By Paul Byrnes
M, 116 minutes
Boy meets girl; if boy coughs on girl, she dies, and vice versa. If nothing else, that's a teen romance we haven't seen before. Not that I mean that as an endorsement, exactly.
The set-up: Stella (Haley Lu Richardson) is back in hospital somewhere in the US for the umpteenth time. She is a lovely bright teen, 16 or 17, who's determined not to be victimised by her cystic fibrosis – an incurable and brutal disease that makes her especially vulnerable to respiratory infection.
The ward is all CFers. The new boy is the devastatingly cute Will (Cole Sprouse), whose every deed makes Stella crazy. He doesn't take his medications on time, he neglects his exercises, he sits on the hospital roof at night in the cold, as if he wants to jump. In short, he's a dreamboat and she is smitten.
Her friend Poe (Moises Arias) – gay and funny and "CF" – sees immediately that she's in love. Heart-of-gold nurse Barb (Kimberly Hebert Gregory) reads the riot act: six feet apart at all times, in case one should give the other a fatal microbe. We're dying anyway, says Will, so what's the point? He's the soulful artist type; Stella is a loveable control freak. What could go wrong?
In an abstract sense, a movie is a machine to produce emotion, by whatever means. In a concrete sense, most of us prefer that emotion to be hard-earned by means of story, rather than imposed by technique.
Five Feet Apart does both. It's the best tear-jerker in a long time; one box of tissues might not be enough. On a deeper level, it earns some of that emotion through a story based on a real dilemma: how do people with this disease fall in love when they can never touch each other? The answer, of course, is to fall in love with someone who doesn't have the disease, thereby reducing the risk, but that wouldn't make for a story with as much traction. The idea is to keep the audience on the hook with the denial of touch – and now we get to this question of emotion-by-imposed-technique.
Five Feet Apart is utterly deliberate about pushing the buttons of one, teenage girls dreaming of romance, and two, a wider audience. It practically captures us at gunpoint and pummels us until we cry, and not just once, but at regular intervals, punctuated by a series of sappy soulful songs.
Toward the end it goes for the BIG ONE – the scene designed to slay us with its implacable tragedy – and by doing so, wrecks any goodwill it has earned. Such is life: movies always go too far, almost by definition, because we all have different tolerances for emotion. Some blokes will be rolling their eyes by the end and some women will be dabbing them – and vice versa.
And I suspect that the community of people living with CF will be just as divided. Never before has a movie explored with such clarity what it's like to have CF; and never before has a movie exploited that illness for what is ultimately cheap Hollywood romance. Knives were already out for the movie based on the trailer, which was hardly fair. The guardians of the CF rule book smelled a movie that would encourage teens to take stupid risks; some of the people living with the disease smelled a movie that portrayed them all as victims.
I guess that's all true, more or less, but not the whole picture. Five Feet Apart will register the disease in the minds of young people – as well as the shocking line delivered by Poe, that once he turns 18, someone will have to pay for his treatment (in the US). It will put a rocket under the careers of its leads, who are terrific, and make a truckload of money. Let's just hope that CBS Films puts a decent whack of that money into CF research.