LifestylegalleryThe changing face of Swansea city centreSee how much the heart of Swansea has changed over the decadesBookmarkShareLifestyleByPaul Turner00:00, 16 FEB 2016Updated16:27, 7 MAR 2017Wind Street in 19201 of 33Wind Street in the 1950s2 of 33High Street 19073 of 33High Street in the 1920s4 of 33High Street in 19585 of 33High Street 19846 of 33Castle Gardens in the 1950s7 of 33Castle Gardens in the 1960s - with David Evans on the left8 of 33Castle Gardens in 19749 of 33Castle Gardens in 199310 of 33College Street in 190911 of 33College Street in 1951 viewed from Orchard Street12 of 33College Street in the 70s13 of 33Kingsway in the 1960s14 of 33Kingsway 197615 of 33Gasometers where Tesco is now - in 198916 of 33Kingsway in the 1900s when it was called Gower Street17 of 33Kingsway in the 1950s18 of 33Kingsway Circle in the 1970s19 of 33Kingsway in the 1980s20 of 33The Odeon in Kingsway in the 1980s21 of 33Oxford Street in 190822 of 33Oxford Street and Union Street in the 1920s23 of 33Oxford Street in 193824 of 33Oxford Street's junction with Union Street in 195725 of 33Oxford Street in 196426 of 33Oxford Street in 197927 of 33Oxford Street in 199228 of 33Oystermouth Road in 1975 looking towards where Tesco is now29 of 33Union Street - looking up it in 195030 of 33The top part of Union Street in 195531 of 33Union Street in the mid-1960s32 of 33Union Street in 198233 of 33