Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Museo del Prado

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & collection (P195) -> Museo del Prado (Q160112).

Collection is too big so it's split up by century:

It's also split out by inventory number:

And to work on:


To clean up. These paintings need your attention:

  1. Painting doesn't have creator (P170), see for creating missing ones
  2. Painting does have creator (P170) but the creator has no date of birth (P569)
  3. Painting is by anonymous (Q4233718) and inception (P571) is missing

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P195 wd:Q160112 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P170 ?creator . ?creator wdt:P569 ?dob . FILTER((1 <= YEAR(?dob) && YEAR(?dob) < 2100)) } . MINUS { ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q4233718 . ?item wdt:P571 [] } . } LIMIT 1000
label description image creator inception inventory number described at URL
The Temptation of St Anthony painting by Hieronymus Bosch or follower in the Prado, Madrid
No/unknown value 150s P002049
Dwarf with a Dog, formerly denominated Antonio el Inglés painting by circle of Velázquez
No/unknown value 1645 P001203
Equestrian portrait of Charles I of England painting by Anthony van Dyck
No/unknown value 1638 P001484
Madonna of the Catholic Monarchs painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 140s P001260
Portraits of Queen Petronila of Aragon and Count Ramón Berenguer IV of Barcelona painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1634 P005881
The Fountain of Life anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1454
14th century
Hunting Scene painting by anonymous (MET, 57.97.2)
No/unknown value 11th century 57.97.2
Bear anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1125 57.97.4
Elephant fresco from Hermitage of San Baudelio. Casillas de Berlanga (Soria)
No/unknown value 11th century 57.97.5
Decorative Panel with Eagles anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1125 57.97.6
Two Apostles and the remains of a third. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007273
Four Apostles. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007287
Original Sin. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007284
Mary Magdalene. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007271
Window soffit. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007277
The Annunciation and a Thurifer Angel. The Hermitage of Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007282
Two Apostles and the remains of a Third. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter (Prado P07283) No/unknown value 11th century P007283
Right spandrel of the entry arch. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007281
Cain presents an Offering. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007275
God the Father held by four angels. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007269
Two Apostles. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007274
Lower part of God the Father. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007270
Abel presents an Offering. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007276
The Evangelists, Saint Matthew and Saint Luke. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007286
The Evangelist Saint Mark and an Angel. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007279
Left Spandrel of the Entry Arch. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007280
The Adoration of a Mage. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007272
Two Angels and a Holy Archbishop. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007278
Hare Hunting. Hermitage of San Baudelio. Casillas de Berlanga (Soria) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1125 P007265
The Saint Christopher Altarpiece painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 12th century P003150
The Creation of Adam. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 11th century P007285
Altar frontal with Scenes from the Childhood of Christ painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value P008118
The Guills Frontal painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 12th century P003055
Soldier. Hermitage of San Baudelio. Casillas de Berlanga (Soria) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 11th century
Petition for the Hand of Saint Ursula painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century P007630
Baptism of Conan in the presence of St. Ursula and his father painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century P007632
The Virgin nursing the Child painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century P003144
The ambassador of England tells his king of the events of his mission painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century P007631
Arrival at the port of the ship of Santa Ursula and her companions painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century P007633
The Lamentation painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value P007860
Christ the Saviour painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century P000576
Isabell die katholische painting by Peter de Hooch
No/unknown value 1490 P007656
Saint Anne, the Virgin and the Christ Child painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 15th century P000349
Saint John the Baptist painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 15th century P000520
Christ the Saviour painting by anonymous painter (Prado P02636) No/unknown value 1510 P002636
The Crucifixion derivated from painting by Rogier van der Weyden
No/unknown value 1513
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine, with Saint Ursula and a Donor painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1520 P001916
The Penitent Saint Jerome painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 15th century P008149
Philip II painting by the workshop of Titian
No/unknown value 15th century P000452
Man wearing an ermine Collar painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1555 P000413
Infernal Landscape painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1565 P002096
Boat in a Storm painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002161
The Aldobrandini Garden at Frascati painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value
Jan Both
16th century P002062
Portrait of a Lady painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002134
River Landscape with Riders and a Tower painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002067
Sailing Boat and Fishing Boat by the Coast painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P001581
Old Man with Book painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002078
Self-Portrait painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value P002808
Young Violinist painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002162
Christ the Saviour painting by anonymous painter (Prado P02363) No/unknown value 16th century P002363
Sailing Boats in a River Estuary painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P001582
Girl with a Barrel painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 16th century P002133
Saint John the Baptist painting by anonymous painter (Prado P03513) No/unknown value 16th century P003513
The Bronze Serpent painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P005100
Saint Anthony of Padua painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P003273
Saint Augustine meditating on the Trinity painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002811
Saint Peter weeping painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 16th century P003947
Denial of Saint Peter painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P004105
Tantalus painting by José de Ribera
No/unknown value 16th century P003784
Saint John the Baptist painting by anonymous painter (Prado P03344) No/unknown value 16th century P003344
Christ crucified painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 16th century P005379
Roman Charity painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P003866
Denial of Saint Peter painting by anonymous painter (Prado P05275) No/unknown value 16th century P005275
The Death of Seneca painting by workshop of Peter Paul Rubens
No/unknown value 160s P003048
Portrait of a Man painting by anonymous painter (Prado, P002167) No/unknown value 1620 P002167
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz painting by anonymous after El Greco
No/unknown value 1618 P000830
Saint Peter weeping painting by anonymous painter (Prado P08150) No/unknown value 16th century P008150
Luis de Góngora painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 16th century P001223
The Christian Soul accepts the Cross painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1630 P002365
Saint Augustine painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P001314
Landscape painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002978
View of the Waterfall at Tivoli, with Fishermen painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002068
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1647 P002984
Mariana de Austria in Prayer painting by Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez
No/unknown value 1655 P001222
The Immaculate Conception painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002915
Naval Battle painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 16th century P002144
Landscape with Rider painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 160s P002860
Saint Joseph’s Dream painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P003351
The Assumption of the Virgin painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P005321
Portrait of a Knight of the Order of Santiago painting by Louis-Michel van Loo
No/unknown value 17th century P003126
Warning against stealing books painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1700 P004059
Saint Peter weeping painting by anonymous painter (Prado P02846) No/unknown value 17th century P002846
Throat-cutting painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1808 P007110
Saint Anthony of Padua with the Infant Christ painting by anonymous painter (Prado P04676) No/unknown value 1850 P004676
Bullfight painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 18th century P003047
Dutch Lady painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century P002106
Cornelio Vandergoten painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1782
17th century
Selfportrait of GIanlorenzo Bernini (Copy) painting of Gianlorenzo Bernini in Prado No/unknown value 1630
Portrait of Isabel Clara Eugenia as a nun painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1700
16th century
The Girl with a Coin painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P001002
Dama veneciana painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century
