National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 6:36:20 am MST

Mostly clear skies along with very warm conditions with highs near 100 degrees can be expected across the lower deserts for today.
After one more day of potentially record setting temperatures in Phoenix, we finally get a break from the abnormal heat. Afternoon highs will continue to be above normal through midweek with a sharp cooldown to below normal temperatures expected by the end of the week into next weekend as a storm system moves into the Desert Southwest.
A storm system is likely to affect the Desert Southwest by the end of the week resulting in potentially much cooler than normal temperatures as increased breeziness and rain chances across the region. Given that this system is still several days away from affecting the region, there is still some uncertainties with respect to the degree of cooling as well as rainfall amounts. Stay tuned throughout the week for further updates as details become clearer.
Heat safety tips: never leave anyone (or pets) alone in a locked car, make sure to take frequent breaks if outside in the heat, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.


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