3.6 Review 3.7 Moment of Momentum Equation (Conservation of ...
3.6 Review 3.7 Moment of Momentum Equation (Conservation of ...
3.6 Review 3.7 Moment of Momentum Equation (Conservation of ...
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CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 1<br />
<strong>3.6</strong> <strong>Review</strong><br />
• <strong>Conservation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linear <strong>Moment</strong>um<br />
∫<br />
∫<br />
d<br />
⃗vρ d∀ +<br />
dt<br />
C.V.<br />
C.S.<br />
⃗vρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA = ∑ ⃗ FC.V.<br />
<strong>3.7</strong> <strong>Moment</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Moment</strong>um <strong>Equation</strong> (<strong>Conservation</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> Angular <strong>Moment</strong>um)<br />
∑ ⃗F = m⃗a =<br />
d<br />
dt (m⃗v)<br />
Now, taking the moment <strong>of</strong> each side about some point A with position vector ⃗r<br />
And<br />
∑<br />
⃗r × F ⃗<br />
d =<br />
dt (⃗r × m⃗v) = d (⃗r × ρ∀⃗v)<br />
dt<br />
∑<br />
(⃗r × ⃗ Fext ) = d dt<br />
∫<br />
sys<br />
(⃗r × ⃗v)ρ d∀<br />
Let H = ∫ (⃗r ×⃗v)ρd∀ be the moment-<strong>of</strong>-momentum <strong>of</strong> the system. Now we turn to the<br />
sys<br />
Reynolds Transport Theorem to find the conservation law for the moment-<strong>of</strong>-momentum<br />
with B = H and b = ⃗r × ⃗v<br />
dH sys<br />
dt<br />
= d [∫<br />
] ∫<br />
(⃗r × ⃗v)ρ d∀ +<br />
dt CV<br />
For a non-deformable inertial control volume we have<br />
∑<br />
(⃗r × F ⃗ )ext = ∂ [∫<br />
] ∫<br />
(⃗r × ⃗v)ρ d∀ +<br />
∂t CV<br />
CS<br />
(⃗r × ⃗v)ρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA<br />
CS<br />
(⃗r × ⃗v)ρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA<br />
If we have 1-D inlets and outlets:<br />
∑<br />
(⃗r × F ⃗ )ext = ∂ [∫<br />
]<br />
(⃗r × ⃗v)ρ d∀ + ∑ (⃗r × ⃗v) out ṁ out − ∑ (⃗r × ⃗v) in ṁ in<br />
∂t CV<br />
Note that the (⃗v ·⃗n) term leads to a positive or negative flux <strong>of</strong> angular momentum, as we<br />
found with the conservation <strong>of</strong> mass and linear momentum. However, angular momentum
2<br />
itself has a sign (as does linear momentum), which arises from the ⃗r ×⃗v term so we must<br />
track two signs, which may cancel each other out. We note that our sign convention for<br />
the sign <strong>of</strong> angular momentum is the same as we used for torque, namely the right-handrule<br />
with a counter-clockwise sense yielding positive angular momentum and a clockwise<br />
sense yielding negative angular momentum. Hence the inward flux <strong>of</strong> clockwise angular<br />
momentum is positive and the outward flux <strong>of</strong> clockwise angular momentum is negative.<br />
3.8 <strong>Moment</strong>-<strong>of</strong>-<strong>Moment</strong>um Examples<br />
3.8.1 Example 1 – Single-Arm Lawn Sprinkler<br />
Consider the following single-arm lawn sprinkler<br />
What is the optimal coordinate system and control volume?<br />
A moving control volume ⇒ need absolute velocity, therefore<br />
V = velocity relative to nozzle + velocity <strong>of</strong> nozzle<br />
= Q A − ΩR
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 3<br />
where A is the area <strong>of</strong> the pipe. Now, what is the solution?<br />
Ω = Q AR − T 0<br />
ρQR 2<br />
Aha! Even if T 0 , the retarding torque from friction, is zero Ω is finite. What is Ω when<br />
T 0 = 0? ⇒ Ω = V 0 /R, where V 0 is the nozzle exit velocity, why?<br />
velocity out <strong>of</strong> the nozzle is zero!<br />
⇒ The absolute<br />
3.8.2 Example 2 – Pipe Section and Bracket Torque<br />
Consider the following pipe section and supporting bracket:<br />
What is the reaction torque at the bracket wall mounting point (A)? You may assume the<br />
fluid in the pipe is constant density and the surrounding environment is at atmospheric<br />
pressure.<br />
How do we draw the control volume?
