UAWG home page
Change history for User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG)
This page is for maintaining a record of changes between each
revision of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, produced
by the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working
Group (UAWG). If you find the list is
incomplete or inaccurate please send email to the Working Group at
[email protected].
Last modified: $Date: 2003/01/21 14:18:34 $
Table of Contents
- 2002:
17 December 2002,
16 October 2002,
3 October 2002,
21 August 2002,
9 August 2002,
7 August 2002,
28 July 2002,
8 July 2002
- 2001: 12 September 2001, 31 August 2001, 31 July 2001, 14 July 2001, 22 June 2001, 4 June 2001, 25 May 2001, 11 Apr 2001, 9 Apr 2001 (last call), 4 Apr 2001, 31 Mar 2001, 23 Mar 2001, 19 Mar 2001, 9 Mar 2001, 24 Feb 2001, 26 Jan 2001, 16 Jan 2001, 13 Jan 2001
- 2000: 29 Dec 2000, 23 Oct 2000, 29 Sep 2000, 1 Sep 2000, 18 Aug 2000, 28 Jul 2000, 7 Jul 2000, 10 Jun 2000, 7 May 2000, 10 Mar 2000, 8 Mar 2000, 26 Jan 2000, Summary of first last call changes,
21 Jan 2000 15 Jan 2000
- 1999: 20 Dec 1999, 6 Dec 1999, 21 Nov 1999, 5 Nov 1999, 29 Oct 1999, 22 Oct 1999, 5 Oct 1999, 4 Oct 1999, 27 Aug 1999, 11 Aug 1999, 9 Aug 1999, 16 Jul 1999, 9 Jul 1999, 11 Jun 1999, 31 Mar 1999, 9 Mar 1999, 10 Feb 1999
- 1998: 19 Oct 1998, 14 Aug 1998, 7 Jul 1998, 3 Jun 1998, 2 Jun 1998, 21 May 1998
This is a W3C Recommendation.
This version includes some editorial clarifications from
the Proposed Recommendation.
This is a Proposed Recommendation.
- Removed alternative formats (PS, PDF, text). There have
been problems in the past with the PDF, and the only real
advantage over printing from one's one browser is that the
table of contents used page number references. Henceforth:
- Information about alternative formats will be available
in the FAQ.
- The text version will be available with ",text".
- There will be suggestions for how to create other versions
- Based on a suggestion from Karl DuBost, changed "abbr" to
"acronym" in conformance example since acronym more widely
This draft incorporates fourth last call
reviews. It does not differ substantially from the last call
draft. Minor editorial fixes are not listed here.
- Added XForms to list of formats.
- Added note that UAWG will follow development of
other WAI Guidelines, and that v 1.0 of other Guidelines
will remain available.
- Added info about expected liaison with MMI Activity.
- 1.2: Fix bug in cross reference (to 1.1, not 1.3),
per issue 547.
- 2.2: Per issue
549, moved reqs on text formats to normative inclusion, and
put back XML/SGMl requirements based on
proposal to clarify XML text req.
- 2.10: Per issue
552, Narrow scope of 2.10 to graphical UAs, text-to-visual
rendering. Made changes to provision, inclusion, and
Note. Changed title.
- 3.3: Per issue
548, Added normative inclusion to checkpoint 3.3:
User control of blinking effects caused by
rapid color changes is addressed by checkpoint 4.3.
- Per issue
550, clarified text of third normative inclusion and merged with
second. Moved advice to authors to Note in techs doc.
Edited Note after checkpoint for clarity.
- 4.2: Per comments from Martin Duerst,
changed 'may' to 'should' in sufficient technique.
- 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 6.6: Per
545, incorporated
to fix DOM checkpoints to talk about state and value changes, not
content changes.
- 11.4: Per issue
551, tightened definition of single-key mode: "The user agent may satisfy the requirements of provision two of this
checkpoint with a "single-key mode". In a single-key mode, the
complete set of functionalities required by provision two must be
available through single-key bindings. The user must be able to
remain in single-key mode until explicitly requesting to leave
- 2.2: Added to doing more info about file: URI scheme and
recognizing text formats in the absence of Internet media type
- 2.10: Added note to techs that same idea applies to text-to-speech
and text-to-braille, but no experience. Also,
fixed Techs based on comments froM MD (HTTP content-encoding
deleted), deleted part about internal character coding not
- 3.4: Per
546, Added info about independent switches for scripts, and
decoupling script configs from other features.
