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December 2023 Google Search Observations


Martin Ice Web

8:25 am on Dec 1, 2023 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

After 3 very good weeks we see a 50% drop for all sites we manage started right at midnight. Seems google started Xmas shopping revenue season.

[edited by: not2easy at 11:39 am (utc) on Dec 1, 2023]
[edit reason] split cleanup - New month, new thread [/edit]


9:46 am on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

After two weeks of total increase of 10%, yesterday my site traffic dropped by 20% (compared to last Sunday).
I really don't understand why.
And big drop always happens in Sunday, for some reason.
So far also 20% down compared to last Monday.


9:56 am on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

Soon only Google will remain with its SGE that summarizes our contents, but which was of too poor quality to rank.


10:06 am on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

@BlueEyes82 In addition to my direct competitors, I monitor almost 120 other websites, and all of them have lost ground. No website is recovering.


10:17 am on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

Thx @Conro & @Micha

So for almost 3 months there has been no way to �do justice� to the HCU update and following updates.

My observation so far has been that it makes no difference whether you completely redesign the website or do nothing at all. This is actually unique compared to all previous updates.

It seems as if Google has become a ghost driver.


10:25 am on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

This is the result of relying on AI to rank websites. For Google's AI, almost all websites are bad unless they are big names or spamming the internet. It's a blind faith in a flawed technology that makes its own product worse and worse.


10:46 am on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

@BlueEyes82 Towards mid-August, I had recovered almost all of the traffic. Initially, I thought it was because of something I had done, but then I looked at other sites that I monitored because they had lost traffic, and like me, traffic had returned to them in August. After about a month, at the end of September, traffic plummeted again for both me and the other sites I monitored. It�s impossible to find a solution


10:51 am on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

In theory, Google could be swept aside by something that's truly new and better, but its existing competitors seem happy to copy Google and live on the crumbs that Google leaves behind.

They are not happy about this - they just find it impossible to get seen easily thanks to the billions (yes that's thousands of millions) of dollars that Google pay to stay the default on just about every way of accessing the Internet. Back in the early days it came as a surprise at first that people were typing search terms into a browser search bar rather that visiting a search engine but why type in then a search term when typing straight into the search bar is so much simpler?

Being a default search engine has massive value (and who ever dreamed of giving a search engine a long name like duckduckgo, or an easy to spell incorrectly one like quant, belongs in the same group as the ones who called theirs 'dogpile').

Replace the preselected search engine, which is Google, with another one, such as Bing, and 90% of people won�t notice the change because they still find what they�re looking for.

Absolutely right. Back in the days when Google first arrived many search engines were truly awful and many were packed with ads (sounds familiar?) but now things are different and there are far better ones out there that could quickly replace The Google Advertising Agency if they were not excluded by G's ownership of Chrome and Android, and massive 'financial encouragement' of other portals.


12:52 pm on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

However, I always knew that someday Google might reduce my website traffic and AdSense earnings. Unfortunately, that day has arrived.

Why should we expect Google to reduce our traffic? In the first decade of Google, everything blossomed naturally, and we enjoyed year after year improvements. Once Google got a stranglehold on the SERPs, sometime between 2008 and the MayDay update of 2010 (about the time Dugan was there)'s since been a continual decline for webmasters and a non-stop improvement for Google...this makes no sense other than that they are taking away from webmasters for their own enrichment and worse, total control...and unfortunately, it's not just in search.


2:27 pm on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

Google is doing the rotation I have posted here it's a continual drip, drip, drip loss of top 3 and top 10 ranking terms until you lose about 20% in total...I'm almost at that point now after continually losing terms for more than a month. The results show the same few sites in top three spots now over and over. That should last a while...usually 6 months or so, until Google decides to rotate again and the opportunity to start gaining those terms back arises.

This has killed my holiday season completely, and the war in Gaza hasn't helped at all. That, and the current political situation in the US is adding to a sense of instability that doesn't put people at ease with spending on items that aren't absolutely necessary. That's despite the stock market and the economy doing really well in the US and the dollar is finally dropping.


7:00 pm on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

5+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

Second day of recovery after infinite updates. Consistent traffic and high earnings (Christmas).... I'm not sure if it will stabilize. Just waiting for what will happen...


7:46 pm on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

@renatovieira you have a ecommerce?


8:01 pm on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

5+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

@Conro - I have 2 weather websites. Earnings come from AdSense.


8:23 pm on Dec 18, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

@renatovieira good 👍


6:39 am on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

Brutal past few 5 days. -60% from the previous November levels, and a cumulative -86% since how things were going in late August-early September before the updates hit.

