User:PKM/Museum cutlery

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Master list of items that are <instance of> cutlery (Q81944) or one of its subclasses, sorted by collection.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P31/(wdt:P279)* wd:Q81944 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en" } }
image label item instance of creator collection
Shamoji Q1191080 rice paddle
Fischfangglocke Q1420186 ladle
fourchette à salade Q17628525 cutlery
Лыжка з Давыд-Гарадка Q18015578 spoon
Лыжка з Полацка Q18015579 spoon
dessert fork Q19372483 fork
dessertkniv Q19372484 cutlery
spisegaffel Q19389913 cutlery
Skjelaup Q21899349 cutlery
2 cuillères à Ribeauvillé Q29114460 spoon
9 cuillères à Ribeauvillé Q29114461 spoon
cuiller au Puy-en-Velay Q29124928 spoon
cuiller à Randan Q29127798 spoon
cuiller à encens à Avranches Q29130390 spoon
cuiller à encens à Avranches Q29130394 spoon
cuiller à Bellême Q29133030 spoon
ensemble de 5 cuillers à café à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134088 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134089 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134092 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134096 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134099 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134103 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134106 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134108 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134111 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134114 spoon
cuiller à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134117 spoon
cuiller à servir à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134119 spoon
cuiller à servir à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134120 spoon
petite louche à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134121 ladle
grosse louche à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134122 ladle
louche à Alise-Sainte-Reine Q29134123 ladle
3 cuillers à Dijon Q29134204 spoon
cuiller à Dijon Q29134206 spoon
cuiller à Dijon Q29134207 spoon
cuiller à Dijon Q29134209 spoon
louche à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138384 ladle
cuiller à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138386 spoon
cuiller à soupe à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138401 spoon
cuiller à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138403 spoon
3 fourchettes à servir à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138405 fork
cuiller à sucre à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138406 spoon
louche à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138408 ladle
cuiller à pot à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138410 spoon
4 cuillers à pot à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138411 spoon
cuiller à pot à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138412 spoon
louche à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138413 ladle
louche à Chalon-sur-Saône Q29138414 ladle
ensemble de 4 louches à Tournus Q29138620 ladle
2 écumoires à Tournus Q29138621 skimmer
cuiller à encens à Hengoat Q29145061 spoon
cuiller à encens à Plélo Q29147341 spoon
cuiller à encens à Bon Repos sur Blavet Q29147677 spoon
cuillère à ragoût à Landerneau Q29150981 spoon
cuillère à Landerneau Q29150982 spoon
cuillère à Landerneau Q29150983 spoon
cuillère à Landerneau Q29150984 spoon
petite cuillère à Landerneau Q29150985 spoon
cuillère à Landerneau Q29150986 spoon
cuillère à Landerneau Q29150987 spoon
cuillère à encens à Commana Q29151275 spoon
cuiller à encens à Taulé Q29151853 spoon
cuiller à encens à Hanvec Q29152124 spoon
cuiller à encens à Bruc-sur-Aff Q29154296 spoon
cuiller à encens à Vern-sur-Seiche Q29154687 spoon
cuiller à encens à Rennes Q29155035 spoon
cuiller à encens à Rennes Q29155038 spoon
cuiller à encens à Saint-Nolff Q29156604 spoon
cuiller à encens à Saint-Jean-Brévelay Q29156634 spoon
cuiller à encens à Moustoir-Remungol Q29157576 spoon
écumoire à Bourges Q29158820 skimmer
cuiller à Saint-Amand-Longpré Q29172178 spoon
cuiller eucharistique (disparue) à Troyes Q29178434 spoon
cuiller à encens (spatule) (service du sacre de Charles X) à Reims Q29183149 spoon
cuiller à Dole Q29194587 spoon
6 cuillers à Dole Q29194589 spoon
7 cuillers à Dole Q29194592 spoon
louche à Dole Q29194594 ladle
15 cuillers à Dole Q29194595 spoon
louche à Salins-les-Bains Q29194753 ladle
cuiller à encens à Peintre Q29195236 spoon
cuiller à encens à Montmirey-le-Château Q29195526 spoon
cuiller à encens à Villersexel Q29200340 spoon
cuiller à Bernay Q29205883 spoon
16 cuillers à sel dans le 7e arrondissement de Paris Q29214331 spoon
4 cuillers à sucre en poudre dans le 7e arrondissement de Paris Q29214333 spoon
2 cuillers à olives dans le 7e arrondissement de Paris Q29214334 spoon
2 cuillers à moutarde dans le 7e arrondissement de Paris Q29214335 spoon
4 cuillers à glace dans le 7e arrondissement de Paris Q29214336 spoon
16 cuillers à compote dans le 7e arrondissement de Paris Q29214337 spoon
88 cuillers à café dans le 7e arrondissement de Paris Q29214338 spoon
88 cuillers à dessert dans le 7e arrondissement de Paris Q29214339 spoon
cuiller à encens à Étampes Q29220278 spoon
cuiller à encens à Villalier Q29225444 spoon
cuiller à encens à Roquefeuil Q29225743 spoon
cuiller à encens à Gaja-et-Villedieu Q29226103 spoon
cuiller à encens à Carcassonne Q29226595 spoon
2 cuillers à encens à Montréal Q29227077 spoon
cuiller à encens à Montferrand Q29227175 spoon
cuiller à encens à Malras Q29227255 spoon
cuiller à encens à Limoux Q29227361 spoon
cuiller à encens à Carcassonne Q29228403 spoon
cuiller à Montpellier Q29231985 spoon
cuiller à Montpellier Q29231992 spoon
louche à puiser de l'eau à Montpellier Q29232009 ladle
cuiller eucharistique à Nissan-lez-Enserune Q29232443 spoon
cuiller à encens à Nissan-lez-Enserune Q29232444 spoon
cuiller à encens à Nissan-lez-Enserune Q29232447 spoon
ensemble de 2 cuillères à encens à Béziers Q29232562 spoon
louchette eucharistique à Béziers Q29232589 spoon
cuiller à encens à Cesseras Q29234853 spoon
cuiller à La Canourgue Q29238319 spoon
cuiller à encens à Verdun Q29256323 spoon
cuiller à encens à Castillon-en-Couserans Q29260567 spoon
cuiller à encens à Rodez Q29261967 spoon
cuiller à encens à Escanecrabe Q29263977 spoon
cuiller à Toulouse Q29264748 spoon
cuiller à encens à Saint-Béat Q29264976 spoon
cuiller à Montauban Q29269411 spoon
cuiller à encens à Auvillar Q29269717 spoon
cuiller à encens à Valenciennes Q29271173 spoon
cuiller à encens à Hesdin Q29273564 spoon
cuiller à encens à Mésanger Q29276192 spoon
cuiller (cuiller de baptême) à Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux Q29276407 spoon
cuiller à encens à Soudan Q29277707 spoon
cuiller à encens de l'église Saint-Pierre d'Ancenis Q29278074 spoon
cuiller à encens à Saint-Florent-le-Vieil Q29278931 spoon
12 cuillères à Beaufort-en-Anjou Q29279345 spoon
cuillère à Beaufort-en-Anjou Q29279352 spoon
2 cuillères à Beaufort-en-Anjou Q29279353 spoon
cuillère à Beaufort-en-Anjou Q29279354 spoon
cuiller à encens à Angers Q29279560 spoon
cuiller à encens à Essarts en Bocage Q29283466 spoon
cuiller à encens à Chavagnes-en-Paillers Q29283510 spoon
cuiller à encens à La Chapelle-Hermier Q29283526 spoon
cuiller à encens à Aizenay Q29283603 spoon
cuiller à encens à Saint-Mars-la-Réorthe Q29283748 spoon
cuiller à encens aux Herbiers Q29284047 spoon
cuiller à encens à Oisemont Q29294779 spoon
4 cuillers à La Rochefoucauld Q29296665 spoon
cuiller à médicament à La Rochefoucauld Q29296667 spoon
cuiller à encens à La Couarde-sur-Mer Q29297420 spoon
20 cuillers à La Rochelle Q29298208 spoon
10 fourchettes à La Rochelle Q29298210 fork
écumoire à Bourg-en-Bresse Q29328344 skimmer
cuiller à encens à Vénosc Q29332201 spoon
3 louches à Beaujeu Q29334498 ladle
2 cuillers à Villefranche-sur-Saône Q29335038 spoon
cuiller à Villiers-le-Bâcle Q29340649 spoon
cuiller à olives 1 Q90234112 spoon
cuiller, dite cuiller à ragoût 1 Q90234120 spoon
cuiller, dite cuiller à ragoût 2 Q90234122 spoon
cuiller, dite cuiller à saupoudrer 1 Q90234125 spoon
fourchette à servir Q90235074 fork
cuiller, dite cuiller à saupoudrer 2 Q90235328 spoon
ensemble de 12 cuillers et 12 fourchettes Q90235334 spoon