- 4.2: Added technique for 4.2 doing more: per-script family config.
- 5.5: Added XForms techniques.
This is the fourth last call draft of UAAG 1.0 (and accompanying
Techniques document).
- Checkpoint 10.6: Scope of configuration requirement
clarified. Configuration not required for highlighting
of viewport, but rather for styles used to highlight
(when based on text).
- Some clarifications based on comments from Judy
- Add "neurological" to list of disabilities covered (abstract)
- Clarified limitation of document regarding digital
rights management (moved note from conformance section to 1.3)
- Chapter 2 intro. Put "checkpoint provisions" in strong.
- 2.6: "didactic". awkward phrase deleted.
- Add sentence to section 1.1 to say that WCAG 2.0 and ATAG 2.0
are in development and that the UAWG expects to follow
those developments. Say that UAAG 1.0 will refer to the
stable 1.0 documents (which will remain available).
- Per request from Webmaster, use "WD" stylesheet instead of
base style sheet in compound document components, summary,
and checklists. Also, updated status sections to indicate
more clearly status of appendices in separate files. Also,
added more anchors for headings to conform to pubrules.
- Improved numbering of subsections (in Chapters 1 and 3
This draft includes a modified checkpoint 6.4, per a
resolution of the 8 August 2002 UAWG teleconference. This document
is essentially the document that will go to last call.
This draft of UAAG 1.0 primarily revises the sections
on conformance and the introduction. This draft of Techniques
for UAAG 1.0 is based on a review by Eric Hansen.
- In 1.2, create subsections. Moved
some information about use of OE
features to this section since it added no normative information.
Left part about multiple operating environments as a global
sufficient technique in section on conformance
- Moved security conditions to 1.5, sice it didn't add normative
information either; it states that no exemptions are permitted,
but that would be true if not stated at all. This is better up
front than buried in chapter 3. Some clarifications to this
- Added to target UA description oe features and plug-ins.
Removed from well-formed claim definition to simplify.
- 6.5: Now explicitly references content focus, ui focus,
and selection. This was part of 6.6 and should have been
part of 6.5 as well.
- Clarification about absence of conformance profile
labels. Absence must imply unsupported for the calculation that
- Stated up front in 3.1 that a conformance profile is a list
of assertions.
- Created first subsection of 3.1 on default set of conformance
reqs. Added some global normative inclusions here, as well as
config files as global sufficient technique.
Consequently, the section "Requirements identified by a
conformance profile" is much shorter.
- Moved section "Restricted functionality and valid claims" to
just after validity of a claim.
- Moved well-formed claim example to end of that (short) section.
- Simplified for content/ua section per EH suggestion.
- Adjusted/reorganized sections on responsibility for claims:
a Claim is an assertion; w3c does not assure validity.
- User interface: Some edits based on Jon Gunderson
- Serial access, sequential navigation: New terms introduced
to harmonize usage in the document.
Too many edits to note here.
- Who benefits: Harmonized the style of language used
in these sections.
- 4.6: Clarified that also for users with deafness.
- Some impact matrix tweaks based on comments from Judy Brewer.
This version incorporates UAWG resolutions and editorial
comments suggested for the 8 July draft. This is expected to be the
final UAWG draft before returning to last call in August 2002.
However, there are still some questions about whether checkpoint
6.4 needs to be made more specific.
This draft incorporates comments from Harvey Bingham and a
substantial review by Eric Hansen. There are too many editorial
changes to list separately.
- 1.2 Target UAs: Moved some information about composite UAs here
from section on conformance.
- 1.3 Limitations: Reformatted to be easier to read.
- 1.4: Relation to other stuff: Expanded this section to include
relation to other specs, and moved some information from 1.5 to
this section. Also, created a subsection on installation and moved
some stray stuff from conformance chapter to this section.
- 1.5: Per suggestion from Eric Hansen, reduced scope of this
section to discussion of user control. Moved section on benefits of
accessibility here.
- Cleaned up and simplified (somewhat) explanation about
structure of a checkpoint.
- Created a new section entitled "about the checkpoints" for
general information about checkpoints. This section includes the
priority definitions.
- The priority definitions were updated per
25 July teleconf
I revisited all the checkpoints to ensure that were
content is intended, the word appears in the
checkpoint provision.
Some checkpoints are now identified as being mutually exclusive
of others (and not "special cases"). For instance, checkpoint 1.2
may be excluded from a conformance profile, but 1.1 may not, so 1.1
must state that 1.2 is mutually exclusive.
