br />
other satellite programmes has been used<br />
to the maximum possible extent. This<br />
approach could be implemented<br />
successfully for several units within the<br />
classical support subsystems.<br />
Within the Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS),<br />
the Power Distribution Unit (PDU) is based<br />
on the Cluster/Soho design, and the<br />
solar-array cell implementation was also<br />
taken over from Cluster. The batteries are<br />
based on standard cells from SAFT (F). The<br />
Data Handling Subsystem is based on a<br />
standard design from Saab-Ericsson Space<br />
(S). In the Attitude and Orbit Control<br />
Subsystem (AOCS), all sensors (ESU, SSU<br />
and ACU) are off-the-shelf items, with only<br />
the control electronics having to be<br />
specially developed. Most of the Unified<br />
Propulsion Subsystem (UPS) elements are<br />
off-the-shelf items, and only the tanks and<br />
Gauging Sensor Unit (GSU) are new<br />
developments. Nearly all of the Mission<br />
Communication Package (MCP) units are<br />
based on the design heritage of the<br />
<strong>Meteosat</strong> first generation. The Search<br />
and Rescue Transponder is a new<br />
development, and the S-band<br />
Telemetry/Telecommand Transponder is a<br />
standard Alenia (I) design.<br />
The scientific payload (GERB) and the main<br />
imaging instrument (SEVIRI) are completely<br />
new developments.<br />
Model Philosophy<br />
For all support and MCP units, a model<br />
concept including a Structural and Thermal<br />
Model (STM), an Engineering Model (EM), a<br />
Qualification Model (QM) and Flight Models<br />
(FM1, 2 and 3) has been implemented. For<br />
SEVIRI, the EM/QM and FM1 models are<br />
replaced by an Engineering Qualification<br />
and a Proto-Flight Model (EQM and PFM).<br />
The STM units were manufactured<br />
exclusively for the use in the satellite STM,<br />
but their number was limited, as flight<br />
hardware was used as far as possible, e.g.<br />
solar panels, primary and secondary<br />
structures, tanks. The EM units were used to<br />
validate the design and to perform a prequalification,<br />
consisting of mechanical,<br />
thermal and electromagnetic compatibility<br />
tests. The EM units are manufactured with<br />
standard components. The QM units,<br />
equipped with High-Rel parts, served to<br />
perform the standard qualification. For all<br />
flight-model units, only acceptance tests will<br />
be performed.<br />
The concept of pre-qualification of the EM<br />
units provided a lot of flexibility in the<br />
QM/FM manufacturing schedule later in the<br />
programme. It made it possible in many<br />
cases to advance the FM unit<br />
manufacturing and the qualification units<br />
were then completed after FM delivery.<br />
Rolling-Spare Philosophy<br />
Since MSG is a multi-satellite programme, a<br />
rolling-spare philosophy has been adopted;<br />
for example, the QMs act as spares for<br />
FM-1. They will, however, be normally used<br />
on FM-2, with FM-2 units becoming<br />
available as spares for FM-2, after which<br />
An MSG/MOP<br />
comparison<br />
Exploded view of the<br />
MSG satellite<br />
MSG MSG<br />
12 channel enhanced imaging 3 channel imaging<br />
and pseudo sounding radiometers radiometer<br />
100 rpm spin- 100 rpm spin-<br />
stabilised body stabilised body<br />
Bi-propellant unified Solid apogee<br />
propulsion system boost motor<br />
500 W power demand 200 W power demand<br />
2000 kg in GTO 720 kg in GTO<br />
Design compatibility Flight qualified with<br />
with Ariane-4 (Spelda 10) & Ariane-5 Delta 2914, Ariane 1-3-4<br />
these units will be used on FM-3, while the<br />
FM-3 units will remain as the ultimate<br />
spares.<br />
Satellite Design<br />
The MSG concept is based on the same<br />
design principles as the <strong>Meteosat</strong> firstgeneration<br />
satellite and is also spinstabilised<br />
at 100 rpm. A cylindrical-shaped<br />
solar drum, 3.2 m in diameter, includes in<br />
the centre the radiometer (SEVIRI), and on<br />
top the antenna farm. The total height of<br />
the satellite, including the antenna<br />
assembly, is 3.74 m.<br />
The satellite itself is built in a modular way<br />
and is composed of the following elements:<br />
• The Spinning Enhanced Visible and<br />
Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) instrument,<br />
located in the central compartment of<br />
the satellite, ensures the generation of<br />
image data; formatting of image data is<br />
completed at satellite level before<br />
transmission to the ground.<br />
• The Mission Communication Package<br />
(MCP), including antennas and<br />
transponders, is in the upper<br />
compartment. It ensures the transmission<br />
of image data to the ground and the<br />
relay of other mission data.<br />
• The GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation<br />
Budget) instrument.<br />
• The Geostationary Search and Rescue<br />
(GEOSAR) payload, which is made of a<br />
transponder with the capacity for<br />
relaying distress signals.<br />
• The satellite support subsystems.<br />
14<br />
The MSG satellite support subsystems<br />
consist of:<br />
• the Data Handling Subsystem (DHSS) and<br />
the associated Data Handling Software<br />
(DHSW), which splits into the Application<br />
Software (ASW) and the Basic Software<br />
(BSW)<br />
• the Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS)<br />
• the Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem<br />
(AOCS)<br />
• the Unified Propulsion Subsystem (UPS)<br />
• the Telemetry, Tracking and Command<br />
Subsystem (TT & C)<br />
• the Thermal Control Subsystem (TCS)<br />
• the Structure Subsystem and the<br />
Mechanisms and Pyrotechnic Devices.<br />
(and COVER)<br />
COOLER<br />
LOWER<br />
L BAND EDA<br />
SEVIRI &<br />
UPPER<br />
STRUTS<br />
MAIN<br />
LOWER<br />
STRUTS<br />
TUBE<br />
SEVIRI<br />
For its initial boost into geostationary orbit<br />
as well as for station-keeping, the satellite<br />
uses a bi-propellant system. This includes<br />
small thrusters, which are also used for<br />
attitude control. The MSG solar array, built<br />
from eight curved panels, is wrapped<br />
around the satellite body.<br />
The support subsystems, Data Handling<br />
(DHSS), Power (EPS), Attitude and Orbit<br />
Control (AOCS) and the S-band transponders<br />
are located on top of the main platform,<br />
together with the Geostationary Earth<br />
Radiation Budget (GERB) experiment. The<br />
Unified Propulsion Subsystem (UPS) is located<br />
on the bottom side of the main platform.<br />
The antenna platform houses all elements<br />
of the Mission Communication Package<br />
(MCP), i.e. electronic units and antenna.<br />
The Meteorological Payload consists of the<br />
radiometer (SEVIRI) as the main instrument<br />
and a scientific experiment, GERB.<br />
The Mission Communication Package (MCP)<br />
includes: the raw data links, image<br />
dissemination link, Search and Rescue<br />
transponder and the telemetry/<br />
telecommand transponders.<br />
The Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS)<br />
generates, stores, conditions and distributes<br />
the power for all subsystems, including<br />
thermal control and pyrotechnic functions.<br />
The following units are part of the EPS:<br />
Solar Array, Batteries, Power Conditioning<br />
Unit (PCU), Power Distribution Unit (PDU)<br />
and the Pyrotechnic Release Unit (PRU).<br />
The Data Handling Subsystem (DHSS),<br />
consisting of the Central Data Management<br />
Unit (CDMU) and two Remote Terminal Units<br />
(RTUs), serves the internal data exchange via<br />
an Onboard Data Handling (OBDH) bus.<br />
SEVIRI is directly connected to the OBDH<br />
bus, whereas all other subsystems are<br />
controlled and monitored via the RTUs.<br />
The Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem<br />
(AOCS) comprises a Control Electronics Unit<br />
(AOCE), the Sun and Earth Sensors (SSU, ESU),<br />
an Accelerometer Package (ACU) and the<br />
Passive Nutation Dampers (PNDs). The AOCS<br />
directly commands the Unified Propulsion<br />
Subsystem (UPS).<br />
The UPS is a bipropellant system including<br />
the Liquid Apogee boost Motors (LAMs), the<br />
Reaction Control Thrusters (RCTs), the<br />
propellant- and pressurant tanks and all<br />
necessary valves, filters, pressure regulator,<br />
pressure transducers and the Gauging<br />
Sensor Units (GSUs).<br />
MSG’s mechanical subsystem includes the<br />
primary structure, the secondary structure<br />
(LAM support, solar-array fixation) and the<br />
SEVIRI cooler and baffle cover (which will be<br />
ejected prior to reaching the final<br />
geostationary orbit).<br />
15<br />
The electrical/<br />
functional architecture<br />
of the satellite
3.2 AIT Programme<br />
The AIT programme is based on a threemodel<br />
philosophy, namely:<br />
• a Structural and Thermal Model (STM)<br />
• an Engineering Model (EM)<br />
• Flight Models (FM).<br />
Electrical integration and testing, which are<br />
performed on EM and FMs, are done as<br />
much as possible at subsystem level. At<br />
satellite level, these subsystems are<br />
assembled with a guiding principle of the<br />
necessary minimum of testing.<br />
The STM<br />
The main purpose for building an STM is to<br />
qualify the mechanical structure of the<br />
satellite, and to validate its thermal<br />
behaviour. This model serves also for<br />
mechanical interface verification and to<br />
establish mechanical procedures. The<br />
mechanical tests on the STM were<br />
successfully completed in spring 1999.<br />
16<br />
Overview of the major tests at satellite level<br />
It was subsequently dismantled to recover<br />
the flight elements from it.<br />
The EM<br />
The main purpose of the EM is to verify all<br />
of the satellite’s electrical interfaces, and to<br />
demonstrate that the satellite can meet the<br />
required performance goals. A second<br />
important task is to establish and validate<br />
test procedures and databases, together<br />
with the relevant EGSE. All satellite EM tests<br />
were performed in Alcatel’s facilities in<br />
Cannes (F).<br />
The FM<br />
The FM undergoes a series of tests to<br />
demonstrate that it is flight worthy, and that<br />
it fulfils the performance requirements.<br />
These tests are the same, or similar to tests<br />
performed on the STM and EM and will be<br />
performed at Alcatel in Cannes.<br />
The Main Test Programme<br />
– The Thermal-Balance Test was performed<br />
in the Large Solar Simulator at ESTEC (NL)<br />
STM EM FM<br />
• Thermal Balance / Thermal Vacuum Test √ √<br />
• Vibration (Sine) √ √<br />
• Acoustic Noise √ √<br />
• Mass Properties Determination, incl. Balancing √ √<br />
• Spin √ √ √<br />
• Cover Release √<br />
• Separation and Shock √<br />
• Integration Test √ √<br />
• Integrated System Test (IST 1) √ √<br />
• Antenna Tests in CATR √ √<br />
• EMC Test √ √<br />
• SEVIRI Reference Test Ambient √ √<br />
• IST 2 √
In a vacuum environment (1x10 -5 bar),<br />
various thermal cases were simulated and<br />
the temperature response of the satellite<br />
was compared with the predictions of<br />
the mathematical thermal model. This<br />
test was performed in spring 1998 with<br />
good results.<br />
– Mechanical Tests: Their purpose is to<br />
verify that the resonance frequencies of<br />
the satellite are as required by the<br />
launcher authority, and to<br />
demonstrate that the mechanical<br />
construction of the satellite is strong<br />
enough to withstand all of the<br />
mechanical forces that it will experience<br />
throughout its lifetime.<br />
– Integration Test: Its purpose is to<br />
establish correct functioning of a<br />
subsystem, and to verify its interfaces<br />
with other subsystems.<br />
– Integrated System Test: The IST verifies<br />
that the entire satellite functions correctly,<br />
and that the performance requirements<br />
can be achieved.<br />
– Antenna Tests in CATR: The tests<br />