ensemble de 3 cuillers et 3 fourchettes Q90235339 spoon
ensemble d'une cuiller et d'une fourchette Q90235645 spoon
cuiller à servir Q90574034 spoon
cuiller à soupe Q90805118 spoon
cuiller à soupe Q90805122 spoon
douze cuillers à soupe et douze fourchettes de table Q90805125 spoon
douze cuillers à soupe et onze fourchettes de table Q90805128 spoon
huit cuillers à café Q90805132 spoon
six cuillers à café Q90805135 spoon
louche Q90807271 ladle
louche Q90807273 ladle
cuiller à soupe Q90809113 spoon
trois cuillers à café Q90809125 spoon
cinq cuillers à café Q90810398 spoon
six cuillers à soupe et six fourchettes de table Q90810958 spoon
Ramen Spork (Sugakiya) Q106699746 spork
Sieblöffel Q108651239 spoon
World's Largest Rice Scoop Q109594713 Shamoji
Coppine Q115627714 physical tool
Münzlöffel Q116318703 spoon
plastic ice cream spoon Q117222223 serving spoon
Ladle Q119241312 ladle
Cooking fork Q119241399 fork
Cooking fork Q119241474 fork
Spoon Q119241475 spoon
Spoon Q119241476 spoon
Spoon Q119241477 spoon
Spoon Q119241478 spoon
Earspoon Q119241517 ear pick
Spatula spoon Q119241532 spoon
Earspoon Q119245437 ear pick
Spoon Q119245448 spoon
Spoon Q119245690 spoon
Spoon Q119245871 spoon
military mess kit Q121034009 cutlery
rusty fork Q61635647 archaeological find
Aboa Vetus Ars Nova
Капавушка з Навагрудка Q17484705 ear pick
Belarusian National History and Culture Museum
Forquilla inv 2510 Q30241866 fork Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Forquilla de Filipines Q30241871 fork Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Wooden spoon Q56811440 wooden spoon Coleção Celenia Pires Ferreira
Wooden spoon 2 Q56811441 wooden spoon Coleção Celenia Pires Ferreira
Lepel Estétique Q62117835 spoon Clement Philippen DIVA museum
Koffielepel 228 Moderne Q62117839 spoon Wolfers Frères DIVA museum
Mes Q112597908 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes Q112597909 cutlery DIVA museum
Drie lepels en drie vorken Q112597915 cutlery DIVA museum
Dessertlepel Q112597917 cutlery DIVA museum
Dessertvork Q112597918 cutlery DIVA museum
Dessertmes Q112597919 cutlery DIVA museum
Drie lepels en één vork Q112597920 cutlery DIVA museum
Twee vorken Q112597921 cutlery DIVA museum
Ragoutlepel Q112597923 cutlery DIVA museum
Twee koffielepels Q112597924 cutlery DIVA museum
Koffielepel Q112597926 cutlery DIVA museum
Zes koffielepeltjes Q112597931 cutlery Coenraad Stoker DIVA museum
Suikertang Q112597936 cutlery DIVA museum
Slavork Q112597940 cutlery DIVA museum
Taartschep Q112597941 cutlery DIVA museum
Soeplepel Q112597942 cutlery DIVA museum
Mosterdlepel Q112597957 cutlery DIVA museum
Visopdiencouvert Q112598013 cutlery DIVA museum
Suikerstrooilepel Q112598015 cutlery DIVA museum
Botermes Q112598019 cutlery DIVA museum
Botermes Q112598020 cutlery DIVA museum
Mosterdlepel of zoutlepel Q112598027 cutlery DIVA museum
Dienlepel Q112598036 cutlery DIVA museum
Vier eierlepels Q112598037 cutlery DIVA museum
Zoutschepje Q112598052 cutlery DIVA museum
Vorkje Q112598057 cutlery DIVA museum
Theezeefje Q112598063 cutlery DIVA museum
Theelepelset 102 in foedraal Q112598075 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel en vork Q112598076 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel Q112598077 cutlery DIVA museum
Vork Q112598079 cutlery DIVA museum
Visbestek Q112598103 cutlery DIVA museum
Jachtvork Q112598143 cutlery DIVA museum
Theeschep Q112598184 cutlery DIVA museum
Bestek in foedraal Q112598223 cutlery DIVA museum
Mesheft Q112598235 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes en vork Q112598236 cutlery DIVA museum
Paar braadvorken Q112598342 cutlery DIVA museum
Doosje met zes lepeltjes Q112598446 cutlery DIVA museum
Dessertbestek Q112598520 cutlery DIVA museum
Pollepel Q112598524 cutlery DIVA museum
Visspaan Q112598527 cutlery DIVA museum
Jachtbestek in foedraal Q112611830 cutlery DIVA museum
Jachtbestek in foedraal Q112611831 cutlery DIVA museum
Twee lepeltjes Q112611875 cutlery DIVA museum
Vier lepeltjes Q112611876 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepeltje Q112611879 cutlery DIVA museum
Twee zoutlepeltjes Q112611880 cutlery DIVA museum
Dessertlepel Q112611882 cutlery DIVA museum
Soeplepel Q112611887 cutlery DIVA museum
Roomlepel Q112611888 cutlery Pierre Hendrickx DIVA museum
Roomlepel Q112611889 cutlery Joseph Germain Dutalis DIVA museum
Suikertang Q112611893 cutlery Nicolas Mathieu Jeanne DIVA museum
Suikertang Q112611894 cutlery DIVA museum
Vork Q112611895 cutlery Ignace Courtois DIVA museum
Lepel Q112611896 cutlery DIVA museum
Acht messen Q112612094 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel en vork 'Baguette uni N° 12' Q112667105 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes Q112667107 cutlery DIVA museum
Theezeeflepel Q112667646 cutlery Humphrey Payne DIVA museum
Kinderlepel Q112667661 cutlery DIVA museum
Aardbeienschep Q112667693 cutlery Emile Anthony DIVA museum
Dienbestek met etui Q112667695 cutlery Emile Anthony DIVA museum
Jachtbestek in foedraal (S1647) Q112675687 cutlery DIVA museum
Suikertang (S2005/39) Q112675711 cutlery Philippe Pierre Lombaerts DIVA museum
Soeplepel (S2005/66) Q112675715 cutlery DIVA museum
Soeplepel (S2005/67) Q112675716 cutlery Philippus Mys DIVA museum
Botervorkje (S2005/77) Q112675717 cutlery DIVA museum
Zoutlepel (S2005/85) Q112675719 cutlery Pierre Gabriël Germain Dutalis DIVA museum
Kelklepel of mosterdlepel (S2005/88) Q112675720 cutlery D. Marchand DIVA museum
Roomlepel (S2006/26) Q112675721 cutlery Maurice Joseph Evrard DIVA museum
Lepeltje (S2006/27) Q112675722 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepeltje (S2006/28) Q112675723 cutlery Dieudonné Alexandre Joseph Bodart DIVA museum
Lepeltje (S2006/45) Q112675724 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepeltje (S2006/46) Q112675725 cutlery DIVA museum
Vork (S2007/14) Q112675726 cutlery Toussaint Brunel DIVA museum
Vork (S2007/15) Q112675727 cutlery Corneille François Thomas DIVA museum
Vork (S2007/16) Q112675728 cutlery F.M. Baert DIVA museum
Lepel (S2007/17) Q112675729 cutlery Petrus Josephus Mahieu DIVA museum
Lepel (S2007/18) Q112675730 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S2007/19) Q112675731 cutlery DIVA museum
Twee lepels (S2007/20) Q112675732 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S2007/21) Q112675733 cutlery DIVA museum
Dienbestek (S2007/22) Q112675734 cutlery Josef Carl Klinkosch DIVA museum
Taartschep (S2007/4) Q112675739 cutlery Pierre-Louis Deshorgnies DIVA museum
Lepel (S2007/7) Q112675741 cutlery Mathieu Haynau DIVA museum
Lepel (S2007/8) Q112675742 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S2007/9) Q112675743 cutlery Antoine Warquant DIVA museum
Soeplepel (S2008/3) Q112675745 cutlery Charles Hombroeck DIVA museum
Vork (S2008/4) Q112675746 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S2008/5) Q112675747 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S2008/8) Q112675749 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S2008/9) Q112675750 cutlery DIVA museum
Soeplepel (S2009/14) Q112675752 cutlery DIVA museum
Vork (S514) Q112675763 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S515) Q112675764 cutlery DIVA museum
Vork (S5492) Q112675769 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S66/8) Q112675784 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes (S71/14) Q112675797 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes (S71/16) Q112675798 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes (S71/23) Q112675799 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes (S71/24) Q112675800 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes (S71/30) Q112675801 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes (S71/31) Q112675802 cutlery DIVA museum
Mes (S71/53) Q112675803 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S71/68) Q112675806 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S71/70) Q112675807 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S71/71) Q112675808 cutlery Daniël Dor DIVA museum
Lepel (S75/7) Q112675848 cutlery DIVA museum
Twee messen (S75/95) Q112675858 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S89/13) Q112675882 cutlery Jacobus IV Joannes Benedictus Mertens DIVA museum
Vork (S93/16) Q112675897 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S93/18) Q112675898 cutlery DIVA museum
