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© Bettmann/CORBIS
Ask anyone to name an iconic scientist and most people will say Albert Einstein. He was his generation’s greatest physicist as well as an international celebrity and humanitarian. Many people can tell you at least something about his renowned Theory of Relativity, though the details probably elude them right now.
Einstein’s fame extends to pop culture, where photos of the eminent scientist can be seen plastered on mugs, t-shirts, postcards, and internet memes. Though many images are well known — Einstein framed by his wild hair sticking his tongue out at the camera — there are still a good number that rarely see the light of day.
In honor of the 90th anniversary of Albert Einstein winning the Nobel Prize in physics, we are presenting a collection of photographs — some famous, some rare — that exemplify this singular man. The images come from the Bettmann Archive, a collection of more than 11 million historical photographs owned by Corbis Images.
Einstein actually received the 1921 Nobel physics prize but, because of the first World War, the announcement was delayed. He got the medal on Nov. 9, 1922 not for his Theory of Relativity, which was still controversial at the time, but for his earlier work on the photoelectric effect, which is the basis for modern solar power. Einstein wasn’t actually in Europe during the prize ceremony, he was away on a cross-country journey to lecture in Japan. His friend and fellow physicist Niels Bohr received the 1922 physics Nobel during the same ceremony and was upset that Einstein wouldn’t be there to attend the proceedings with him.
Nobel Prize
A color photo from the early 20th century showing Einstein at about the time he received the Nobel Prize in physics. The scientist has some sweet style.All Images: Bettmann/Corbis