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21 of the best blog examples to inspire your blogging journey

Emily Shwake

Best blog examples

A blog is your creative space. It’s where you can share your brand’s story or impart your wisdom using your own words, with your own visual language to match. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a professional writer to create a successful blog either. All you need is a genuine passion for your field, lots to say and a stylish canvas on which to say it.

To learn how to create a blog of your own, check out this list of 22 of the best blog examples below. Further down, we’ve included tips for how to start a blog that your audience will love.

What is a blog?

A blog is an online platform or website where individuals or businesses regularly publish written long-form content, known as posts, on various topics. Blogs can be personal, like a digital diary or professional, focusing on areas such as technology, fashion, travel or health. They often include various types of multimedia like images and videos and traditionally encouraged reader engagement through comments - the advance of social media has killed this part of blogs for the most part. Blogs serve as a way to share information, express opinions, and connect with a broader audience.

The benefits of blogging are numerous. They're a great way to build a brand around a business and to generate traffic to your website. From a blog readers can be encouraged to explore the rest of a site, or to take action from a CTA. Blogs can be used to promote product launches and company news, or they can be used combined with SEO to generate traffic and customers.

22 best blog examples

01. Best photography blog: Zion Adventure Photog

The Zion Adventure Photog blog establishes owner Arika as an expert of both photography and Zion National Park. The blog’s rugged, playful color scheme of brown and gold evokes nature and sunshine. Its homepage features visual testimonials of happy clients enjoying their adventures. Arika embeds her Instagram Feed directly onto her site, spreading the word about her service and drawing people deeper into her brand through social media marketing.

Key takeaways

  • Have a clear purpose for your blog. Arika successfully showcases her photography portfolio and establishes her expertise of the Zion area. This clear purpose helps her to focus her content and to attract the right audience.

  • Be an expert in your field. Arika is an expert in canyoneering and hiking, and her knowledge comes through in her blog posts. She provides detailed guidance on these activities, which is invaluable to her audience.

Utah Adventure - best blog examples

02. Best interior design blog: Seasons in Colour

Jenny Kakoudakis’ interior design blog, Seasons in Colour, equips professional designers with educational content—all within a sophisticated, tasteful and user-friendly site. In fact, it earned an Amara Interior Blog Award back in 2016.

The first fold of the site is a full-bleed image of the feature story. The secondary feature appears on a black background, which breaks up the design of the site while calling attention to an article that Jenny is particularly proud of. To monetize the blog, she built a shopping page full of affiliate links.

Key takeaways

  • Keep the design simple. Although the Seasons in Colour blog has tons of content on it, the minimalist design prevents readers from feeling overwhelmed.

  • Be consistent with your blogging. If you want to create a successful blog when starting a business, you need to publish new content on a regular basis. Seasons in Colour consistently puts out new and high-quality content, establishing it as a leading blog in its niche.

Seasons in Colour - best blog examples

03. Best restaurant reviews blog: All the Food

All the Food is a blog dedicated to all the best places to eat and drink in Dublin. Unlike some of the other websites on this list, All the Food is specifically a blog website rather than a website that includes a blog as part of its content. Readers will find different types of blog content here, such as restaurant reviews, travel guides and neighborhood lists.

There are six different categories on this blog: neighborhoods, reviews, restaurants, Dublin guides, travel guides and what’s new. What’s interesting is that each category page is structured differently based on the content type. The same goes for the blog post pages. This shows how well Editor Lisa Cope understands content and that, if you want to create a great user experience, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for structuring your pages.

Key takeaways

  • Personalize your design. Blog templates are undoubtedly invaluable, but it's crucial to consider them as a foundation rather than the final product. Think of it like a move-in-ready house—you need to add your personal touch to make it feel like home. Customize the template to match your style and brand, and make it uniquely yours to create a welcoming and engaging blog for your audience.

  • Stay on theme. The best food blogs often thrive on having a clear and distinct theme. Without a unique focus, it becomes challenging to attract readers, especially when there are thousands of generic food blogs out there. Fortunately, All the Food excels in this aspect by maintaining a strong focus on Dublin-specific eateries and tips. This specificity sets the blog apart, making it more appealing and valuable to readers seeking local culinary insights and recommendations in Dublin.

All the Food - best blog examples

04. Best entrepreneur blog: Bella & Bloom

Bella & Bloom is the brainchild of Shellie, a web designer who specializes in empowering female entrepreneurs with beautiful websites and business resources. She cleverly uses her blog as a free resource for women looking to DIY their business growth. By providing valuable insights and tools, she demonstrates a strong commitment to her mission and a genuine care for her audience's success.