4<br />
What is the equation?<br />
What is ∑ (⃗r × ⃗ F ) CV ?<br />
What are the pressure forces?<br />
T A = h 2 (P 2 A 2 +ṁV 2 )−h 1 (P 1 A 1 +ṁV 1 ) or since ṁ = ρQ = ρA 1 V 1 = ρA 2 V 2<br />
T A = h 2 A 2 (P 2 +ρV 2<br />
2 )−h 1 A 1 (P 1 +ρV 2<br />
1 )
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 5<br />
3.9 <strong>Review</strong><br />
• <strong>Moment</strong> <strong>of</strong> momentum equation example problems<br />
3.10 The First Law <strong>of</strong> Thermodynamics and the Energy<br />
<strong>Equation</strong><br />
Time rate <strong>of</strong> change <strong>of</strong><br />
total system energy<br />
=<br />
Time rate <strong>of</strong> change by<br />
heat transfer<br />
+<br />
Time rate <strong>of</strong> change by<br />
work transfer<br />
or<br />
( ) dE<br />
=<br />
dt<br />
˙Q + Ẇ<br />
sys<br />
where E is energy, Q is heat, and W is work. Recall that ( ˙ ) indicates time rate <strong>of</strong><br />
change.<br />
Sign conventions:<br />
˙Q<br />
→ is the transfer by radiation, conduction, convection <strong>of</strong> heat. Transfer into the<br />
control volume is positive.<br />
W > 0 is work done on the system by the surroundings and W < 0 is work done by the<br />
system on the surroundings.<br />
Ẇ = Ẇshaft + Ẇpressure + Ẇviscous stress<br />
Note that gravitational work will enter our energy budget through potential energy.<br />
Ẇ shaft = T shaft Ω where T shaft is the torque and Ω is the angular velocity.
6<br />
3.10.1 Stress Induced Work per Time (Power)<br />
Work occurs by applying a force over a distance. Therefore pressure (normal stress) and<br />
shear (tangential stress) can produce work. If we look at the rate <strong>of</strong> work, or work per<br />
unit time, we have power and we see that we can think <strong>of</strong> this as applying a force on a<br />
system with a given velocity.<br />
Therefore for pressure we have<br />
δẆ = δ ⃗ F · ⃗v<br />
δẆpres = −P⃗n δA · ⃗v = −P⃗v · ⃗n δA<br />
Therefore<br />
∫<br />
Ẇ pres = − P⃗v · ⃗n dA<br />
CS<br />
This term is usually moved to the right-hand-side flux term <strong>of</strong> the energy equation as it<br />
is a flux, which is how we will treat it.<br />
For shear stress we have<br />
δẆshear = ⃗τδA · ⃗v = ⃗τ · ⃗v δA<br />
Therefore<br />
∫<br />
Ẇ shear = ⃗τ · ⃗v dA<br />
But shear is internally self-canceling. On the control surface ⃗v = 0 at solid boundaries<br />
(no-slip boundary condition), if the control surface is normal to the flow then ⃗τ ⊥ ⃗v and<br />
hence ⃗τ ·⃗v = 0. Hence it is <strong>of</strong>ten reasonable to assume that the shear stress induced work<br />
is small.<br />
What is a good environmental example <strong>of</strong> when this assumption breaks down?<br />
CS<br />
3.11 The Energy <strong>Equation</strong><br />
With our definitions <strong>of</strong> work and energy we are now ready to apply the Reynolds<br />
Transport Theorem to produce the conservation <strong>of</strong> energy equation. Let B = E and
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 7<br />
b = e = E/m, the energy per unit mass. We can decompose e into the following components<br />
e = ŭ + v2<br />
2<br />
+ gz + other<br />
where ŭ is the internal energy per unit mass, v 2 /2 is the kinetic energy per unit mass,<br />
and gz is the potential energy per unit mass. We will ignore other sources <strong>of</strong> internal<br />
energy but from the definition they are easily included.<br />
We can write the Reynolds Transport Theorem flux term (including the pressure work<br />
term)<br />
∫<br />
CS<br />
(ŭ + v2<br />
2 + gz + P )<br />
ρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA<br />
ρ<br />
Therefore<br />
( ) dE<br />
=<br />
dt<br />