16th century
Noah after the Flood painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000023
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000026
Spring painting by the workshop of Bassano
No/unknown value 15th century P000030
Winter painting by Bassano
No/unknown value 15th century P000031
Portrait of an Unidentified Boy painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1570 P000056
Penitent Magdalene painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P000100
La Oración en el Huerto painting by a follower of Giorgio Vasari
No/unknown value 16th century P000098
El tañedor de viola painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1540 P000055
La Flagelación painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000057
Comunión de Santa Teresa painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P000085
La Oración en el Huerto painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000114
Descanso en la Huida a Egipto o La Virgen de la escudilla painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000115
La Virgen del canastillo painting by anonymous
No/unknown value P000116
El Descendimiento o La Quinta Angustia painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century
15th century
Martirio de los santos Plácido, Flavia, Eutiquio y Victorino painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000118
Lágrimas de San Pedro painting attributed to Domenichino
No/unknown value 1640 P000133
David vencedor de Goliat painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P000164
Batalla de San Quintín copy of a painting by Luca Giordano
No/unknown value 17th century P000186
Prisión del condestable de Montmorency, en la Batalla de San Quintín copy of a painting by Luca Giordano
No/unknown value 17th century P000187
El Sitio de San Quintín copy of a painting by Luca Giordano
No/unknown value 18th century P000188
El Aire painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P000191
Tiziano y la Pintura o El Dibujo y la Pintura painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P000204
Saint John the Baptist replica of a painting by Guercino at the Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
No/unknown value 16th century P000207
Ein Evangelist painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P000221
Repudio de Agar painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P000260
Los desposorios místicos de Santa Catalina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000270
Lamentation of Christ with Saints painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000285
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist painting by anonymous after Andrea del Sarto
No/unknown value 15th century P000287
La Virgen con el Niño (La Virgen del gorrión) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1600 P000293
Portrait of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 150s
15th century
Sagrada Familia dell'Impannata painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000313
Sagrada Familia con San Juanito painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000314
La Virgen con el Niño painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000337
La Virgen con el Niño, San Juan y ángeles painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000339
San Juan Bautista painting by anonymous after Andrea del Sarto
No/unknown value 15th century P000340
La Virgen en oración painting by anonymous No/unknown value P000343
Ecce Homo painting after Sebastiano del Piombo No/unknown value 15th century P000347
Pietro de Medici (?) anonimous painting
No/unknown value 15th century P000367
El coronel Francisco Verdugo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000368
Personaje desconocido painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000375
Busto de hombre painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000376
La violencia de Tarquino painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000392
El Paraíso painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th millenium P000398
La Magdalena despojándose de sus vestiduras painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000403
Paolo Contarini painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000406
Rest on the Flight into Egypt painting by the workshop of Titian
No/unknown value 15th century P000435
Saint Margaret painting by the workshop of Titian
No/unknown value 1574 P000446
The Virgin in Contemplation painting by the school of Titian
No/unknown value 15th century P000449
Isabel d' Este Gräfin von Mantua copy of a painting after Titian No/unknown value 16th millenium P000451
Ferdinand I of Hungary and Bohemia painting by anonymous after Titian No/unknown value 15th century P000453
The Emperor Charles V with a Dog painting by anonymous after Titian
No/unknown value 15th century P000454
Retrato de dama desconocida painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000488
Virgin and Child with Saint Anne painting after Leonardo da Vinci (Museo del Prado)
No/unknown value 15th century P000505
Un eclesiástico painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1520 P000519
San Juan Evangelista painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000521
Retrato de hombre de 54 años painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000528
Pietro Bembo as prior of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P000529
Joven desconocido con un ramo de azahar en la mano derecha painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000530
Retrato de caballero de la Orden de Calatrava painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000532
Sagrada Familia con el dragón infernal painting by the workshop of Carracci No/unknown value 16th century P000541
Camino del Calvario painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P000548
Guillermo Ramón de Moncada marqués de Aytona painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P000553
La Virgen con el Niño painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000557
The Virgin Reading painting by anonymous, after Bernardino Luini
No/unknown value 15th century P000558
La Virgen con el Niño painting by anonymous (Prado P000559) No/unknown value 15th century P000559
La Última Cena painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P000560
El Entierro de Cristo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P000561
Los desposorios místicos de Santa Catalina painting by anonymous (P000565)
No/unknown value 1600 P000565
Puerto de mar painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P000570
The Adoration of the Shepherds painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P000578
Cristo mostrado al pueblo / La Virgen con el Niño painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1500 P000580
Cristo con la Cruz a cuestas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1543 P000584
Mariana de Austria reina de España painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P000665
El exorcismo painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 18th century P000747
Saint Eugenius painting by anonymous
No/unknown value
El Greco
16th century P000831
Magdalena Ruiz painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1580 P000862
Agustín Profit el Calabrés painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1590 P001276
Isabel de Francia primera esposa de Felipe IV painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001281
Partida de Jacob con sus rebaños painting by Pedro de Orrente
No/unknown value 16th century P001018
Portrait of Elisabeth of Bourbon, Queen of Spain painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1620 P001037
Cantor painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001066
San Francisco de Asís recibiendo los estigmas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001131
Don Juan de Austria painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century
San Andrés painting by José de Ribera (El Prado P001076)
No/unknown value 16th century P001076
Alonso Martínez de Espinar (¿?) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P001225
San Isidro en oración ante la Virgen de Atocha painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001229
Portrait of Eleanor of Austria painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P001265
Santa Lucía painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P001252
La Virgen con el Niño San Francisco y otros personajes painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001263
Portrait of a Conquistador painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1530 P001299
Vista de los jardines de la Casa de Campo con la estatua de Felipe III painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1634 P001288
Adoration of the Eucharist by the marquises of Poza painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th millenium P001302
Abrazo ante la Puerta Dorada y nacimiento de la Virgen painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001330
La Virgen del Rosario entre Santo Domingo y San Pedro Mártir painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001338
San Bartolomé San Pablo y San Andrés painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P001337
Visitación y Purificación painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001333
El Niño de la espina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001318
La Virgen niña hilando painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001319
Saint Jerome painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1630 P001312
The Transit of Mary Magdalene painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001316
Saint Ambrose painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1630 P001313
Saint Gregory the Great painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1630 P001311
River landscape painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001386
Puerto painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001445
The marqués de Leganés painting by anonymous after Anthony van Dyck No/unknown value 16th century P001497
Paisaje con peñasco y árboles painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001593
El archiduque Fernando II de Alemania con 42 años painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001626
The triumph of faith painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P001701
The four evangelists painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P001702
El cardenal-infante Fernando de Austria painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001704
Korb mit Trauben Fruit still-life by a scholar of Joris van Son No/unknown value 16th century P001779
Paisaje frondoso con Céfalo y Procris painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001850
Baile de aldeanos con gaiteros painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001840
El Descendimiento de la Cruz painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001894
