
Seamlessly integrate your Career Hub with your Association Management System to gain deep member insight
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Seamless AMS integration

Make informed decisions for membership recruiting, marketing and revenue opportunities that grow your association

New Revenue Opportunities

Your job board collects powerful data on job seekers and members. Use that data to create quality experiences for members that increases member satisfaction.

Engagement Data

Your career center collects engagement data based on different touch points and passes that information directly to your AMS.

Personalize Marketing Campaigns

Use the behavior data from your career center to create targeted and relevant email campaigns based on triggers that drives engagement.

Stay Relevant

Regular updates ensure that Career Guides are always in tune with the latest industry trends, keeping the association's resources valuable and up-to-date.

Web Scribble Partners

Web Scribble and Higher Logic have joined forces to introduce Thrive Jobs, a powerful integration that combines the strengths of both platforms. This innovative solution enables associations to enhance member engagement by seamlessly embedding relevant job opportunities directly into the community feed, creating a more personalized and meaningful experience for members.
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Web Scribble’s integration with iMIS enables associations to gather key engagement metrics by tracking career data, activity, and purchases. This provides a clear picture of member interactions, helping to enhance and improve member engagement strategies.
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Association Management System Integrations

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