Vork (S94/1) Q112675899 cutlery Marcus Antonius Angermille DIVA museum
Vork (S94/10) Q112675900 cutlery Pieter Lucq DIVA museum
Vork (S94/29) Q112675904 cutlery Adrianus J.J. van de Wetering DIVA museum
Suikertang (S94/5) Q112675906 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S94/9) Q112675907 cutlery Pieter Lucq DIVA museum
Lepel (S95/15) Q112675909 cutlery Jean-Joseph Binon DIVA museum
Lepel (S95/16) Q112675910 cutlery Guillaume-Gaspard Velez DIVA museum
Lepel (S96/12) Q112675913 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S96/13) Q112675914 cutlery Jan Jacob van Campenhoudt DIVA museum
Vork (S96/14) Q112675915 cutlery Anthone van der Meersch DIVA museum
Vork (S96/16) Q112675916 cutlery Charles Denys DIVA museum
Zes dessertvorken (S96/21) Q112675917 cutlery Jan Baptist Verberckt (I) DIVA museum
Paar suikerstrooilepels (S96/22) Q112675918 cutlery Jan Baptist Verberckt (I) DIVA museum
Pollepel (S97/13) Q112675923 cutlery DIVA museum
Lepel (S97/14) Q112675924 cutlery DIVA museum
Cosmetic Spoon: Young Girl Swimming Q5174011 spoon
No/unknown value Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Spoon as bound ibex-N 1665 Q56239978 kohl spoon
No/unknown value Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Spoon as bound oryx-E 3678 Q56242182 kohl spoon
No/unknown value Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Shell shaped spoon-N 1328 Q58391745 spoon
archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Kohl spoon-N 1725 C Q66087911 figurine
archaeological artifact
Egyptian kohl spoon
No/unknown value Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
swimmer-shaped kohl spoon, Louvre E11122 Q67499946 spoon
archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Louvre N 1735 Q115492811 spoon Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Spoon in the Form of a Young Girl Carrying a Vase E 8025 bis Q115611308 spoon Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Cuiller à fard en forme de jeune femme nageant Q119359824 Egyptian kohl spoon Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Cuiller à fard à la nageuse tenant un canard Q119942881 Egyptian kohl spoon Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Cuiller à fard en forme de gazelle Q124733550 Egyptian kohl spoon
Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Coupelle en forme de chien couché Q125347643 Egyptian kohl spoon
cup with stem
Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Louvre Br 4913 Q44201335 ladle
archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre
Louvre Br 3060 Q44202255 ladle
archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre
Giampietro Campana
set of spoons and forks Q87651922 cutlery No/unknown value Department of Islamic Arts of the Louvre
Two-toothed fork deorated with a horse head. Susa (Iran) Q112288086 fork No/unknown value Department of Near Eastern Antiquities of the Louvre
Kom Raisins met dienlepel Q62067167 bowl
Wolfers Frères Design Museum Gent
Scheplepel Q62067172 spoon Wolfers Frères Design Museum Gent
Bimetallic Effigy Spoon Q111273613 spoon Dumbarton Oaks
Spoon Q111273623 spoon Dumbarton Oaks
Spoon Q111365996 spoon Dumbarton Oaks
Fool’s Spoon Q125564639 spoon
practical joke device
No/unknown value Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Ladle Q104786834 spoon No/unknown value Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Dessert fork for Francis and Jessie Newbery Q104831738 cutlery
household silver
Charles Rennie Mackintosh Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Spoon Q107045068 traditional handicraft of Japan
Hōryū-ji Treasures at Tokyo National Museum
Serving spoon and salad spoon Q91919213 spoon Israel Museum
Wooden spoon decorated with fish and birds Q91923812 spoon Israel Museum
AJ Cutlery Q91925533 cutlery Israel Museum
Serving spoons Q91926046 spoon Israel Museum
Punch ladle Q91946622 ladle Israel Museum
Wooden spoon decorated with a double-headed eagle and a crown Q91947795 spoon Israel Museum
Cutlery Q92602138 cutlery Israel Museum
Ladle Q92602237 ladle Israel Museum
Slotted spoon Q20199564 spoon Henry Dreyfuss Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cosmetic Spoon in the Shape of Swimming Woman Holding a Dish Q29385956 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Byzantine silver spoon Q56739836 spoon No/unknown value Metropolitan Museum of Art
Strainer spoon Q96181441 spoon Elizabeth Tookey Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q96181453 ladle Hester Bateman Metropolitan Museum of Art
Two dessert spoons Q96181456 spoon Hester Bateman Metropolitan Museum of Art
Carving fork Q96748829 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q104413120 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Terracotta scuttle Q116242169 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116244754 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon with a Panther Q116248273 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Maidenhead Type Spoon Q116249668 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle Spoon Q116249676 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle Spoon Q116249680 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle Spoon Q116249689 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116249840 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116249847 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116250597 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver Spoon Q116252477 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sweetmeat Fork Q116272730 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116272992 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116273306 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116273350 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon with Palm Fronds Q116275890 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116276152 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon with Christian Inscription Q116276338 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bronze serving fork Q116282857 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver spoon and fork Q116282916 spoon
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bronze spoon Q116286928 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bronze kyathos (ladle) with duck-head terminal Q116287347 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bronze ladle Q116288880 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bronze ladle Q116289487 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Brass spoon Q116293103 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver cochlear (spoon) Q116293122 Cochlearium Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver cochlear (spoon) Q116293125 Cochlearium Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver spoon Q116294098 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Glass spoon Q116294262 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bronze kyathos (ladle) with animal-head terminals Q116295184 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116295666 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116295667 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bone spoon Q116297170 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bone spoon Q116297176 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bronze simpulum (ladle) Q116297201 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Glass spoon Q116297545 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Four silver spoons Q116305235 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116306347 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116306350 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon (one of a set) Q116308199 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116308358 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116308359 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Andrew Q116308422 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. James the Less Q116308455 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Matthias Q116308472 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Matthew Q116309889 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Thomas Q116309890 