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„Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu<br />

Faculty of Letters and Arts<br />

Department of Anglo-American and German Studies<br />

<strong>DOCTORAL</strong> <strong>THESIS</strong><br />




- SUMMING-UP -<br />

Scientific research in the field of German literature produced in Romania is a<br />

central preoccupation for many present-day philologists. Theoreticians active in<br />

this particular field often choose an interdisciplinary approach, considering that<br />

the new scientific paradigm often crosses the boundaries of the simple<br />

interpretative method. The present paper aims at being a contribution to the<br />

research of Geman literature produced in Romania from the perspective of<br />

cultural studies. The analytical process undertaken is meant as a contribution to<br />

the research of German literature in our country from the vantage point of literary<br />

sociology.<br />

The self-declared aim of the present thesis is to establish the social<br />

significance of the aforementioned type of literature, as well as to highlight the<br />

aspects connected to the way history is narrated in works of fiction. Moreover,<br />

we have tried to identify in how far the literature produced by the German<br />

minority in Romania contributed to the continuity of this ethnic group’s identity<br />

structures by means of authentic representations of identity within this mode of<br />

cultural expression.<br />

Without being an exhaustive study of the subject matter at hand, our<br />

scientific research has focused primarily on the literary works of two writers<br />

whom we consider highly representative for German literature produced in<br />

Romania after 1945: Herta Müller and Joachim Wittstock.<br />


Consequently, the literary works we have singled out for discussion and<br />

analysis should rather be assessed as case studies, because the theoretical<br />

framework applied to the present thesis can be adapted to various other contexts.<br />

Going beyond a limited analysis of the thematic contents, we have attempted to<br />

highlight certain aspects related to the creation and reception of the selected<br />

works.<br />

The historical context, the autobiographical dimension and the thematic<br />

references of the works analyzed are but a few of the relevant aspects which<br />

characterize our scientific undertaking.<br />

The motivation that underlies the research process is the candidate’s own<br />

didactical curiosity. Having taught the history and cultural heritage of the<br />

German minority in Romania to secondary school students we have repeatedly<br />

noticed the lack of scientific studies which highlight the importance of literary<br />

productions in defining the cultural heritage of Germans in Romania, most<br />

studies focusing on traditions, customs, feasts and musical productions and<br />

scarcely on the literary dimension of this ethnic group. Being ourselves active in<br />

the field of historical research we aimed to determine in how far these literary<br />

works can be regarded as historical sources, the present research project being<br />

the result of this interrogation.<br />

The thesis is made up of two distinct sections. The first one is dedicated to<br />

the theoretical framework, which has been selected and adapted to the needs of<br />

the analysis at hand, with the aim of reaching complex conclusions to our<br />

scientific undertaking. Thus, various instances of cultural theory have been<br />

analyzed, the focal point of our enedeavor being to establish the place of German<br />

literature produced in Romania within the context of Romanian societal culture.<br />

The first chapter defines the domain of scientific research as well as the key<br />

terms of analysis and the theoretical framework in view of highlihting relevant<br />

aspects of our undertaking, that is of the representation of history and of identity<br />

structures in works of fiction. Due to the complexity of the research field under<br />

scrutiny certain limitations had to be taken into account, and consequently only a<br />

part of the aforementioned authors’ works was selected.<br />


After a thorough assessment of the theoretical frameworks relevant to our<br />

concerns, we have decided upon the theory of actions materialized in the<br />

American sociologist Talcott Pearson’s AGIL scheme. This scheme consists in<br />

the categorial delimitation of the actions of social subjects thereby enabling us to<br />

also assess the function of various aspects present in the literary works under<br />

analyzed.<br />

In this sense mention has to be made of the fact that the theoretical<br />

framework that underlies the analysis of the two authors’ works can easily be<br />

transfered to the literary output of other German writers in Romania who dwell<br />

upon historical and identity-related issues.<br />

Ways of narrating history in works of fiction and the limitations thereof<br />

constitute the concerns of the second chapter. The ideological confrontation<br />

between historians and writers is ongoing and it is only in a few isolated cases<br />

that one can speak about a consensus regarding the legitimity of the two parts in<br />