performed on the Compact Antenna Test<br />
Range (CATR) are designed to<br />
demonstrate the performance and<br />
functioning of the antenna subsystem on<br />
the satellite.<br />
– EMC Test: This is the classical test to<br />
demonstrate electromagnetic<br />
compatibility of the satellite with its<br />
expected environment, with at least 6 dB<br />
design margin. Also included is a test to<br />
demonstrate non-sensitivity with respect<br />
to electrostatic discharge.<br />
– Spin Test: This test is performed with the<br />
satellite mounted on a spin table,<br />
rotating at its nominal operational speed<br />
of 100 rpm. This test validates all<br />
operations that depend on the spinning<br />
motion of the satellite, such as correct<br />
de-spinning of the L-band and UHF-band<br />
antennas, and the east-west scanning of<br />
the SEVIRI instrument.<br />
– SEVIRI Reference Test Ambient: This test<br />
verifies SEVIRI’s performance under<br />
ambient conditions. As such, it forms part<br />
of the IST, but because of the complex<br />
set-up with a dedicated optical system it<br />
is designated as a separate test.<br />
– SEVIRI Optical Vacuum Test: This test<br />
demonstrates the performance of the<br />
SEVIRI infrared channels, with the<br />
detectors operating at temperatures of<br />
85 to 95 K. To achieve this, the satellite is<br />
placed in a vacuum chamber, together<br />
with the same optical system that was<br />
used for the reference test.<br />
17<br />
Thermal-balance<br />
testing in progress in<br />
the Large Space<br />
Simulator at ESTEC in<br />
Noordwijk (NL)
EMC test in progress in<br />
the CATR<br />
General Test Approach<br />
Basically, the same set of tests is performed<br />
before and after the mechanical tests, to<br />
make sure that the mechanical forces<br />
experienced have no negative influence on<br />
the performance, with the exception of the<br />
spin test and the optical vacuum test.<br />
For subsequent FMs, the test programme is<br />
slightly more relaxed. The sine-vibration and<br />
thermal-balance tests are removed, because<br />
they are essentially design verification tests<br />
that are no longer required at that stage of<br />
the programme.<br />
To support the Assembly, Integration and<br />
Test (AIT) Programme, a suite of Ground<br />
Support Equipment (GSE) is needed. It<br />
consists of Mechanical GSE, Electrical GSE<br />
and Optical GSE.<br />
Mechanical GSE (MGSE)<br />
All items of a mainly mechanical nature<br />
belong in this group, but range from the<br />
satellite transport container (ca. 4 m x<br />
18<br />
4 m x 5 m), over various types of dollies<br />
(structures on which the satellite is<br />
mounted), via lifting devices, to simple<br />
masts on which to mount test antennas.<br />
Electrical GSE (EGSE)<br />
This group of seven computer systems<br />
contains all equipment needed to operate,<br />
control and monitor the satellite.They are:<br />
1. Overall Check-Out Equipment (OCOE)<br />
2. TM/TC Special Check-Out Equipment<br />
(SCOE)<br />
3. EPS SCOE<br />
4. AOCS SCOE<br />
5. RF SCOE<br />
6. Image SCOE<br />
7. Launch SCOE.<br />
Working closely together, their tasks range<br />
from supplying electrical power, to verifying<br />
the performance of the payload<br />
instruments. Each one has its own control<br />
computer, which in turn receives<br />
instructions from a central controller.<br />
Operation of the central computer is<br />
determined by the AIT engineers through<br />
direct manual input, or execution of preprogrammed<br />
sequences of commands.<br />
Optical GSE (OGSE)<br />
The OGSE comprises all equipment that is<br />
needed to provide input signals to the<br />
satellite’s optical sensors and instruments.<br />
3.3 Product Assurance<br />
A ‘quality product’ can be defined as one<br />
that meets the customers’ requirements –<br />
particularly in terms of performance,<br />
reliability, durability and usability. In order
to ensure that the MSG satellite is such a<br />
‘quality product’ meeting the customer’s<br />
agreed requirements, a set of proven<br />
activities, to be carried out during design<br />
inception up to launch, are brought<br />
together and detailed in a Product<br />
Assurance (PA) Plan. This ensures that<br />
quality is built-in right from the start of the<br />
project.<br />
The primary elements addressed in the PA<br />
Plan are:<br />
– Design/Qualification Reviews<br />
– Reliability and Safety<br />
– Critical Items Control<br />
– Parts, Materials and Processes<br />
– Software Quality Assurance<br />
– Audits<br />
– Production Control<br />
– Configuration & Documentation Control<br />
– Cleanliness and Contamination Control.<br />
Design/Qualification Reviews<br />
Each design review is a formal<br />
comprehensive audit of the MSG design,<br />
and is intended to optimise the design<br />
approach and achieve the required<br />
qualification and performances.<br />
The following satellite-level reviews are<br />
foreseen:<br />
– Preliminary Design Review (PDR)<br />
– Critical Design Review (CDR)<br />
– Qualification Results Review (QRR)<br />
– Flight-Acceptance Review (FAR)<br />
– Launch-Readiness Review (LRR)<br />
– Commissioning-Results Review (CRR).<br />
The PDR is a technical review of the then<br />
current maturity of the design. It also<br />
includes a PA status review.<br />
The CDR will freeze the detailed design,<br />
manufacturing processes and procedures<br />
in order to define the FM hardware<br />
baseline.<br />
A QRR is held to consider the collective<br />
evidence from tests, inspections, reviews<br />
and analyses to prove that requirements<br />
have been met with the margin specified.<br />
The FAR is held at the end of the FM test<br />
programme and will establish the<br />
flightworthiness of the satellite. The FAR<br />
also gives consent to ship to the launch<br />
site.<br />
The LRR is held at the launch site, six days<br />
prior to launch, to verify whether the whole<br />
system, including the satellite, the ground<br />
stations, the LEOP and the launcher are<br />
ready for launch.<br />
The CRR will establish the whole system<br />
after start-up and verify that all satellite<br />
systems are working in orbit according to<br />
their design specifications and releases<br />
routine operations<br />
Reliability and Safety<br />
The Reliability and Safety Plan addresses all<br />
areas that would compromise the life of the<br />
mission, or affect the staff and the<br />
environment prior to launch.<br />
Critical Items Control<br />
A Critical Items List (CIL) is produced by the<br />
Prime Contractor and all Subcontractors<br />
having design responsibility. The list<br />
includes all activities and precautions taken<br />
to minimise and control the risks relating to<br />
these items<br />
Parts, Materials and Processes<br />
All parts, materials and processes used in<br />
building the MSG satellite must be qualified<br />
for use in a space environment and meet <strong>ESA</strong><br />
requirements.<br />
Software Quality Assurance<br />
The quality of the mission software is also of<br />
vital importance as any problem here could<br />
seriously affect the satellite’s operation.<br />
Audits<br />
The Prime Contractor is required to conduct<br />
audits of his own (internal audits) and of his<br />
subcontractors’ and suppliers’ (external audits)<br />
facilities, equipment, personnel procedures,<br />
services and operations in order to verify<br />
compliance with the PA requirements.<br />
Production Control<br />
Extensive controls are in place during the<br />
production of the various satellite models.<br />
These controls provide a fully documented<br />
overview of all areas, including assembly and<br />
test and have built-in traceability. Typical<br />
controls are:<br />
– Mandatory Inspection Points (MIPs):<br />
These take place at critical points during<br />
manufacture.<br />
– Test Readiness Review (TRR): These take<br />
place prior to formal acceptance testing<br />
of the related item.<br />
– Test Review/Delivery Review Board<br />
(TRB/DRB): These Boards review test<br />
results and manufacturing data and<br />
decide on suitability for delivery to the<br />
next stage of integration.<br />
– Material Review Boards (MRBs): These<br />
Boards are held when a major nonconformance<br />
has been found against the<br />
relevant requirements.<br />
20<br />
Configuration & Documentation<br />
Control<br />
– Configuration Control: Documentation<br />
for the MSG project is kept under formal<br />
change control.<br />
– Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs):<br />
Closure of major NCRs is essential before<br />
proceeding to the next level/integration/<br />
test.<br />
– Data Packs: In order to formally complete<br />
a DRB, a full Acceptance Data Pack (ADP)<br />
must be approved by PA at the<br />
appropriate levels. This provides full<br />
traceability right back to component<br />
level, and is invaluable in tracking down<br />
possible causes of problems that may<br />
occur in the later stages of build/test.<br />
Cleanliness and Contamination<br />
Cleanliness is one of the driving elements<br />
for the satellite’s imaging-mission<br />
performance. SEVIRI is a contaminationsensitive<br />
optical and cryogenically cooled<br />
instrument. It has units that are built to<br />
different classes of cleanliness and this<br />
presents a difficult technical situation during<br />
environmental test phases.<br />
A contamination-budget assessment has<br />
been generated to predict the performance<br />
degradation due to contamination that may<br />
arise as a consequence of the on-ground<br />
activities.<br />
3.4 Image-Quality Ground<br />
Support Equipment (IQGSE)<br />
The Image-Quality Ground Support<br />
Equipment (IQGSE) for the <strong>Meteosat</strong> <strong>Second</strong><br />
<strong>Generation</strong> (MSG) satellites is a computer
system for the processing and quality<br />
measurement of MSG images. The IQGSE<br />
software is coded in the C language with<br />
an X/Motif man/machine interface<br />
operating on a UNIX-based workstation.<br />
The IQGSE will be used for two different<br />
purposes: firstly to qualify on-ground the<br />
geometric image-quality performance of the<br />
MSG satellite system, and secondly to verify<br />
in flight the geometric image-quality<br />
performance of the MSG satellite system<br />
during the commissioning phase and other<br />
periods of the satellite’s seven-year design<br />
lifetime.<br />
The IQGSE architecture consists of five<br />
software modules. Its backbone is the<br />
Image Rectification Software (IRS), which<br />
computes and applies a high-accuracy<br />
geometric correction to the raw MSG<br />
images received from the ground segment.<br />
Concurrently with the image-rectification<br />
process, the IRS automatically measures<br />
absolute and relative landmark<br />
displacements for a given set of predefined<br />
landmarks. The IRS output comprises the<br />
rectified MSG image and the corresponding<br />
geometric image-quality file that contains<br />
the landmark processing results. The<br />
Landmark Catalogue Builder Tool (LCBT),<br />
the Image Quality Measurement Tool (IQMT)<br />
and the Performance Analysis Tool (PAT)<br />
support the IRS. The LCBT builds and<br />
maintains the landmark catalogue using the<br />
World Vector Shoreline database. The IQMT<br />
measures automatically or interactively<br />
the absolute and relative landmark<br />
displacements, while the PAT computes<br />
the image-quality figures of merit from the<br />
geometric image-quality file. Finally, there is<br />
the MSG Image and Data Simulator (MIDAS)<br />
in order to validate the Image Rectification<br />
Software before the launch of the first MSG<br />
satellite.<br />
The Image Rectification Software (IRS)<br />
Module comprises four main functions: the<br />
pre-processing, the navigation filter, the<br />
image rectification, and the landmark<br />