˙Q+Ẇshaft = d ∫<br />
sys<br />
dt<br />
CV<br />
) ∫<br />
(ŭ + v2<br />
2 + gz ρ d∀+<br />
(ŭ + v2<br />
CS 2 + gz + P )<br />
ρ(⃗v·⃗n) dA<br />
ρ<br />
The 1-D form is<br />
˙Q + Ẇshaft = d dt<br />
∫<br />
CV<br />
(ŭ + v2<br />
2 + gz )<br />
ρ d∀+<br />
∑<br />
outflows<br />
(ŭ + v2<br />
2 + gz + P ρ<br />
)<br />
ṁ − ∑<br />
inflows<br />
We sometimes will choose to write (ŭ + P/ρ) = ˘h = enthalpy.<br />
(ŭ + v2<br />
2 + gz + P )<br />
ṁ<br />
ρ<br />
3.11.1 Forms <strong>of</strong> the Energy <strong>Equation</strong><br />
We <strong>of</strong>ten find it convenient to cast the energy equation in alternate forms.<br />
Velocity Squared form:<br />
If the flow is at steady state then conservation <strong>of</strong> mass gives us that ṁ out = ṁ in = ṁ<br />
and we can normalized all <strong>of</strong> our quantities by ṁ which leaves our homogeneous equation<br />
with terms having units <strong>of</strong> velocity squared<br />
˙Q<br />
ṁ + Ẇshaft<br />
ṁ<br />
= ŭ out + v2 out<br />
2 + gz out + P out<br />
ρ<br />
− ŭ in − v2 in<br />
2 − gz in − P in<br />
8<br />
Defining<br />
q =<br />
˙Q<br />
ṁ<br />
=<br />
heat transfer<br />
unit mass<br />
and w s = Ẇshaft<br />
ṁ<br />
shaft work<br />
=<br />
unit mass<br />
we can write the above as<br />
Head form:<br />
ŭ out + v2 out<br />
2 + gz out + P out<br />
ρ<br />
= ŭ in + v2 in<br />
2 + gz in + P in<br />
ρ + q + w s<br />
Manometers have historically lead to a desire to think <strong>of</strong> energy in units <strong>of</strong> length, or<br />
head. We see that we can arrive at units <strong>of</strong> length by dividing our velocity squared form<br />
<strong>of</strong> the energy equation by gravity. Hence we have<br />
ŭ out<br />
g<br />
+ v2 out<br />
2g + z out + P out<br />
γ<br />
= ŭin<br />
g + v2 in<br />
2g + z in + P in<br />
γ<br />
+ h q + h s<br />
where h q and h s are q/g and w s /g, respectively – the head forms <strong>of</strong> the heat transfer<br />
power and shaft power.<br />
3.12 Incompressible 1-D Flow With No Shaft Work<br />
Rearranging our 1-D head form and setting w s = 0 we have<br />
( ( P<br />
γ + v2<br />
P<br />
2g<br />
)out<br />
+ z =<br />
γ + v2<br />
2g<br />
)in<br />
+ z<br />
− ŭout − ŭ in − q<br />
g<br />
Now, defining<br />
ŭ out − ŭ in − q<br />
g<br />
= h loss = h f<br />
where we can think <strong>of</strong> h f as the friction losses and we see that h f > 0 (note that<br />
in adiabatic flow, say a perfectly insulated pipe, friction will heat the flow, therefore<br />
ŭ out > ŭ in and hence h f > 0. Thus we write<br />
( ( P<br />
γ + v2<br />
P<br />
2g<br />
)out<br />
+ z =<br />
γ + v2<br />
2g<br />
)in<br />
+ z − h f
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 9<br />
3.13 <strong>Review</strong><br />
• Work and Power<br />
• The Energy <strong>Equation</strong><br />
˙Q + Ẇshaft = d dt<br />
∫<br />
CV<br />
) ∫<br />
(ŭ + v2<br />
2 + gz ρ d∀ +<br />
(ŭ + v2<br />
CS 2 + gz + P )<br />
ρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA<br />
ρ<br />
where ˙Q is the heat energy transfer rate, Ẇ shaft is the shaft power (work rate), ŭ<br />
is the internal energy per unit mass, v 2 /2 is the kinetic energy per unit mass, and<br />
gz is the potential energy per unit mass.<br />
3.13.1 Example – Gas Pipeline<br />
Consider the following pipe flow:<br />
If Q = 75 m 3 /s, the pipe radius is r = 6 cm, the inlet pressure is maintained at 24 atm<br />
by a pump, the outlet vents to the atmosphere, the pipe rises 150 m from inlet to outlet<br />
and the pipe length is 10 km, what is h f ? What is the velocity head?<br />
h f =198 m Therefore the friction loss is greater than the ∆z and the pump must drive<br />
against both!
