Official website of World Wetlands Day by Ramsar - 2 February
World Wetlands Day Messages and Statements
shahnawaz kamaal Siddiqui
Encourage the involvement of local communities in wetland management, ensuring they benefit economically and socially from sustainable practices that protect these ecosystems. Maria Pilar Alvarez Zanabria
Promover celebrar las fiestas de fin de año Sin Pirotecnia y difundir la campaña Sin Pirotecnia en la zona ZRE de los Humedales Pantanos de Villa desarrollada por Prohvilla. Promover acciones para celebrar el DMH y difundir los objetivos Ramsar 2025 Beatriz Solís Rincón
Nuestro proyecto educa ambientalmente y reforesta humedales: Nuestros objetivos específicos son: -REFORESTAR 70 hectáreas. -INTEGRAR INFANCIAS para crear una generación de 200,000 conciencias ecológicas para el beneficio ambiental. SAROJA BARIK
Raise youth voice and encourage community for conservation of Wetland. Exchange of knowledge to built the platform for restoration of degraded Wetland to mitigate Climate Change in a global level. Wetlands
Land areas that are saturated or flooded with water either permanently or seasonally.
Inland wetlands:
Marshes, lakes, rivers, floodplains, peatlands and swamps
Coastal wetlands:
Saltwater marshes, estuaries, mangroves, lagoons and coral reefs
Human-made wetlands:
Fish ponds, rice paddies and salt pans