El devoto y el distraído en misa painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1500 P001918
Guirnalda con florecillas y setas y escena de brujería painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001913
Miracle of Saint Anthony of Padua painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1500 P001917
La Idolatría de Salomón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001945
Joven santiaguista painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001955
Rodolfo II painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001948
Cristina de Dinamarca duquesa de Lorena; Claudia de Francia duquesa de Lorena y Cristina de Lorena duquesa de Florencia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1599 P001951
Antonieta de Lorena duquesa de Clèves; Catalina princesa de Lorena e Isabel de Lorena duquesa de Baviera painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1599 P001952
Guirnalda con la Sagrada Familia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001995
Margarita de Brederode y María de Montmorency painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001963
Visita de la reina de Saba a Salomón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001969
Luisa Enriqueta de Orange Nassau painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001978
Diana cazadora y sus ninfas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001972
Samuel Flamenco (¿?) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001976
Desembarco en un río con construcciones painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001988
Guirnalda de flores rodeando a la Sagrada Familia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001996
Festón de frutas y hortalizas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001999
Guirnalda con el Valor y la Abundancia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001997
Felipe Manuel de Saboya painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001980
Vánitas: mesa revuelta reloj espejo jarrones painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002000
Paisaje con gitana painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002012
Paisaje con pastor ganado y carro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002011
Paisaje con un río y una figura painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002005
Paisaje con caseríos un río y barcos painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002019
Paisaje con la Sagrada Familia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002006
Paisaje con arbolado lago y ruinas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002009
Paisaje con cabaña y campesinos painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002027
Paisaje con carro de heno painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002020
Caballero desconocido painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002037
Perspectiva de edificio clásico painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002036
Retrato de señora desconocida painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1550 P002222
Retrato de una infanta (La archiduquesa Leonora niña) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1655 P002228
Bajada de Cristo al seno de Abraham painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002158
La emperatriz Isabel Cristina de Brunswick painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P002276
Clementina Sobiesky painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P002275
Retrato de caballero vestido de negro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1564 P002221
Dama vestida como Diana painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002279
Los Desposorios de la Virgen painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002230
Paisaje con río helado y patinadores painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002168
Maria Carolina of Habsburg-Lorraine, Queen of Naples painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P002386
Anne Marie d'Orléans painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1684 P002420
Retrato de señora painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002373
Felipe conde palatino painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002411
Carlos II de Inglaterra painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1660 P002407
Louis of France the Grand Dauphin painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P002367
Luis III duque de Borbón painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century
16th millenium
Louis Alexandre de Borbón conde de Toulouse painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002403
Jacob y Raquel painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002361
María Luisa de Borbón y Sajonia painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1765 P002401
Anne of Austria, Queen of France painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P002404
Mary of Modena wife of James II painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002399
El Prendimiento de Cristo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002362
Jacobo II de Inglaterra painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002410
Carlos Manuel Víctor duque de Aosta painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P002389
Joven príncipe del tiempo de Luis XIV painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002418
Dama desconocida painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002372
Eleanor de' Medici, Duchess of Mantua painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P002405
Cabeza femenina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002585
Un clérigo difunto painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1640 P002572
Carlos II niño painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1665 P002534
Paisaje con la Magdalena orando painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002431
Dorotea Sofía de Neoburgo duquesa de Parma painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P002437
Paisaje con San Juan Bautista painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002432
La plaza de San Marcos en Venecia desde la Piazzetta painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002478
Cristo en la Cruz painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002529
Portrait of Maria de' Medici, Queen of France painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P002435
Un hijo de Francisco Ramos del Manzano painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002505
The Virgin Dolorosa painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002530
San Giorgio Maggiore y la Aduana de Venecia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002466
San Jerónimo penitente / Paisaje con un cazador y pescadores painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1550 P002551
Martirio de Santa Úrsula painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002517
Dejanira and Nessus (Ovid, Metamorphoses, IX, 111-123) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P002460
Santa Irene arranca las flechas a San Sebastián painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P002674
Agar e Ismael en el desierto painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002659
Proyecto de altar painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P002667
El músico Andre Ernest Modeste Gretry painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002651
Crucifixión painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P002679
Martirio de San Sebastián painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P002673
Vida y martirio de Santa Catalina (políptico) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1530 P002685
Liberación de San Pedro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002691
Santo degollado y dos donantes painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002681
Ángeles músicos painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002686
Paisaje con un molino de viento painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P002748
Cabeza de anciano painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002758
La Virgen de Carondelet painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002725
Jardín con flores y frutas painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P002760
Busto femenino painting by anonymous No/unknown value P002768
Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P002789
San Pedro y San Andrés painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P002829
Ecce Homo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002868
La Virgen San Bernardo y donante / Figura femenina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002859
El hermano Lucas Texero ante el cadáver de Bernardino de Obregón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1627 P002833
Paseo al borde del mar painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002810
Alonso Cano painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002830
Retrato de caballero painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P002790
Un caballo con vasijas de cobre y barro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002772
San Agustín con el ángel niño painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002941
Santa Teresa de Jesús painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002963
Martirio de San Esteban painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002914
El Estío painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002886
Bust of Joaquin Company painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1800 P002995
El rey David coronado painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002969
La Primavera painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002885
Florero painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003030
Amorcillos con guirnalda de flores painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003067
Retrato de muchacha painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003059
El Apóstol Santo Tomás painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003079
Retrato de dama con sus hijos painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003121
Santiago el Menor painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003080
Paisaje con San Juan Evangelista painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003163
La Virgen de la Soledad painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003190
Earth painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003196
Bodegón de aves painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003115
Water painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003197
Fire painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003198
San Jerónimo penitente painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003213
San Elías painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003101
