KormiSKbot (talk • contribs • new items • new lexemes • SUL • Block log • User rights log • User rights • xtools)
Operator: KormiSK (talk • contribs • logs)
Task/s: Linking newly created pages on SKWiki to the appropriate Wikidata items.
Code: Don't currently have one, I often use PAWS to write short codes online.
Function details: When I create multiple pages for SKWiki, such as Categories, I want to quickly link them using Wikidata to the appropriate items to connect them to ENWiki and other Wikis. Bot permissions on Wikidata would let me do this automatically instead of manually. Here is an example. I intend to run the bot manually when needed, not automatically. --KormiSK (talk) 12:18, 10 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]