To maintain your personal finance you need to step up with the help of this "Your Finance Formulas" blog. Where I am trying to share all of my favorite financial videos, I do believe these videos will make you financially confident & update too. If you have any informative finance video please feel free to share with me & also share your feedback for my betterment.
Friday, April 14, 2017
The Continued Rise of Stock
Monday, September 26, 2016
A Nice Little Earner: Ways To Make Money You Haven't Thought Of Yet
Saturday, August 13, 2016
3 Compelling Reasons To Start Trading Online
Saturday, July 23, 2016
The Biggest Legal and Financial Risks of E-Commerce
Friday, May 17, 2013
Advice for People Looking to Make Money from Blogging
1. It Is a Competitive Market : There are so many people now using this method to make money that it is competitive. Blogging used to be something as a hobby but there are now millions of websites online all over the world. Why should someone read your blog over an established one?
That doesn’t mean that you should be discouraged. You just need to remember this to think about ways that your blog is different to everybody else’s. You want to give people a reason to check your blog out and help you earn money, whether through affiliate marketing or AdSense revenue.
2. Making Money Takes Time : People aren’t going to buy a product from you on the first visit. They won’t click an advert for the sake of it, knowing that it will put some money in your pocket. Making money with blogging takes time and you need to give it that. You can help it out though! The best thing that you can do is give people a reason to buy your product.
Email lists are great for doing this. They will give your readers the chance to learn more about you and trust you. The next time you send them an affiliate link, there is more chance that they will click and buy.
3. Pick a Niche for Your Blog : Avoid writing about anything and everything. Find a niche for your blog and stick to that one. Your niche is your topic, which could be technology, business, finance or anything else that you are interested in? Have multiple interests, start a new blog for each one but do it one at a time while you develop a formula that works on the first one.
Having one topic works for numerous reasons. The first is that people are more likely to find out more about everything you’ve written. Your blog posts will interest them in some way after finding one of them. A second is that you will come across as an authority, which is beneficial for your ranking on Google.
4. Think About Your Keywords and Back Links : Keywords are essential if you want your content to rank for something. This is how people will find you! However, there are good techniques that take time to work but will eventually get you on the front page and remain there. The same applies to back linking. This helps people find you but needs to done correctly.
Take the time to learn everything you can about SEO and keywords. There is a multitude of information available online that will help you with this job. As you develop the skills, you will find that your blog ranks higher and more people visit it. This, in turn, helps you increase the amount of money that you will make from it.
Blogging isn’t going to start making you a retirement income overnight but it will if you stick with it. It takes perseverance and hard work but is all worth it in the end. There are plenty of blogging gurus offering their tips for free online to help you!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
What is a Loan Workout?
Loan agreements are legally binding documents and anytime you’re dealing with something legal, it helps to have the backing of a corporate law firm. By doing so you can ensure that you’re not compromising your rights or agreeing to something you missed because it was “in the fine print”. It’s essential for you to protect yourself through corporate law firm representation.
It’s in the best interest of the lender to be repaid and they can’t do that in the face of foreclosure. It’s in your best interest to stay afloat financially until your business rebounds and returns to the black. A loan workout may be the best option for all parties considered. The first step is learning if your lender is open to it at all. If so, then the next step is to hire the experts of a corporate law firm to help protect you from any predatory dealings or aspects of a restructure that would hurt your business further. No one knows the law better than lawyers and you want them on your side.
This article was written by Roger Brent Hatcher, a corporate finance lawyer at Smith, Gilliam, Williams & Miles, a leading Atlanta Law Firm since 1928.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Your Company’s Protection – Business Liability Insurance
So what kind of insurance coverage will your business need? How much coverage or protection will your business require?
There are many answers to these two questions. Insurance coverage and protection usually vary from business to business, state to state and funds to funds. A discussion with an insurance broker will help you determine all of these based on the needs of your business.