processing function. The pre-processing<br />
function converts the on-board time to<br />
Universal Time (UT) and determines the<br />
satellite spin period and the line start<br />
delays. Furthermore, it calculates the Sun-to-<br />
Earth centre angle by extracting the Earthto-space<br />
and space-to-Earth transitions, and<br />
performs the star detection. The navigation<br />
filter function determines a parameter state<br />
vector describing, for example, the satellite<br />
spin-axis attitude, the satellite orbit, the<br />
satellite rigid-body wobble, and the detector<br />
alignments within the focal plane.<br />
Eventually, the image rectification function<br />
performs the line-start jitter compensation<br />
and the image re-sampling. Simultaneously<br />
with the real-time rectification, the landmark<br />
processing function measures the rectified<br />
image quality on up to 1000 landmarks.<br />
21<br />
The Image<br />
Rectification Software<br />
(IRS) concept
4 PAYLOAD<br />
4.1 The Spinning Enhanced<br />
Visible and Infra-Red Imager<br />
(SEVIRI)<br />
The SEVIRI instrument is the primary payload<br />
of the MSG spacecraft.<br />
The SEVIRI Instrument<br />
Characteristics<br />
Spectral range:<br />
• 0.4 – 1.6 µm<br />
(4 visible/near infra-red channels)<br />
• 3.9 – 13.4 µm<br />
(8 infra-red channels)<br />
Resolution from 36 000 km altitude:<br />
• 1 km in high resolution for visible<br />
channels<br />
• 3 km in infra-red and visible channels<br />
Focal plane cooled to 85/95 K<br />
Earth scanning achieved by a combination<br />
of satellite spin (east-west) and mirror<br />
scanning (south-north).<br />
• One image every 15 minutes<br />
• 245 000 full images over 7-year nominal<br />
lifetime<br />
Instrument mass: 260 kg<br />
Dimensions:<br />
• 2.43 m height<br />
• 1m diameter (without Sun shield)<br />
• Power consumption: 150 W<br />
• Data rate: 3.26 Mbit/s<br />
SEVIRI Operating Principle<br />
The SEVIRI instrument’s functional<br />
architecture is based on four main<br />
assemblies:<br />
• the Telescope and Scan Assembly (TSA),<br />
including the Calibration Unit and the<br />
Refocusing Mechanism<br />
• the Focal Plane & Cooler Assembly (FPCA)<br />
• the Functional Control Unit (FCU)<br />
• the Detection Electronics (DE) including<br />
the Main Detection Unit (MDU), the<br />
Preamplifier Unit (PU) and the Detectors.<br />
The instrument’s operating principle can be<br />
summarised as follows:<br />
• The scan mirror is used to move the<br />
instrument Line-Of-Sight (LOS) in the<br />
south-north direction.<br />
• The target radiance is collected by the<br />
telescope and focused towards the<br />
detectors.<br />
• Channel separation is performed at<br />
telescope focal-plane level.<br />
• A flip-flop type mechanism is periodically<br />
actuated to place the calibration reference<br />
source into the instrument field of view.<br />
23<br />
The main SEVIRI<br />
instrument unit
Functional schematic<br />
and operating principle<br />
of SEVIRI<br />
The Earth-imaging<br />
principle<br />
• Imaging data are directly transferred from<br />
the MDU to the onboard data-handling<br />
subsystem.<br />
• SEVIRI function, control and<br />
telemetry/telecommand interfaces with<br />
the satellite are ensured by the FCU.<br />
The Bi-dimensional Earth Scan<br />
The basic purpose of the instrument is to<br />
take images of the Earth at regular intervals<br />
during a 15-minute image repeat cycle<br />
(involving a 12 min 30 sec Earth imaging<br />
phase and an up to 2 min 30 sec<br />
calibration and retrace phase).<br />
Earth imaging is obtained by a bidimensional<br />
Earth scan, combining the<br />
satellite spin and the scan mirror rotation:<br />
24<br />
• The rapid scan (line scan) is performed<br />
from east to west thanks to the satellite’s<br />
rotation around its spin axis. The latter is<br />
perpendicular to the orbital plane and is<br />
nominally oriented along the south-north<br />
direction.<br />
• The slow scan is performed from south<br />
to north by means of a scanning<br />
mechanism, which rotates the scan<br />
mirror in 125.8 µrad steps. A total<br />
scanning range of ±5.5 deg<br />
(corresponding to 1527 scan lines) is<br />
used to cover the 22 deg Earth-imaging<br />
extended range in the south-north<br />
direction, and 1249 scan lines cover the<br />
whole Earth in the baseline repeat cycle.<br />
The Telescope and Scan Assembly<br />
The Telescope and Scan Assembly includes<br />
the telescope optics, the telescope structure<br />
and the mechanism assemblies.<br />
The telescope’s basic optical layout is based<br />
on a three-mirror concept:
• M1: large Primary Mirror, concave<br />
aspherical, with 510 mm optical<br />
useful diameter<br />
• M2: <strong>Second</strong>ary Mirror, concave<br />
aspherical, of 200 mm diameter<br />
• M3: Tertiary Mirror, convex aspherical, of<br />
60 mm diameter.<br />
The required focal length (5367 mm) is<br />
obtained by successive magnification of the<br />
two mirrors M2 and M3. The total length<br />
of the telescope structure is 1.3 m.<br />
The Scan Mirror is located in front of the<br />
Primary Mirror, close to its focal plane, with<br />
a tilt of 45˚ relative to the optical path. The<br />
mirror has an elliptical shape (410 mm semimajor<br />
axis and 260mm semi-minor axis) and<br />
an elliptical central hole, which allows the<br />
optical beam to pass through after its<br />
reflection towards the primary mirror M1.<br />
All mirrors are of lightweight construction<br />
and manufactured from Zerodur.<br />
The telescope structure relies on the use of<br />
a central stiff base plate, which interfaces<br />
with the spacecraft via three isostatic<br />
mounts. The base plate is manufactured<br />
from a 70 mm aluminum honeycomb<br />
sandwich, including 4 mm-thick CFRP face<br />
sheets on each side. Each functional<br />
component is attached to the base plate<br />
through a dedicated support structure:<br />
• a stiff CFRP cone, providing the aperture<br />
to the spacecraft baffle and supporting<br />
the primary mirror M1<br />
• the Scan Assembly Support Structure,<br />
consisting of a stiff CFRP U-shaped frame<br />
and 8 CFRP struts, providing the support<br />
for the moveable scan mirror and its<br />
associated mechanisms<br />
• dedicated isostatic mounts to hold the<br />
Refocusing Mechanism (REM) located in<br />
the centre hole of the base plate. The<br />
M2/M3 mirror support structure<br />
interfaces with the REM top<br />
• a tripod carrying the Calibration<br />
Mechanism<br />
• a titanium strut arrangement (6 struts<br />
mounted at the lower side of the base<br />
plate) to keep the Focal Plane and Cooler<br />
Assembly in position.<br />
The main instrument electronics (MDU, FCU<br />
and PU electronic boxes) are located on the<br />
MSG main base plate. The SEVIRI Sun shield<br />
is directly mounted to the MSG spacecraft<br />
structural cone.<br />
The mechanical design of SEVIRI includes<br />
three mechanism assemblies: the Scan<br />
Assembly, the Calibration Unit and the<br />
Refocusing Mechanism.<br />
The Scan Assembly includes the Zerodur<br />
scan mirror, a scan support structure mainly<br />
manufactured from CFRP, and the scan<br />
assembly mechanisms, which are primarily<br />
composed of:<br />
• a linear spindle drive utilising a stepper<br />
motor with redundant windings<br />
25<br />
The mirror concept for<br />
The Scan Assembly<br />
mounted on a shaker<br />
table for test purposes<br />
The Calibration Unit<br />
assembly<br />
• a kinematic link system which transfers<br />
the longitudinal movements of the linear<br />
spindle drive into rotations at scan mirror<br />
level<br />
• a set of angular contact ball bearings<br />
(dry-lubricated) allowing for small<br />
oscillatory rotations of the scan mirror<br />
• a set of springs attached to the mirror<br />
rotation axis to allow for spin load<br />
compensation in-orbit<br />
• a dedicated Launch Locking Device (LLD)<br />
to clamp the scan mechanism during<br />
launch.<br />
The main purpose of the Calibration Unit<br />
(CALU) is to allow the calibration of the<br />
infra-red channels of the radiometer, by<br />
inserting a Black Body Calibration Reference<br />
Source (CRS) into the optical beam at the<br />
M1 focal point. The CALU represents a flip-<br />
26<br />
flop type of mechanism based on a DC voice<br />
coil motor. To limit the shock loads when<br />
reaching the rest positions, dedicated shock<br />
absorbers are used.<br />
The Refocusing Mechanism (REM) allows for<br />
in-orbit focus adjustments (in 1.4 micron<br />
steps over a 2 mm range) by moving the<br />
M2/M3 mirror assembly along the<br />
instrument’s south-north axis. The REM<br />
features a stepper motor, a transmission<br />
gearbox and a roller screw providing the<br />
translation. The mechanical linear guide is<br />
provided by the elastic deformation of a sixbladed<br />
The Focal Plane and Cooler<br />
Assembly<br />
The Passive Cooler Assembly (PCA) is a twostage<br />
passive cooling device, composed of<br />
the Radiator Assembly (RA) and the Sunshield<br />
Assembly (SA), which provide the<br />
infra-red detectors with a cryogenic<br />
environment (basically 85 K in summer and<br />
95 K in winter).<br />
The Sun shield is used to avoid direct solar<br />
fluxes on the first- and second-stage radiator<br />
of the RA. Thanks to the design of the<br />
internal cone (elliptically shaped), the<br />
secondary flux on the second-stage radiator<br />
is already minimised.<br />
The PCA heat radiation towards cold deepspace<br />
is in the range 10 mW to 10 W.<br />
One of the RA’s most critical subsystems is<br />
the Detection Cold Wiring (DCW), which<br />
provides the electrical connection between<br />
the detectors located in the cold part (CIRO)<br />
and the warm part of the instrument (RA<br />
housing). The DCW needed to be optimised<br />
in order to comply with the electrical<br />
requirements whilst minimizing the thermal<br />
impact due to conductive losses (thermal<br />
gradient of about 200 K between cold and<br />
warm parts of the RA). Structurally, the<br />
CIRO is thermally de-coupled from the warm<br />
part by a set of low-conductive suspensions<br />
(12 GFRP struts) and a dedicated GFRP<br />
cone.<br />
The PCA is equipped with heaters, in order<br />
to allow for periodic decontamination of the<br />
instrument (operations to remove frozen<br />
contaminants from the cold surfaces).<br />
The Focal Plane Assembly’s Optical Benches<br />
(FPOBs) are designed to accommodate the<br />
12 channels of SEVIRI. The Benches consist<br />
27<br />
The Refocusing<br />
Mechanism<br />
The Radiator Assembly<br />
with Optical Benches
The Radiator Assembly<br />
during integration<br />
of two main assemblies: the VNIR and HRV<br />
Optical Bench (VHRO) for the 4 visible<br />
channels, and the Warm/Cold IR Optical<br />
Bench (WIRO/CIRO) for the 8 infra-red<br />
channels. The CIRO will be thermally<br />
regulated at 85 and 95 K depending on the<br />
solstices and on the cooler capabilities<br />
during MSG’s lifetime, whilst the VHRO is<br />
regulated at 20ºC.<br />
The FPOBs support the detectors and<br />
perform the appropriate imaging after the<br />
in-field beam separation at the telescope<br />
focal-plane level. Thus, most of the SEVIRI<br />
spectral, geometric and radiometric<br />
performances rely directly on the FPOB’s<br />
design and performance.<br />
28<br />
The Functional Control Unit (FCU)<br />
provides the SEVIRI command, control<br />
and interfaces with the MSG spacecraft’s<br />
on-board data handling subsystem.<br />
The FCU has three major sections:<br />
• the core section including the<br />
functional mode and sequence<br />
management<br />
• the mechanism section (electronics<br />
driving the mechanisms)<br />
• the heater and telemetry section<br />
dedicated to thermal power<br />
management as well as telemetry<br />
conditioning and management;<br />
The thermal control of the instrument is also<br />
managed by the FCU.