Relationships among provisions that cross-reference one another
are clearer (e.g., 9.7 extends functionalities required by
- 2.5: Per
25 July teleconf, deleted prerecorded text part of this
- 3.1, 3.2, 3.6: Indicate that when content is toggled off, it is
conditional content.
- 4.1: Per
11 July teleconf and subsequent discussion on the list (see
email from Al Gilman). Clarified first bullet (use of "scale"),
and added some normative inclusions. Deleted Note.
- 4.2, 4.3: Tweaked to look like 4.1 (with override option its
own bullet).
- 4.6: Per
11 July teleconf, in second sufficient technique, deleted "so
that the user may position them independently."
- 4.1: Clarified that this checkpoint is for BOTH content and
- 11.5: Fixed to account for when no content focus present, per
25 July teleconf.
- 6.2: Added example of C++. Also, per
11 July teleconf, added a statement in normative exclusion that
exporting out of process may be useful.
- 9.1: Added normative exclusion when no content focus in
viewport, per
25 July teleconf.
- 9.3: Editorial tweaks to make it look like checkpoints in
- 10.1: Per
11 July teleconf, Clarify 10.1 to read "For graphical user
agents that render tables, for each table cell, allow the user to
view associated header information.". Also, indicated sufficient
techniques: query and rendering in same viewport.
- 10.2: Bug fix.
- 11.5: Clarified that content focus intended per
25 July teleconf.
Major overhaul based on suggestion from Eric Hansen to define
"conformance profiles". This version should be much easier to
understand. It's also been pruned (some information moved to other
parts of the document).
- Terms "subject of claim", "(un)conditional conformance", and
"valid profile" removed.
- Reinstated VisualText label for checkpoints 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, and
4.3, which is required for any UA that renders text visually.
- More clearly indicate two uses of profiles: for evaluation and
as minimal requirements when part of a specification.
- There is a more accurate representation of the relationship
between UAAG 1.0 and RFC2119.
- There is a cleaner definition of the default set of
- New section in 3.2 "Requirements for user interface or
- In "Requirements for content, for user agent features, or both
user agent features and content", clarify that "content only" means
at least for content (and may do more for UI where it makes
- Simplified section on well-formed claims due to factorization
of conformance profile information.
- Definition of valid claim simplified: "A conformance claim is
valid if it is well-formed and true."
- More clear statement that evaluation of claims requires
- Simplified section on referencing UAAG 1.0 conformance, due to
factorization of conformance profile information.
- "Image": Some tweaks based on discussion with EH.
- "Content focus" Added link from definition to checkpoint
- "Text element": Removed last paragraph after discussion with
eric hansen (it was his text originally).
- Added [DOM3EVENTS]
- Added link to resource on access to PDF through MSAA at
- 4.1: Some techs added per
11 July teleconf.
- 6.4: Added GECKO-API as reference.
- 9.6: Added some DOM techniques based on discussion with
Philippe Le Hegaret.
- 4.14: In Doing More: allowing the user to select more than one
style sheet may be a useful way to implement other requirements of
this document. Also, if the user agent offers several default style
sheets, the user agent can also use these to satisfy some
requirements (e.g., available on the Web; this would allow user
agents to improve accessiblity of deployed user agents).
This version is the result of nearly ten months of Candidate
Recommendation experience. It includes a number of important
changes that are the result of user agent evaluations performed
with developers of a variety of products. Important changes are
noted as such; there were a number of editorial changes made as a
result of removing and clarifying checkpoints.
- Provisions are now much more tightly connected to one another.
Explicit references will reduce ambiguity about what is
- Added black and white printable PS versions.
- Updated link to 18 Dec 2001 charter.
- Adjusted documents to conform to W3C publication rules. Also,
added warning since some browsers forget to change file suffix
after uncompressing on the fly.
- Incorporated
comments from Susan Lesch
- Deleted "security" as a limitation of this document (issue
- Important New section 1.5 on
themes in this document.
- Added links to checkpoints after guideline title.
- Added to Section 2 (after description of checkpoints): "A user
agent may conform to this document without satisfying every
checkpoint. See the section on conditional conformance for more
information about how to eliminate some checkpoints and still
conform." (issue
Checkpoint numbers are the ones in this draft unless noted
otherwise. See also detailed list of
- Each checkpoint now consists of provisions, optional sufficient
techniques, optional normative inclusions and exclusions (issue 538).