For some queries, I'm seeing even more Google features, misguided UGC ranking just because UGC (without matching the search query!), and parasite SEO stuff.

Is it one of those silent review updates after the previous one ended in late November? I guess so.

Happy holidays from Google..


10:38 am on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

And it continues to go downhill, quite early for December, usually not before Christmas. A few days ago an article made it into Discover, well, but that was a day with good traffic, since then it's been a dance of death. I'm also noticing that the nonsense in the search results has increased yet again. In Google News you see more and more links to spam sites. I'm a little surprised that Google doesn't seem to care.


12:45 pm on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

After the updates, there are now brands in Germany that, when searching for �brand + keyword�, first display 20 (!) subpages of the brand and then the first content website. This has nothing to do with a functioning search engine anymore...

Google's quality has become subterranean...


1:45 pm on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

I don't have a lot of traffic from Google News, but I did notice recently that Google is ranking articles in the #1 spot that are pure click on them and it redirects to another website trying to sell you something. Never seen spam in the news feed before.

On another note...I keep dropping top 3 and top 10 ranking terms every day. A slow drip of top terms for the last six weeks or so. Is anyone else seeing this? If it keeps up it's going to be an ugly 2024.


2:24 pm on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

I don't know whether to sell my site now, while it still has some value, or hope for a miracle and it recovers somehow. I lost all hope to the point that my despair became resilience. I think I've accepted that it's over.


2:26 pm on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

@BlueEyes82 in Brazil its the same sh1t.


3:15 pm on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

@Ichthyos Do you also see that Yahoo, MSN and other sites just copy the news? Google News is full of it for me, I can hardly find any original articles.


3:39 pm on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

Utter unpredictability seems to be the norm these days for me. Sunday's global traffic for me was 270%, Monday's 257.5% and so far today after 15 hours at 83% ... That'll make up for next week's reduction :-)


7:58 pm on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

@BlueEyes82 It's not just Germany. It's also in US. A good example pointed out elsewhere: "john deer tractor". I'm getting similar with other searches as well across all different types of brands and products.


11:47 pm on Dec 19, 2023 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

Big drop again today...across UK (-41%), Canada (-72%), Australia (-76%), and much of Europe is way down. USA is holding up better than the others at -12% so it may break even by end of day. UK has been low since last week and this appears in line with last year's traffic for Christmas week.


6:39 am on Dec 20, 2023 (gmt 0)

10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

My 15-year-old website is going to the abyss :( I'm expecting zero traffic in the coming days :(
BIG F******* You, Evil google


7:27 am on Dec 20, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

OK, what in the world is happening, even the HCU wasn't that brutal. I see multiple PAGE drops worth of positions on a lot of my keywords, even those matching a query in terms of content/intent way better than half of page 1.

We're talking position 3-5 to position 35-40 or so.

Roughly speaking -75% week over week now, with the past two days being a further -25% compared to the previous days of decline.

I've never seen so many average position 35+ pages on a site of mine in GSC.


8:33 am on Dec 20, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

I too am still experiencing a slow and steady loss of keywords, but even those in the first position that used to bring me hundreds of visits every day, now even if they are still in the first position, they bring me half the traffic. I think it�s clear to everyone that Google wants our sites to be closed. At the moment, I haven�t seen any of the sites I monitor recover, maybe it goes up a little, then it gets worse than before.


11:25 am on Dec 20, 2023 (gmt 0)

5+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

Rollercoaster in activated mode. After 2 days of increase in traffic, today a huge drop. And so we go... :-|


12:14 pm on Dec 20, 2023 (gmt 0)

WebmasterWorld Senior Member 10+ Year Member Top Contributors Of The Month

UK has been low since last week

Our UK hotel site has seen its expected downturn in web traffic as follows:

Week 46 was 105.6%
Week 47 was 93.2%
Week 48 was 96.3%
Week 49 was 73.1%
Week 50 was 68.0%
Week 51 this week so far 16.3%

For my global site for the past 7 days I have seen 150% with this continuing into today and at the moment can see no reason why. The good thing is that it is genuine traffic with USA traffic -29%, all other areas are up especially Germany and Slovakia ... Go figure!


1:33 pm on Dec 20, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

I always see a lot of people on here say they have lost 70% (or thereabouts) of traffic with mostly all updates, surly you must be at -100% traffic by now? Its odd its pretty much always "I lost 70% of traffic". Anyway ditched my website and doing YouTube full time now, much less stress and hassle with much less overheads!


1:41 pm on Dec 20, 2023 (gmt 0)

Top Contributors Of The Month

You can always halve the traffic from a current status until you finally reach a visitor. This means in practice 1,000 visitors a day.


In addition, you can write several times that traffic has halved or even more.
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