The Detection Electronics (DE) consist of the<br />
detectors, the Pre-amplifier Unit (PU) and<br />
the Main Detection Unit (MDU).<br />
The 12 SEVIRI channels have 8 Infra-Red (IR)<br />
detectors and 1 High Resolution detector in<br />
the Visible (HRV), 2 Visible and 1 Near IR<br />
(NIR). The IR detectors are all in mercurycadmium<br />
telluride, whereas the visible<br />
detectors are in silicon and the NIR detector<br />
is in indium-gallium arsenide. The detectors<br />
are shaped and sized to satisfy both the<br />
radiometric and imaging performance<br />
requirements of the SEVIRI instrument.<br />
The signal acquired by each detector of the<br />
42 chains is first amplified by the Preamplifier<br />
Unit (PU). The PU uses a general<br />
design with a modular approach common<br />
to all photovoltaic and photoconductive<br />
amplifiers. This subsystem consists of three<br />
assemblies:<br />
• The Cold Unit (CU) containing the frontend<br />
parts of the IRPV chains. This transimpedance<br />
amplifier common to all PV<br />
chains is implemented for impedance<br />
matching and for low-noise<br />
amplification.<br />
• The Warm Unit (WU) is devoted to the<br />
front-end parts of HRV/VNIR preamplifiers.<br />
• The PU main box contains the remaining<br />
electronics dedicated to shaping the<br />
analogue signal to the specified values,<br />
and includes telemetry/telecommand<br />
interfaces.<br />
The Main Detection Unit (MDU) contains<br />
the signal-processing electronics, including<br />
signal conditioning, anti-aliasing filtering,<br />
sampling and conversion of analogue<br />
29<br />
CIRO equipped with<br />
cold channels and<br />
wiring<br />
The hardware<br />
elements of the<br />
detection chain
signals into digital signals. The sampling<br />
delays are adjustable via telecommand, for<br />
all 42 chains of SEVIRI. The actual quantification<br />
is made inside the MDU by a 12-bit<br />
ADC, for an effective 10-bit resolution at the<br />
electronics output, after digital dynamicoffset<br />
and fine-gain corrections. Auxiliary<br />
data coming from the telemetries, which<br />
are needed for radiometry and image<br />
processing, are added to the detection data<br />
for image processing on the ground.<br />
A star-sensing function is implemented in<br />
the MDU. It is activated whenever the star-<br />
30<br />
sensing windows are telecommanded. No<br />
processing at SEVIRI level (filtering or<br />
dynamic offset correction) is applied to the<br />
star-sensing function. This raw data is sent<br />
to the spacecraft in the same way as any<br />
other auxiliary data.<br />
SEVIRI Performance Verification<br />
The on-board calibration process for the IR<br />
channels of the Imaging Radiometer<br />
consists of three steps:<br />
• measuring the cold deep-space radiance<br />
for the determination of the instrument<br />
self emission<br />
Major SEVIRI engineering-model radiometric and imaging performances: comparison of<br />
specifications and test results*<br />
Specifications Test Results Margins<br />
Radiometric Noise Specified per channel Compliant at BOL test Large margins<br />
Sampling Distance S/N 1 km for HRV, All channels compliant N/A<br />
3 km for the other channels. under worst case conditions<br />
Registration Errors Specified between channels Compliant Large margins<br />
in both E/W and S/N directions<br />
MTF and Image Quality Specified per channel See examples Sufficient margins<br />
with templates<br />
Radiance Response Specified per channel Compliant Large margins<br />
Spectral Response Specified per channel Compliant As specified<br />
and Stability within the template<br />
Scan Motion Specified for S/N Stable and Compliant Large margins<br />
scanning / pointing<br />
On-Board Calibration Specified to 0.6K Compliant Large margins<br />
accuracy at EOL<br />
*BOL = Beginning Of Life; EOL = End Of Life; MTF = Modulation Transfer Function (image-quality indicator); S/N and E/W = South/North (scan mirror line by line movement) and East/West<br />
(satellite revolution).
SEVIRI EM channel registration<br />
Units in E/W on S/N on E/W on IR S/N on IR E/W on IR, S/N on IR<br />
Km HRV/VNIR HRV/VNIR channels channels HRV/VNIR HRV/VNIR<br />
SSP (static) channels (static) (static)<br />
TP1 0.049 0.083 - - - -<br />
TP2 0.042 0.105 - - - -<br />
TP3 0.049 0.099 2.559 0.395 1.484 53.829<br />
TP4 0.027 0.097 2.438 0.383 1.494 53.506<br />
TP5 0.071 0.094 2.464 0.403 1.487 53.565<br />
TP6 0.057 0.096 2.456 0.409 1.493 -<br />
TP7 0.948 0.096 - - - -<br />
TP8 0.047 0.102 - - - -<br />
* Column 1 describes the Test Phases (TP); Columns 2 to 5 show the resulting registration error between Test Phases for both Visible and Infrared Channels.<br />
Column 6 and 7 describe registration between Visible and Infrared Channels. This shows a stable SEVIRI instrument when submitted to various thermal<br />
environments. Note: TP3 covers the SEVIRI Cold Operational (COP) phase at 85K, TP4 the SEVIRI Cold Operational phase (COP) at 95K, TP5 the SEVIRI Hot<br />
Operational (HOP) phase and TP6 the SEVIRI PCA Hot case.<br />
SEVIRI EM noise budget at Beginning of Life (BOL)<br />
(µm) 0.6 0.8 1.6 3.9 6.2 7.3 8.7 9.7 10.8 12.0 13.4<br />
Specification 1.07 0.53 0.49 0.25 0.35 0.75 0.75 0.28 1.50 0.25 0.37 1.80<br />
(K)<br />
Prediction 0.47 0.13 0.14 0.07 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.11 0.36 0.12 0.17 0.47<br />
(K)<br />
Measured 0.43 0.16 0.14 0.07 0.11 0.19 - 0.07 0.21 0.07 0.11 0.23<br />
(K)<br />
* For the end-of-life assessment, about 30% to 50% margin has to be considered, depending on channels<br />
Left: Example of Spectral Response of SEVIRI IR 3.9 Channel (EM)<br />
Right: Scan Mirror Line of Sight (LOS) Evolution during Nominal Full Imaging (EM)<br />
SEVIRI engineeringmodel<br />
integration at<br />
satellite level<br />
• measuring the radiance coming from the<br />
on-board black body (at temperature<br />
T 0 ) resulting in an output (in counts)<br />
as measured by SEVIRI; the black-body<br />
true radiance is determined through the<br />
knowledge of the thermal and optical<br />
properties of the instrument<br />
• measuring the on-board black body at<br />
temperature T 0 +∆T with ∆T~20 K; this<br />
last measurement is performed to help in<br />
correcting the impact of the elements<br />
that are not in the beam path of the<br />
black body, namely the scan mirror and<br />
the M1 mirror and its baffle.<br />
32<br />
The VNIR channel calibration is based on a<br />
vicarious calibration consisting of measuring<br />
some known landmarks on Earth.<br />
SEVIRI Development Status<br />
The SEVIRI Engineering Model has<br />
successfully passed all instrument-level<br />
testing and has demonstrated that the<br />
design meets the specification. In the<br />
meantime, the SEVIRI EM has been<br />
integrated into the EM satellite, where<br />
environmental testing has started.<br />
The SEVIRI Proto-Flight Model (PFM) has<br />
completed instrument-level testing with the<br />
same success and has been shipped to<br />
Alcatel (F) for integration into the satellite.
4.2 The Mission<br />
Communication Package<br />
(MCP)<br />
MCP Antenna Subsystem<br />
The MSG telecommunications system has a<br />
number of tasks, each of which requires a<br />
particular antenna:<br />
• Reception of telecommands and<br />
transmission of housekeeping data. The<br />
TT&C S-band transponder is used for this<br />
task and is connected to a dedicated<br />
telemetry and telecommand antenna<br />
(TT&C antenna)<br />
• Transmission of the measured radiometer<br />
(SEVIRI) data, coming from the datahandling<br />
subsystem, to the primary<br />
ground station. The electronically despun<br />
antenna (EDA) is used for this task in<br />
L-band.<br />
• Reception of pre-processed images with<br />
associated data. A toroidal pattern<br />
antenna (TPA) operating in S-band is<br />
used for this task.<br />
• Transmission to users, using the L-band<br />
EDA antenna for low-resolution and highresolution<br />
data.<br />
• Receiving data from Data Collection<br />
Platforms (DCPs). The electronically<br />
switched circular array antenna uses the<br />
UHF-EDA at 402 MHz.<br />
• Transmission of the DCP data, using the<br />
L-band EDA antenna.<br />
• Receiving emergency (Search & Rescue)<br />
messages using the UHF-EDA at<br />
406 MHz.<br />
• Transmission of Search & Rescue<br />
messages, using the L-band EDA<br />
antenna.<br />
The TT&C antenna operating in S-band, is a<br />
low-gain wide-coverage antenna whose<br />
design had been optimised for MSG taking<br />
into account the much larger spacecraft<br />
body compared to the previous <strong>Meteosat</strong><br />
satellite series. The new design makes use<br />
of four spiral conductors printed on a<br />
cylinder and fed in quadrature as the<br />
radiating elements. In the base of this<br />
antenna, various hybrids have been<br />
integrated to provide the required phase<br />
shifts for the spirals and another to provide<br />
the hot-redundant connection for the two<br />
TT&C transponders (both receiver sections<br />
are permanently on).<br />
The coverage of this antenna from the<br />
spinning satellite is from θ = 0˚ (satellite spin<br />
axis) to θ = 120˚ for all azimuth angles in<br />
right-hand circular polarisation.<br />
33<br />
The Mission<br />
Communication<br />
Package (MCP)<br />
antenna (FM1) at<br />
Alenia Aerospazio (I),<br />
with the TT&C antenna<br />
on top, and the S- and<br />
L-band Toroidal<br />
Pattern Antenna (TPA)<br />
inside the black<br />
cylindrical radome. The<br />
L-band Electronically<br />
Despun Antenna (EDA)<br />
can be seen in the<br />
middle, and the UHF-<br />
EDA in front of it<br />
The TT & C antenna
The Toroidal L and S-band antennas are<br />
narrow-band, reduced-height, slotted<br />
waveguide antennas, which provide<br />
toroidal patterns in the plane perpendicular<br />
to the spin axis. They are mounted side-byside<br />
inside a black-painted radome. The<br />
low-gain L-band TPA functions as back up<br />
for the high-gain, L-band electronically<br />
despun antenna in transmit mode. The Sband<br />
TPA acts as a receive-only antenna for<br />
the pre-processed high- and low-resolution<br />
data uplinked from the primary ground<br />
station.<br />
The L-band Electronically Despun Antenna<br />
(EDA) is used in transmit mode only to send<br />
the raw image data to the primary ground<br />
station and the processed data, received via<br />
the S-band, to the secondary users. As the<br />
satellite rotates at 100 rpm and the highgain<br />
antenna beam needs to be aimed at<br />
the ground continuously, an electronic<br />
means of despinning this beam in the<br />
opposite direction to the satellite’s rotation is<br />
implemented. This antenna is composed of<br />
32 columns of 4 dipoles each, and is<br />
mounted in a cylindrical way close to the<br />
top of the satellite.<br />
The transmit beam is built up from four or<br />
five active columns, which are fed by an<br />
array of: one 4-Way Power Divider (4WPD),<br />
4 Variable Power Dividers (VPDs), and 8<br />
Single-Pole Four-Way PIN diode switches<br />
(SP4T). The VPD allows the RF transmit<br />
signal to be split into two output signals of<br />
constant phase, but with seven<br />
programmable output-level ratios between<br />
the two outputs. The 8 outputs from the<br />
VPDs are fed via 8 electronic switches<br />
(SP4Ts) to the feed boards of the<br />
34<br />
32 antenna columns. By switching the right<br />
amount of power to the right column and<br />
being synchronised with the satellite spin<br />
rate, an antenna beam is created which<br />
appears to be stationary with respect to the<br />
ground. A high-gain (~ 12 dB) antenna<br />
beam is thus available, easing the groundstation<br />
requirements for the secondary user<br />
community.<br />
The UHF-band EDA Antenna: To receive the<br />
meteorological data from the Data Collection<br />
Platforms (DCPs) operating in the UHF band<br />
and the newly implemented Search &<br />
Rescue mission on MSG, an electronically<br />
switched UHF array of 16 crossed dipoles<br />
