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Haiti is experiencing a dramatic escalation in gang violence and protests as armed groups battle for territory and civilians come under attack.

Thousands of Haitians have been forced to flee their homes and conflict is hindering access to food – nearly 50 percent of Haiti’s population, or a record 4.97 million people, have food insecurity.

WFP and its partners face severe constraints reaching communities in need and roadblocks have led to shortages of food and fuel. World leaders must prioritize humanitarian assistance alongside security measures. 

Prices are skyrocketing in a country where poverty is already rife, due in part to disrupted agriculture, driving affordable meals out of reach for millions of families.

Haiti also faces hazards such as earthquakes, storms and floods, as well as economic and political uncertainty. 

WFP plans to assist 2.4 million people in 2024. But current funding levels mean we risk being unable to reach nearly 1 million. WFP needs US$75.3 million to funding its operations until December 2024.

What the World Food Programme is doing to respond to the Haiti emergency

Emergency assistance
Through its emergency programmes, WFP provides unconditional food and cash assistance to vulnerable households. In 2023, WFP provided over US$80 million in cash-based transfers, 7,500 metric tons of food and over 1 million hot meals.
Emergency preparedness
WFP supports the Government with emergency food assistance as well as logistics and emergency telecommunications. Pre-positioning commodities in-country allows WFP to respond to sudden-onset disasters and crises to meet the needs of affected populations quickly, while additional assistance is planned and prepared for in later weeks, if needed. Fully stocked, the contingency stock allows WFP to feed up to 300,000 people with unconditional food assistance, including rice, beans and oil for one month.
In Haiti, WFP has 25 trucks, 2 helicopters and 1 fixed-wing aircraft, and has access to maritime transport to support its operations, as well as other UN agencies, NGOs and governments entities. This can prove critical in delivering assistance to hard-to-reach locations, where access is possible.
Resilience building
WFP reinforces the resilience of vulnerable people through asset creation and livelihood programmes. This has included restoring rural roads and canals, providing weather insurance and distributing seeds. Our work with the Government includes providing cash transfers, which help people meet their basic needs and stimulate the local economy.

How you can help

Humanitarian needs are rising sharply in Haiti. Please donate today and help life-saving food reach those families who need it the most.
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