The normative inclusions section also includes conformance labels
and whether checkpoint for content, UA, or both. Some information
was moved to a section on normative inclusions (even when redundant
or unnecessary, but since normative anyway, ok to put there).
- 1.2, 9.5, 9.6: Important. Now optional and
part of Events label, per
6 June 2002 teleconf. Also, rewrote 1.2 and 9.6 in terms of
event types (issue
525 and also as the result of discussion with the DOM WG)
- 2.5: Changed title to include audio descriptions.
- 2.10: Updated title: "Don't render unsupported language."
- 3.1: The user agent may satisfy this checkpoint with a
configuration to not render any images, including background
images. However, user agents should satisfy this checkpoint by
allowing users to turn off background images alone, independent of
other types of images in content. (issue
- 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 4.7: Added normative inclusion indicating
that these must be satisfied for all formats (issue
- 3.5: Changed title, changed "refresh" to "retrieve", give META
example in Note. (issue
- 4.1: Important. Attempted to clarify
checkpoint by emphasizing the scale requirement (otherwise, it
doesn't make sense and isn't useful if the user can only change,
for example, paragraph text size but not header size accordingly).
Split second part of (old) provision one into new provision
- 4.6: Important. Per
13 June 2002 teleconf, modified to be only about
non-obfuscation. Added two sufficient techniques (render on top
with user control of text fg and bg, and render in separate
viewports). Changed title. Moved positioning information to
techniques and added turning off captions as well. Deleted "The
user agent is not required to make the captions background
transparent when those captions are rendered above a related video
- 4.12, 4.13, 14.4, and 11.7: Independent provisions created to
make test suite work easier.
- 4.14: Important. Clarified the intent of the
first two provisions: Support alternate author style sheets.
Support at least one user style sheet.
- 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 (new), 6.5:
Important. Implemented proposal from
IJ and JG and
amendment from Rich (issue
- 6.2, 6.9: Not required to export bindings out of process (issue
- 6.3: Refer to content rather than markup languages (issue
526). Also provide minimal requirement for structure access
(not character stream for content more structured than plain text)
in normative inclusion re: structured programmatic access.
- 6.10: Clarification that referes to "APIs implemented to
satisfy the requirements of this document" (issue
- 6.6: Changed "alert" to "notify" (to avoid confusion with
"alert the user"). Made this change globally in the document for
programmatic notification.
- 8.1: Clarified that the expression "identified as such" means
"identified as such in the specification". However, this does not
account for W3C Notes such as "Accessibility features of CSS" which
may be useful but not normative (issue
- 9.3, 9.7: Clarified to indicate that set of elements refesr to
the elements defined in the first provision of the checkpoint issue
- 9.4: Added "If the user returns to a state in the history and
the user agent retrieves new content, the user agent is not
required to restore the saved values of the three state variables."
- 9.7: Changed the title to "Move content focus in reverse" (issue
- 10.1: Important. Per
20 June 2002 teleconf, now for graphical user agents only, and
only about cell/header relations. Added a sufficient technique:
"The user agent may satisfy this checkpoint with a technique
frequently employed by spreadsheet applications..."
- 10.2, 10.3, 10.6: Important. changed per
proposal from IJ (issue
- 10.7: Changed title and added Note that not about downloading
540). Indicate that for streaming content, load progress may be
similar to viewport position.
- 11.5:
- Sufficient technique: The user agent may satisfy the
functionality of entering a URI for a new resource in a number of
ways, including by prompting the user, or by moving the user
interface focus... (issue
- Delete "refresh rendering", reload resource is ok, "Interrupt
reload request" instead of "Stop loading resource" (issue
- Clarified what forward/back one viewport means (issue
- 11.7: Added normative exclusion that checkpoint does not
require that user profiles be portable (issue
- 12.2: Added note that APIs benefit accessibility (issue
- 12.3: Added cross-refs between 12.3 and 11.1 (since
documentation of default config sufficient for 11.1 if 11.3 not
satisfied; note that 11.3 is a P2...)
Checkpoints or portions of checkpoints from CR-UAAG10-20010912 that were
- 2.2: Deleted second bullet on SGML/XML applications (issue
- 2.10: Deleted per
6 June 2002 teleconf. Moved info to "doing more" section in
techs document for checkpoint 2.3.
- 3.4: Deleted the alert requirement (issue
- 3.5: Deleted the alert requirement per
6 June 2002 teleconf. Moved info to "doing more" section in
techs document.