The design of this website and blog speaks volumes about Shellie's expertise. Its attractive and intuitive layout reflects her exceptional web design skills. It has the potential to lead prospective clients to think, "I want this for my own business" when visiting her site.

Moreover, the thoughtful design choices demonstrate Shellie's deep understanding of her female entrepreneur audience. The soft color palette and feminine typography touches create a warm and inviting atmosphere that resonates perfectly with her target demographic.

Key takeaways

  • A business blog isn’t about you. Blogging for business can be tricky. It is, of course, a marketing tool, but it has to be more than that if you want it to be successful. The key is to approach your blog with a reader-centric mindset. Focus on how you can offer real value to your readers, and conversions will follow.

  • Lean into your niche. It’s not just the gentle, flowing style of Shellie’s site that will appeal to her target niche; it’s the fact that it’s tailor-made for them. Content marketers often say, "If your message is for everybody, it's for nobody." This advice underscores the importance of writing for your specific audience rather than attempting to appeal to everyone. By tailoring your blog content to your intended readers, you create a more effective and engaging experience that truly resonates with those who matter most.

Bella & Bloom - best blog examples

05. Best trip-planning blog: Corlu Travels

Corlu Travels offers valuable insights not only for travel bloggers but for anyone looking to build a user-friendly interface. Its owner, Corie Mazza, obviously put a lot of thought into making her site easy to navigate. For example, she used Wix's Mega Menu feature to incorporate submenus into her site header. This strategic move enhances the site's accessibility, allowing visitors to easily explore different sections.

Navigation is seamlessly handled, providing visitors with two options: they can freely browse the "All Posts" page or choose a specific category page tailored to their interests. Corie cleverly uses unique layouts to differentiate each category and add to the overall visual appeal.

The "Destinations" page stands out as an impressive feat of design. Corie masterfully incorporates hover effects, making the page interactive and captivating. Drawing on her most attractive images from each location, she piques readers' curiosity and ignites a desire for wanderlust. Within the posts, Corie intersperses images every 100 words or so to provide an immersive experience.

Note: You can easily switch or customize layouts on Wix Blog without having to worry about performing a complete overhaul. Users can simply choose a different layout option and the AI will do the work of redesigning the blog for you.

Key takeaways

  • Have a plan for organizing your content. If you're starting your blog, you might have enough content to organize it by category. On the other hand, developed blogs may benefit from doing so. Creating blog categories can make it easier for visitors to find the content they’re looking for and help search engines better understand the range of valuable content your blog offers.

  • Visual storytelling is just as important as written storytelling on travel blogs. The point of a travel blog is to inspire readers to take that next trip. While your writing may be interesting and of value, people who seek out travel content also want to see beautiful imagery. Make sure your blog delivers.

Corfu Travels - best blog examples

06. Best lifestyle blog: Olivia + Laura

With high-quality photography and a stylish design, the newly created Olivia + Laura lifestyle blog is off to a great start. The white space allows their imagery and content to shine. Their blog features clear links to their Instagram and Pinterest boards (check our how to use Pinterest for blogging), making it easy to navigate to these visually-cohesive brand extensions.

Key takeaways

  • Create visually appealing imagery. Using exceptional photography to illustrate your content can help establish you as an expert in your field. Olivia and Laura use visuals to display their ideas and show you the best of what they can do.

  • Use social media as a brand extension. The Olivia + Laura blog features clear links to their Instagram and Pinterest boards, which serve as an extension of their blog. Making it easy to navigate to these social media platforms is a smart move, especially in the fashion and lifestyle niche.

Olivia and Laura - best blog examples

07. Best parenting blog: Bonsie

Bonsie, a shop specializing in baby clothes that promote skin-to-skin contact, has a blog tailored to new or soon-to-be parents. Focusing on essential topics like breastfeeding, giving birth and postpartum healing, the blog aims to strengthen the bond between parents and newborns.

To accommodate busy new parents, the blog is thoughtfully designed for quick and efficient reading. Each post displays the estimated reading time, typically taking just two or three minutes. The content is enriched with high-resolution imagery and presented in short paragraphs, ensuring a user-friendly and visually engaging experience.

Additionally, the blog incorporates sharing buttons at the bottom of each post, enabling easy distribution via social media and email. This fosters word-of-mouth marketing and nurtures a supportive community, allowing parents to exchange valuable insights and experiences.