La Santísima Trinidad painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003267
Cristo crucificado painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003275
Bodegón con melón alcachofas y copa de cristal painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003324
Paisaje con cazadores painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P003241
Retrato de señora con su hijo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 180s P003252
Paisaje painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century P003296
Santa Catalina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003292
San Nicolás de Bari painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003340
El estío painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003258
Un frutero (copia) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century P003301
Felipe V painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1700 P003332
The Annunciation painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003272
Ana de Austria reina de Francia esposa de Luis XIII painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003353
La Virgen y el Niño con San Jerónimo San Francisco San José San Agustín y don Fernando de Antequera painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003266
Un religioso mercedario predicando a cardenales y obispos painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003343
Jesucristo dándole la comunión a la Virgen painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1600 P003289
Bodegón con cardo guisantes cebollas cacharro de cobre painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003322
El Otoño painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003257
Benito Arias Montano painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P003325
San Sebastián painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003293
Isabel de Borbón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003333
Retrato de infante con una jaula painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003251
Isabel II painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 18th century P003298
La Virgen del Rosario painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003287
Abraham y los tres ángeles painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003329
Alonso de Ercilla (copia) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1887 P003414
El general Luis Fernández de Córdoba painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1880 P003459
San Pedro de Alcántara painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003518
Luis Vives painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P003461
The Woman taken in Adultery painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003395
Carlos IV rey de España painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century P003369
Don Manuel de Sada y Antillón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003434
Don Luis de Góngora y Argote (copia) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P003435
Don Francisco Saavedra painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1880 P003433
La mujer entre las dos edades painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1570 P003524
Amadeo I painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1871 P003383
San Isidro Labrador sacando milagrosamente a su hijo del pozo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003367
Lope de Vega (copia) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1887 P003464
Santo obispo adorando a la Virgen painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003473
Fernando VII rey de España painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 18th century P003370
Comunión de una santa carmelita painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P003365
Santa Catalina de Alejandría painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003479
Música en el vivac painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003648
Bodegón de pescado painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003728
Retrato ecuestre de caballero painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003716
Paisaje con caminantes painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003747
Galeazzo Maria Sforza VI duque de Milán painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003568
Bodegón de hortalizas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003690
Dos cupidos leyendo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003573
Escena de interior de taberna painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003651
Francisco Rovira painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1814 P003693
Vendedora de caza y frutas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003674
El conde de Gálvez painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003734
María Luisa de Borbón reina de Etruria painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1810 P003555
Bodegón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003692
Paisaje y patíbulo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003686
Jardín de un palacio con puente y personajes (Susana y los viejos) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003564
Mercado flamenco painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003721
Escena de puerto painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003665
Pedro II El Católico rey de Aragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P003952
La Virgen de Guadalupe painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003898
Marina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003821
Fumadores painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003757
Baco acompañado de ninfas y sátiros painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003829
La Virgen del Rosario y Santo Domingo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003903
San Joaquín Santa Ana y la Virgen niña painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003902
El enano Juan de Portilla (¿?) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P003872
Ximeno García II IV conde de Aragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P003953
Retrato de un niño painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003859
Venus vendando los ojos a Cupido painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003865
Andrómeda y el dragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003871
Niño con claveles en la mano painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003954
San Jerónimo sentado painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003808
Retrato de dama joven painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003884
Cupidos fabricando un arco: el Invierno painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003963
Isabel Farnesio reina de España painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003774
Allegory of Taste painting by José de Ribera, Prado
No/unknown value 16th century P003828
Jardín con personajes painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003789
Cabeza del Salvador painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003831
Mariano Roca de Togores y Carrasco I marqués de Molins ministro de Fomento painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 18th century P003908
Incendio del Monasterio de El Escorial en 1671 painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P004012
La Virgen de la silla painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P004075
Santo Entierro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004048
Jacob y Raquel en el pozo abrevando los rebaños painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004045
Carlos IV painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century P004071
Paisaje con Santa María Egipciaca y el monje Zósimo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004197
Bodegón de frutas y caza painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004002
Jacob en el pozo painting by Pedro de Orrente
No/unknown value 16th century P004044
La emperatriz Isabel de Portugal mujer de Carlos V painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P004020
Mary of Portugal (1527–1545) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P004019
Paisaje con un rio y un puente painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004049
Perspectiva con jardín painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P004013
Reconciliación de romanos y sabinos painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004005
Retrato de un arquitecto painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P004014
Don Quijote pronunciando el discurso de la Edad de Oro delante de los cabreros painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1840 P004444
La fragua de Vulcano painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1880 P004501
Retrato de hombre painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1865 P004611
Cabeza de hombre painting by anonymous No/unknown value 180s P004621
Jesucristo servido en la mesa por unos ángeles painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P004632
Santa Rosa de Lima painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004686
Santa Inés painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1769 P004699
Bárbara de Braganza reina de España painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P004730
Fernando VI rey de España painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1754 P004729
Escena dramática del siglo XVII painting by anonymous No/unknown value 180s P004704
Conquista y redccion de los indios painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004780
Martirio de Santa Catalina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004929
San Gabriel painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P008025
La Virgen anunciada painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P008024
The Holy Family with a Musician Angel Saints Catherine and Barbara painting by Maestro de Francfort
No/unknown value 15th century P008009
Paisaje con segadores painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005023
Perspectiva painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005013
Paisaje con río y puente y dos ermitaños painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005021
Paisaje con cazadores y perros siguiendo a un venado painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005019
Frutas y verduras painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005016
Alfonso IV El Benigno painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1634 P005042
Paisaje con cazadores río y un puente painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005012
Paisaje con laguna y palacio al fondo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005015
Paisaje con río y mujer ordeñando vacas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005014
