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Mag'har Orc Now Playable - Allied Race Unlock Scenario
25.08.2018 um 21:53
Players are starting to unlock Mag'har Orcs, the latest Allied Race for the Horde. We've played through the scenario (spoilers) so you can check out the lore behind their allegiance!
Find out more in our Mag'har Orc Allied Race Guide
Unlocking Mag'har Orcs
Players can unlock Mag'har Orcs after completing
Gerüstet zum Krieg
and Exalted with
Die Eidgebundenen
You can see how close you are to unlocking every Allied Race in our
Battle for Azeroth Attunement Tracker
Once players have met the requirements, they can embark on a series of quests to access them. Completing the entire unlock chain also awards the
Terrorwolf der Mag'har
In the recruitment scenario, we see the tyrannical potential of the Light in full force. The Army of the Light, led by Yrel, exists in a parallel universe--but this army hunts down the Mag'har Orcs, demanding they convert to the Light. In this alternate universe, the son of Grommash is still fanatical--the Garrosh-equivalent joins the Light and is referred to as Exarch Hellscream. Thrall's equivalent, Overlord Geya'rah, is still a hero for her people and leads the survivors to Durotar.
At the end of the scenario, the Mag'har Orcs are decimated by the Draenei-led Light, with Grommash sacrificing himself so some can escape. Our peacekeeping efforts on Draenor were for nothing--with the danger of fel removed, the continent grows corrupted in the Light.
Part 1: Restoring the Shard
Eitrigg informs Sylvanas of a plan to recruit the Mag'har Orcs. Eitrigg has obtained a fragment of the artifact Garrosh has used and Sylvanas suggests that we get the Nightborne to help us.
: I see the value in this plan. But I thought the door to that other Draenor had closed.
: I have obtained a fragment of the artifact Garrosh used to travel to that world. I believe it can open the way again... but I will need help to do it.
: Our nightborne allies possess a particular affinity for teleportation. I suggest you draw upon their knowledge to aid on your journey.
: By your leave, Warchief. Come, <player>
We speak to Chief Telemancer Oculeth, who tells us that his specialty is teleportation not chronomancy. He suggests we talk to the Bronze Dragons in the Caverns of Time instead.
: Were the shard were not depleted, I could use it to send you on your way. But my specialty is teleportation, not chronomancy.
: Time magic was the province of our former leader, Grand Magistrix Elisande. Much of her knowledge died with her.
: It is said Elisande had mastered incantations known only to the bronze dragons. Perhaps they would be willing to aid your cause.
: Our warchief will not tolerate excuses. It seems <player> must journey to Tanaris. My old bones need a rest.
The Dark Portal
When you head to Tanaris, Anachronos tells us that to attune this shard, we need to follow some of its history. The first place is the Dark Portal, the location that Gul'dan used a piece of the Vision of Time to travel between realities.
You then meet Anachronos by the Dark Portal.
: The echoes of magic here reverberate through the timeways.
: It was here that Gul'dan once traveled between worlds with the aid of the Vision of Time.
: Though this is merely an echo of this enemy of Azeroth, know that death at this entity's hands would prove quite real.
Kill the Echo of Gul'dan.
: Gul'dan will not be missed... not in this... nor any other timeline.
: Come, we must travel now to the Temple of the White Tiger.
Temple of the White Tiger
Now, you must head to the Temple of the White Tiger.
: The stink of my kin still remains. Deal with this one quickly.
Once you get there, you must now defeat an Echo of Warlord Zaela.
: Your shard grows in power, <player>.
Siege of Orgrimmar
You meet Anachronos outside of Orgrimmar and head to seek the Echo of Garrosh, in the Siege of Orgimmar.
: Garrosh Hellscream... Such a pity how things turned out.
: In countless potential timelines, he was seen as a great hero to his people. Some called him the Horde's greatest warchief.
: What you saw here was one of his worst possible incarnations. A waste.
The fight has Echoes of Iron Stars that roll down the sides of the arena that you need to dodge.
: Even as a reverberation of the past, Garrosh was a formidable foe.
: I sense the threads of fate upon you. You are indeed worthy of what is to come next.
: Had there been any doubt, I would never have allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Not again.
: Go. Return to Oculeth. With the shard restored, he can send you to the place you seek.
Part 2: To Draenor
We head back to Oculeth and get him to send us to Draenor!