Key takeaways

  • Blogging can benefit all sorts of businesses. It’s not just service businesses that can benefit from a marketing blog; eCommerce sites like Bonsie can also reap the rewards, especially when offering a free resource that aligns with their theme and mission.

  • Consider your audience when building your blog layout. Instead of adding any neat features that are available on your blogging platform, choose those that will be most helpful to your specific audience. Really think about what will encourage them to read and share your content with others. In doing so, you can build a better user experience and potentially even attract more dedicated subscribers.

Bonsie - best blog examples

08. Best serialized blog: Brain of Brian

The Brain of Brian is a digital comic book that has been turned into a serialized blog. Each post contains a new edition of the custom-illustrated and entertaining story.

This graphics-driven website and blog is so enjoyable to peruse. From the storytelling snippets above the fold to the individual comic book posts down below, the content is uniquely colorful and hilarious. You can tell that the artist put a lot of time into designing this website.

Key takeaways

  • Let your theme dictate the site design. If your blog is as distinctive as The Brain of Brian, don’t settle for ordinary templates. Develop an unconventional structure and bold style components that showcase your unique brand identity.

  • Monetize in a way that makes sense. For this comic book blog, a branded merchandise shop was an ideal monetization strategy. However, that won’t work for every blog. Avoid forced or irrelevant monetization strategies, as they may deter your audience and undermine your blog's authenticity. By finding the right balance between revenue generation and user experience, you can create a successful and sustainable blog that benefits both you and your readers.

Brain of Brian serialized blog example

09. Best DIY blog: britdotdesign

Brit Arnesen created britdotdesign to share her DIY home decor and renovation projects. Its classy design and beautifully shot imagery entice homeowners seeking tips. The conversational-style writing keeps them engaged, leaving them eager to find the subscriber form.

The footer of this site is worth checking out. It features a full-width Instagram feed, which is the perfect addition to any design blog. Below that is a subscriber form that invites readers to stay connected. Last but not least, it includes a link to book a consultation with Brit.

Key takeaways

  • Be conversational. A conversational tone can make even the most complicated or stressful of topics easy to comprehend. Brit does this well. Every post engages the reader with simple language and thoughtful questions, fostering a client-like conversation.

  • Add a call-to-action to your footer. You don’t need to overload every blog post with a bunch of calls-to-action (CTAs) in order to get readers to convert. In fact, you’re probably better off taking a subtle approach by placing your CTA buttons in the header or footer. This way, readers can concentrate on the content while always having a clear pathway to conversion.

britdotdesign blog example

10. Best travel blog: Chasing Buffaloes and Beyond

Want to learn how to start a travel blog? Chasing Buffaloes may be helpful in showing you the ropes. The blog chronicles the adventures of a family of three as they visit state and national parks in the U.S. as well as other destinations around the world.

The blog itself is simply organized—readers can choose to sort through posts by date or destination. The blog posts themselves start with a brief intro and are followed by a table of contents that links to each section. This thoughtful layout ensures a seamless user experience, especially for longer blog posts.

Key takeaways

  • Don’t be afraid to get personal. Travel blogs like Chasing Buffaloes often benefit from first-person storytelling. Their posts detail the itineraries for each trip and include personal family photos. The photos feel more relatable than the glossy photos you’d find on a commercial travel blog.

  • Add unexpected touches to your blog. Unlike a regular photo album, a travel blog allows for interactive elements. In this case, Chasing Buffaloes uses hover effects to add comments to each photo. Readers will encounter these comments when they hover their cursor over the photos, providing a delightful surprise and enhancing their overall browsing experience.

Chasing buffaloes and beyond - best blog examples

11. Best LGBTQIA+ blog: Equal Health

As a business committed to offering inclusive healthcare to the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s no surprise that Equal Health’s blog is as educational as it is empathetic. Since its February launch, the Equal Health team has been diligent about posting monthly—a practice that is essential to any blog strategy. What sets Equal Health apart is their skillful balance of education and promotion, ensuring that mentioning their business within posts never feels overly sales-oriented and remains highly relevant to the topic at hand.

The Equal Health blog thoughtfully breaks down every topic it addresses, including reputable external links to sites like and as needed. What’s more, the posts end with a list of sources so that readers can get more information on the things that matter most to them—like HIV prevention, gender-affirming care and so on.

Key takeaways

  • Experiment with header fonts, but not text fonts. As you may know, font choice is first and foremost a matter of accessibility. If people have trouble reading the text, they’ll likely navigate to an alternative source. For those interested in experimenting with typography, Equal Health serves as a fantastic example of how to do so. They skillfully employ a stylized, on-brand font in their headers, adding a unique and visually appealing touch. Simultaneously, they maintain clarity and readability by using a clean sans-serif font for the body of each post.

