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Community & Business Groups

Web Machine Learning Community Group

The mission of the Web Machine Learning Community Group (WebML CG) is to make Machine Learning a first-class web citizen by incubating and developing a dedicated low-level Web API for machine learning inference in the browser. Please see the charter for more information.

The group invites browser engine developers, hardware vendors, web application developers, and the broader web community with interest in Machine Learning to participate.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Chairs, when logged in, may publish draft and final reports. Please see report requirements.

W3C Launches the Web Machine Learning Working Group

🌱 This W3C Community Group started incubating work in 2018 for a possible Web Neural Network API, in response to encouraging feedback from a TPAC breakout session. Starting October 2018, this Community Group identified key use cases working with diverse participants including major browser vendors, key ML JS frameworks, interested hardware vendors, web developers, and started drafting the Web Neural Network API specification.

🚀 Following the two-year incubation period in this Community Group, the W3C has launched the Web Machine Learning Working Group to standardize the Web Neural Network API, now graduating from its incubation stage. This Community Group continues its incubation function for new machine learning capabilities working in parallel with the newly formed Working Group, similarly to e.g. W3C’s WebAssembly and WebGPU efforts.

👏 Huge thanks to all the W3C Community Group and W3C workshop participants for their contributions that have helped shape this work, and W3C for providing a venue to advance this cross-industry effort toward wide adoption.

📢 Please join the Working Group and read more about our journey and what lies ahead of us from the W3C blog post.

Anssi Kostiainen, Web Machine Learning Community Group Chair

Call for Participation in Machine Learning for the Web Community Group

The Machine Learning for the Web Community Group has been launched:

The mission of the Machine Learning for the Web Community Group (WebML CG) is to make Machine Learning a first-class web citizen by incubating and developing a dedicated low-level Web API for machine learning inference in the browser. Please see the charter for more information.

The group invites browser engine developers, hardware vendors, web application developers, and the broader web community with interest in Machine Learning to participate.

In order to join the group, you will need a W3C account. Please note, however, that W3C Membership is not required to join a Community Group.

This is a community initiative. This group was originally proposed on 2018-10-03 by Anssi Kostiainen. The following people supported its creation: Anssi Kostiainen, Rijubrata Bhaumik, Zoltan Kis, Mike O'Neill, Philip Laszkowicz, Tomoyuki Shimizu. W3C’s hosting of this group does not imply endorsement of the activities.

The group must now choose a chair. Read more about how to get started in a new group and good practice for running a group.

We invite you to share news of this new group in social media and other channels.

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires the attention of the W3C staff, please email us at [email protected]

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team