Paisaje con figuras paseando painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005017
Visión de San Pedro de Alcántara painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P005052
El hijo pródigo recibiendo la legítima painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005022
San Pedro Regalado painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P005056
La caza del toro painting by anonymous after Rubens No/unknown value 16th century P005131
El Apóstol San Pedro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005191
San Judas Tadeo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005078
El Apóstol Santiago painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005176
Holy Family with Saint John in a Garland of Flowers painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P005178
Alegoría del mes de Noviembre con el triunfo de Diana painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005215
Alegoría del mes de Marzo con el triunfo de Minerva y el signo de Aries painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005213
The Conversion of Saint Paul painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005256
Aparición de la Virgen con el Niño a Santa Águeda painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P005277
Alegoría del mes de Mayo con el triunfo de Apolo y el signo de Geminis painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005218
Alegoría del mes de Julio con el triunfo de Júpiter y el signo de Leo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005220
Alegoría del mes de Agosto con el triunfo de Ceres y el signo de Virgo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005217
Alegoría del mes de Octubre con el triunfo de Baco y el signo de Escorpio painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005214
Alegoría del mes de Junio con el triunfo de Mercurio y el signo de Cáncer painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005219
Alegoría del mes de Septiembre con el triunfo de Vulcano y el signo de Libra painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005210
Alegoría del mes de Diciembre con el triunfo de Cibeles painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005211
Alegoría del mes de Febrero con el triunfo de Neptuno y el signo de Piscis painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005212
Alegoría del mes de Abril con el triunfo de Venus y el signo de Tauro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005216
Cristo atado a la Columna painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005312
Una marina con navíos painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005293
Jugadores de naipes painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005340
Portrait of Maria Luisa of Savoy, Queen of Savoy painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century
Self-Portrait of Titian painting by anonymous after Titian
No/unknown value 17th century P005448
Retrato ecuestre del príncipe Baltasar Carlos painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005439
Alejandro IV entregando la Bula de Unión a la Orden de Ermitaños de San Agustín painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th millenium P005508
El Juicio Final painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1650 P005505
Felipe IV El Grande painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005537
La Virgen y el Niño con Santa Ana y San Juanito painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005593
The Supper at Emmaus painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P005600
Narciso Clavería y Zaldúa conde de Manila painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 180s P005736
Bodegón con aceitunas painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005758
El coronel Joaquín Márquez de Prado painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1840 P005754
Cristo crucificado con la Virgen y San Juan painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P005753
Mesa de mercader painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005746
Niño tocando el laúd painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005812
Adoración de los Reyes Magos painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P005816
Fernando I El Honesto rey de Aragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005879
Pedro Sánchez I rey de Aragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005880
Aznar Galíndez I conde de Aragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005882
Galindo Aznárez conde de Aragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005868
García Sánchez II Abarca El Tembloroso painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005885
Felipe III El Piadoso y El Bueno painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1634 P005867
Juan I El Cazador painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005884
Alfonso III El Liberal o Juan II El Grande painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005886
García Íñiguez I II rey de Sobrarbe painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005873
Fortunio Garcés I III rey de Sobrarbe painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1634 P005874
Fortunio Ximénez conde de Aragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005878
Ramiro Sánchez I El Cristianísimo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005870
Íñigo Ximénez Arista painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005883
Sancho Garcés III El Mayor painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005888
Martín I El Humano rey de Aragón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005872
Jaime II El Justo rey de Aragón painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1634 P005866
García Íñiguez II VI rey de Sobrarbe painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005871
Juan II El Grande o Alfonso V El Sabio y Magnánimo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005887
Alfonso V El Sabio y Magnánimo o Alfonso III El Liberal painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005877
García Ximénez I I rey de Sobrarbe painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005869
Andrés García Camba painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1815 P005904
Alfonso IV El Benigno y Piadoso o Alonso Sánchez El Batallador painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P005889
Expedición de don Lope de Hoces al Brasil painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1636 P005945
Don Sebastián rey de Portugal painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P005995
Saints Peter and Paul painting by anonymous No/unknown value
Jorge Manuel Theocupulus
16th century P005998
Philip II in St. Quentin's Armour painting by anonymous after Anthonis Mor
No/unknown value 16th century P006083
Isabel la Católica painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P006080
Fernando el Católico painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P006081
Retrato de niña jugando con perrito painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P006172
Hunt at the Castle of Torgau in Honour of Ferdinand I painting after Lucas Cranach el Viejo No/unknown value 1612 P006175
Paisaje con un cazador y un perro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P006291
Carlota Joaquina de Borbón infanta de España reina de Portugal painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1787 P006350
Pasaje de la vida de un santo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P006521
Sagrada Familia con San Juanito y Santa Catalina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P006509
Escena religiosa painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P006587
Escena religiosa. San Pedro poniendo el birrete a un santo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P006586
Escena bíblica: el rey David painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P006723
Portrait of a woman in regional dress, holding a tray with pastries painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1567 P006716
Alegoría del mes de Enero con el triunfo de Jano painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P006966
María Benita de Braganza painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 17th century P007034
Cristo presentado al pueblo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P007033
Retrato de un abate painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P007036
El regreso del hijo pródigo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P007050
Don Juan José de Austria (¿?) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P007128
View of Real Sitio de Aranjuez painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1636 P007090
Vista del Monasterio de El Escorial painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P007083
Corrida de toros painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century P007388
Pedro III El Grande painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1634 P007422
Fernando El Católico painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P007428
Carlos I painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P007424
García Sánchez I Abarca painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P007425
Alonso II El Casto painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P007423
Sancho Garcés II Abarca y Galindo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P007427
Felipe II El Prudente painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P007426
Santa Cecilia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P007469
Martirio de San Acacio painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 150s P007635
Pedro IV El Ceremonioso painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1634 P007664
El Calvario painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P007689
Still Life with Fruit and Game painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1651 P007763
Kitchen Still Life painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1651 P007762
El cardenal don Pedro de Mendoza orando ante San Pedro painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P007802
Niño con uniforme militar painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1765 P008055
Trampantojo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P008245
Santa Teresa de Jesús painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P003393
Marina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004153
La Primavera painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P007155
Escena religiosa painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P006585
La Santísima Trinidad painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P003897
The Last Supper painting by anonymous after Titian No/unknown value 15th century P005146
La Última Cena painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003271
