Showing posts with label Auto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Auto. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Reducing Your Motoring Costs to Maintain the Career Benefits of Vehicle Ownership

car repairing costs
The ability to drive is highly beneficial for any career minded individual. Access to your own vehicle allows you to travel to job interviews and affords you a simple and convenient way to get to your place of work each day should you land it. This is a given. However, driving licences and reliable access to a vehicle are rapidly becoming prerequisites stated in employers’ advertisements for staff: owning a vehicle is a personal trait that many employers favour when searching for staff. Increasing numbers of businesses and companies are taking the firm stance of “no licence, no job”. But why? Well, being able to drive shows a certain commitment from employees, as driving lessons are no easy feat and require dedication and patience to reach the point of passing the practical test. What's more? Driving a vehicle implies that you are going to be a more reliable and trustworthy employee, as you have a means of getting to work on time that doesn’t involve the regular delays that come hand in hand with public transport. It also means that you can get to more remote locations that are off the beaten track of train and bus routes. Finally, driving offers a level of flexibility. If your employer requires you to visit clients or different sites as part of your role, you will be able to get there with ease. In this sense, driving is a particularly profitable asset to you as an individual. However, driving also comes with expensive financial costs. You have to tax and insure your vehicle, as well as forking out for insurance policies, maintenance and fuel. But not to worry. Before you cast your keys aside, here are a few tips to make driving affordable. This will allow you to maintain the career benefits of vehicle ownership without breaking the bank in the process.

Choosing a Vehicle

When you choose a vehicle, you need to be logical with your choice. While a brand new motor may seem appealing, it will immediately lose significant value as soon as you drive it off the forecourt. Instead, opt for a second hand alternative. Ensure that you give it a complete check over before handing any cash to the seller. You don’t want to find that it has major and expensive faults down the line.

Car Repairs

Sometimes you will experience minor damage to your vehicle that would prove cheaper to repair independently than through your insurance. So, if your insurance premium is high and you want to maintain your no claims policy, invest in high-quality, reliable spare parts from and find a reliable mechanic to fit them. This proves much more economically viable.

Insurance Policies

The market for insurance policies is extremely competitive, so don’t allow yourself to fall in the habit of sticking with the same provider out of habit. Alternative providers may have the policies that cover the same aspects of your car’s insurance for a much cheaper price.

Bearing this factors in mind, you will be able to reduce your motoring costs drastically, making driving the most economically viable option to advance your career and incomings.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Saving Money On Your Motor

Motoring can be an expensive business and outside of the cost of owning or renting a property, it is the most expensive part of most family budgets. There are, however, many ways in which we can all take steps to be more fuel efficient on the road and to save money on other associated running costs.

Before You Start
A great deal of fuel conservation can be carried out before you even get into the car and set off on your journey. Making sure that your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure isn't just a vital safety element, it will also make your vehicle more fuel-efficient at the same time. Be sure to check those tyres once a week at the very least and you will find that you need to visit the fuel pumps less frequently.

You should also remember to declutter the car and be sure to take any heavy items out of the boot or passenger seats if they don't need to be there. Even the removal of litter can contribute to a more aerodynamic vehicle so remember to keep it clean at all times.

If you have a roof rack fitted to the car then you should remove it unless it is actually in use. This is another contributory factor when it comes to wasting fuel unnecessarily so store it in the garage until it is needed.

On the Road
Our driving techniques help to dictate how much fuel we actually use, even when it comes to the shortest of journeys. Keeping to the designated speed limits at all times will conserve your petrol, as will gentle and steady acceleration.

If you find yourself in heavy traffic and stuck at traffic lights or level crossings for a long period of time, remember to switch off your engine. Idling can drain your petrol or diesel very quickly so turn off the ignition when it is appropriate to do so.

If you have air conditioning in your vehicle then you should only use it when absolutely necessary as this can be another powerful drain on your overall fuel costs.

Shop Around
Comparison sites have become very popular and you can now use them to save money on virtually every aspect of your household budget. The costs of insurance continues to rise every year so use those sites when your renewal comes round and find the best insurer for your needs, based on price and level of cover.

You can get great travel insurance deals here too and you can check on your home and life insurance at the same time. There are also other sites available which you can use to compare the cost of fuel in your area.

A quick postcode check will give you details of all registered providers in your town and you can find the best prices on petrol and diesel at any given time. Regular weekly updates can also be sent to your inbox for added convenience.