10<br />
The velocity head is only 0.17 m!<br />
Note that the length did not come into our solution. h f includes the total losses along<br />
the pipe due to friction effects and hence includes the effect <strong>of</strong> length implicitly. We will<br />
see more about this a bit later in the course.<br />
3.14 Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong><br />
Bernoulli wrote down a verbal form <strong>of</strong> his famous equation in 1738 and Euler completed<br />
the analytic derivation in 1755. The differential form <strong>of</strong> the Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong> is known<br />
as the Euler <strong>Equation</strong>.<br />
Consider our 1-D head form <strong>of</strong> the energy equation and let’s apply it along a streamline <strong>of</strong><br />
a flow. If the flow is steady then the integral over the control volume vanishes. Further,<br />
since by definition there is no flow normal to the streamline we only have flux terms<br />
at the starting and ending points along the streamline (really we are talking about a<br />
volume and hence a streamtube – just a cylindrical volume element defined by a family<br />
<strong>of</strong> streamlines - a virtual pipe!). Clearly there is no shaft work along the streamline. If<br />
we assume the flow is frictionless (i.e., inviscid or ν = 0) h f =0 and we have<br />
( ( P<br />
γ + v2<br />
P<br />
2g<br />
)out<br />
+ z =<br />
γ + v2<br />
2g<br />
)in<br />
+ z<br />
This is the Bernoulli equation. Clearly anywhere along a streamline, as long as no work<br />
is done between analysis points and the assumption <strong>of</strong> frictionless flow is good, we can<br />
write<br />
P<br />
γ + v2<br />
2g + z = h 0
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 11<br />
where the constant h 0 is referred to as the Bernoulli constant and varies across streamlines.<br />
The Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong> can be derived by considering Newton’s second law F ⃗ = m⃗a<br />
along a streamline (conservation <strong>of</strong> linear momentum). This leads to the steady form <strong>of</strong><br />
the Bernoulli equation. If we add conservation <strong>of</strong> mass we can derive the unsteady form.<br />
Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong> Assumptions<br />
• Flow along single streamline ⇒ different streamlines, different h 0 .<br />
• Steady flow (can be generalized to unsteady flow).<br />
• Incompressible flow.<br />
• Inviscid or frictionless flow, very restrictive!<br />
• No w s between analysis points on streamline.<br />
• No q between points on streamline.<br />
3.14.1 Illustrations <strong>of</strong> Valid and Invalid Regions for the Application<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong>
12<br />
3.15 Pressure form <strong>of</strong> Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong><br />
If we multiply our head form <strong>of</strong> the Bernoulli equation by the specific weight we arrive<br />
at the pressure form <strong>of</strong> the Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong>:<br />
P + ρ v2<br />
2 + γz = P t<br />
where we call the first term the static pressure, the second the dynamic pressure, the third<br />
the hydrostatic pressure, and the right-hand-side the total pressure. Hence the Bernoulli<br />
<strong>Equation</strong> says that in inviscid flows the total pressure along a streamline is constant.<br />
If we remain at a constant elevation the above equation reduces to<br />
P + ρ v2<br />
2 = P s<br />
where we refer to P s as the stagnation pressure. Thus by definition the stagnation pressure<br />
is the pressure along horizontal streamlines when the velocity is zero.<br />
3.15.1 Stagnation Point and Pressure<br />
Consider the flow around a circular cylinder:<br />
P + ρ v2<br />
2 + γz = P t<br />
We see that the stagnation pressure is simply the conversion <strong>of</strong> all kinetic energy to<br />
potential energy and hence there is a subsequent pressure rise. The elevation head simply<br />
accounts for any change in the potential energy due to vertical changes in elevation.
