Arrestees are tracked alphabetically by last name, as they appear on the log.
Deputies served a search warrant around 1 p.m. on Aug. 31 on a home in the 100 block of Elm Street in Winslow. Nico M. Aguirre, 33, and Simon D. Aguirre, Jr., 31, both from Winslow, were arrested on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia. Jose L. Rivera, II, 23, of Winslow, was arrested on suspicion of possession of weapon by a prohibited person, possession or use of a weapon during a drug offense, possession of dangerous drugs, possession of narcotic drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia. Jiselle A. Romero, 20, of Winslow, was arrested on a drug paraphernalia violation and possession of narcotic drugs. Adam A. Yazzie, 18, from Leupp, was arrested on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia.
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