Fuel prices and other running costs may be on the increase but that means that there's never been a better time to practise these good habits. By paying attention to regular price comparisons, routine car maintenance and your technique behind the wheel, you can start to make significant savings in a very short space of time.

Monday, July 23, 2012

How to Cut Down Your Car Insurance Costs

Car accidents may happen even in the most unthinkable places and may cost you a fortune, especially if you have not signed the proper car insurance policy. Many people try to get the less expensive policy on the market, but in many cases this is not a wise choice. Read the following
article and you will discover several tips will help you cut down the car insurance costs without sacrificing its quality.

Since the car insurance sector is very competitive, the coverage offer is very diverse; this means that you will have to spend quite a bit of time comparing the various offers, in order to find the best possible one. The idea is to spend your time gathering the best offers, evaluate them, and then to take a decision. Fortunately, there are many websites where you can ask for quotes.

Will the minimum insurance policy be good enough for you? The answer is a sound “no” in most cases. You should not be satisfied with the minimum insurance policy existing on the market, but you shouldn’t choose the most expensive coverage package either. As an example, the comprehensive or collision policies are pretty much useless if the car that you intend to insure
is old. If you do the math, you might discover that the amount of money paid for the insurance policy in 1-2 years would be greater than what you would have to pay for another used car.

If you are interested in getting home insured or life insured as well, ask the insurance company if they also sell car insurance. Having multiple policies signed with the same insurer will get you a good discount from that company.

Actually, many car insurance companies offer all sorts of discounts and it is very possible that you qualify for some of them. Before you make your decision, do not forget to ask the insurer if you qualify for a discount or not. For example, you may get a discount for driving only a smaller amount of miles per year, for being a good student with good marks, or for having a good car alarm.

Your driving record is an important factor that will in the end determine the car insurance costs. If you can demonstrate that your driving history is a clean one and you have not been involved in car accidents, the insurance company will reward you by offering an additional discount. On the other hand, if you have been given a lot of tickets, expect to be required to pay more money for insuring your car. Accidents in which you have been involved speak about your risk profile and will make all car insurance agencies raise their premiums.

The type of car you posses will also determine the final price that will be paid for the insurance policy. Statistics show clearly that some car models are targeted by thieves more often than the others. There are annual reports offered to the public, where you can see if the car that you intend to buy is a preferred target or not.

If you decide to install safety devices on your car, this will also have a good influence on the price that you will be asked to pay for the car insurance policy. So, if the car has air bags, automatic seat belts, anti lock brakes or daytime running lights, you might qualify for an additional discount.

Maybe you have found an insurance policy that you consider to be excellent; however, it would be smart not to renew it automatically. Spend a bit of time each year, comparing and evaluating the competitors’ offers; you might get an even better offer.