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 13<br />
3.16 Pitot-Static Tube<br />
The static and stagnation pressures can be measured simultaneously using a Pitot-static<br />
tube. Consider the following geometry:<br />
Now, we see the streamlines around the tube, either at the tip or away from the tip (but<br />
not around the curved front end), are horizontal. If the tube is not very long it is very<br />
reasonable to assume friction is negligible for this analysis. Now the velocity at the tip <strong>of</strong><br />
the Pitot-static tube is zero hence the pressure at this point (and hence along the entire<br />
horizontal leg <strong>of</strong> the Pitot tube as this portion <strong>of</strong> the device is known) is the stagnation<br />
pressure. The holes perpendicular to the flow are similar to piezometers - they simply<br />
measure the static pressure in the fluid flow. If we write the equation for the Pitot tube<br />
we have<br />
P 1 + ρ v2 1<br />
2 = P 2 = γH<br />
Now, at the static tube we have the free-stream pressure, P 2o but at this point, which is<br />
along the streamline from point 1 to point 2, the velocity is the same as it is for point<br />
1 (assuming the Pitot-static tube is small and does not effect the flow) and there is no<br />
elevation change so the Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong> gives us:<br />
P 1 = P 2o = γh<br />
Substituting this expression into the equation for the Pitot tube we arrive at the Pitot<br />
formula<br />
or in terms <strong>of</strong> heads<br />
V 1 =<br />
√<br />
2 P 2 − P 1<br />
ρ<br />
V = √ 2g(H − h)
14<br />
3.16.1 Example – Flow accelerating out <strong>of</strong> a reservoir<br />
⎡<br />
⎤<br />
2gh<br />
V 2 = ⎢ ( )<br />
⎣<br />
2<br />
⎥<br />
A2 ⎦<br />
1 −<br />
A 1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
and if A 1 ≫ A 2<br />
1 −<br />
(<br />
A2<br />
A 1<br />
) 2<br />
≈ 1<br />
⇒ V 2 ≈ √ 2gh, again!<br />
Let’s look at this a bit further by asking the question what speed will a parcel <strong>of</strong> fluid<br />
dropped a distance h be traveling at?<br />
Therefore<br />
v =<br />
∫ t<br />
0<br />
g dt = gt ⇒! h =<br />
t =<br />
√<br />
2h<br />
g<br />
and<br />
∫ t<br />
0<br />
v dt =<br />
∫ t<br />
v = gt = √ 2gt aha!<br />
0<br />
gt dt = 1 2 gt2<br />
Thus we see that in an inviscid flow, which by definition has no frictional energy losses, we<br />
simply convert potential energy to kinetic energy and hence the same result, v = √ 2gh<br />
keeps showing up. This was first noted by Torricelli.
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 15<br />
3.17 <strong>Review</strong><br />
• Head Form <strong>of</strong> the Energy <strong>Equation</strong><br />
( ( P<br />
γ + v2<br />
P<br />
2g<br />
)out<br />
+ z =<br />
γ + v2<br />
2g<br />
)in<br />
+ z − h f<br />
where h f is the friction head loss.<br />
• A special case <strong>of</strong> the Energy <strong>Equation</strong> – The Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong><br />
P<br />
γ + v2<br />
2g + z = h 0<br />
Can think <strong>of</strong> it as the inviscid (frictionless) conservation <strong>of</strong> energy equation (i.e.,<br />
h f = 0 = h s ).<br />
• Stagnation pressure – the sum <strong>of</strong> the static pressure and the dynamic pressure<br />
P s = P + ρ v2<br />
2<br />
3.18 Irrotational Flow and Bernoulli<br />
Consider<br />
P<br />
γ + v2<br />
2g + z = h 0<br />
0 + v2<br />
2g + 0 = h 0 = v2<br />
2g<br />
h 2 γ<br />
γ<br />
+ v2<br />
2g − h √<br />
2 = h 0<br />
h 3 γ<br />
γ<br />
+ v2<br />
2g − h √<br />
3 = h 0<br />
hγ<br />
γ + 0 − h = 0 ≠ h 0
16<br />
Notice that in the unsheared regions (uniform flow) h 0 = a constant across streamlines<br />
while where shear exists (e.g., shear is non-zero), h 0 varies across the streamlines. More<br />
strictly speaking we actually want to know if the flow is rotational. Our test is if we stick<br />
a small neutrally buoyant + shaped probe in the flow and see if it will rotate. In uniform<br />
flow it will not, in a linear shear, like the shear pr<strong>of</strong>ile shown here, it will. Hence we<br />
say that h 0 is constant in irrotational (non rotational) flows. This allows us to connect<br />
Bernoulli points that are not on the same streamline in flows that are irrotational, further<br />
expanding the power <strong>of</strong> the Bernoulli equation but also the opportunities to misuse it!<br />
3.19 Energy and the Hydraulic Grade Line<br />
As we have seen we can write the head form <strong>of</strong> the Energy equation as<br />
P<br />
γ + v2<br />
+ z = H = Energy Grade Line (EGL)<br />
2g<br />
In the case <strong>of</strong> Bernoulli flows the energy grade line is simply a constant since by assumption<br />
energy is conserved (there is no mechanism to gain/lose energy). For other flows<br />
it will drop due to frictional losses or work done on the surroundings (e.g., a turbine)<br />
or increase due to work input (e.g., a pump). Note that this is the head that would be<br />
measured by a Pitot tube.<br />
We can also write<br />
P<br />
γ<br />
+ z = Hydraluic Grade Line (HGL)<br />
and we see that the HGL is due to static pressure – the height a column <strong>of</strong> fluid would<br />
rise due to pressure at a given elevation or in other words the head measured by a static<br />
pressure tap or the piezometric head.