was selected. These dipoles are positioned in<br />
front of the L-band EDA, which at a distance<br />
of 3/4 λ acts as a reflector for the UHF array.<br />
A simplified beam-forming network is<br />
employed, whereby the outputs of the<br />
dipoles are connected to the inputs of four<br />
4-way electronic switches, which in turn are<br />
connected to the inputs of a 4-way power<br />
combiner. Of the 16 dipoles, four are used<br />
to form the beam whereby the next dipole is<br />
selected every 22.5˚ synchronised with the<br />
satellite’s spin rate.<br />
To control and supply all of the complex<br />
timed switching for the various active<br />
elements of the antenna subsystem, a<br />
dedicated equipment item known as the<br />
Common Antenna Control Electronics<br />
(CACE) is used. This equipment receives<br />
synchronisation signals from the datahandling<br />
subsystem and generates the<br />
correctly timed drive signals for the SP4Ts<br />
and VPDs in the antenna subsystem. Apart<br />
from the normal despun mode, this<br />
equipment also allows the antenna to be
put into a fixed-beam mode, which permits<br />
the antenna beam pattern to be measured<br />
on the ground or in orbit.<br />
MCP Transponder Subsystem<br />
On board the satellite, the MCP<br />
Transponder Subsystem’s tasks are the<br />
reception, amplification and transmission of<br />
the following channels:<br />
• Raw Data channel: down-linking to the<br />
Primary Ground Station (PGS) of the<br />
SEVIRI (and GERB when applicable) raw<br />
data stream, plus auxiliary/ancillary<br />
information received from the Data<br />
Handling Subsystem.<br />
• HRIT channel: high-data-rate<br />
dissemination to the user community<br />
(High-Rate User Stations, or HRUSs) of<br />
processed meteorological data and<br />
images received from the PGS.<br />
• LRIT channel: low-data-rate dissemination<br />
to the user community (Low-Rate User<br />
Stations, or LRUSs) of processed<br />
meteorological data and images received<br />
from the PGS.<br />
• DCP channel: relay of messages from the<br />
Data Collection Platforms to the PGS for<br />
further distribution.<br />
• Search & Rescue channel: relay of distress<br />
signals from emergency beacons on the<br />
visible Earth’s disc to dedicated ground<br />
stations (COSPAS/SARSAT network).<br />
The raw data signal coming from the Data<br />
Handling Subsystem is fed into the Raw<br />
Data Modulator (internally redundant)<br />
equipment, which performs the QPSK<br />
modulation before entering the<br />
Intermediate Frequency Processor (IFP).<br />
The IFP also receives the HRIT and LRIT<br />
signals coming from the S-band antenna<br />
via the S-band filter and the S-band receiver<br />
(two in cold redundancy) which contain the<br />
necessary low-noise amplification and<br />
frequency down-conversion. The IFP<br />
equipment, which operates in cold<br />
redundancy, filters and up-converts the<br />
three signals separately and amplifies them<br />
to a selected output level or with a certain<br />
fixed received-signal (RD, HRIT and LRIT)<br />
gain set by ground command. The output<br />
signals of the IFP drive the Solid-State Power<br />
Amplifiers (SSPAs) directly to their chosen<br />
operating points.<br />
The multi-carrier DCP channel, which can<br />
be composed of up to 460 individual<br />
carriers, enters the transponder together<br />
with the Search and Rescue signal via the<br />
UHF filter and feeds the two UHF receivers<br />
(configured in cold redundancy). They<br />
perform the low-noise amplification<br />
and frequency up-conversion to the<br />
corresponding down-link frequency in<br />
L-band. The DCP signal is then forwarded<br />
to the SSPA matrix for further amplification.<br />
The SSPA matrix is composed of four SSPAs<br />
(output power about 10 W per amplifier) in<br />
a 4/3 redundancy scheme. One SSPA is<br />
allocated to the HRIT channel, one is used<br />
by the RD and LRIT channels simultaneously,<br />
one is dedicated to the DCP channel, and<br />
35<br />
The MCP subsystem<br />
for the FM1 satellite<br />
being integrated and<br />
tested at Alenia<br />
Aerospazio (I)
The MCP block<br />
diagram<br />
TT&C transponder<br />
block diagram<br />
36<br />
MCP communication-link characteristics and associated frequencies<br />
Raw Data HRIT LRIT DCP S&R<br />
Up-link Not 2015.65 2101.5 402.06 406.05<br />
frequency (MHz) applicable<br />
Down-link 1686.83 1695.15 1691.0 1675.281 1544.5<br />
frequency (MHz)<br />
Useful signal 5.4 1.96 0.66 0.75 0.06<br />
bandwidth (MHz)<br />
Bit rate 7.5 Mbps 2.3 Mbps 290 kbps 100 bps 400 bps<br />
The main performance parameters of the TTC transponders<br />
Receiver<br />
• Up-link frequency 2068.6521 MHz MSG-1<br />
2067.7321 MHz MSG-2<br />
2069.5729 MHz MSG-3<br />
• Carrier acquisition range –128 dBm to –50 dBm<br />
• Telecommand operation range –110 dBm to –50 dBm<br />
• Telecommand modulation scheme PM of subcarrier on up-link carrier<br />
• Telecommand subcarrier 8 kHz<br />
• Bit rate 1000 bps<br />
• Noise figure 3 dB<br />
Transmitter<br />
• Down-link frequency (two modes of 2246.5 MHz MSG-1<br />
operation, coherent or non-coherent 2245.5 MHz MSG-2<br />
w.r.t. the up-link frequency) 2247.5 MHz MSG-3<br />
• Output power 3 W<br />
• Telemetry modulation scheme PM of subcarrier on down-link carrier<br />
• Telemetry subcarrier 65.536 kHz<br />
• Bit rate 8192 bps<br />
Ranging Channel<br />
• RNG tone capability 100 – 300 kHz<br />
• RNG channel video bandwidth 650 kHz<br />
Power Consumption<br />
• 2 Rx ON, 2 Tx OFF 12.4 W<br />
• 2 Rx ON, 1 Tx ON 32.4 W<br />
Subsystem Mass 7900 g<br />
37<br />
An MSG TT&C<br />
the remaining redundant SSPA can be used<br />
by any of the other channels in case of<br />
failure.<br />
The Search and Rescue signal is preamplified<br />
by the UHF receiver and then<br />
further filtered, frequency up-converted and<br />
power-amplified in the S&R Transponder.<br />
The objective is to provide support to the<br />
international COSPAS-Sarsat humanitarianoriented<br />
Search and Rescue Organisation.<br />
After power amplification, all of the<br />
channels (RD+LRIT, HRIT, DCP and S&R) are<br />
filtered and combined in the output<br />
multiplexer (OMUX), before being fed to the<br />
Antenna Subsystem.<br />
TT&C Subsystem<br />
The Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TTC)<br />
Subsystem consists of two S-band<br />
transponders and performs the following<br />
functions:<br />
• Reception and demodulation of the uplink<br />
command and ranging subcarriers of<br />
the S-band signal transmitted by the<br />
ground control station.<br />
• Delivery of the telecommand video signal<br />
to the on-board Data Handling<br />
Subsystem.<br />
• Modulation of the down-link carrier by<br />
the received and demodulated ranging<br />
signal and the telemetry signals received<br />
from the on-board Data Handling<br />
Subsystem.<br />
• Power amplification and delivery of the<br />
S-band down-link carrier to the Antenna<br />
Subsystem.<br />
• The down-link carrier can be generated<br />
coherently or non-coherently with respect<br />
38<br />
to the up-link carrier received from the<br />
ground station.<br />
The TTC Subsystem is composed of two<br />
identical transponders, each consisting of<br />
several modules packaged in a single unit.<br />
The receiver and transmitter of each<br />
transponder are electrically independent,<br />
except for the necessary interconnections to<br />
perform the ranging operations. The<br />
receivers of the transponders are always ‘on’<br />
at any time during the satellite’s lifetime,<br />
while the transmitters are operated in cold<br />
redundancy.<br />
4.3 The Geostationary<br />
Earth Radiation Budget<br />
Experiment (GERB)<br />
MSG satellite resources allow for the<br />
accommodation of an Announcement of<br />
Opportunity instrument. The ensuing flight<br />
opportunity has been taken up by a<br />
European consortium (led by the UK<br />
Natural Environmental Research Council<br />
acting through the Rutherford Appleton<br />
Laboratory), which has developed and<br />
manufactured a new optical instrument, the<br />
GERB. With a three-mirror telescope and all<br />
supporting functions, GERB will measure<br />
the components of the Earth’s Radiation<br />
Budget (ERB), which is the balance<br />
between the incoming radiation from the<br />
Sun and the outgoing reflected and<br />
scattered solar radiation plus the thermalinfrared<br />
emission to space.<br />
Observations from space have a central role<br />
in understanding the Earth’s Radiation<br />
Budget since they are quasi-global. GERB
will measure energies leaving the Earth over<br />
the geographical region seen by MSG,<br />
thereby exploiting the excellent temporal<br />
sampling possible from geostationary orbit.<br />
These observations are the first of their kind<br />
and will make an important contribution to<br />
the enhancement of the climate simulation<br />
models (diurnal cycle), with strong practical<br />
relevance to global climate change, food<br />
production and natural-disaster prediction.<br />
GERB consists of two units:<br />
The Instrument Optical Unit (IOU) which is<br />
very compact (56 x 35 x 33 cm 3 ), and<br />
includes essentially:<br />
• the telescope (three-mirror anastigmatic<br />
system)<br />
• the de-scanning mirror for staring at<br />
appropriate targets<br />
• the detector (a linear blackened<br />
thermoelectric array of 256 elements)<br />
with its signal-amplification and<br />
processing circuitry (including ASICs and<br />
a DSP)<br />
• the quartz filter mechanism used to<br />
switch the measurement into alternate<br />
wavebands (total and shortwave)<br />
• the calibration devices (black body and<br />
solar diffuser)<br />
• the passive thermal design.<br />
The Instrument Electronic Unit (22 x 27 x<br />
25 cm 3 ), which on one side conditions<br />
power and signals from MSG to further<br />
distribute them to the optical unit, and on<br />
the other collects and formats data<br />
generated by the IOU before transmitting it<br />
39<br />
Components of the<br />
Earth’s Radiation<br />
Budget<br />
The Instrument Optical<br />
Unit (bottom left)<br />
The GERB flight<br />
model (below)
to MSG (owing to its microprocessor, GERB<br />
has a high level of autonomy).<br />
The radiometric performance is obtained<br />
after adequate calibration:<br />
• On the ground, the instrument has been<br />
subjected to an extensive characterisation<br />
programme under vacuum.<br />
• On board, a solar-illuminated integrating<br />
sphere and a black-body device with<br />
known characteristics are implemented in<br />
the optical unit.<br />
The scan mirror, which rotates counter to<br />
the satellite’s spin direction, allows the<br />
telescope to point successively at the black<br />
body, the Earth, and the integrating sphere<br />
within each MSG period. Therefore –<br />
considering deep-space views also – a highly<br />
accurate correction of each GERB Earth pixel<br />
measurement can be performed on the<br />
ground.<br />
4.4 The Search and Rescue<br />
(S&R) Mission<br />
In addition to serving the primary<br />
meteorological missions, MSG is also<br />
equipped with a transponder for the<br />
Geostationary Search and Rescue service of<br />
the COSPAS-Sarsat organisation.<br />
40<br />
Performance characteristics of the GERB instrument<br />
Wavebands Total 0.32 – 30µm<br />
Shortwave (SW) 0.32 – 4µm<br />
Longwave (LW) 4 – 30µm<br />
Radiometry SW LW<br />
Absolute Accuracy
S&R transponder block using a SAW filter<br />
operating in the up-link frequency band.<br />
The COSPAS-Sarsat S&R frequencies are not<br />
very different from those of the <strong>Meteosat</strong><br />
data links, and with just a little extra<br />
development effort the S&R requirements<br />
have been accommodated on MSG.<br />
Nonetheless, since S&R is not part of the<br />
meteorological objectives of the MSG<br />
programme, it was agreed to implement this<br />
payload subject to some constraints, namely:<br />
• no interference with the meteorological<br />
missions<br />