  • Make it easy for readers to find your links. If you deal with sensitive topics, such as health care or finance, it’s essential that you link to your sources. These citations back up your arguments while providing readers with additional context and education on the matter. To make these links easily noticeable, ensure that your hyperlink text stands out distinctly from the background and surrounding text of your site. A bright blue color, similar to the one used by Equal Health, is a commonly effective choice to draw attention to the links and enhance overall readability.

Equal Health, the best LGBTQIA+ blog example

12. Best personal blog: The Sofia Log

The Sofia Log is different from other travel blogs in that it’s more of a personal diary than a guide. Sofia Hollingsworth chronicles her adventures, reflecting on her experiences in intimate, thoughtful ways. The introspective but friendly tone gives readers an immediate sense of familiarity.

Key takeaways

  • Find a creative approach for your blog. For Sophie, that meant ignoring the traditional travel blog approach to writing destination guides and packing tips. Instead, she tells her unique story to inspire and connect with fellow adventure seekers.

  • Keep your brand’s color palette simple. Although you want your branding to be recognizable and memorable, you don’t want it to overwhelm the content of your blog. A simple color palette like Sophie’s (which is yellow, black and white) allows the vivid storytelling and visuals to nicely stand out.

The Sofia Log - best blog examples

13. Best wedding blog: Hair Comes the Bride

Hair Comes the Bride is a fantastic resource for brides-to-be. The blog offers tips and inspiration for those planning their hair and makeup styles for their big day.

When it comes to blogs like this one, you have to give readers a reason to trust the advice you’re doling out. Social proof, which refers to the influence of positive feedback and actions from others, goes a long way to establish this trust. Hair Comes the Bride includes three types of social proof at the bottom of each post: number of views, comments and likes. By showcasing these metrics, the blog provides concrete evidence of its popularity and engagement, reinforcing the reliability of the advice being offered and earning the confidence of the audience even beyond the words written. For more hands on tips, read how to start a wedding blog.

Key takeaways

  • Use visual cues to break up long content. If you’re writing posts that are more than a few hundred words, use different visual features to keep it organized and easy to read. Images are helpful, as are large header text and horizontal divider lines, as seen in Hair Comes the Bride.

  • Show, don’t just tell. Not every blog post needs visuals. It all depends on what the subject matter is that you’re dealing with. However, if you’re giving advice on something like hairstyles and accessories, then accompanying visuals are a must. Not only do they help demonstrate your advice, but they can turn your posts into inspirational resources.

Hair Comes the Bride - best blog examples

14. Best author blog: Alan Allinger

Author Alan Allinger uses his storytelling blog not only to share his captivating short stories but also to promote his published works. With a keen eye for creating a memorable experience, he has crafted a powerful visual atmosphere that perfectly complements the fantastical nature of his tales. A video of rolling clouds serves as a mesmerizing background for the blog, imbuing it with an ethereal quality. Pairing each blog story with one of his nature photos, Allinger cleverly creates a doorway into the heart of each narrative and piques the curiosity of his visitors.

Key takeaways

  • Get creative with the concept of a “blog.” You don’t need a personal hobby, professional pursuit or a niche passion in order to create a successful blog. As long as you have something to write down and an audience eager to hear what you have to say, you can start a blog.

  • Use formatting to your advantage. Allinger did a great job of creating an alluring digital space without sacrificing readability. If you want to see how shorter sentences, well-defined paragraphs and white space can make a blog post easier to read, this blog is a must-see.

Alan Allinger - best blog examples

15. Best mental health blog: Cornelius Holmes

Cornelius Holmes uses his website to advertise his adult therapy and coaching services. His blog is likely very useful in this regard, as it shows his commitment to helping people and demonstrates the sort of support people can expect if they hire him. He even links to the audio versions of a few posts above the intros so people can choose the experience that feels right for them.

Key takeaways

  • Deliver your content in different formats when you can. Cornelius has blog posts available in written and audio formats. You’ll have to determine what the best ones are for your blog as well as your readers. While it’s not necessary to create multiple formats, it will make your content more accessible to everyone, which is always a good thing.

  • Use empathy when writing your headlines. This is especially true for mental health blogs such as this one (see how to create a health blog). By writing headlines that sound like they come from your readers’ mouths or brains, you’ll make a stronger connection with them right from the get go.

