Wikidata:WikiProject African-German Phrases for Sub-Sahara Africa

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The African-German Phrases for Sub-Sahara African Countries is a fun project that focuses on translating Wikidata items and gathering lexical content on Sub-Saharan African languages in text and audio and adding them to Wikimedia Commons.

During the lifespan of this project, Volunteers will be trained to provide the translation equivalence of some words and phrases in their local languages which will be collected using LinguaLibre,, Spell4Wiki mobile application into Wikimedia Commons and then connected to the respective lexemes and Wikidata Items.

AfroLang is developed from the collaboration between Wikimedians of Cameroon User Group and the Go-ethe Institue Kamerununder the collaboration of all interested Goethe-Institut centers in Sub-Saharan Africa.


  • The primary goal of this project is to build a wide lexicological scope of Sub-Sahara African languages aiming at (while setting the base for potential AI projects) building an interlingual electronic dictionary combining African languages and German. Thus the project management will gather available bilingual dictionaries and build a community with local languages institutions to process and enter the items online. The design of the appropriate app will intervene later.
  • Build a community of language groups with intention of making these languages active editing languages on Wikipedia and other projects.
  • Other goals may include:
- Building teaching material for basic schools which are customized in the languages spoken in a particular area
- Engaging language communities who read, write and speak languages to join the project
- ...



To bridge the huge content gap and make visible and accessible more knowledge about African languages on Wikipedia and other sister projects. This will be done in two phases: Collecting words and audio equivalent for already existing words which have not yet been translated into the languages concerned. This information will be used in the second phase to build a supportive software which will be used by institutions and individuals to showcase, learn and teach these languages.


  1. Duala (Q33013)
  2. Kenyang (Q35650)
  3. Bafia (Q34930)
  4. Fut (Q34888)
  5. Baka (Q2880165)
  6. Kogo (Q34866)
  7. Bamum (Q35280)
  8. Basaa (Q33093)
  9. Ekoi (Q35296) - Ejagham
  10. Ewondo (Q35459)
  11. Fe'fe' (Q35276)
  12. Gbaya (Q3099986)
  13. Ghomala' (Q35271)
  14. Isu (Q107695280)
  15. Kera (Q56251)
  16. Kom (Q1656595)
  17. Kwasio (Q34098)
  18. Nso (Q35788)
  19. Makaa (Q107695449)
  20. Medumba (Q36019)
  21. Bakaka (Q107695495)
  22. Moundang (Q36032)
  23. Nda’nda’ (Q36016)
  24. Mankon (Q6750551)
  25. Ngiemboon (Q36286)
  26. Ngombale (Q107695546)
  27. Mandi (Q13479983)
  28. Gunu (Q36358)
  29. Cameroon Pidgin (Q107695606)
  30. Tuki (Q36621)
  31. Nen (Q36632)
  32. Vute (Q36897)
  33. Yambeta (Q8048020)
  34. Yemba (Q36917)

Proposed Wikidata Items


The following items have been proposed to be translated in the selected languages:

hello (Q12068060), hello (Q12068060), greeting (Q45594), Quoi de Neuf (Q7272836), farewell (Q101044775), See You Tomorrow (Q85800222), Who Is It (Q398491), See You Tomorrow (Q85800222), zero (Q204), 1 (Q199), 2 (Q200), 3 (Q201), 4 (Q202), 5 (Q203), 6 (Q23488), 7 (Q23350), 8 (Q23355), 9 (Q19108), 10 (Q23806), 11 (Q37136), 12 (Q36977), 13 (Q37141), 14 (Q38582), 15 (Q38701), 16 (Q40254), 17 (Q40118), 18 (Q38712), 19 (Q39850), 20 (Q40292), 21 (Q712477), 30 (Q42817), 40 (Q42317), 50 (Q712519), 60 (Q79998), 70 (Q712514), 80 (Q712467), 90 (Q239346), 100 (Q37413), 200 (Q713744), 1000 (Q43016), 1,000,000 (Q38526), Monday (Q105), Tuesday (Q127), Wednesday (Q128), Thursday (Q129), Friday (Q130), Saturday (Q131), Sunday (Q132), January (Q108), February (Q109), March (Q110), April (Q118), May (Q119), June (Q120), July (Q121), August (Q122), September (Q123), October (Q124), November (Q125), December (Q126), when? (Q20656450), Q19174467, Q3015422, S’il vous plaît! (Q2382908), gratitude (Q2728730), right (Q14565199), left (Q13196750), bush taxi (Q3516378), neighborhood (Q123705), Q18414437, fish (Q152), beef (Q192628), pork (Q191768), vegetable (Q11004), egg as food (Q93189), cooking banana (Q165449), Dioscorea (Q71549), cassava root (Q43304555), potato (Q16587531), water (Q283), fruit juice (Q20932605), lemonade (Q893), wine (Q282), doughnut (Q192783), cake (Q13276), peanut (Q37383), porridge (Q186817), Phaseolus vulgaris (Q42339), headache (Q86), neck pain (Q3567802), fever (Q38933), I Feel Good! (Q85768531), I love you (Q26186450)

Proposed Lexical categories


The following categories will be used for all the lexemes in the languages:

Data Resources




  1. Eugene233
  2. Mndetatsin
  3. EYo237
  4. Ritzylaura
  5. Bile rene
  6. Chiajelvis
  7. Akopoly
  8. Modjou


  • Reaching out to communities which support these languages
  • Getting the right set of volunteers to train on editing Wikidata


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  1. Kenyang lexicon
  2. Dictionnaire Duala-Français
  3. Webonary platform


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