: The streams of time and reality are ever-shifting. The anchro to the world you seek will be tenuous.
: Can you hold the way open long enough for us to bring the orcs of Draenor through?
: I will send the shard through with you. When are you ready, it will bring you home.
: Go. But take care not to lose yourself amongst the threads of fate.
We arrive in Gorgrond and are forcefully taken to see the overlord by the Mag'har Orcs.
Mag'har Outrider
: Intruders!
: Stay your hand! We come in peace to speak to your warchief.
Lantresor of the Blade
: Silence! The overlord will decide your fate. Bind them!
Mag'har Outrider
: Green skin... disgusting! I have heard tales of this corruption, but have never seen it.
Lantresor of the Blade
: Be wary. For all we know, they are spies sent by the draenei.
Mag'har Outrider
: The overlord will know what to do.
Lantresor of the Blade
: Overlord Geya'rah! We have prisoners.
Mag'har Outrider
: They are Lightbound spies! Filthy traitors!
Overlord Geya'rah
: We will see. Speak, intruders. Who are you?
: I am Eitrigg of the Blackrock clan. We come from Azeroth on behalf of our warchief.
Overlord Geya'rah
: There is but one warchief... and you are no Blackrock! But let us put your words to the test.
Eitrigg must prove to the overlord that he is a true orc.
Overlord Geya'rah
: The three banners in this camp will be known to any true orc. Tell me of them, or it's the executioner's blade for you both!
: The Blackrock... my own clan. We were proud orc... fierce soldiers. But we were deceived by Gul'dan's fel magic and did... terrible things.
: The Warsong clan struggled for generations against the ogres. Though vastly outnumbered. Grommash Hellscream led his people to a great victory over the Highmaul.
: Durotan was chieftain of the Frostwolves. Never have I known a more honorable orc. He was a true leader who loved his people. I miss his wisdom.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Your words stir my heart, old one. We still honor the history of our clans, though we stand united as the Mag'har. But you have yet to prove--
Grommash Hellscream
: Enough! I will judge the prisoners for myself, Geya'rah.
Grommash Hellscream
: It has been many years since I set eyes upon a green-skinned orc. And this one at your side is... familiar. You come from Azeroth.
: Indeed. I am Eitrigg, and this is <player>, champion of the Horde.
Grommash Hellscream
: Eitrigg... I knew an Eitrigg who served Blackhand. He was an honorable orc who died in glorious battle.
: And the Grommash Hellscream I knew gave his life to free us from the grip of demons. A worthy death.
Grommash Hellscream
: Well then here we are... two old ghosts. Why have you returned to Draenor after all this time?
: Heroes from my world once freed yours from the grip of tyrants. Now Azeroth faces a similar threat, so we have come to ask repayment of that debt.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Do you think us fools?! Warchief, we cannot pledge our soldiers to these off-worlders. Not when we face foes of our own!
Grommash Hellscream
: Durotan owed a debt to these heroes, Geya'rah, same as I. You dishonor your father's spirit with your outburst. Still... you have given me an idea...
Grommash has the idea that we should take down an ogre instigator with Geya'rah to try to earn her respect.
Grommash Hellscream
: Eitrigg and <player> will aid you in putting down the ogre instigator, Gey'rah.
Overlord Geya'rah
: I do not need the help of outsiders... but I will do as you command. Come!
: You are the daughter of Durotan and Draka. I see them both in you. Are your parents...
Overlord Geya'rah
: My mother commands a garrison in Nagrand. My father fell in battle to the Lightbound.
: Lightbound?
Overlord Geya'rah
: Enough questions. Ride!
Overlord Geya'rah confronts Kor'gall of the Kor'gall Clan, and he engages us in combat with the aid of a Lightbound Warpriest.
Overlord Geya'rah
: What is the meaning of this uprising, Kor'gall? You know we must stand together--now more than ever.
Kor'gall, Greatson of Kor'gall
: You cannot protect your own people, daughter of wolves. Why would we follow you?
Overlord Geya'rah
: Silence! If you will not stand down, I will put you down myself.
Kor'gall, Greatson of Kor'gall
: The Mag'har are doomed, Geya'rah. But I have ensured that my clan will endure long after yours have fallen to dust.
We're then informed that the Lightbound are attacking Beastwatch.
Lantresor of the Blade
: Overlord Geya'rah! The Lightbound are attacking Beastwatch!