recreating the past through writing.<br />

The two principal means of mirroring history through artistic creation are<br />

either the taking over of information from documentary sources, or by the<br />

inclusion of autobiographical elements in the literary work. But even in the case<br />

of a literary construction of history one has to consider certain limitations<br />

brought about by the very peculiarities of fiction-writing. The risk of presenting a<br />

past event through a limited perspective is even greater when one considers that<br />

oral or written accounts of individuals who have witnessed the horrors of war<br />

first-hand are often inevitably characterized by subjectivity.<br />

In spite of this, a close look at the way historical data is translated into<br />

fiction can certainly prove an efficient method of perceiving individual history,<br />

as this literary genre focuses on isolated destinies and not history on a<br />

macrodimensional level.<br />

The second chapter ends with a series of methodical considerations related<br />

to the analysis of historical themes in the German literature produced in Romania<br />

and with the highlighting of this literature’s peculiarities.<br />


The following chapter focuses on a further object of analysis: identity<br />

construction as mirrored by German fiction produced in Romania. In the<br />

beginning of the chapter we briefly offer an account of the complex relationship<br />

between writing and identity along history and the way in which literature has<br />

helped to consolidate identity structures within the collective consciousness.<br />

Furthermore, our enedeavor also focuses on the importance of identity<br />

construction in fiction in view of building up identity structures truthful to<br />

everyday realities.<br />

The second part of Chapter Three contains a series of aspects related to the<br />

past of the German minority in Romania. A historical mapping-out of the central<br />

events leading to the identity construction of Germans in Romania from the<br />

beginnings through WW II and the Communist era and concluding with the<br />

1990s and beyond (a period that coincides with the exodus of this population)<br />

offers a broader understanding of the details related to the evolution of identity<br />

structures within this ethnic minority. The way in which German literature<br />

contributed to the continuity of these structures makes up the concluding part of<br />

this section.<br />

The first three chapters form the theoretical part of the thesis which will be<br />

applied to practical findings in the second section of the paper.<br />

Chapters four to seven represent the analysis proper within our scientific<br />

undertaking and highlight the practical findings we have reached by applying the<br />

theoretical framework and methodology to the selected literary works. Although<br />

the analysis is focused on the thematic dimension of the works, we have chosen a<br />

chronological approach, in view of a more accurate perspective on the subject<br />

matter discussed.<br />

Chapter Four sets off with an analysis of WW II realities as mirrored in<br />

Joachim Wittstock’ novel Ascheregen (En. Ashen Rain). Here we have chosen to<br />

focus not only on historical aspects but also on the work’s multicultural<br />

dimension. The analysis of this novel thus reveals two important aspects: the<br />

historical realities of the war years, materialized first and foremost in the<br />


generation gap between old and young Romanian Saxons, and the intercultural<br />

relations typical of the Transylvanian area.<br />

We have also attempted to offer a double perspective, a parallel view related<br />

to the deportation of Romanian Germans to the Soviet Union at the end of WW<br />

II, in January 1945. Herta Muller describes the fate of young Leopold Auberg,<br />

deported to the Soviet Union at the age of seventeen and the devastating effects<br />

of this traumatic experience in her novel Atemschaukel (En. The breath-cradle).<br />

Joachim Wittstock, on the other hand, focuses in his novel Bestätigt und<br />

besiegelt (En. Confirmed and sealed) on the fate of those who escaped these<br />

terrors, but for whom the temporary or permanent loss of loved ones as a result<br />

of deportation represents a painful cesura in their daily lives. Both writers offer<br />

images of the despair and lack of orientation that individuals experience in the<br />

new context.<br />

The ones forcefully sent to Soviet work camps fight for survival, gradually<br />

renouncing al manifestations of human individuality and thus of their own<br />

identity, an attitude brought about by the harsh living conditions they need to<br />

adapt to. Herta Müller makes excellent use of writer Oskar Pastior’s first-hand<br />

accounts in the novel Atemschaukel, which is based on the latter’s experiences.<br />

In the meantime, the ones left behind helplessly witness the gradual<br />

dissolution of the German community, as perceived by the notary of the town of<br />