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. John Q116309891 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Philip Q116309892 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Simon Zelotes Q116309893 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. James the Great Q116309896 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Jude Q116309897 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Peter Q116309898 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: St. Bartholomew Q116309902 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116310548 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116311512 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Folding spoon Q116311537 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fire-Offering Ladle Q116313079 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116313489 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116313490 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116313507 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116313597 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116313611 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116313613 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon (Bi) Q116313708 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon (Bi) Q116313709 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ritual ladle (Shao) Q116314163 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle with handle in the shape of a dragon's head Q116314372 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Coffee Spoon Q116322975 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Coffee Spoon Q116322990 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116323247 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116324107 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116324553 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116324566 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Toddy Spoon Q116326325 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Marrow Spoon Q116326342 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116326777 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116329517 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331321 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331337 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331350 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331364 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331437 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331447 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331455 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331463 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331510 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331601 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331671 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331838 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331845 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331907 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116331963 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332005 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332030 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332032 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332109 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332183 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332319 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332544 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332566 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332576 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332586 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332654 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332668 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116332961 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333013 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333100 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333111 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333123 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333145 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333219 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333407 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333462 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333473 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333495 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333538 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333609 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333857 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116333909 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116334017 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116334062 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116334072 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339059 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339329 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339410 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339433 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339438 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339442 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339448 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339693 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339711 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339730 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339818 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339986 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116339994 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340004 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340015 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340026 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340300 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340307 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340319 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340330 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340342 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340353 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340365 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340376 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340387 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340410 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Toddy Ladle Q116340535 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340568 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340584 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340594 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Toddy Ladle Q116340626 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340825 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340828 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340830 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116340848 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342305 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342316 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342317 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342321 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116342324 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342328 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342330 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342331 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342379 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342382 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342389 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342391 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342396 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342401 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342474 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342492 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342493 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342496 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342497 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342498 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116342500 