legal television program inglés (Q121401577)
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television genre inglés
Llingua | Etiqueta | Descripción | Tamién llamao |
asturianu | Nun ta definida denguna etiqueta |
Nun ta definida denguna descripción |
inglés | legal television program |
television genre |
identificador FAST español
Legal television programs
nombres alternativos español
Courtroom television programs
Law television programs
Lawyer television programs
Trial television programs
genre/form term inglés
0 referencies
Courtroom television programs
nombres alternativos español
Law television programs
Lawyer television programs
Legal television programs (Drama)
Trial television programs
topical term inglés
0 referencies
Legal television programs (Drama)
nombres alternativos español
Trial television programs (Drama)
Lawyer television programs (Drama)
Law television programs (Drama)
Courtroom television programs (Drama)
topical term inglés
0 referencies
Legal television programs
nombres alternativos español
Courtroom television programs
Law television programs
Lawyer television programs
Legal television programs (Drama)
Trial television programs
nota de uso español
Here are entered works on fiction and/or nonfiction television programs that feature the interaction of lawyers, prosecutors, clients, witnesses, and judges. (inglés)
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GSAFD ID inglés
Legal television programs
nombres alternativos español
Courtroom television programs
Law television programs
Lawyer television programs
Trial television programs
nota de uso español
Fiction or nonfiction television programs that feature the interaction of lawyers, prosecutors, clients, witnesses, and judges. (inglés)
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