Overlord Geya'rah
: Damn those traitors! How great a force do they have?
Lantresor of the Blade
: An exarch leads them. Their numbers are... considerable.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Good! I've been wanting another exarch's head upon my wall. Come, outsiders!
: It is time you explained who these Lightbound are, overlord.
Overlord Geya'rah
: I suppose you have earned that much.
Overlord Geya'rah
: After Archimonde's fall, the orcs and draenei worked together to drive the Legion from Draenor. Those were good years.
Overlord Geya'rah
: But without demons to fight, the draenei became fixated upon their precious Light.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Their naaru masters compelled them to spread their influence among the orcs. A few converted willingly. Others had the Light forced upon them.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Some orcs even sided with the draenei against their kin... even the warchief's own son was lost! We call these traitors Lightbound.
Overlord Geya'rah
: I will not stand by while the High Exarch crusades against Mag'har freedom! The tyranny of the Light must be ended!
: We will fight with you, overlord!
Part 3: Tyranny of the Light Scenario
This begins the Tyranny of the Light Scenario.
Stage 1: Travel to Beastwatch
Players must accompany Geya'rah to Beastwatch.
Stage 2: The Lightbound
Players must defend Beastwatch against the Lightbound attack.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Lantresor! Report!
Lantresor of the Blade
: We are holding the line, overlord. But the enemy looks to be mustering for a bigger attack.
Overlord Geya'rah
: This is not your fight, outsiders. You are free to return to Azeroth.
: I have never walked away from a battle. I do not plan to start today.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Then we fight for blood and honor together! With me, heroes!
Stage 3: Evermorn Hold
Now, you must head to Evermorn Hold to look for Exarch Orelis.
Stage 4: Exarch Orelis
When you get there, you find Exarch Orelis appear in a Lightforged Warframe and must take him down.
Overlord Geya'rah
: No... a naaru... Not again!
Overlord Geya'rah
: Curse this vile Light!
Exarch Orelis
: Cease this pointless defiance, Mag'har! Stand down and welcome the Light!
Overlord Geya'rah
: Retreat while you still can! You will not force your doctrines upon us, draenei.
Exarch Orelis
: The High Exarch orders you to submit... or face judgment!
: For Draenor! For the Mag'har!
Exarch Orelis
: The naaru offer us peace and order!
Overlord Geya'rah
: You mean subjugation!
Exarch Orelis
: Give up your hate! The Light can heal the scars of war!
Overlord Geya'rah
: Our scars are not yours to take!
Exarch Orelis
: This once-fertile land is now lifeless dust. That's what your hate has done!
Exarch Orelis drops
Predigt der Hochexarchin
which you can read.
Brothers and sisters,
Decades have passed since the last vestiges of the Legion were driven from Draenor. We could not have accomplished this noble undertaking without the aid of the orc clans, united as the Mag'har.
Our fondest wish is for all the people of Draenor to remain unified in purpose. Sadly, this dream is not shared by all of those who once stood beside us.
Many noble orcs have embraced the Light. Exarch Hellscream has been an example for his people to follow. Yet sadly, even his own father resists the true path.
I believe with all my heart that the Mag'har are destined to join us as servants of the Light. But first, they must be taught to trust the naaru as we do.
The Light Mother has blessed me with visions. I know that one day the Army of the Light will march across the Great Dark Beyond and bring order to countless troubled worlds.
That bold future begins here. With us. We must make Draenor whole again.
I call upon you all to ensure that the future promised by the Light Mother is fulfilled. Purge the infection that prevents Draenor's heart from being whole.
The Light will forge a new future for the orcs... but first, we must save the Mag'har from themselves.
No more division. No more defiance. In the Light, we shall be one.
Stage 5: Report to the Warchief
With the Exarch taken down, it's time to return to Grommash.
Exarch Orelis
: Yrel... i have failed you...
Overlord Geya'rah
: Your High Exarch cannot save you. My people will never stop fighting until Draenor is free!
Overlord Geya'rah
: Come, champions of Azeroth. We must tell the warchief of our victory...
Overlord Geya'rah
: And, of the fate of my brothers and sisters in Evermorn Hold. I am afraid that there is little we can do to save them now.
Overlord Geya'rah
: The draenei attack was thwarted, warchief. But the High Exarch will not relent. Fanatics never do.
Grommash Hellscream
: We will be ready. And what of these heroes from Azeroth? Were they of aid to you?