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342506 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116342516 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342524 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342525 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342533 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116342534 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116342536 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116342538 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342552 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342579 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116342580 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342583 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116342586 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342592 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342601 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342603 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342610 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342611 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342681 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342682 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342688 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342700 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342714 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342719 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342731 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342733 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342741 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342784 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342914 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342918 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342926 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116342931 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116349701 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116349744 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116349830 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116349853 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116349907 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350121 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350175 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350187 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350198 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350220 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350314 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350326 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350375 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Serving Spoon Q116350387 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350401 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350413 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350525 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350534 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350558 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350602 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350626 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350715 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350735 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350757 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350801 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116350867 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116351026 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116351143 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352084 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352103 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352107 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352201 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352219 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352221 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352222 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352223 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116352225 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Punch Ladle Q116356215 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Punch Ladle Q116356222 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116365837 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Marrow Spoon Q116365891 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Marrow Spoon Q116365892 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366597 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366602 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366603 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366604 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366605 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366606 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366607 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366608 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366609 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366610 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366611 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366612 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366613 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366614 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366616 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366617 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366618 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366619 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366620 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116366621 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Funeral Spoon Q116370137 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Funeral Spoon Q116370138 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116370152 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116370153 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116370663 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dessert Spoon Q116370665 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dessert Spoon Q116370666 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Berry Spoon Q116373333 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Soup Spoon Q116391329 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Demitasse Spoon Q116391771 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dessert Spoon Q116391772 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dinner Fork Q116391778 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116391929 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116391931 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116391933 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116392064 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116392065 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116392140 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pastry Fork Q116392316 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salad Fork Q116392629 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116392822 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116392823 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116392824 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116392826 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116392827 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116392828 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116392830 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116392831 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116392870 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116392871 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Table Spoon Q116392872 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116392900 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116392901 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116392902 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116392903 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116392904 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116392905 