• switch-off in the event of a power<br />
shortage<br />
• minimum mass and cost.<br />
These constraints have been fulfilled by<br />
making the S&R transponder nonredundant.<br />
Both the UHF receive antenna<br />
and the L-band transmit antenna provide<br />
coverage of the full Earth as seen from<br />
longitude 0.0°. The geographical area<br />
covered complements the existing<br />
Cospas-Sarsat geostationary coverage very<br />
well.<br />
41<br />
The geographical area<br />
covered by MSG for<br />
Search and Rescue
5.1 The Structure<br />
The MSG satellite is spin-stabilised. The body<br />
is a cylindrical-shaped drum, 3.218 m in<br />
diameter. The total height of the satellite,<br />
including the antenna assembly, is 3.742 m.<br />
The outer skin is dedicated to the fixed<br />
solar array. The internal configuration is<br />
built around the SEVIRI instrument,<br />
including a double-stage passive cooler<br />
accommodated on the lower part of the<br />
spacecraft.<br />
The MSG satellite structure consists of two<br />
main parts: the Primary Structure (191.6 kg)<br />
providing support for payload and most<br />
subsystems, and the <strong>Second</strong>ary Structure<br />
(27.5 kg) providing support for UPS (Unified<br />
Propulsion System) and EPS (Electronic<br />
Power Subsystem) equipment. The SEVIRI<br />
baffle (15.5 kg) is a light structure that<br />
protects the instrument’s field of view from<br />
spurious radiation or pollution. On the<br />
ground and during launch, a cover protects<br />
the cooler from pollution.<br />
Primary Structure<br />
The main elements of the Primary Structure<br />
are:<br />
• the Service Module Structure providing<br />
support for payloads and for the main<br />
part of support subsystems equipment<br />
• the Antenna Platform to accommodate<br />
the MCP subsystem equipment.<br />
The Service Module Structure consists of :<br />
• The Conical Central Tube, based on a<br />
stringer-stiffened shell design and<br />
equipped with three rigid interface rings<br />
for attachment with:<br />
– launcher adapter and lower struts at<br />
the lower ring<br />
– main platform at the upper interface<br />
ring<br />
– propellant-tank supports at the upper<br />
and intermediate rings.<br />
The Central Tube provides fixation for<br />
part of the propulsion subsystems pipework,<br />
and additional interfaces for the<br />
fixation of the thermal lower closing<br />
support and umbilical connectors, as<br />
well as support for the launcherseparation<br />
actuators.<br />
• The Main Platform, fixed on the Central<br />
Tube, manufactured in sandwich form<br />
with aluminium skins, provides interfaces<br />
for the SEVIRI instrument and<br />
accommodates part of the propulsion<br />
subsystem units on its lower face.<br />
• A set of lower struts fixed on the Central<br />
Tube support the main platform edges.<br />
Two additional struts support the main<br />
platform, below the two heavy batteries.<br />
• A set of upper struts connect the Service<br />
Module to the Antenna Platform.<br />
43<br />
MSG Structure:<br />
Antenna Platform, Main<br />
Platform, SEVIRI<br />
Sunshade, Lower<br />
Support Closing Ring<br />
and Upper & Lower<br />
The Antenna Platform is manufactured in<br />
sandwich form with aluminium skins,<br />
providing interfaces for the accommodation<br />
of both MCP transponders on its lower face,<br />
and Antenna Assembly on its upper face.<br />
<strong>Second</strong>ary Structure and Baffle<br />
The function here is to provide intermediate<br />
supports for Unified Propulsion System (UPS)<br />
and Electrical Power System (EPS) equipment:<br />
UPS <strong>Second</strong>ary Structure<br />
• Two LAM supports, each constituted by<br />
three pairs of struts providing the LAM<br />
for iso-static and rigid mounting,<br />
alignment accuracy and stability<br />
• Two helium-tank supports, each<br />
constituted by one tripod and one bipod,<br />
providing the helium tanks with iso-static<br />
and rigid mounting.<br />
• Two E/W (east/west) and two N/S<br />
(north/south) thruster supports,<br />
constituted by structural brackets for rigid<br />
mounting, with vertical adjustment<br />
capabilities (E/W thrusters).<br />
• The E/W and the N/S thruster supports<br />
are fixed, respectively, to the Main<br />
Platform and to the Antenna Platform.<br />
EPS <strong>Second</strong>ary Structure<br />
• SAP (Solar Array Panel) supports,<br />
constituted for each of the eight SA<br />
panels by a set of 6 brackets providing<br />
the SA panels with rigid and iso-static<br />
mounting, to allow their thermo-elastic<br />
dilation. Of the six brackets used for each<br />
SAP, two are fixed to the Antenna<br />
Platform and two to the Lower Closing<br />
Support.<br />
• A Lower Closing Support (based on a<br />
light, profiled structure) provides fixation<br />
44<br />
to the Thermal Lower Closing Support,<br />
which sustains the LAM Thermal Closing,<br />
the valves, and also the lower SAP<br />
supports.<br />
SEVIRI Baffle<br />
The SEVIRI Baffle is a light structure,<br />
protecting the instrument’s field of view<br />
from spurious radiation or pollution, and is<br />
constituted by a main body with three<br />
structural frames. The main body’s form fits<br />
the shape of the SEVIRI optical beam, and<br />
consists of:<br />
• A metallic envelope, which is an<br />
assembly of two curved thin shells and<br />
two lateral iso-grid plates for rigidity<br />
purposes.<br />
• Two optical vanes fixed at the end of the<br />
metallic envelope.<br />
• A thermal-control interface flange.<br />
The thermo-optical and optical performances<br />
are ensured by the optical vanes and<br />
black-paint coating inside the main body.<br />
The three frames stiffen the SEVIRI entry<br />
baffle, and ensure its interface with the<br />
main platform cover and mechanism.<br />
Materials<br />
Primary Structure Materials<br />
• Aluminium alloy for most of the<br />
structural parts and machined parts<br />
(rings, struts brackets) or sheets for the<br />
Central Tube skins or platform skins.<br />
• Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) for<br />
struts of propellant tank supports.<br />
• Titanium for the most loaded brackets of<br />
the propellant-tank support struts.<br />
• Other materials for structural part<br />
assembly (titanium bolts for strut fittings)<br />
or bonding (adhesive).
<strong>Second</strong>ary Structure Materials<br />
• Aluminium alloy for most of the structural<br />
parts.<br />
• Other materials for structural part<br />
assembly (titanium bolts for strut fittings)<br />
or bonding (adhesive).<br />
5.2 The Unified Propulsion<br />
System (UPS)<br />
The first-generation <strong>Meteosat</strong> was equipped<br />
with two independent propulsion systems. A<br />
solid-propellant apogee boost motor, MAGE-<br />
1, and a small hydrazine propulsion system<br />
served for orbit, attitude, spin and nutation<br />
control. The MSG UPS combines the two<br />
propulsive tasks in one common tankage<br />
and feed system, and it will be a world first<br />
for a UPS to operate at under 100 rpm. The<br />
incorporation of a Propellant Gauging<br />
Sensor Unit (GSU) is an innovative element,<br />
allowing the user to have an accurate<br />
knowledge of the propellant remaining<br />
during the last three years of the mission.<br />
The significantly larger mass of MSG,<br />
weighing in at about 2000 kg compared to<br />
the 720 kg of the first-generation satellite,<br />
has led to the implementation of a pressureregulated<br />
bi-propellant propulsion system<br />
operating with Mono-Methyl Hydrazine<br />
(MMH) as the fuel and nitrogen tetroxide<br />
(MON-1) as the oxidiser. This not only<br />
provides the higher total impulse required<br />
for the MSG mission, but also leads to an<br />
improvement in the specific impulse: a 7 %<br />
increase comparing the LAM with the<br />
previous solid ABM, and a 15% increase<br />
when comparing the bi-propellant Reaction<br />
Control Thrusters (RCTs) with the hydrazine<br />
monopropellant thrusters used previously.<br />
The main requirements for the UPS are to<br />
inject the satellite into geostationary orbit<br />
after its release from the Ariane launcher.<br />
This will consume about 83% of the total<br />
loaded propellant of 976 kg contained in<br />
four spherical tanks of 750 mm diameter.<br />
Besides the spin-rate control and the<br />
attitude manoeuvres, most of the propellant<br />
will be consumed by inclination control<br />
(11% of total propellant mass) and<br />
east/west manoeuvres (4%) throughout the<br />
seven years of nominal operation.<br />
The UPS is comprised of the following key<br />
equipment:<br />
• two 400 N LAMs<br />
• six 10 N RCTs<br />
• eleven fill and drain valves<br />
• four propellant tanks<br />
• two latch valves<br />
• two pressurant tanks<br />
• three pressure transducers<br />
• four gauging sensors.<br />
The design of the UPS, the choice of<br />
equipment, the manufacturing tools and<br />
procedures are based on the experience<br />
acquired during the Spacebus projects.<br />
Nevertheless, a significant analytical design,<br />
test and assembly preparation effort was<br />
required, to adapt the well-known<br />
integration approach to the totally different<br />
MSG configuration.<br />
Most of the equipment is of European<br />
origin, with only the latching valves, the<br />
RCT flow-control valves and the propellant<br />
filter cartridges being procured from the<br />
USA. The UPS has a mass of 94 kg and is<br />
operated by the Attitude and Orbit Control<br />
The UPS layout on the<br />
underside of the Main<br />
Platform<br />
Electronics (AOCE). A specially built UPS unit<br />
tester allows self-standing checkout and<br />
operation of the UPS at equipment and<br />
satellite level via a skin connector.<br />
Subsystem Design<br />
The main design driver for the UPS is the<br />
spin environment and the payload cooler<br />
accommodation in the central cone of the<br />
Primary Structure. This configuration<br />
necessitated the placement of two LAMs at<br />
a radius of 1200 mm from the spin axis.<br />
It was decided to accommodate the UPS on<br />
the lower face of the main platform, which<br />
was not occupied by any other equipment.<br />
The three main subassemblies, the<br />
Pressurant Control Panel (PCP) and the two<br />
46<br />
Propellant Isolation Assemblies (PIAs) for<br />
oxidiser and fuel are located between the<br />
propellant-tank cutouts. The four propellant<br />
tanks, the two pressurant tanks and the two<br />
LAMs are mounted via struts and brackets to<br />
the central cone. The fact that the axial<br />
thrusters (N/S thrusters) are located on the<br />
antenna platform required a staggered<br />
integration sequence, which led to the<br />
provision of screw joints on pipes leading<br />
from the main platform to the antenna<br />
platform. The position of the radial thrusters<br />
(E/W thrusters) has been chosen such that<br />
the diagonal use of one upper and one<br />
lower thruster will always have the satellite<br />
centre of gravity between them throughout<br />
the mission.<br />
The routing of the 90 m of quarter-inch<br />
titanium tubes needed careful consideration<br />
regarding the launch and spin environment,<br />
to avoid tanks being filled-up or depleted<br />
unsymmetrically or propellant being trapped<br />
in pressurant lines during initial spin-up.<br />
Two carbon-fibre-wrapped helium tanks<br />
(max. operating pressure 275 bar, volume<br />
35 l) supply – via pyrotechnic valves, a<br />
pressure regulator and check valves – the<br />
four propellant tanks (max. operating<br />
pressure 22 bar, volume 219 l). The<br />
propellant tanks supply the six RCTs<br />
arranged in two redundant branches via<br />
two latching valves and the two LAMs via<br />
four pyro valves. Minimum fracture safety<br />
factors were used to optimise tank mass.<br />
For fill and drain purposes, the propellant<br />
tank valves are located on the Lower<br />
Closing Support structure, thereby allowing<br />
for optimum draining.