General Liability Insurance
- General liability insurance for your business will serve as your company’s buffer against any claims from third party resulting from bodily or personal injury, damage to property, false advertising, acts of negligence, etc. This will act as a fund or a budget of the company to take care of all financial obligations resulting from any of these circumstances. And as in any regular small-scale business, the owner fears that his personal funds will be utilized eventually for any of these especially if the financial standing of the business or the company is already shaky.
- Although the insurance broker or agent will give you an idea of what your business needs in terms of insurance coverage, you have to make your personal assessment of what your business needs, how much your coverage will be and how much the business can afford to allocate for these insurance covers.
Another important factor in determining the amount of coverage is the risk of the business. If your business poses high risks for the customers or end users, the amount of coverage needs to be on high side. On the other hand, a low risk business will not need as much.
Additional Liability Insurance
For some businesses, it may be necessary to include additional liability insurance like vehicle or automobile, professional and product liability insurance. These are additional protection for the company for additional claims made by third party against the company.
- Automobile or Vehicle Liability Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance
- Product Liability Insurance
While all of these may sound expensive and costly, there are insurance companies who offer packages at affordable rates or premiums. If you are buying general liability insurance and opt to buy additional liability insurance coverage as well, you will have a better package price than if you are just buying the general liability insurance coverage. Having a thorough consultation with an insurance broker and doing some personal research will put you in a better position to decide what is best for your business in terms of liability insurance coverage.
My name is Mary G. Watson. I am a freelance writer for I am 33 years old and I have 2 sons. I used to work at a car company in New York as a car insurance agent. I usually write about insurance. However, my topics are not only about cars but also about business and other topics as well.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Insure Your Business With A Business Insurance Quote
But the truth of the matter is that you are better off getting your business covered by insurance. There will always be risks associated with running a business so buying a policy will make sense. You will not only protect the business itself but also your employees as well as other assets. And with the proliferation of insurance providers in the market, finding the appropriate coverage for your business can be easy.
In general, your insurance coverage will depend on the kind of business you are managing. For instance, if you are running a restaurant business, this may entail a higher premium given the variety of risks associated with this kind of business. If you are into operating condominiums, this is important to protect your tenants living in the building.
Before buying an insurance premium for your business, you may want to determine your needs first. For example, are you seeking to insure your employees, the property, or assets? Searching for the right business insurance can be easy once you have an idea of what coverage you are seeking.
When looking for business insurance, sit down with the broker to determine the best coverage for your business. If you are just starting up, you can get general liability, worker’s compensation, or property insurance. If the law requires them, you should include unemployment and disability insurance in the package. As your business expands, you can add other coverage such as life insurance.
As much as possible, you should get more than one quote to allow you to compare them and find the best one that will suit your budget and needs. It is important to find a quote that will ensure that you get your money’s worth.
Make sure that the broker you have in mind has a good track record and quite reliable. Getting an experienced insurance provider will help ensure that you will be getting the right quote for your business. Insuring your company is a risky one so choosing the right provider will count a lot in giving you peace of mind.
There are various ways you can find insurance quotes for your business. The easiest way is to shop online. Another option is to look for referrals from a colleague or another business owner.
Your business is a long term investment so you need to protect it in the best possible way. With the different uncertainties that might come your way, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Follow these tips and you can look forward to safely running your business.
Mags Malvar is a content writer for an advertising specialties company selling personalized promotional products. Check out his blog at
Monday, March 23, 2009
Earn money with the help of "Youtube"............Friends if you will understand how? Please tell me through comments
Hello everyone i have a doubt regarding online money making matter. Recently i came to know that we can earn money after submitting videos in "You tube".
But it is not clear to me how? Because few of my friends are doing this. In this case i have got an informative video from "you tube". But i am not getting it.
So, if you don't mind please check the video & tell me how i will go forward. Because i think in this recession period we all need to earn some extra income & in this case i think online business is the best business. What you think?
Actually i am very much interested to know it. So, after seeing the video if you will tell me how i will go ahead then i will be thankful to you. You may mail me or just post a comment with your opinion, ideas & suggestions. I am waiting for your reply.