Cisnadie, Thomas Böhm. Novelist Joachim Wittstock makes again use of<br />

documentary sources for inspiration, but at the same time also for illustrating in a<br />

realistic manner the tragedy of the German minority brought about by the<br />

instauration of the Communist regime in Romania. The novel Bestätigt und<br />

besiegelt is in this sense a historical view of the past but also an authentic<br />

description of the identity and alterity dissolution process undergone by<br />

Transylvanian Saxons in the aftermath of 1945.<br />

The next two chapters focus on the two writers’ novels dealing with the<br />

Communist period from its onset in the 1950s up to its collapse in 1989. Chapter<br />

Five focuses on Wittstock’s fictionalized experiences as a university student in<br />

Cluj Napoca during the time span 1965-1961. The novelist offers a bird’s eye<br />


view of his years of study, characterized by the ongoing oppressions of a regime<br />

that controls all societal and existential levels and of the way in which those<br />

active in academic circles, be they educators or students, try to cope with the new<br />

realities. The novel Die uns angebotene Welt has thereby not only literary, but<br />

also profound historical value, being modeled on an individual account of<br />

historical events re-lived after a long period of time.<br />

In the case of Herta Müller the means of illustrating everyday life in the<br />

Communist era has completely different connotations considering that the writer<br />

produces her novels shortly after her emigration from Romania. Her perceptions<br />

are not distorted by temporal distance and the traumatic experiences are still<br />

vivid in the consciousness of the Nobel prize laureate. These aspects have<br />

undoubtedly influenced the sharp tone of Müller’s writings that illustrate the<br />

Communist regime.<br />

The novel Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger (En. Back then the fox<br />

was already the hunter) narrates the experiences of an individual terrorized by<br />

the Securitate in different ways prior to 1989 in order to transform her into an<br />

obedient member of society. Harrassment, cross-interrogation, threat and treason<br />

are the leitmotifs within this thematic frame taken up by Herta Müller in her<br />

three novels produced in the 1990s. We cannot however speak about thematic<br />

recurrence or monotonousness here, as the writer exposes the horrors of<br />

totalitarianism on various levels of perception. In the case of the aforementioned<br />

novel the protagonist experiences the traumas of dictatorship caused by the<br />

abuses of the oppressive apparatus to both the protagonist’s consciousness and to<br />

secondary characters in the novel.<br />

Chapter Six deals only with Muller’s novels Herztier (En. Sentimental<br />

Animal) and Heute wäre ich mir lieber nicht begegnet (En. I wish I wouldn’t<br />

have met myself today) both of which are modeled on the conceptual pair<br />

individual-community. If in Herztier the thematic concern is centered on the<br />

conflict between the oppressive forces and a group of friends, in the second novel<br />

we witness an account of psychic terror brought about by the intense cross-<br />

interrogation of a protagonist apparently dangerous to the regime, but who in fact<br />


cannot threaten the existing order because she is reduced to an all-encompassing<br />

state of fear.<br />

The reader may expect a different destiny in the case of the first novel<br />

where group cohesion hints at a social structure much fitter to fight political<br />

injustice than isolated individuals. Efficient methods of hiding hostility towards<br />

the system are counterbalanced by even more efficiency on part of the Securitate<br />

officers, the main supporters of the regime.<br />

The last chapter of our analytical endeavour is centered on the theme of<br />

emigration and on the effects of such a decision on the individual. In this sense<br />

we have analyzed two collections of short stories by Herta Müller, one of these<br />

being Der Mensch ist ein großer Fasan auf der Welt (En. Man is a big joke in the<br />

world) having been written shortly before the author’s departure from Romania,<br />

whereas Reisende auf einem Bein (En. One-legged travelers) is the only work<br />

produced in Federal Germany where the narration takes place in the host country<br />

and where the author illustrates the protagonist’s incapacity of adaptation to the<br />

new social context.<br />

In the first of the aforementioned novels we come across descriptions of a<br />

typical village of the Banat Swabians, dominated by the abusive manifestations<br />

of the local authorities who take advantage of the desperate desire of many<br />

Germans to leave the country subjected to Communist rule. Bribe and sexual<br />

blackmail are detailed at a grotesque level, while the individuals subjected to<br />

such inhumane treatments gradually disintegrate on the level of personal identity<br />

due to resignation and lack of vision in a desolating community.<br />

The last literary work discussed in this context is Reisende auf einem Bein.<br />