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116393484 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116393485 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116393487 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116393488 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116393489 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Berry Spoon Q116393558 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116393559 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salt Spoon Q116393560 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116393576 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116393579 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fork Q116393580 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle with Human Figure Q116397013 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver kyathos (cup-shaped ladle) Q116402415 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver spoon Q116402592 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Three spoons Q116402673 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver kyathos (ladle) Q116406243 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Silver ladle Q116406270 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Rock-crystal and silver spoon Q116406546 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ceremonial Ladle (Wakemia or Wunkirmian) Q116406951 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Forks Q116407603 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Forks Q116407614 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Forks Q116407627 fork Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle missing its handle Q116415077 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon with a handle decorated with stripes Q116415263 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116426193 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116444418 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sauce Ladle Q116444562 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dessert Spoon Q116444565 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tea Spoon Q116444570 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Soup Ladle Q116444571 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon Q116444939 spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apostle spoon: Master Q116727288 apostle spoon Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ladle Q116728057 ladle Metropolitan Museum of Art
Spoon with spout and hook-shaped handle Bronze Q117397993 spoon
work of art
Museo Egizio
Ladle Bronze Q117429254 ladle
archaeological find
Museo Egizio
Ladle Bronze Q117429255 ladle
archaeological find
Museo Egizio
Colher - Aparelho de Jantar, Chá e Café Q106207359 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher de Chá Q106207360 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher de Pau Q106207361 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher de Pedreiro Q106207362 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher de Sobremesa Q106207363 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher de Sopa - Conjunto de Três Talheres Q106207365 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher de Sopa Q106207366 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher de Sopa Q106207367 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher de Sopa Q106207368 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Azeitonas Q106207372 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modela R e Cortar Q106207373 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207376 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207377 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207379 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207381 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207382 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207383 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207384 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207386 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207387 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207389 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207391 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207394 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207395 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207396 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207398 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar e Cortar Q106207399 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar Ou Cortar Q106207401 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher para Modelar Ou Cortar Q106207402 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher Q106207403 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher Q106207404 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher Q106207405 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher Q106207406 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Colher Q106207408 spoon Museu Paulista collection
Concha de Cereais - Conjunto Q106207431 ladle Museu Paulista collection
Concha de Cereais - Conjunto Q106207432 ladle Museu Paulista collection
Concha de Cereais - Conjunto Q106207435 ladle Museu Paulista collection
Concha de Cereais - Conjunto Q106207438 ladle Museu Paulista collection
Concha Q106207440 ladle Museu Paulista collection
Escumadeira Q106207748 skimmer Museu Paulista collection
Garfo - Aparelho de Jantar, Chá e Café Q106208436 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo - Jogo de Três Talheres Q106208438 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106208447 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106208448 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106208449 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo Q106208450 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo Q106208451 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo Q106208452 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo Q106208453 fork Museu Paulista collection
Palito Q106209305 toothpick Museu Paulista collection
Talher (2 Fragmentos De) Q106210474 cutlery Museu Paulista collection
Talher (32) Q106210476 cutlery Museu Paulista collection
Talher (Embalagem Para) Q106210477 cutlery Museu Paulista collection
Talher (Háchi) Q106210478 chopsticks Museu Paulista collection
Talher (Háchi) Q106210479 chopsticks Museu Paulista collection
Talher (Háchi) Q106210481 chopsticks Museu Paulista collection
Talher (Háchi) Q106210482 chopsticks Museu Paulista collection
Talher de Campanha (Duplo: Garfo e Colher) Q106210483 cutlery Museu Paulista collection
Talher: 3 Talheres em Estojo Q106210484 cutlery Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106211662 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106211663 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106211664 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106211666 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106211667 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106211668 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106211669 fork Museu Paulista collection
Garfo de Sobremesa Q106211670 fork Museu Paulista collection
Bruidsvork met bijbeltaferelen en profane figuren Q56867619 fork Johann Theodor de Bry Museum aan de Stroom
Wedding fork decorated with biblical scenes and profane figures Q56868482 fork Museum aan de Stroom
Cuillère (881.0015.1) Q115241679 spoon No/unknown value Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (881.0015.2) Q115241680 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (881.0015.3) Q115241683 spoon Museum of Brittany
Ligula (881.0015.4) Q115241684 ligula Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (919.0042.25) Q115241730 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D993.0003.192) Q115618041 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D993.0003.193) Q115618042 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D998.0004.2) Q115618076 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D998.0006.10) Q115618110 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D998.0006.11) Q115618111 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D998.0006.103) Q115618122 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D2004.0002.18) Q117752728 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D2004.0002.19) Q117752729 spoon Museum of Brittany