Overlord Geya'rah
: they fought with courage. I admit... I judge you harsly, Eitrigg. You as well, <player>.
Grommash Hellscream
: Now, on the matter of the debt we owe your Horde, we will send--
Overlord Geya'rah
: Me. Along with a company of volunteers. With your permission, warchief.
: You overlord? But what of your people's fight here?
Overlord Geya'rah
: The warchief can hold off the draenei and those traitorous Lightbound. The Mag'har will help you win your war, and then our debt will be paid.
Grommash Hellscream
: I suspected that once you bonded with them in battle, you would wish to join these heroes, Geya'rah. I give you my blessing.
: You have our thanks. <player>, prepare to return to--
Lantresor of the Blade
: Warchief Hellscream! An army approaches!
Grommash Hellscream
: How many do we face, Lantresor?
Lantresor of the Blade
: All of them.
Grommash Hellscream
: All?
Grommash Hellscream
: ...
Grommash Hellscream
: Lantresor, ride as hard as you can! Gather every orc you see and bring them here!
Stage 6: Defense at Beastwatch Tower
With the Lightbound on their way, we must defend Beastwatch once again. While your allies hold the line on the ground, you head to the turret on the Tower.
Grommash Hellscream
: Overlord, Eitrigg, hold the line here with me!
Grommash Hellscream
: <player>, head to the top of the tower and rain hell on the Lightbound!
Stage 7: Return to the Warchief
Once again we return to Grommash to prepare for battle as Yrel has arrived.
Grommash Hellscream
: They are too many! We cannot hold this line forever!
Overlord Geya'rah
: We must! It is NOT our fate to fall to this corruption!
High Exarch Yrel
: Grommash Hellscream. It has been a long time.
Grommash Hellscream
: High Exarch. A rare... honor.
High Exarch Yrel
: I have come to offer you one last chance to embrace the Light.
High Exarch Yrel
: Your people are choking the life from this world... dooming the land to desiccation.
Grommash Hellscream
: How can you be so blind, Yrel? It is the Light that has doomed this world!
High Exarch Yrel
: It pains me to lose an old friend, Grommash. But... very well. We will settle this your way.
<Grommash lowers his voice so only the Mag'har can hear.> Geya'rah, get everyone out of here. Now. No question.
Grommash Hellscream
: For the Mag'har! For Draenor! Lok'tar ogar!
Stage 8: Narrow Escape
Grommash runs to face the Lightbound with Lantresor, while help as many Mag'har Orcs escape to Azeroth.
: Gather round quickly! We only have one chance!
Overlord Geya'rah
: No! I will stand with my Warchief!
: Do not let his sacrifice be in vain! We go! NOW!
Overlord Geya'rah
: Die well, Grommash Hellscream.
Part 4: Orgrimmar Embassy
We return to Azeroth with some Mag'har Orcs and introduce Overlord Geya'rah to Orgimmar.
: It is done. Overlord, this... is Azeroth.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Mere moments ago, we were fighting for our lives on Draenor. I never thought I would set eyes upon another world.
: I felt hte same, long ago. It can be... unsetlling. I will do what I can to help you and your people.
: Before us stand the walls of Orgrimmar, captial of the Horde.
Overlord Geya'rah
: There is no time to mourn what as lost. The Mag'har will make a new home. Here.
Overlord Geya'rah
: I will go with you now, Eitrigg, and have words with your warchief. Is it still the troll that my mother spoke of?
: Not any longer. I will explain...
Afterwards, we head to the embassy to introduce the Mag'har Orcs to the Horde. You'll receive the
Terrorwolf der Mag'har
mount, the
Verbündete Völker: Mag'har
and the ability to create a Mag'har Orc Allied Race!
: Our mission was successful, Warchief. Overlord Geya'rah has pledged her soldiers to the Horde.
: Eitrigg has told me of your people's strength. I trust honor means as much to you as it does to him?
Overlord Geya'rah
: Honor is everything to us! We do not make this oath lightly, Warchief.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Eitrigg and your champions proved their courage and nobility. If they embody the heart of the Horde, then we will gladly fight beside them.
: I accept your loyalty, overlord. Your people are welcome within the gates of Orgrimmar.
Overlord Geya'rah
: Draenor has fallen, but we will make a new home on Azeroth. Your enemies are now our enemies!
Overlord Geya'rah
: For the Horde!
: For the Horde!
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