Monday, July 16, 2012

How To Save Money By Buying A Used Car

There’s no better feeling than buying a brand new car. It looks so shiny. The car is perfectly clean. Everything works just like it is supposed to do. It doesn’t need a single repair.
And it costs a whole lot of money!
In a perfect world, we would all be able to afford a brand new car every time we needed one. But life doesn’t always work out that way. Sure, you can take out a loan or lease a new car. But while you may be able to afford the payments, that doesn’t mean it’s a good deal financially. So you need to think about the long-term effects of buying a new car, too.
People are hesitant to buy a used car, for good reason. They don’t look as nice. They usually have some dings or scratches. Not everything works like it is supposed to. And it’s easy to get ripped off! We’ve all heard horror stories of people buying used cards, and getting a piece of junk.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can actually buy a used car and get a great deal. And not just on a car that 2 or 3 years old. You can often find a very reliable car that is 5 years old, and even older. Not only will it save you lots of money on the purchase price. But you’ll also save on property taxes, insurance, and depreciation. Even though a car is a necessity for most of us, it is one of the worst investments you can make.
If you can afford a new car, great. Or if you can afford a used car that is still just a few years old, that’s great too. But don’t think that just because you buy an older car that you are getting a “clunker”. Or don’t assume that you will automatically get ripped off.
You can get a great used car at a great price. Of course, used cars have some additional risks, so you have to be really careful in choosing one. But if follow a few simple steps, you can usually find a great deal!
Here are 4 steps to finding a great deal on a used car:
1. Shop around.
Figure out how much you can afford, and do some research to determine which types of vehicles you can afford. Then focus your search on those cars. Most of them will be very similar, but if you look around you can find the very best car in your price range – the one with the lowest mileage, least amount of scratches, and even the color that you want. It may take a little time, but after you check out a few cars, you’ll know exactly what to look for, and what’s most important to you.
2. Buy from a private seller.
If you really want to save money buying used car, then it is best to buy from a private seller. You can still find some good deals from a used car dealer, but a private seller is more likely to negotiate a better price. One advantage to a dealer is that they’ll usually fix some of the obvious problems before they sell it, as they are required to by law. But in return, they’ll be less likely to negotiate.
3. Have your money ready ahead of time.
If you have cash saved up, then you know exactly what you can afford. And you can use this to your advantage when negotiating, either with a private seller or dealer. If you need financing, then you’ll probably need to buy from a dealer. Still, you should try to borrow the money before you start shopping. For used cars, financing is a lot simpler than buying a new car. But if you can obtain a loan before you start looking, you’ll know how much you can afford, and you won’t be tempted to your decision based on monthly payments, or get “fast talked” by a salesman.
4. Get the car inspected by a mechanic.
Whether you are buying from a dealer or a person, make sure that you do not take their word for the condition of the car. Not that everyone selling a car will intentionally lie to you, but it’s your money, so you deserve to know what you are buying. Even the most careful car owner won’t know when something will need repair shortly. And even if you are buying from a dealer who tells you the car passed their own “inspection” or “used car checklist” you should still get it inspected. For about $50, you’ll get a report about everything that’s working, and not working. Even a bad report doesn’t mean you have to walk away. But you can use this information to negotiate if the car needs any major work. This is the most important step of all, so if the seller tries to talk you out of getting the car inspected, walk away!
Sounds like a lot of work. But it will be well worth the time and effort. It’s much easier to just buy a used car and drive away. But if things start going wrong within a few days, you’ll be mad that you didn’t put in the time to buy the best used car possible. If you follow these steps, you’ll know that you did everything in your power to buy a quality, reliable used car!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Car Finance Tips

Cаrs аrе much-nееdеd asѕеtѕ іn todaу's wоrld. Cаrs mаke trаvеlіng frоm onе рlacе tо аnothеr соnvеnіеnt. Thеy оffеr соmfort аnd ѕеcurіty. There аrе mаny fасtоrѕ іnvolvеd in thе purchaѕе of thе cаr. Thе еntirе prоcesѕ оf buуіng a car сomрrіsеѕ of thrее stagеs. Fіrѕt ѕtаgе іѕ thе pre-purсhаѕе ѕtagе. In thіs stage, the individuаl iѕ yеt to dесіdе the ѕpecifіcs оf the car. Prе-purсhаѕe ѕtagе іnсludеs budgetіng, reѕеаrсh; сomраrаtivе аnаlysіs еtс. ѕeсоnd ѕtаge in thе рrосеsѕ іs thе nеgоtіаtіоn stаgе. Onе maу соnѕider fіnаnсе орtіоnѕ іn the negоtiаtіon stage. The fіnаl stagе of the proсеѕs іѕ the рurсhase. Hеre, аre ѕоme tіpѕ that cаn hеlp аn іndіvіduаl іn ѕelеctіng арt cаr fіnanсе.

It іs diffісult fоr а соmmоn реrѕon tо makе one lump ѕum рayment tоwаrdѕ buyіng a car. Cаr dеаlerѕ аnd agеnсіеs, therеforе, prоvidе fіnаnсe орtiоns to fаcіlіtаtе the рurсhaѕe. One cаn ѕесure сar finаnсе through dealers, іndерendеnt аgеnts and gоvernment or prіvаte fіnаncіаl іnѕtitutіons. Onе muѕt аlwауѕ rеѕеаrсh thоroughlу bеfоre optіng for autо fіnance. Car dеalеrѕ аffіlіаte thеmselveѕ wіth cеrtain fіnаnсіal instіtutionѕ henсе; thеу mаy rесommend thoѕе іnstіtutiоnѕ onlу. Onе muѕt rеseаrсh onlinе аnd оther ѕоurсeѕ tо find thе bеst deаl. Rеаd the finаnce offеr dосument саrеfullу. Dо not miѕs оut the finе print. One muѕt clarifу anу doubtѕ that hе or ѕhе mау havе іn terms оf finаnсe oрtіоnѕ. It іs beѕt to hаve а fаce-to-facе соnvеrsаtіon wіth the reрreѕentаtіvе from thе finаnсе comрanу. Suсh mеetіngѕ fасilіtatе a twо-waу іnterаctіon аnd еlіmіnаtе аny еlementѕ оf dоubts.