Florero painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P006890
Landscape with Hunters painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005020
La Virgen con el Niño painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P005421
Florero painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005302
San Jerónimo painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003143
San Elías painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003394
Florero painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003157
Isabel II painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 19th century P003460
La Virgen de Guadalupe painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P007443
Retrato de señora painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002932
Marina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P006505
La Última Cena painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003795
Paisaje con caminantes painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005018
Ana de Austria reina de Francia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002469
Rest on the Flight into Egypt copy of a painting by Federico Barocci No/unknown value 15th century P003323
Florero painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005301
Los desposorios místicos de Santa Catalina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005332
Descanso en la Huida a Egipto painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002018
La Dolorosa painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003581
Crucifixión painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002702
Bodegón painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P007193
Los cuatro evangelistas painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 16th century P001709
Rest on the Flight into Egypt painting by a pupil of Joachim Patinir No/unknown value 15th century P001613
San Juan Bautista painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P005197
The Adoration of the Shepherds painting by anonymous (El Prado P005315) No/unknown value 16th century P005315
The Adoration of the Shepherds painting by anonymous (El Prado P003283) No/unknown value 16th century P003283
The Conversion of Saint Paul painting by anonymous (El Prado P007687) No/unknown value 15th century P007687
The Virgin Dolorosa painting by anonymous (El Prado P003515) No/unknown value 16th century P003515
The Adoration of the Shepherds painting by anonymous (El Prado P005027) No/unknown value 16th century P005027
Penitent Magdalene painting by anonymous (El Prado P003793) No/unknown value 15th century P003793
Penitent Magdalene painting by anonymous (El Prado P003516) No/unknown value 16th century P003516
Earthly Paradise painting by the workshop of Bassano (El Prado P006164) No/unknown value 15th century P006164
Autumn painting by the workshop of Bassano (El Prado P003917) No/unknown value 15th century P003917
La Visitación painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P002714
Mesa revuelta painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P002001
Martirio de San Vicente. II painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P002671
Farmhouse with herd painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P001596
Tentaciones de San Antonio Abad painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century P001295
San Francisco de Asís painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P003762
Los Desposorios de la Virgen painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P003540
Batalla painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P004174
Luisa Fernanda de Borbón, Duchess of Montpensier, with a mantilla painting by anonymous after Franz Xaver Winterhalter
No/unknown value 18th century P006582
Felipe II rey de España painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P006722
San Francisco en oración painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century P007226
La hoguera painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century P007111
Marina painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century P008144
Coffered Ceiling painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1400 P008120
San Cristóbal / La Virgen anunciada (reverso) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002699
Adán y Eva / La Iglesia y la Sinagoga painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001944
Luis XIV rey de Francia painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1700 P002391
Portrait of Louis of France, Grand Dauphin painting by Hyacinthe Rigaud (El Prado P002390)
No/unknown value P002390
El emperador Carlos V painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P002705
San Francisco Javier bautizando indios painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1770 P004186
San Bernardo adorando a la Virgen con el Niño painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century P001931
Retrato masculino painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1760 P008053
Adoración de los Reyes Magos painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P002217
Retrato femenino painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1650 P008049
Retrato femenino painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1640 P008050
Retrato femenino painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1680 P008044
Retrato femenino painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1900 P008054
Sor María de Jesús de Ágreda painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century
16th century
Mariana de Austria reina de España painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1655 P008043
La Natividad painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 15th century P005419
Retrato masculino painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century
17th century
Retrato femenino painting by anonymous No/unknown value 19th century
18th century
Ramiro Sánchez II El Monje painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1634 P007429
The judgement of Midas (Ovid, Metamorphoses, XI, 146-169) 16th century
The victory of Truth over Heresy 1673
The banquet of Tereus (Ovid, Metamorphoses, VI, 647-674) 16th century
Deucalion and Pyrrha (Ovid, Metamorphoses, I, 313-415) 16th century
The rape of Proserpina (Ovid, Metamorphoses, V, 385-...) 16th century
Stilleven met vruchten, wijnglas en vlinders 160s
Descent from the Cross (Matthew 27: 58-66) 15th century
Portrait of an unknown general No/unknown value 16th century
Saint John the Baptist with Heinrich von Werl (left); Saint Barbara reading (right) painting related to Master of Flémalle, Museo Nacional del Prado (Madrid, Spain) 1438
Saint James and Saint Clara 14th century
Farm life and hunt 16th millenium
The Reconciliation of the Romans and Sabines painting in Prado museum No/unknown value 17th millenium
The Rape of the Sabines painting in the Prado Museum No/unknown value 17th millenium
Mercury 16th century
Hercules and the hydra (Ovid, Metamorphoses, IX, 69-74) 16th century
Diana 16th century
Berglandschap met reizigers No/unknown value 16th century
Zuidelijk landschap met twee badende vrouwen, een herderin en een reiziger bij een meer No/unknown value 16th century
Atlas 17th millenium
Portrait of Margaretha van Habsburg (1522-1586) 15th century
The raising of the cross 17th century
Portrait of a man, possibly Francisco Verdugo (1536-1595) No/unknown value 15th century
Hunting dogs rousing two bears and a deer on open field 17th millenium
Hunting dogs fighting with a wolf next to a dead deer 17th millenium
Hunting dogs fighting with a deer 17th millenium
Hunting dogs fighting with a leopard 17th millenium
Hunting dogs rousing two deer on open field 17th millenium
Hunt of the Hare painting by unknown Romanesque Painter, Spanish (12th century)
11th century
Altar frontal artwork by unknown Master, Catalan (active 13th century in Catalonia)
No/unknown value 12th century
Retable of St Christopher painting by unknown Master, Spanish (active in 14th century in Castile)
No/unknown value 13th century
St Vincent and a Donor painting by unknown Master, Spanish (active in 1450-1500 in Aragon)
No/unknown value 15th millenium
The Death of the Virgin painting by unknown Master, Spanish (active 1490-1500 in Castile)
No/unknown value 140s
The visitation
No/unknown value 15th millenium
Virgin and Child with Angels and Saints painting by unknown Master, Spanish (active 1400-1425 in Castile)
No/unknown value 14th century
Forest with a pond painting by Jan Brueghel (II) (1601–1678) and workshop
16th century P001384
The Palace of Coudenberg painting by Jan Brueghel (II)
1627 P001587
Portrait of Sir Thomas More 160s
So-called portrait of Charles Felix of Savoy, King of Sardinia
No/unknown value 1821 O00817
Charles V in Armour painting by anonymous after Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
No/unknown value 17th century P006082
Paul III with a prelate painting by anonymous after Perino del Vaga
No/unknown value 16th century P005599
Pope Benedict XIII painting by anonymous
No/unknown value 1729 P005487
Creation Adam and the Original Sin painting by unknown romanesque painter, Spanish (12th century)
11th century
Arroyo del Batán (Escorial) painting by Antonio Graner y Viñuelas
Antonio Graner Viñuelas 1887 P006631
Romería andaluza painting by B. de Martín (El Prado P006560) B. de Martín 1851 P006560
St. Francis in Prayer painting by Blas Muñoz (El Prado P005182)
Blas Muñoz 1681 P005182
José María Sánchez de Toca y Sáenz de Lobera ayo y bibliotecario de los duques de Osuna painting by Bosquetti (El Prado P004321) Bosquetti 1830 P004321
Don Juan de Austria (copia) painting by Camilo Iborra (El Prado P004077) Camilo Iborra 18th century P004077
María Cristina de Borbón painting by Carlos Blanco
Carlos Blanco 1834 P003371
Fernando VII painting by Carlos Blanco
Carlos Blanco 1828 P004067
Las flores de mayo painting by Cayetano Vallcorba y Mexía (El Prado P005048) Cayetano Vallcorba y Mexía 1892 P005048
Guirnalda de flores y frutas con la Piedad painting by Cornelius van Huynen
Cornelis van Huynen 16th century P002165
Guirnalda de frutas con la Sagrada Familia painting by Cornelius van Huynen
Cornelis van Huynen 16th century P002166
King Sebastian of Portugal painting by Cristóbal de Morales
Cristóbal de Morales 1572 P007709
Catalina de Austria reina de Portugal como Santa Catalina painting by Domingo Carvalho
Domingo Carvalho 16th century
Saint Francis of Assisi in ecstasy painting by El Greco
El Greco
No/unknown value
16th century
María Pía de Saboya reina de Portugal painting by F. Machado (El Prado P007378)
F. Machado 1871 P007378
El Pilar no se rinde painting by Federico Jiménez Nicanor (El Prado P006798)
Federico Jiménez Nicanor 1885 P006798
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Felipe Pablo de San Leocadio
Felipe Pablo de San Leocadio 1539 P008216
Still Life with Cardoon, Francolin, Grapes and Irises painting by Felipe Ramírez