Due to the non-availability of a European<br />
two-stage regulator, it was decided to<br />
operate the RCTs for the initial spin-up and<br />
attitude manoeuvres in a pre-blow-down<br />
mode from the propellant tanks (12 – 8<br />
bar), prior to pressurisation to 18.5 bar for<br />
the apogee manoeuvres. This will avoid any<br />
leakage-related critical pressure increases.<br />
After station acquisition, the LAMs and the<br />
pressurisation part will be isolated by firing<br />
the normally open (NO) pyro valves.<br />
In order to allow maximum propellant<br />
utilisation, a high gauging-accuracy<br />
requirement was specified, leading to the<br />
design and development of a very precise<br />
capacitive propellant Gauging Sensor Unit<br />
(GSU), which is built into the propellant<br />
tanks. The qualification testing has shown<br />
that an accuracy of ± 0.05% of total tank<br />
volume can be achieved for the last three<br />
years of mission. Such a performance has<br />
never previously been achieved on a satellite<br />
propulsion system and is 30 times better<br />
than with existing techniques. It is important<br />
in so far as it allows accurate planning for<br />
the final de-orbiting manoeuvre.<br />
5.3 The Attitude and Orbit<br />
Control System (AOCS)<br />
Like the first-generation <strong>Meteosat</strong>s, MSG<br />
is equipped with a similarly designed<br />
subsystem whereby the attitude, nutation,<br />
spin rate and reference pulse are generated<br />
by specific Sun, Earth and acceleration<br />
sensors. Many of the off-the-shelf equipment<br />
items have required changes and additional<br />
performance testing. The main processing<br />
unit of the Attitude and Orbit Control<br />
Electronics (AOCE) and the Passive Nutation<br />
Damper (PND) are MSG-specific<br />
developments.<br />
The changes introduced within the AOCS<br />
include:<br />
• synchronisation pulse generation in<br />
eclipse<br />
• stable satellite, inertia ratio > 1<br />
• multi-burn apogee manoeuvres<br />
• active nutation damping using a microcontroller<br />
• interface with data-handling software<br />
• Passive Nutation Damper tuned for<br />
geostationary orbit (GEO).<br />
The first change means that the AOCS has<br />
to provide for a satellite synchronisation<br />
pulse in eclipse, while the second means<br />
that the Active Nutation Damping (AND) in<br />
Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) is<br />
primarily required in case a liquid apogee<br />
boost motor fails. This is less critical than on<br />
the first-generation spacecraft, where the<br />
non-stable configuration (solid apogee<br />
boost motor and satellite) needed<br />
continuous surveillance and active nutation<br />
control until separation of the boost motor.<br />
It was decided to limit the utilisation of the<br />
47<br />
The first UPS flight<br />
model (FM1) on its<br />
transport and<br />
integration jig
Left: The Attitude and<br />
Orbit Control<br />
Electronics (AOCE) unit<br />
Right: The Attitude<br />
Sensor Assembly (ASA)<br />
unit: left to right, 2<br />
ACUs, connector<br />
bracket and ASA<br />
alignment mirror, ESU<br />
(3 telescopes), and SSU<br />
(meridian and skew slit)<br />
AND to GTO and to fine-tune the PNDs for<br />
the GEO inertia ratios, to achieve optimum<br />
performance.<br />
The AOCS configuration with the AOCE and<br />
the Attitude Sensor Assembly (ASA) consists<br />
of the following equipment:<br />
1 x AOCE, internally redundant<br />
1 x Sun Sensor Unit (SSU), internally<br />
redundant<br />
1 x Earth Sensor Unit (ESU),<br />
3 channels<br />
2 x Accelerometer Units (ACUs)<br />
1 x Attitude Sensor Bracket (ASB),<br />
equipped with connector bracket,<br />
harness, alignment mirror and<br />
bonding straps<br />
2 x Passive Nutation Dampers (PNDs).<br />
Two sets of System Checkout Equipment<br />
(SCOE), derived from the subsystem<br />
electrical ground-support equipment, were<br />
provided for satellite and launch-activity<br />
support. Except for the AOCE and PND, the<br />
48<br />
other equipment had previously been used<br />
on scientific and telecommunication<br />
satellites. The ACU was used on the firstgeneration<br />
<strong>Meteosat</strong>s.<br />
The total mass of the AOCS is 16 kg and<br />
its power consumption (mode-dependent)<br />
varies between 8 and 14.5 W, with a<br />
maximum peak during UPS Liquid<br />
Apogee Motor commanding of 70 W for<br />
100 ms.<br />
Subsystem Design<br />
The major tasks to be fulfilled by the AOCS<br />
are:<br />
– Attitude Measurement<br />
• Sun aspect angle<br />
• Earth aspect angle<br />
• Nutation angle and frequency (GTO).<br />
– Satellite Synchronisation Pulse<br />
<strong>Generation</strong><br />
• SSP 1, Sun Synchronisation Pulse<br />
• SSP 2, Earth Synchronisation Pulse<br />
• Spin rate.
– Nutation Damping<br />
• Active nutation damping, axial RCTs in<br />
closed loop (GTO)<br />
• Passive nutation damping, PNDs<br />
(GEO).<br />
– Operational interface with the UPS<br />
• Monitoring of UPS sensors<br />
• RCT, LAM and Latching Valve<br />
command generation and control<br />
• Monitoring of command duration and<br />
number of pulses generated.<br />
Besides servicing these main tasks, the<br />
AOCS interfaces with the Data Handling<br />
and the Electrical Power Systems. Integrated<br />
in one box, AOCE-B is cold-redundant to<br />
AOCE-A. Significant cross-strapping is<br />
provided between all sensors and actuators<br />
within the AOCE. The temperature<br />
monitoring of the RCTs and LAMs and the<br />
coils of the latching valves have their own<br />
redundancies.<br />
For fast failure identification, it was decided<br />
to equip the combustion chambers of RCTs<br />
and LAMs with thermocouples. As a<br />
thermocouple always needs the reference<br />
temperature at its junction to the normal<br />
harness, the thermocouple wires have been<br />
routed to the AOCE, where this transition is<br />
performed within the connectors.<br />
Thermistors installed inside the AOCE close<br />
to these connectors measure the required<br />
reference temperature. The thermocouple<br />
output is then transformed into a standard<br />
analogue output. The AOCE also provides<br />
monitoring of secondary voltages, current<br />
and converter temperatures for<br />
housekeeping purposes.<br />
As the spinning of the MSG satellite<br />
provides a self-stabilised attitude, it was<br />
decided that most of the manoeuvres<br />
(except AND) should be open-loop and<br />
ground-controlled, with two ground<br />
stations available during GTO. This<br />
minimises the on-board monitoring and<br />
reconfiguration effort. In order to further<br />
protect the satellite against propulsioninduced<br />
effects (leakage and spurious<br />
firing), the latching valves will be closed<br />
after manoeuvres. Action blocks in the<br />
monitoring and recovery function (Data<br />
Handling Subsystem software) are therefore<br />
limited to reacting to spin-rate anomalies,<br />
synchronisation loss and invalid sensor<br />
pulses.<br />
The UPS provides for two redundant<br />
branches, which are cross-strapped to both<br />
AOCEs. Three RCTs can provide all necessary<br />
control torques. For east/west manoeuvres,<br />
the diagonal radial thrusters are used (e.g.<br />
R1 and R3) in pulse mode.<br />
49<br />
The AOCS/UPS<br />
actuator arrangement:<br />
green indicates the<br />
nominal thruster<br />
branch, and red the<br />
redundant branch
Main AOCS requirements and performance<br />
Function Requirement Result Remark<br />
5.4 The Electrical Power<br />
System (EPS)<br />
The electrical power system is formed from<br />
five separate elements: a solar-array<br />
photovoltaic energy source; two nickelcadmium<br />
storage batteries; a Power Control<br />
Unit (PCU); a Power Distribution Unit (PDU);<br />
and a Pyrotechnic Release Unit (PRU). In<br />
sunlight, the power is generated by solar<br />
cells. Peak power loads, which exceed the<br />
solar array’s capabilities, are supplied from<br />
the batteries through battery-discharge<br />
regulators. During eclipse operations, all<br />
power is supplied by the batteries. At the<br />
end of each eclipse period, the batteries are<br />
recharged from the solar array. The solar<br />
array and batteries are designed and sized<br />
for a 10-year mission lifetime, including<br />
reliability and failure-tolerance requirements.<br />
50<br />
Synchronisation Pulse<br />
Sun, SSPI < 0.05 deg < 0.046 deg outside the central region of the Sun Aspect Angle<br />
< 200 ns, jitter < 136 ns under common mode noise and AOCE jitter<br />
Eclipse, SSP2 < 0.18 deg < 0.175 with 1 rpm spin rate variation into eclipse,<br />
excluding Earth radiance error<br />
Active and Passive Nutation Damping (AND & PND)<br />
AND in GTO 5 to 0.15 deg 5.2< τ < 10 min at 55 rpm and inertia radio<br />
in < 10 min 1.2 < λ < 1.35<br />
PND in GEO 0.01 deg to 2 arcs τ < 4 min 50% margin for λ = 1.1 at 40˚C<br />
in < 5 min and λ = 1.25 at 5˚C<br />
Spin-Rate Measurement<br />
GTO, 5-100 rpm < 1 rpm, 5-30 rpm < 0.001 rpm no nutation, no eclipse<br />
< 0.1 rpm, 30-100 rpm < 0.002 rpm no nutation, no eclipse<br />
GEO, 99-101 rpm < 0.01 rpm < 0.0002 rpm no nutation, no eclipse<br />
< 0.1 rpm, 30-100 rpm < 0.05 rpm no nutation, no eclipse<br />
Spin-Axis-Orientation Measurement<br />
GTO < 0.03 deg < 0.273 deg all ESUs, using on ground ESU calibration mode,<br />
no nutation, no wobble<br />
GEO < 0.1 deg < 0.05 deg no nutation, incl. wobble error<br />
Nutation Determination<br />
GTO < 0.01 deg resolution 0.001-0.0023 deg for 0.01-5 deg at 55 rpm<br />
GEO < 0.003 deg < 0.0023 deg for 0.003-0.12 deg at 100 rpm<br />
Subsystem Design<br />
Solar Array<br />
The solar array is the satellite’s primary<br />
source of power. It consists of eight curved<br />
solar-array panels mounted around the<br />
body of the spacecraft. Seven panels are<br />
identical and interchangeable standard solar<br />
panels, and one is a special panel with a<br />
large cut-out window serving as the SEVIRI<br />
instrument-viewing aperture. A total of<br />
7854 high-efficiency silicon solar cells are<br />
attached to the eight panels. Each 60 mm x<br />
32 mm cell is covered by a cerium-doped<br />
cover glass, which has an indium-tin oxide<br />
coating to make it conductive and thereby<br />
prevent surface charging.<br />
Sixty-six cells are interconnected in series to<br />
obtain a string output of 30 V via a single<br />
series blocking diode. There are one
hundred and nineteen solar-cell strings<br />
around the circumference of the spacecraft<br />
and these are connected in parallel. About<br />
one third of these solar cells view the Sun at<br />
any moment during the satellite’s spin cycle.<br />
The solar array will provides a power output<br />
of more than 600 W for up to 10 years in<br />