Cornelius Homes - best blog examples

16. Best gardening blog: TerraLiving

TerraLiving is a company that creates botanical art and sculptures for the home. The website and blog are educational resources that support the Etsy shop where the company sells dozens of these products.

Considering the unique nature of the terrariums and other botanical products the company creates, the blog is a must-have feature for the website. On it, readers learn more about how art, science and AI intersect to create these beautiful interior design decorations.

Key takeaways

  • Add features to blog posts that improve engagement. Every blog should offer its readers high quality and high-value content. However, that’s not always enough to keep user engagement high—sometimes you need some special features to catch their eye. TerraLiving, for instance, includes things like read times, view counters, comment feeds, photo sliders and related post sections.

  • Use ample white space around your posts. While you might be tempted to fill every inch of your blog, long-form content is much easier to read when it has wide margins. The white space that surrounds your posts creates the perfect frame for focus.

Terra Living - best blog examples

17. Best recipe blog: Mikaela Reuben

Mikaela Ruben’s recipe blog is the perfect supplement (pun intended) to her culinary nutrition consulting business website. By offering recipes instead of advice, she keeps people within her network without compromising the value of her sought-after knowledge.

At the top of the blog, readers are able to filter recipes by ingredient, dish type or diet. They can also check out Mikaela’s favorites and the most popular recipes. These tools allow readers to prioritize their interests and goals when perusing the blog.

Key takeaways

  • Use high-quality visuals. Mikaela uses great visuals to illustrate her recipes and her work as a culinary nutrition consultant. This helps make her website more engaging and build authority as an expert in her field.

  • Have a clear CTA. In her blog, Mikaela encourages visitors to subscribe to her newsletter, contact her to schedule an appointment or purchase her cookbook. This helps her to collect leads and to grow her business.

Mikaela Rubin - best blog examples

18. Best female empowerment blog: Mom Boss Life

Over the course of her journey as a digital marketing professional, entrepreneur and mother, she decided to pivot her business model in order to help other women just like herself—i.e., the mom bosses (see how to start a mom blog).

For the most part, the website provides mompreneurs with all the resources and guidance they need to run their own businesses while taking care of their families. The blog, on the other hand, gets personal. Laura shares insights from her life, showing women what it’s like for her and how she’s managed to have it all in the process of building a successful brand.

Key takeaways

  • Use your blog to show the realistic side of your life. When it comes to coaching and consulting websites, your goal is to empower others to start and grow their businesses. If you want to make a connection with your readers, though, you have to show them that you’re human and the blog is the best place to do that while adding value to your offering.

  • Use tags or hashtags to organize content. Whereas categories are great for giving readers a general sense of the sort of content a blog features, tags and hashtags are a great way of connecting your content and facilitating content discovery. For example, if Laura’s readers make it to the end of her post of tips for a smooth airport experience with kids, they’re likely interested enough in the subject to learn more. Hashtags at the bottom link to different topics so readers can explore related articles.

Mom Boss Life - best blog examples

19. Best fitness blog: Mrs. Space Cadet

In the “My Story” page of the Mrs. Space Cadet blog, creator Erin Azar explains that she couldn’t find an online space that featured anything other than people’s perfect marathon training journeys. In response, she created this wonderfully authentic blog highlighting her “Running through life one struggle at a time.”

The top fold features an image of the creator decked out in colorful running gear while goofily karate chopping the air on an empty road—a perfect embodiment of her blog title. In addition to her blog, Erin features her podcast, online store and social media links, where she consistently shares relatable content. By speaking authentically to her readers, Erin built a blog that is both empowering and supportive.

Key takeaways

  • Be authentic. Erin is open and honest about her struggles as a runner, and she doesn't try to pretend to be someone she's not. This authenticity helps her develop a sense of trust, which goes a long way in helping her build a loyal following.

  • Focus on the specifics within your niche. Having a deep understanding of your audience makes it so much easier to write for them. Erin’s knowledge of her readers clearly informs her strategy. Instead of writing blog posts that are highly polished, she keeps things down-to-earth with practical tips and relatable stories.

Mrs. Space Cadet - best blog examples

20. Best sports blog: Tobias Becs

As an award-winning content creator and Guinness World Record holder, it’s unsurprising that football player Tobias Bec takes a unique approach to his “News” blog. It not only contains brief notes about his daily life but also vlogs and photo galleries. Every post is light on words, if they contain any at all. Tobias instead uses his blog as a place to centralize and promote existing videos, social posts and products.