Here the author creates a picture of desolation caused by the protagonist Irene’s<br />

failure to adapt to a new social context. The trauma totalitarian Romania has<br />

made her suffer renders her unable to see past the material and spiritual<br />

limitations of totalitarian oppression. Consequently, not even in midst of an<br />

apparently open-minded society is the protagonist able to leave the burden of the<br />

past behind and to embrace a new beginning.<br />


Chapter Eight sums up the concluding remarks of this thesis related to our<br />

findings regarding German literature produced in Romania. We once more dwell<br />

upon the theoretical framework and the research methodology and their<br />

efficiency both within the present scientific undertaking and in view of their<br />

possible application to future research projects.<br />

The scientific preoccupations in this research area have naturally led to an<br />

interdisciplinary approach of the literature produced by Romanian Germans.<br />

From this perspective the conclusion naturally arises that any study which aims<br />

at capturing the multifaceted nature of this mode of cultura expression can only<br />

be of a multi- and interdisciplinary character.<br />

The present doctoral thesis represents an element of novelty in the field of<br />

studies of German literature produced in Romania, primarily due to its<br />

application and adaptation of the theoretical framework employed. We hope that<br />

by our scientific endeavour we have contributed to an increased visibility of<br />

German literature produced in Romania among exegetes and researchers alike.<br />

Simultaneously we wish our undertaking to be the pathway towards a more<br />

profound analysis of the subject matter from an interdisciplinary perspective, not<br />

only in view of offering a picture of Romania as a multicultural society, but also<br />

for the overall enrichment of German literature world-wide.<br />

Keywords:<br />

German literature produced in Romania, Herta Müller, Joachim Wittstock,<br />

history, identity, fiction, social history, cultural studies, intercultural approach,<br />