Felipe Ramírez 1628 P002802
El cardenal Granvela painting by Ferdinand Frosch (El Prado P003887) Ferdinand Frosch 1879 P003887
Retrato del señor Gobbi painting by Foxler (El Prado P007026) Foxler 1853 P007026
Retrato de la señora Käslin painting by Foxler (El Prado P007189) Foxler 1853 P007189
Interior de la Iglesia de las Calatravas en Madrid painting by Francisco Hernández Tomé
Francisco Hernández Tomé 180s P003357
Interior de la Catedral de Toledo painting by Francisco Hernández Tomé
Francisco Hernández Tomé 180s P005467
Retrato de caballero painting by Francisco Rosales Francisco Rosales 1841 P002831
Paisaje de Filipinas painting by Francisco Ruibamba (El Prado P006278) Francisco Ruibamba 1887 P006278
Interior de las ruinas del templo de la Compañía de Jesús painting by Francisco Ruibamba (El Prado P007536) Francisco Ruibamba 1887 P007536
Paisaje con ruinas painting by Francisco Villegas (El Prado P003700) Francisco Villegas 1840 P003700
Paisaje painting by Francisco Villegas (El Prado P003841) Francisco Villegas 1840 P003841
Vendedora de madroños painting by Félix Iniesta Soto (El Prado P006643) Félix Iniesta Soto 1894 P006643
Alegoría del Buen Gobierno del infante Gabriel painting by G. Guacci G. Guacci 1790 P002850
Bodegón de frutas garrafa y vaso de vidrio painting by Gabriel Felipe de Ochoa Gabriel Felipe de Ochoa 1667 P007928
Un gato echado sobre un almohadón painting by Genaro Rodríguez Olavide (El Prado P006359)
Genaro Rodríguez Olavide 1876 P006359
Jarrón de flores con frutas painting by Genaro Rodríguez Olavide (El Prado P007868) Genaro Rodríguez Olavide 1877 P007868
Carlo Ludovico de Borbón-Parma painting by Giovanni Francesco Corsi (El Prado P004799) Giovanni Francesco Corsi 1802 P004799
El Nacimiento de la Virgen painting by Girolamo Bonini
Girolamo Bonini 16th century P000004
Anne Marie Louise of Orléans painting by Charles Beaubrun and Henri Beaubrun
Henri and Charles Beaubrun 1655 P002231
Marie de' Medici Queen of France painting by Charles Beaubrun and Henri Beaubrun
Henri and Charles Beaubrun 1655 P002233
Anne of Austria Queen of France painting by Charles Beaubrun and Henri Beaubrun
Henri and Charles Beaubrun 1659 P002234
Caballero con casaca painting by I. Rubio (El Prado P004629) I. Rubio 18th century P004629
Patio triste (Granada) painting by Joaquín González Ibaseta (El Prado P004177) Joaquín González Ibaseta 1917 P004177
La siesta painting by Joaquín González Ibaseta (El Prado P005514) Joaquín González Ibaseta 1908 P005514
Retrato de caballero painting by Joaquín González Ibaseta (El Prado P008075) Joaquín González Ibaseta 1910 P008075
Don Antonio Romero Ortiz painting by Joaquín Martínez Lumbreras (El Prado P005924)
Joaquín Martínez Lumbreras 1878 P005924
Cabeza de viejo painting by José Alarcón (El Prado P004213) José Alarcón 1880 P004213
Paisaje con ruinas y figuras painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P002946
Marina con naufragio painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P003552
Marina con las columnas de Hércules painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P003556
Marina painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P005286
Paisaje con ruinas clásicas painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P005281
Paisaje con ruinas painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P005285
Paisaje con vacas y cabras painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P005279
Paisaje con ruinas personajes y vacas painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P005287
Marina con escena de naufragio painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P005290
Paisaje con ruinas painting by José Carlos de Borbón (El Prado P005289) José Carlos de Borbón 17th century P005289
El camino de la gloria artística (boceto) painting by José González Bande José González Bande 1855 P004626
The path to artistic glory painting by José González Bande (Prado) José González Bande 1855 P006056
Paisaje painting by José Luciano Franco Cordero (El Prado P004275) José Luciano Franco Cordero 1890 P004275
María Cristina de Habsburgo con su hijo Alfonso XIII painting by José Martínez Bueno y Vilches (El Prado P006276)
José Martínez Bueno y Vilches 1896 P006276
Bodegón de cocina con caza y hortalizas painting by José María Corchón José María Corchón 18th century P002906
Bodegón de cocina con peces y hortalizas painting by José María Corchón José María Corchón 18th century P002905
Bodegón de caza y hortalizas con gallinas painting by José María Corchón José María Corchón 1852 P004155
Bodegón de caza y hortalizas painting by José María Corchón José María Corchón 1852 P004154
Bodegón de frutas painting by José María Corchón José María Corchón 1852 P007016
Bodegón de frutas painting by José María Corchón (El Prado P007156) José María Corchón 1852 P007156
Un bodegón painting by José María Estrada (El Prado P007432) José María Estrada 1862 P007432
Bodegón painting by José María Estrada (El Prado P007572) José María Estrada 1864 P007572
El cuarto de costura painting by José María Marqués Hernández (El Prado P007789) José María Marqués Hernández 1892 P007789
Ildefonso Pellico y Paniagua y su familia painting by José María Méndez y Andrés (El Prado P006952) José María Méndez y Andrés 1850 P006952
Vestal culpable painting by José María Soler (El Prado P006932) José María Soler 1886 P006932
Adoración de los Reyes Magos painting by José Mateos
José Mateos 1694 P003063
La Semana Santa en Andalucía painting by José Pueyo Matanza (El Prado P005596) José Pueyo Matanza 1904 P005596
El chiquillo painting by José Pueyo Matanza (El Prado P005932) José Pueyo Matanza 1901 P005932
La vuelta del trabajo painting by José Pueyo Matanza (El Prado P006304) José Pueyo Matanza 1909 P006304
Paisaje del Guadaíra en el momento de ser atravesado por ganado painting by José Ramill y Muñoz (El Prado P006575)
José Ramill y Muñoz 1871 P006575
Costa de Cataluña painting by José Teixidor Busquets (El Prado P006225) José Teixidor Busquets 1864 P006225
La fuente de la ermita (copia) painting by Juan Antonio Camacho (El Prado P006231) Juan Antonio Camacho 1872 P006231
Infanta Margarita Teresa in a Pink Dress painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 160s P001192
Watching the Hunt in Aranjuez painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1633
Vista de Zaragoza en 1647 painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1647 P000889
Portrait of Baltasar Carlos of Spain (1629-1646) painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1645 P001221
Democritus painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P001706
The Empress Doña Margarita de Austria in Mourning Dress painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1665 P000888
The calle de la Reina in Aranjuez painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 17th century
16th century
Deucalion and Pyrrha painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P005272
Diana und Acteon painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P000423
Diana entdeckt den Fehler der Calisto painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P000424
Edificio clásico con paisaje painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P001218
Paisaje con Mercurio y Herse painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1660 P001217
The Grand Lake in Buen Retiro painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1657 P001215
Figures on a balcony overlooking a park painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1657 P001216
The Arch of Titus in Rome painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1657 P001212
Apotheosis of Hercules painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P001369
Apollo as victor over Pan painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P001712
Pelea de perros y lobos painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P001773
Aves acuáticas y un lobo painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P001878
Boar attacked by hounds painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P002948
Mercury and Argus painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P003167
The Abduction of Proserpina painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P005269
Diana at the hunt painting by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 16th century P005262
Four Bunches of hanging Grapes painting by Juan Fernández "el Labrador"
Juan Fernández el Labrador 1636 P007903
Still Life with four Bunches of Grapes painting by Juan Fernández "el Labrador"
Juan Fernández el Labrador 160s
Vase of Flowers painting by Juan Fernández "el Labrador" Juan Fernández el Labrador 1635 P002888
Retrato de señora painting by Juan López (El Prado P004410) Juan López 1842 P004410
Altarpiece of Archbishop Sancho de Rojas painting by Juan Rodríguez de Toledo
Juan Rodríguez de Toledo 14th century P001321
Vista de Chiaia (Nápoles) painting by Juan Ruiz (El Prado P003836) Juan Ruiz 17th century P003836
The Man of Sorrows painting by Juan Sánchez de San Román
Juan Sánchez de San Román 1500 P007289
La Visitación de la Virgen a Santa Isabel painting by Juan de Tejerina
Juan Tejerina 1525 P002541
Saint Gregory painting by Juan de Nalda
Juan de Nalda 1500 P001329
San Francisco de Paula painting by Juan de Parla (El Prado P003968) Juan de Parla 1691 P003968
Truchimán painting by S Julia (El Prado P008247) Julia S. 1833 P008247
Paisaje de Filipinas painting by Julián Arístegui (El Prado P006273) Julián Aristegui 1887 P006273
Un frutero painting by Julián Sanz del Valle (El Prado P005966) Julián Sanz del Valle 1858 P005966
Allegory of the Education of Philip III painting by Justus Tiel
Justus Tiel 1590 P001846
Felipe II (copia) painting by Karol Svoboda (El Prado P004078) Karol Svoboda 1897 P004078
Rebaño painting by L. Romano (El Prado P004606) L. Romano 1860 P004606
La Purificación de la Virgen painting by León Picardo
León Picardo 15th century P002172
Paisaje con arquitectura painting by León Picardo
León Picardo 15th century P002173
The Annunciation painting by León Picardo
León Picardo 15th century P002171
Un niño dormido en la falda de su madre painting by Louis Lampe (El Prado P005953) Louis Lampe 1878 P005953
La nieta del marinero painting by Luis de Bertodano Luis Bertodano 1895 P005908
Tarde de otoño painting by Luis de Bertodano Luis Bertodano 1908 P007046
Grupo de toros célebres painting by Luis Juliá y Carrere Luis Juliá y Carrere 1876 P006255
El Lazarillo de Tormes painting by Luis Santamaría y Pizarro (El Prado P004937) Luis Santamaría y Pizarro 1887 P004937
Kitchen still life painting by Maestro S. B. Maestro S. B. 16th century P001990
The Visitation painting by Master of Perea
Maestro de Perea 1500 P002678
San Agustín de pontifical painting by Maestro de San Nicolás (El Prado P002684)
Maestro de San Nicolás 15th century
14th century
Saint Michael Archangel painting by Master of Zafra Maestro de Zafra 14th century P001326