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 17<br />
Example – Venturi Flow Meter<br />
Consider<br />
⎡<br />
⎤<br />
2g∆h<br />
Q = A 2 V 2 = A 2 ⎢ ( )<br />
⎣<br />
2<br />
⎥<br />
A2 ⎦<br />
1 −<br />
A 1<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3.20 Variations From Uniform Flow<br />
As we have discussed we frequently assume that a flow is 1-D while we know in actuality<br />
it is not. Often this is an excellent assumption but sometimes the assumption is not as<br />
good and we may wish to correct for the effects <strong>of</strong> the dependence <strong>of</strong> the velocity on<br />
position. The term that is effected in the energy equation is the flux term. If we wish<br />
to use the average velocity, 〈V 〉, as representative <strong>of</strong> a 1-D velocity equivalent to the 2-D<br />
velocity then we have<br />
∫<br />
CS<br />
v 2<br />
(<br />
2 ρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA = ṁ αout<br />
2 〈V 〉2 out − α )<br />
in<br />
2 〈V 〉2 in<br />
where α is known as the kinetic constant and it accounts for the effect <strong>of</strong> the non-uniform<br />
velocity pr<strong>of</strong>ile on the surface flux <strong>of</strong> energy. The definition <strong>of</strong> the mean velocity is<br />
〈V 〉 =<br />
∫<br />
ρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA<br />
ρA<br />
which for incompressible flows with the velocity vector normal to the control surface<br />
reduces to simply 〈V 〉 = Q/A. Hence<br />
ṁ α out<br />
2 〈V 〉2 =<br />
∫<br />
CS<br />
v 2<br />
ρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA<br />
18<br />
and<br />
α =<br />
∫<br />
CS v2 ρ(⃗v · ⃗n) dA<br />
ṁ 〈V 〉 2<br />
Example<br />
Consider the Laminar flow through a pipe sitting in a uniform velocity field in water:<br />
What is the head loss?<br />
h L = V 2<br />
2<br />
3.20.1 Frictional Effects<br />
If we have abrupt losses, say at a contraction, a simple way <strong>of</strong> accounting for this is<br />
through a discharge coefficient. We can write a modified form <strong>of</strong> Torricelli’s formula for<br />
incompressible flow<br />
〈V 〉 = Q A = C d√<br />
2gh<br />
where C d is the discharge coefficient and is 1 for frictionless (inviscid) flow and can range<br />
down to about 0.6 for flows strongly effected by friction. Note we can handle non-uniform<br />
(violation <strong>of</strong> 1-D assumption) flow effects with a C d as well.
CEE 3310 – Control Volume Analysis 19<br />
3.20.2 Vena Contracta Effect<br />
For a flow to get around a sharp corner there would need to be an infinite pressure<br />
gradient, which <strong>of</strong> course does not happen. Hence if the boundary changes directions too<br />
rapidly at an exit, the flow separates from the exit and forms what is known as a vena<br />
contracta<br />
Clearly A j /A ≤ 1. For a round sharp-cornered exit the coefficient is C c = A j /A = 0.61<br />
and typical values <strong>of</strong> the coefficient fall in the range 0.5 ≤ C c ≤ 1.0.<br />
3.21 Cavitation and the Bernoulli <strong>Equation</strong><br />
Consider the following flow geometry:<br />
If we assume over such a short section friction is negligible then, given the constant z,<br />
the Bernoulli equation reduces to<br />
P 0 = P + ρ v2<br />
2<br />
Therefore high pressure occurs when the velocity is low and as the velocity increases the
20<br />
pressure drops. Plotting the variation <strong>of</strong> the dynamic and static pressure:<br />
we find that the pressure might fall below the vapor pressure <strong>of</strong> the fluid and hence<br />
cavitate. Thus in general we should be concerned about cavitation any time we are<br />
dealing with relatively high velocities.