Couverts (975.0058.3) Q118128777 cutlery Museum of Brittany
Couverts (988.0031.2) Q118128781 cutlery Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (D963.0004.3) Q118128804 spoon Museum of Brittany
Cuillère (2003.0024.6) Q119132968 spoon Museum of Brittany
Couverts (2003.0024.7) Q119132969 cutlery Museum of Brittany
Carving Set Q22940667 carving cutlery Carl Auböck Museum of Modern Art
Servus Flatware Q27970323 cutlery Sigurd Persson Museum of Modern Art
Carving Fork Q94054593 work of art
meat fork
Vico Magistretti Museum of Modern Art
Cutlery Q109578513 metal artwork
Alexander Calder Museum of Modern Art
Ivory handle ornated with a centaur playing the lyra Q24986393 sculpture
archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Musée Saint-Raymond
Musée Saint-Raymond, D 78 6 5 Q28840710 simpulum
archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Musée Saint-Raymond
Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 5 9 Q29886202 toothpick
putty knife
archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Musée Saint-Raymond
Cuillère 75.5.25 Q58526177 spoon
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 5 26 Q58659365 spoon
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 5 29 Q58659588 spoon
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Cuillère 75.5.30 Q58715934 spoon
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Cuillère 2000.416.11 Q58796339 spoon
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Musée Saint-Raymond, 75.5.13 Q69418178 archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 6 46 Q90885187 ear pick
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Cuillère du type Cochlear 98.10.121 Q94397196 spoon
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Manche de simpulum Niel 1123-2 Q94399515 simpulum
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Simpulum D.2008.1.25 Q94403800 simpulum
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Manche de simpulum Niel 8001 n°185 Q124310521 simpulum
archaeological artifact
Musée Saint-Raymond
Kohol spoon as swimmer-MAHG A 2004-42 Q63303463 Egyptian kohl spoon
archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Genève
Facet-cut Spoon Q107663507 glassware
Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art
Water-scoop Q107663769 metal artwork
Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art
Spoon Q107663782 spoon Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art
Spoon with lotus decoration and Sanskrit script in underglaze blue Q48881519 spoon
porcelain ware
No/unknown value National Palace Museum
spoon in brass Q99527125 archaeological find
spoon in tin-lead alloy Q99527180 archaeological find
spoon in tin-lead alloy Q99527182 archaeological find
spoon in tin-lead alloy Q99527183 archaeological find
ear scoop-toothpick in bone Q102129271 ear pick
archaeological find
Earspoon Q123461372 ear pick Swedish History Museum
Spoon Q123461540 spoon Swedish History Museum
Spoon Q123461542 spoon Swedish History Museum
Spoon Q123461548 spoon Swedish History Museum
Spoon Q123461569 spoon Swedish History Museum
Ladle Q125568440 ladle University College London
Spoon Q125568599 spoon University College London
Chashaku (tea scoop) with a design of a cricket Q102963196 chashaku No/unknown value Vanderbilt Museum of Art
Chashaku (tea scoop) with a design of a Banana Leaf Q103298335 chashaku No/unknown value Vanderbilt Museum of Art
Chashaku (tea scoop) Q104031025 chashaku No/unknown value Vanderbilt Museum of Art
Chashaku (tea scoop) Q104031027 chashaku No/unknown value Vanderbilt Museum of Art
Chopsticks Q106568514 chopsticks No/unknown value Vanderbilt Museum of Art
Black ladle with geometric designs Q106582615 ladle No/unknown value Vanderbilt Museum of Art
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.421 Q100305750 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.422 Q100305773 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Small Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1934.512 Q100306725 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon with pinch handle, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1934.692 Q100311953 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1568 Q100314172 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1548 Q100314427 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2689 Q100315765 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2691 Q100315775 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2687 Q100315781 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2709 Q100315787 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2711 Q100315799 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2730 Q100315807 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2708 Q100315813 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2713 Q100315819 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2772 Q100315830 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2812 Q100315862 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2758 Q100330265 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2846.2 Q100330279 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.650 Q100330299 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.922 Q100330300 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.923 Q100330303 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.924 Q100330310 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.925 Q100330311 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon Bowl, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.926 Q100330313 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.927 Q100330314 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.934 Q100330315 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.936 Q100330317 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.938 Q100330320 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.939 Q100330321 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.929 Q100330323 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.930 Q100330324 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.931 Q100330325 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.932 Q100330327 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.933 Q100330328 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2686 Q100330329 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2688 Q100330334 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2690 Q100330339 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2692 Q100330346 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2693 Q100330348 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2694 Q100330363 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2695 Q100330364 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2696 Q100330371 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2701 Q100330373 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2702 Q100330374 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2703 Q100330375 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2704 Q100330376 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2705 Q100330377 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2706 Q100330379 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2707 Q100330380 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2710 Q100330381 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2712 Q100330382 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2715 Q100330383 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2716 Q100330384 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2718 Q100330385 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2720 Q100330387 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2721 Q100330389 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2723 Q100330390 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2724 Q100330391 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2725 Q100330392 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2727 Q100330393 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2728 