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple painting by Master of the Sisla
Maestro de la Sisla 1500 P001257
The Death of the Virgin painting by Master of the Sisla
Maestro de la Sisla 1500 P001259
The Circumcision painting by Maestro de la Sisla (El Prado P001258)
Maestro de la Sisla 1500 P001258
The Visitation painting by Maestro de la Sisla (El Prado P001255)
Maestro de la Sisla 1500 P001255
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Maestro de la Sisla (El Prado P001256)
Maestro de la Sisla 1500 P001256
The Annunciation painting by Maestro de la Sisla (El Prado P001254)
Maestro de la Sisla 1500 P001254
The Apostle James painting by Maestro de la Visitación de Palencia Maestro de la Visitación de Palencia 1500 P001331
The Virgin Nursing the Child painting by Maestro de don Álvaro de Luna
Maestro de los Luna 1490 P001289
The Lamentation painting by Maestro de don Álvaro de Luna
Maestro de los Luna 1490 P002425
Saint Anthony of Padua painting by Maestro de don Álvaro de Luna
Maestro de los Luna 15th century P002574
Tríptico de la Flagelación painting by Maestro de don Álvaro de Luna
Maestro de los Luna 1495 P001291
The Nativity Triptych painting by Maestro del Tríptico del Zarzoso Maestro del Tríptico del Zarzoso 1450 P008184
Mauregato painting by Manuel Iglesias y Domínguez
Manuel Iglesias y Domínguez 1853 P006264
Wittiza, visigothic's king painting by Manuel Iglesias y Domínguez
Manuel Iglesias y Domínguez 1853 P007306
José María Queipo de Llano VII conde de Toreno (copia) painting by Manuel San Gil y Villanueva
Manuel San Gil y Villanueva 18th century
Luis Méndez Quijada (copia) painting by Manuel San Gil y Villanueva
Manuel San Gil y Villanueva 1877 P003432
Paisaje con un río painting by Marín (El Prado P006559) Marín 1930 P006559
Marina painting by Marín (El Prado P006558) Marín 1930 P006558
Crucifixión painting by Maestro de Astorga
Master of Astorga 15th century P003205
The Crucifixion painting by Master of Ávila
Master of Avila 1490 P002997
Saint Barbara painting by Maestro de Becerril
Master of Becerril 1520 P002682
El rey David painting by Maestro de Becerril
Master of Becerril 1525 P008021
Salomón painting by Maestro de Becerril
Master of Becerril 1525 P008019
Isaiah painting by Maestro de Becerril
Master of Becerril 1525 P008018
Ezequiel painting by Maestro de Becerril
Master of Becerril 1525 P008020
Retablo de la leyenda de Santa Lucía painting by Maestro de Estamariú Master of Estamariu 13th century P002536
Retablo de la leyenda de Santa Lucía painting by Maestro de Estamariú (El Prado P002535) Master of Estamariu 13th century P002535
The Baptism of Christ painting by the Master of Miraflores
Master of Miraflores 15th millenium
14th century
The Birth of Saint John the Baptist painting by the Master of Miraflores
Master of Miraflores 14th century P000706
The Arrest of Saint John the Baptist painting by the Master of Miraflores
Master of Miraflores 15th millenium
14th century
The Visitation painting by the Master of Miraflores
Master of Miraflores 140s
14th century
The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist painting by the Master of Miraflores
Master of Miraflores 15th millenium
14th century
Saint James the Apostle painting by the Master of Miraflores
Master of Miraflores 14th century
17th century
Saint John the Baptist Preaching painting by the Master of Miraflores
Master of Miraflores 15th millenium
14th century
Supper at Simon’s Home (fragment) painting by Master of Robredo Master of Robredo 1480 P002596
Christ washing the Disciples’ Feet painting by Maestro de San Esteve de Andorra Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra 12th century P008126
The Nativity painting by Master of Sigena
Master of Sigena 1519
The Altarpiece of the Virgin painting by Master of Torralba Master of Torralba 14th century P008121
La Trinidad rodeada de ángeles painting by Maestro de Velilla de Jiloca (El Prado P002666) Master of Velilla de Jiloca 1450 P002666
Tríptico de la Virgen del Rosario painting by Maestro de Ventosilla Master of Ventosilla 15th century P001306
El Nacimiento del Niño Jesús painting by Maestro de Ventosilla Master of Ventosilla 1530 P007737
Triptych with Scenes from the Life of Christ painting by Master of the Collins Hours
Master of the Collins Hours 140s
The Crucifixion painting by the Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine 14th century P002663
The Betrothal of the Virgin / Cristo Patiens painting by Maestro de la Leyenda de Santa Catalina Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine 14th century P002706
The Assumption of the Virgin painting by Maestro de las Once Mil Vírgenes
Master of the Once Mil Vírgenes 1490 P001328
Santa Úrsula con las once mil vírgenes painting by Maestro de las Once Mil Vírgenes
Master of the Once Mil Vírgenes 1490 P001293
Imposición de la casulla a San Ildefonso painting by Maestro de las Once Mil Vírgenes Master of the Once Mil Vírgenes 1490 P001294
The Coronation of the Virgin painting by Maestro de las Once Mil Vírgenes (El Prado P001290)
Master of the Once Mil Vírgenes 1490 P001290
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Master of the Prado Adoration of the Magi
Master of the Prado Adoration of the Magi 1463
14th century
Paisaje montañoso con caza del oso painting by Matías Jimeno Matías Jimeno 16th century P002004
Paisaje con palacio y atalaya painting by Matías Jimeno Matías Jimeno 16th century P003788
Mujer dando de beber a un jinete painting by Matías Téllez (El Prado P004809) Matías Téllez 1773 P004809
Altar frontal from Solanllong. Christ Pantocrator with the Tetramorph painting by Master of Lluça Mestre de Lluçà 12th century P008119
Del tablao painting by Miguel Martínez Jerez (El Prado P005709) Miguel Martínez Jerez 1908 P005709
Coro de religiosas (copia) painting by Miguel María Ocal Miguel María Ocal 1874 P006488
Predella with the Resurrection of Christ painting by Miguel Ximénez
Miguel Ximénez 14th century P002519
Saint Michael painting by Miguel Ximénez
Miguel Ximénez 14th century P006895
The Trinity painting by Miguel Ximénez
Miguel Ximénez 14th century P006893
Saint Catherine painting by Miguel Ximénez
Miguel Ximénez 14th century
14th millenium
Claustro de la catedral de Gerona painting by Narciso Casadevall Grau (El Prado P004264) Narciso Casadevall Grau 1895 P004264
La Dolorosa painting by Nicolau (El Prado P003580) Nicolau 15th century P003580
Frutas painting by Nicolás Colino Prieto (El Prado P005910) Nicolás Colino Prieto 1901 P005910
Señora sentada painting by P. Lucas (El Prado P004437) P. Lucas 1905 P004437
Alhamar rey de Granada rinde vasallaje al rey de Castilla Fernando III el Santo painting by Pedro González Bolívar (El Prado P005368)
Pedro González Bolívar 1883 P005368
Presentación de Dorotea a Don Quijote painting by Pedro González Bolívar (El Prado P006986)
Pedro González Bolívar 1881 P006986
Leatherback Sea Turtle painting by Pedro Juan Tapia Pedro Juan Tapia 1597 P003546
Inclusero painting by Rafael de la Torre y Estefanía (El Prado P005934) Rafael de la Torre Estefanía 1901 P005934
Luchar por la vida painting by Rafael de la Torre y Estefanía (El Prado P006634) Rafael de la Torre Estefanía 1895 P006634
Alfonso XII painting by Ramón García Espínola (El Prado P006274)
Ramón García Espínola 1875 P006274
San Pablo predicando en unas ruinas (copia) painting by Regino Páramo (El Prado P006713) Regino Páramo 1883 P006713
El príncipe Baltasar Carlos a caballo (copia) painting by Restituto Villar (El Prado P007223) Restituto Villar 19th century P007223
La lección del abuelo painting by Sandor Gestetner (El Prado P006663) Sandor Gestetner 1893 P006663
Vase of Roses and other Flowers painting by Santiago Alabert Santiago Alabert 1799 P007937
Vase of Roses and other Flowers painting by Santiago Alabert (Prado P07936) Santiago Alabert 1799 P007936
St. Vincent, deacon and martyr, with a donor painting by Tomás Giner
Tomás Giner 140s P001334
Patria y fe painting by Ubaldo Fuentes y Redondo (El Prado P003389) Ubaldo Fuentes y Redondo 1901 P003389
Landscape painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003697) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003697
Paisaje con ganado painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003675) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003675
Paisaje con un caminante y caballerías painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003676) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003676
Landscape painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003671) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003671
Paisaje con pescador y caminantes painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003698) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003698
Paisaje con pescadores y caminantes painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003709) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003709
Pastores con su rebaño painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003679) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003679
Hombre mutilado en un carrito painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003688) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003688
Landscape painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003673) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003673
Paisaje con dos personajes a caballo painting by Francisco Bonay (El Prado P003681) Vicente Bonay 17th century P003681
Un paisaje. Estudio de las provincias vascongadas painting by Vicente Rodríguez Ibáñez (El Prado P006222) Vicente Rodríguez Ibáñez 1864 P006222
Encuentro de Jacob con su prima Raquel que conducía el rebaño de su padre en actitud de descubrir el pozo para que beba el ganado painting by Víctor Esteban y Lozano (El Prado P006055)
Víctor Esteban y Lozano 1855 P006055
End of automatically generated list.


A timeline of paintings entering the Prado
#A timeline of paintings entering the Prado
SELECT ?starttime ?itemLabel ?image ?creatorLabel WHERE {
  ?item p:P195 ?collection .
  ?collection ps:P195 wd:Q160112 .
  ?collection pq:P580 ?starttime .
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 .
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?image } .
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P170 ?creator } .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
	bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
Try it!
A timeline of paintings in the Prado by year of creation
#A timeline of paintings in the Prado by year of creation
SELECT ?inception ?itemLabel ?image ?creatorLabel WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P195 wd:Q160112 .
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 .
  ?item wdt:P571 ?inception .
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?image } .
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P170 ?creator } .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
	bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
LIMIT 10000
Try it!