geostationary orbit. The complete solar array<br />
weighs 76 kg.<br />
Batteries<br />
<strong>Second</strong>ary power, for peak loads and eclipse<br />
operations, is provided from two 29 Ah<br />
nickel-cadmium batteries. Each battery has<br />
16 series-connected cells, provides an<br />
average of 20 V, and has an energy capacity<br />
of 580 Wh. Passive thermal control via a<br />
radiator plate for cooling plus active<br />
thermistor-controlled heaters will maintain<br />
the batteries within their operational limits<br />
throughout the mission.<br />
As the batteries are mounted close to the<br />
spacecraft’s outer circumference, they<br />
experience a force of 18 g due to its<br />
100-rpm spin rate. This force was found<br />
to have a detrimental effect on the<br />
capacity of the battery cells. Extensive<br />
investigations and tests established that<br />
capacity loss is minimised if the smallest<br />
dimension of the cell is orientated in the<br />
direction of the acceleration force.<br />
Each battery weighs 27.5 kg, giving a total<br />
battery mass of 55 kg.<br />
The Power Control Unit (PCU)<br />
The PCU provides centralised management<br />
of the 27 V power bus. It converts the<br />
energy from the solar array and the<br />
batteries into a regulated bus voltage. The<br />
unit contains a six-section shunt solar-array<br />
regulator, four battery-charge regulators and<br />
six battery-discharge regulators. Included in<br />
this equipment are the spacecraft power-bus<br />
and battery-cell management and<br />
protection functions, telemetry and<br />
telecommand housekeeping functions, and<br />
ground-support umbilical interfaces.<br />
The PCU has been designed with a high<br />
level of autonomy, redundancy and<br />
modularity to protect against failures or any<br />
failure-propagation modes. Reliability and<br />
failure tolerance is necessary due to the<br />
intrinsically singular nature of the bus<br />
voltage supply and the limited energy<br />
resources available from the solar array and<br />
batteries. The PCU weighs 23.5 kg.<br />
The Power Distribution Unit (PDU)<br />
The PDU is the interface equipment<br />
between the power subsystem and the<br />
other spacecraft subsystems and payloads. It<br />
distributes the power to all spacecraft loads<br />
through 42 current-limiting switches. These<br />
switches protect the power bus from<br />
overcurrent failures in any of the spacecraft<br />
51<br />
One of MSG’s two<br />
nickel-cadmium<br />
The Power Distribution<br />
Unit (PDU) (left)<br />
The Pyrotechnic<br />
Release Unit (PRU)<br />
(right)<br />
equipment. It also ensures that other<br />
equipment does not experience powersupply<br />
disruption during failure recovery. In<br />
addition, there are 54 simple transistor<br />
switches in the PDU for thermal-control<br />
heater on/off switching. Main and<br />
redundant auxiliary converters supply the<br />
telemetry circuitry, which monitors the<br />
power to the users. Bus and battery cell<br />
undervoltage protection by the shedding of<br />
non-essential loads is also incorporated.<br />
Additionally, power-up ‘on-switching’ and a<br />
time-limited ‘on-retriggering’ of essential<br />
spacecraft equipment loads, in order to<br />
restore DC power for a limited number of<br />
‘on-retry’ attempts, is included. The PDU<br />
weighs 9.7 kg.<br />
The Pyrotechnic Release Unit (PRU)<br />
The PRU conditions and safely distributes the<br />
energy to ignite either singly, or a maximum<br />
of three simultaneously, of the<br />
32 pyrotechnic initiators used within the<br />
satellite. The PRU is powered directly from<br />
the two spacecraft batteries and supplies a<br />
pulse current of 5 A amplitude and 25 ms<br />
duration. On-ground and launcher safety<br />
requirements have imposed a minimum of<br />
52<br />
three levels of protection-inhibits between<br />
the power source and the initiators to<br />
ensure that inadvertent firing of these safetycritical<br />
devices cannot occur. This<br />
requirement is fulfilled by series relays and<br />
current limiters placed between the batteries<br />
and the initiators. The PRU weighs 5 kg.<br />
5.5 Data Handling &<br />
Onboard Software<br />
Data Handling Subsystem (DHSS)<br />
The MSG Data Handling Subsystem (DHSS)<br />
consists of three physical units: the Central<br />
Data Management Unit (CDMU), and the<br />
two Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). The<br />
three units are interconnected via the serial<br />
standard OBDH data bus. One RTU is<br />
located on the spacecraft’s main platform<br />
and monitors the equipment mounted<br />
there. The other is located on the upper<br />
platform and monitors the MCP subsystem.<br />
The two RTUs are identical except for their<br />
OBDH bus terminal addresses, which can<br />
be set by external address plugs.<br />
Also connected to the OBDH bus is the
FCU of the SEVIRI subsystem. The FCU<br />
incorporates a dedicated OBDH interface,<br />
the Remote Terminal Interface (RTI).<br />
The CDMU is master on the OBDH bus, and<br />
controls all traffic on the bus. Commands<br />
and acquisitions are thus sent out from the<br />
CDMU to the different subsystems of the<br />
satellite via the RTUs, or via the SEVIRI FCU.<br />
Characteristics of the Data-Handling Subsystem (DHSS)<br />
The CDMU is also equipped with a programmable<br />
Central Reconfiguration Module<br />
(CRM), which can reconfigure the DHSS<br />
(including the CDMU) upon reception of<br />
several different alarm signals. Most of these<br />
alarms are generated by the CDMU itself<br />
(e.g. on detection of a non-correctable<br />
memory error or a memory-protection<br />
violation), but there is also one external<br />
Dimensions:<br />
Length 340 mm 250 mm 250 mm<br />
Width (depth) 234 mm 234 mm 234 mm<br />
Height 287.5 mm 203 mm 203 mm<br />
Mass 11.3 kg 7.3 kg 7.3 kg<br />
Mean Power (typical value) 19 W 7.7 W 7.7 W<br />
Peak Power 34.5 W 19.7 W 19.7 W<br />
(worst case, over 1 ms)<br />
Reliability 0.990 0.997 0.997<br />
Subsystem reliability (with CRM) 0.975<br />
53<br />
Architecture of the<br />
Data-Handling<br />
Subsystem (DHSS)
system alarm relating to the satellite ‘safe<br />
mode’.<br />
The DHSS provides the following basic<br />
functions:<br />
• Decodes and distribute telecommands<br />
through a hot-redundant telecommand<br />
(TC) chain using TC packets formatted<br />
according to the <strong>ESA</strong> Packet<br />
Telecommand Standard. All TCs, except<br />
high-priority TCs (handled by TC decoder<br />
hardware), are forwarded directly to the<br />
onboard software.<br />
• Acquires and encodes telemetry data<br />
(S-band) at a rate of 8192 bps, including<br />
coding, formatted according to the <strong>ESA</strong><br />
Packet Telemetry Standard.<br />
• Acquires and encodes payload data<br />
(L-band) at a speed of 2 x 3.75 Mbps,<br />
including coding. Three Virtual Channels<br />
are used: on VC0 and VC1, packet<br />
headers are generated by Basic Software<br />
(BSW), while on VC7, all telemetry<br />
packets are generated by Application<br />
Software (ASW), except for idle packets.<br />
• Provides an On-Board Time (OBT)<br />
function using a high-precision TCX<br />
oscillator.<br />
• Distributes a set of dedicated clocks<br />
including: AOCE clock, CACE clock, MCP<br />
clock, and Payload (SEVIRI/GERB) Master<br />
Clocks.<br />
• Controls the reading out of raw data<br />
from the payload (SEVIRI and GERB)<br />
using CTS/RTS hand-shaking signals.<br />
• Provides a processing capability for ASW<br />
control functions.<br />
• Provides command and monitoring<br />
capabilities for other subsystems<br />
through RTU input/output channels.<br />
54<br />
Onboard Software<br />
All spacecraft command and control, all<br />
autonomous functions like onboard failure<br />
handling and thermal control, as well as all<br />
telemetry acquisition and reporting and all<br />
but the most basic telecommanding is<br />
centralised in the MSG onboard software.<br />
The fast rotation of the satellite imposes<br />
special requirements on the exact<br />
synchronisation of the payload data<br />
acquisition, which directly influences the<br />
quality of the image. The overall mission<br />
requirement of 24 h autonomy in orbit<br />
requires a relatively comprehensive onboard<br />
failure detection, isolation and recovery<br />
(FDIR) setup. These functions, together with<br />
a telemetry and telecommand<br />
implementation, which fully complies with<br />
the <strong>ESA</strong> Packet Telemetry/Telecommand<br />
Standards, and the higher-level, applicationoriented<br />
requirements defined in the <strong>ESA</strong><br />
Packet Utilisation Standard, are among the<br />
most demanding and drive the software<br />
design to a large extent.<br />
Since several of these tasks are<br />
asynchronous in nature, use of a<br />
conventional scheduler-based operating<br />
system, which activates tasks periodically in<br />
a fixed sequence, is not possible. Instead,<br />
the software is based on a pre-emptive<br />
multitasking kernel, which supports<br />
asynchronous task activation. Abandoning<br />
the relative simplicity of a scheduler-based<br />
system comes at the expense of increased<br />
software complexity and the need for<br />
special software verification and testing<br />
efforts, which led in turn to an extended<br />
and comprehensive software verification<br />
and validation programme.
The software is split into two major blocks,<br />
reflecting the difference between a lowerlevel<br />
hardware-oriented operating-system<br />
kernel, the Basic Software (BSW), and<br />
higher-level application-oriented functions,<br />
which together form the Application<br />
Software (ASW). The complete onboard<br />
software suite runs on a 31750<br />
microprocessor in the Central Data<br />
Management Unit (CDMU). The software<br />
was written in ADA, with only very limited<br />
use of Assembler code for time-critical<br />
procedures.<br />
The onboard software is stored in 56 kW of<br />
ROM and copied into 96 kW of RAM upon<br />
initialisation. The memory margins are 11%<br />
and 20%, respectively. r<br />
0000h 0000h<br />
Code<br />
8000h<br />
B000h B000h<br />
Unused E000h<br />
FFFFh 0000h<br />
Logical RAM<br />
Operand Area<br />
64 Kw<br />
0000h<br />
8000h<br />
B000h<br />
E000h<br />
FFFFh<br />
Logical RAM<br />
Instruction Area<br />
64 Kw<br />
Data<br />
Unused<br />
Constants<br />
Free RAM<br />
17FFFh<br />
Physical RAM<br />
96 Kw<br />
Code<br />
Constants<br />
Free RAM<br />
Data<br />
55<br />
The onboard<br />
hardware/software<br />
context<br />
Memory map of MSG’s<br />
onboard software<br />
Instruction<br />
Area<br />
64 Kw<br />
Operand Area<br />
64 Kw<br />
HW<br />
Protected<br />
Area<br />
exact<br />
PROM<br />
copy<br />
56 Kw<br />
(code and<br />