AGIL scheme, World War II, post-war epoch, deportation, communism,<br />

emigration<br />

Table of contents:<br />

Table of contents 5<br />

Acknowledgements 8<br />

Preface 10<br />

1. Introductory chapter pg. 14<br />

1.1 Research domain pg. 14<br />

1.2 Research stages pg. 18<br />


1.3 Defining key terminology pg. 22<br />

1.4 Scientific methodology pg. 29<br />

2. Aspects of historical representation in works of fiction pg. 35<br />

2.1 The relationship between history and literature. Theoretical characteristics pg. 35<br />

2.2 Modes of narrating history in works of fiction pg. 41<br />

2.3 Limitations of narrating history in literary works pg. 51<br />

2.4 An analysis of the representation of history in German literature produced in Romania.<br />

Methodological aspects pg. 53<br />

2.5 Concluding remarks pg. 57<br />

3. Identity and its inherent structures pg. 59<br />

3.1 Literature and identity – an anthropological view of a millennial relation pg. 60<br />

3.2 Literature as a pathway towards identity construction pg. 64<br />

3.3 The identity-generating dimension of literature pg. 68<br />

3.4 Author versus work pg. 70<br />

3.5 Identity structures of Transylvanian Saxons and Banat Swabians pg. 73<br />

3.5.1 From the beginnings to 1945 pg. 73<br />

3.5.2 The communist epoch (1945 - 1990) pg. 76<br />

3.5.3 The aftermath of 1990 pg. 79<br />

3.6 The role of German literature produced in Romania in the process of identity<br />

construction of Romanian Germans between1945 and 1990 pg. 80<br />

3.6.1 A socio-political perspective pg. 80<br />

3.6.2 The artistic dimension pg. 83<br />

3.7 Concluding remarks pg. 85<br />

4. World War II and the fate of Romanian Germans during the post-war epoch –<br />

Ascheregen, Atemschaukel and Bestätigt und besiegelt pg. 87<br />

4.1 The importance of oral testimony for the novelist pg. 88<br />

4.2 The effects of WW II upon the young generation – fiction’s legitimacy in illustrating<br />

historical evolution pg. 91<br />

4.3 Individual destinies in the Romanian society of the war years pg. 92<br />

4.3.1 Life in jeopardy on the battlefield. War happenings and their immanent dangers<br />

pg. 92<br />

4.3.2 Destinies of a young generation pg.96<br />

4.4 Aspects of multiculturalism in the novel Ascheregen pg. 101<br />

4.4.1 Multiculturalism in the Carpathian space pg. 102<br />

4.4.2 Intercultural aspects in the novel pg. 107<br />

4.5 The deportation of Romanian Germans to the Soviet Union and its tragic consequences<br />

pg. 124<br />

4.5.1 Harsh living conditions as principal factors of loss of humanity and identity<br />

pg. 124<br />

4.5.2 Life perspectives altered as a result of hostile contexts pg. 130<br />


4.6 The fate of the ones left behind pg. 132<br />

4.6.1 Persecution and discrimination as collective punishments for the participation<br />

in Nazi crimes pg. 133<br />

4.6.2 The seizing of property and annulment of rights by the regime. Abuse of power<br />

in view of isolating a minority pg. 138<br />

4.7 Concluding remarks pg. 142<br />

5. Post-WW II Romania – Communism and discrimination – Die uns angebotene<br />

Welt by J. Wittstock and Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger by H. Müller<br />

5.1<br />

pg. 145<br />

Post-traumatic autobiographical writing pg. 146<br />

5.2 Remembering and evaluating times long gone – Die uns angebotene Welt pg. 148<br />

5.2.1 University life and the error of independent thinking pg. 150<br />

5.2.2 Suicide as the only alternative to desperate life situations pg. 153<br />

5.3 The systematic persecution of political opponents as the Securitate’s justification for<br />

psychic terror – Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger pg. 156<br />

5.3.1 Searching homes and leaving behind traces as a sign of the Securitate’s<br />

omnipresence of pg. 157<br />

5.3.2 Threat and torture as methods of intimidation pg. 161<br />

5.3.3 Harassment at the workplace – a solution for unwanted individual attitudes<br />

pg. 163<br />

5.4 Concluding remarks pg. 165<br />

6. Persecution, threat and terror in Ceaușescu’s Romania – Herta Müller’s novels<br />

Herztier and Heute wäre ich mir lieber nicht begegnet pg. 167<br />

6.1 The persecution of students during the Ceaușescu regime – Herztier pg. 167<br />

6.1.1 Keeping an eye on future intellectuals as a means of ensuring control pg. 167<br />

6.1.2 Suicide as a means of cover-up of political executions pg. 169<br />

6.2 The totalitarian state and its method of controlling opponents through spiritual and<br />

physical limitations – Heute wäre ich mir lieber nicht begegnet pg. 171<br />

6.2.1 Cross-interrogation – a diplomatic term for psychic torture pg. 172<br />

6.2.2 The aftermath of systematic cross-interrogation for victims – somber<br />

6.3<br />

remembrances of the past and thwarted hopes for the future pg. 174<br />

Concluding remarks pg. 176<br />

7. Alienation and loss of identity through emigration – Der Mensch ist ein großer Fasan auf<br />

der Welt and Reisende auf einem Bein by Herta Müller pg. 178<br />

7.1 The eschatological atmosphere of the Banat Swabians’ villages - Der Mensch ist ein<br />

großer Fasan auf der Welt pg. 178<br />

7.1.1 The local authorities’ corruption and abuse of power and their effects on the<br />

rural population – multi-level bribing as a social habit pg. 178<br />

7.1.2 From the villager’s grotesque perspective of the world to the emigrant’s naïve<br />

vision – the dissolution of consciousness as a consequence of identity loss pg. 181<br />


7.2 New habitats and the impossibility of self-definition – Reisende auf einem Bein<br />

pg. 183<br />

7.2.1 The immigrant’s incapacity to perceive the host country as a new opportunity<br />

because of lack of orientation and of adaptability pg. 183<br />

7.2.2 The degradation of the individual in a society of solitude – faulty self-<br />

7.3<br />

identification and increased alienation in a foreign environment pg. 184<br />

Concluding remarks pg. 186<br />

8. Final considerations pg. 188<br />

8.1 Theory and methodology pg. 188<br />

8.2 Analysis and results pg. 191<br />

Bibliography pg. 196<br />


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