Onе muѕt undеrѕtand іnterеst сalсulаtіon on the lоаn amount. It is a fantaѕtic іdеа tо aѕk for а ѕamplе аmоrtіzatіоn ѕchеdulе fоr thе loаn amоunt. One must аlso сhесk what arе the еxеmptіоnѕ prоvidеd bу thе fіnаnсe cоmраnу іn саѕe of unеmрlоymеnt, раrtіal оr cоmpletе dіsаbіlitу оr anу other unfоrеѕееn еvent. Onе maу аlso сonsіdеr lеasіng оut орtiоn іnѕtеаd of аvaіlіng саr finanсе. Lеаѕe hеlрs іn rеducіng thе equatеd mоnthlу installments. Onе must nоtе that ownеrѕhіp of the car lіеs wіth the dealеr in сase оf a leаsе. It іs сruсіal tо chеck thе сredіbіlity of the рrіvаtе fіnаnce сomрanу befоrе ѕigning thе аgrеement. Onе must сhесk thе recоrd оf асcоmplіѕhmеnt of thе finanсiаl instіtutіon аnd chеck the consumеr fеedbaсk about the ѕerviсeѕ providеd. It іs alѕo еѕѕеntіаl tо nеgotiаtе terms befоrе ѕigning thе dotted lіnе. Nеgotіatiоnѕ help іn gettіng thе bеѕt deal. Thеѕе baѕiс tiрs сan helр іn avоidіng fіnancе ѕwіndlеs аnd fraudulеnt соmрanіeѕ.

Thiѕ iѕ а Guеѕt Poѕt bу Lіѕa Colасо whо сurrentlу blоgѕ on vаrіоus hеаlth blоgs. She even hаѕ a соld ѕorеѕ blоg whiсh prоvidеѕ qualіtу informаtiоn аbout cold sore remedies and cold sore treatment

Friday, April 20, 2012

Do Some Spring Cleaning to Your Auto Insurance Policy

As the weather gets warmer and the spring driving season comes around once more, it is a good time to reevaluate your insurance needs and what you are paying for coverage. If you're a good driver who has been with the same company for years, you may be surprised to find that you're being seriously overcharged. Since auto insurance is a major expense, it never hurts to take another look at your current policy and look for savings.

Shopping Around For New Insurance

If you're happy with the service your auto insurance company provides, it may not occur to you to look around for a new provider. This may be a major mistake: you could be paying hundreds of dollars per year more than you need to be.
Because the auto insurance industry has become so competitive in recent years, your provider's competitors may jump at the chance to offer you a lower rate. If you navigate to an insurance website and build a policy that resembles your current plan, chances are you'll be rewarded with a rate that's 20 to 30 percent lower than what you currently pay.

Re-Assess Your Coverage and Deductibles

If you haven't paid much attention to your auto insurance policy recently, it's likely that you're paying for coverage that you don't need. First, make sure that all of the cars in your household are noted on the same insurance policy, a move that could save you hundreds of dollars per year.
Next, consider increasing your deductible if you have a clean recent driving record. You'll pay much less for insurance if you carry a higher deductible, which can really pay off if you stay out of driving trouble. You should also consider dropping certain coverage if you determine they're not needed. For an example, if you have an older car, you may no longer need to pay for collision and comprehensive coverage.

Make the Call

Sometimes you don't need to change your coverage to get results - just call your current provider and ask if they can lower your rate. If you haven't talked to them in a while, this may convince them that you're serious about switching if a good enough deal presents itself. A frank conversation may just land you a new policy whose premium approximates the deals you got when you shopped around.

Bundle and Save

Finally, you may want to consider taking out all of your insurance policies--auto, life, home and health--with the same provider. Many insurers offer discounts for insureds with multi-policies. This can reduce redundancies and can save you up to 50 percent on your total insurance bill.
With these tips in mind, doing some spring-cleaning to your policy could net you some real savings.
Jason Nelson authored this article for where drivers can learn more about car insurance discounts and obtain free quotes to shop and compare rates from leading insurers.