EmbassyPages.com ID (P4127)
ID of an embassy or a consulate general in the database for diplomatic missions, EmbassyPages.com
- EmbassyPages.com identifier
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | EmbassyPages.com ID |
ID of an embassy or a consulate general in the database for diplomatic missions, EmbassyPages.com |
Data type
External identifier
To retrieve the ID, use the Internet Archive to find an older version of the website. For example, using https://web.archive.org/web/20171206043347/https://www.embassypages.com/ or look for the number following "https://www.embassypages.com/update/embassy" in the source code of the page (English)
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Pour récupérer l'identifiant, utilisez Internet Archive pour trouver une ancienne version du site web. Par exemple, en utilisant https://web.archive.org/web/20171206043347/https://www.embassypages.com/ ou en recherchant le numéro qui suit « https://www.embassypages.com/update/embassy » dans le code source de la page. (French)
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1 reference
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