Q100330394 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2729 Q100330395 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2731.1 Q100330397 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2732 Q100330399 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2733 Q100330400 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2734 Q100330402 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2735 Q100330404 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2736 Q100330405 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2737 Q100330406 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2741 Q100330412 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2742 Q100330414 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2743 Q100330417 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2745 Q100330418 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2746 Q100330419 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2747 Q100330420 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2748 Q100330421 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2749 Q100330422 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2752 Q100330431 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2753 Q100330435 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2754 Q100330508 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2755 Q100330509 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2756 Q100330510 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2757 Q100330511 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2759 Q100330512 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2761 Q100330516 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2762 Q100330648 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2763 Q100330652 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2764 Q100330656 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2765 Q100330661 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2766 Q100330665 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2767 Q100330669 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2768 Q100330673 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2769 Q100330675 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2771 Q100330679 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2773 Q100330688 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2774 Q100330694 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2775 Q100330698 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2776 Q100330700 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2777 Q100330701 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2788 Q100330705 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2779 Q100330706 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2780 Q100330707 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2781 Q100330708 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2782 Q100330710 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2783 Q100330714 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2784 Q100330719 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2785 Q100330723 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2789 Q100330724 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2798 Q100330727 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2800 Q100330729 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2801 Q100330734 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2802 Q100330742 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2804 Q100330748 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2805 Q100330749 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2809 Q100330753 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2811 Q100330756 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2813 Q100330766 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2815 Q100330771 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2818 Q100330775 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2820 Q100330785 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2821 Q100330788 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2822 Q100330791 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2823 Q100330792 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2824 Q100330793 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2825 Q100330798 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2827 Q100330811 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2828 Q100330821 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2829 Q100330824 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2830 Q100330826 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2832 Q100330829 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2834 Q100330831 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2835 Q100330834 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2836 Q100330835 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2838 Q100330836 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2839 Q100330837 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2840 Q100330838 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2842 Q100330840 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2843 Q100330844 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2846.1 Q100330847 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2847 Q100330851 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2849 Q100330854 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2850 Q100330857 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2851 Q100330860 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2852 Q100330861 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2853 Q100330865 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon or Needle?, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2854 Q100330866 archaeological artifact
sewing needle
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2855 Q100330870 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2857 Q100330874 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2858 Q100330876 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2970 Q100330886 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2974 Q100330917 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2885 Q100330918 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2969 Q100330920 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.3531 Q100330921 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.4783 Q100330922 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2731.2 Q100339996 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.1572 Q100359368 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Broken spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.1706 Q100359441 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze spoon head, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.4874 Q100363225 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze spoon heads, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.5283 Q100364543 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze spoon head, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.5284 Q100364546 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.5651 Q100374735 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2844 Q100375062 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1697 Q100716203 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2841 Q100716472 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bone Spoon Bowls, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.423a-c Q100725178 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Six Bone Spoon Bowls, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1934.513a-f Q100725767 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2796 Q100727888 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Bronze Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.2697 Q100728523 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
Spoon, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.426 Q100731901 archaeological artifact
No/unknown value Yale University Art Gallery
End of automatically generated list.