Key takeaways

  • Try vlogging if blogging isn’t your forte. Social media creators and influencers have grown up in a time where writing is limited to a couple hundred characters and photos and videos reign supreme. So if you’re not comfortable with writing lengthy blog posts but still have something important to say or interesting to share, create a vlog or photography blog instead.

  • Experiment with a dark theme. For activity blogs like this one, deviating from the traditional light theme can be refreshing. An all-black background will stand out in stark contrast to other blogs that play it safe with their designs and color choices.

Tobias Becs - best blog examples

21. Best food blog: Not Another Cooking Show

Stephen Cusato’s Not Another Cooking Show is a masterclass in how to start a food blog. While Stephen primarily uses YouTube to show viewers how to prepare simple, tasty dishes, his eye-catching blog draws fans further into this brand’s culinary world, even featuring one of his videos as his homepage’s backdrop.

This recipe blog is broken down by meal category, offering visitors a simple way to navigate through the abundance of content. Each page's layout further enhances the user experience. At the top of every page, a video showcases the recipe in action, enticing viewers to dive into the cooking process. Below, Stephen offers a well-structured recipe, making it easy for users to follow and recreate the dishes.

Key takeaways

  • The importance of using imagery. If you are interested in starting a food blog, the power of photos and videos can’t be overstated. Both are vital for illustrating your recipes and showing off your impressive culinary creations. That said, you don’t need to go over the top with it. Sometimes, one well-chosen photo or video placed at the top of the page is much better than a gallery that takes forever to scroll through.

  • Have a clear structure. Not Another Cooking Show has a clear structure. The menu bar clearly displays each page's name and the blog is broken down by meal category. This makes it easy for readers to find the content that they are interested in and helps keep the blog organized and easy to navigate.

Not Another Cooking Show - best blog examples

How to write blog posts people love

Now that you’ve gotten inspiration from a few of the best blog examples out there, it’s time to create your own blog. Here are some key strategies for writing blog posts your audience will come back to time and time again:

  • Choose a relevant topic: This one might sound obvious but you would be surprised by how often blogs publish content that isn’t relevant to their intended audience. You need to know what your readers are interested in, what their pain points and goals are and what they really want to read. Once you know what your audience cares about, you can start brainstorming topics for your blog posts.

  • Do your research: Before you start writing, do some research. This means reading other popular blogs, articles and books on your topic. You can also talk to your audience for feedback on what they’d like to learn more about. Keyword research is a great way to come up with blog ideas and learn how to grow your blog effectively.

Expert tip from Judit Ruiz Ricart, Blogs Strategy Expert at Wix,

"Keyword research allows you to understand the type of content your audience is looking for. By crafting posts that answer their questions, you'll be able to increase your blog's organic reach and engagement."

  • Hook your audience: Your introduction should grab your readers’ attention and make them want to read more. Start with a strong opening sentence and then use the rest of the introduction to introduce your topic and give your readers a reason to keep reading.

  • Organize your content logically: Your blog post should be easy to read and understand. Use headings and subheadings and make sure your paragraphs are short and to the point.

  • Use strong visuals: Images, infographics and videos can help to break up your text and make your blog post more visually appealing.

  • Write in a clear and concise style: Your readers should be able to understand your points easily. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your readers may not understand. Peruse blog writing to get a sense of what works for readers and what doesn’t.

  • Let your personality shine through in your writing: Your blog should be more than just a collection of facts and figures. It should be entertaining and engaging. Using humor and personality to connect with your readers on a personal level is what makes the difference between an average blog post and a truly great one. This is applicable whether you’re writing a personal or professional blog. You want your content to sound like a conversation rather than a lecture.

Blog examples FAQ

How do you start blogging if you’re a beginner?

The first and most important step is to learn how to make a website that adds credibility to your publication. While you could use an online publishing platform like Medium or Blogger, you’ll have more control over your blog’s design, layout and content if you own the site. Wix’s blog maker is particularly conducive to customization. Here are some other tips on blogging for beginners to help you get started:

  • Choose a great name for your blog.

  • Come up with a unique voice and writing style.

  • Pick five to ten topics to write about.

  • Browse other blogs for inspiration.

  • Write as if you’re writing to a friend.

  • Include at least one image or video in each post.

  • Make a consistent practice of writing.

What should you write about in a blog?

What do you include in a blog post?

What types of blogs are successful?

What makes a blog successful?

What are the main types of blogs?

What are some of the most popular blog examples to start?

What are some good blog examples for students?

What are some good personal blog examples?

How do I choose the right blog type for my business?

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