- 3.6: Deleted per
6 June 2002 teleconf. Moved information to checkpoint 3.5
(normative inclusions and also "doing more" of techniques).
- 4.7, 4.8, 4.11: Deleted per
6 June 2002 teleconf. Moved information to the following
checkpoints respectively: 4.4, 4.5, and 4.8.
- 5.6 (fee links) and portions of 10.3 and 10.4 (issue 544).
Also, deleted references to fee links from prose
- 5.7 (manual close): Deleted per
6 June 2002 teleconf. Moved info to "doing more" section in
techs document for checkpoint 5.3.
- 10.3 (default highlight styles) (issue
- Important. Deleted VisualText and ColorText
conformance labels per support for this
proposal from IJ. The consequence is that graphical user agents
are required to satisfy 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 when conforming with
corresponding content type labels.
- Important. New section 3.12 on including UAAG
1.0 requirements in other specifications and conformance profiles
- Important. In 3.3, added section about
security considerations per
proposal. Also, removed "security" from section on restricted
functionality. This section should really only be about restricted
functionality as the result of author content (and not about the
UAs refusal to provide security mechanisms). (issue
- 1.2, 9.5, 9.6: Now optional and part of Events label, per
6 June 2002 teleconf. Added Events label (section 3.7),
integrated into example in section 3.2. Reordered sections for
labels based on likelihood of being satisfied: content type labels,
events, selection, input modalities. This order is used throughout
the document (with applicability at the end). Added Events label to
well-formed claim section.
- In section 3.9 (Conformance) change "should" to "must" for
"Information about which specifications have been implemented to
satisfy the requirements of the document (e.g., those of guideline
6 and guideline 8)." (issue
- In section 3.3 (conformance details), rewrote section on
conformance and implementing specifications (issue
- Deleted example of "fee link" from definition of applicability
(issue 544).
- Use "audio description" instead of "auditory description"
globally, but in glossary indicate WCAG 1.0 as source of auditory
- Added definitions of open and closed captions. Indicate what
UAAG 1.0 means by captions (related to "recognize").
- Added "event type"
- Attemps to clarify definition of focus.
- Deleted definition of "fee link" (issue 544).
- Updated: Unicode to version 3.2, WCAG 1.0 Techniques,
- Added: INFOSET (issue
ACCESSIBILITY-DEV-HOWTO, MAC-ACCESS, an active accessibility
reference, GECKO-API
- Updated reference to DOM 2 events to include how to dispatch
events and register listeners.
- Added some "latest version" links.
- In table version, can comment on a per-provision basis. Also,
don't center table data in table version
- Indicated in checklists that more normative information
(exclusions and inclusions) is found in guideilnes doc.
Note: Some techniques also indicated above, where moved from a
checkpoint as the result of deleting the checkpoint.
- 4.1: Added from Jim Allan: info on changing tool tips size in
- 4.17: Link to section 7.0 of CSS1 for semantics of style sheet
- 5.5: Added to Notes/Rationale: Many user agents offer this
configuration as a security feature.
- 9.4: Added technique starting "For each state in the history,
keep track of the last time the content was modified."
- 9.6: Authors may specify redundant event handlers (e.g., the
same handler for both
events). When the user agent recognizes the
same handler for two event types, present only one of them to avoid
- 9.5: Clarified rationale
- 10.1 Added CSS technique ('overflow').
- 10.6: Fee link techniques from old 5.6 moved here (issue 544).
- 11.2: Added to doing more: "If the user agent offers a way to
restore the user agent default configuration (e.g,. by pushing a
button), prompt the user to save the current configuration before
restoring the default configuration. This scenario illustrates the
value of named, persistent, reloadable configurations."
- In Guideline 6, added that POR should be available through
- In speech techs, suggested announcing different classes of
links differently
- To cover "pathological" focus scenario from Al Gilman, added
"In some markup languages, it is possible (though somewhat
pathological) for two actions to be assigned to the same input
event type for a given element (e.g., one through an explicit event
handler and one "intrinsic" to the element). In this case, offer
the user a choice of which action to take."
- Added IFRAME and FRAME reference to section on frame
This is a Candidate Recommendation. Changes from the previous
version are:
- Updated status section
- Minor editorial changes based on comments from Eric
- Fixed 4.8 to align with 4.5.
- Fixed title of 4.5
- global change to use expression "fast forward and rewind"
instead of "fast advance and fast reverse"
- In techniques, per 30 August teleconf, added comment that
sounds played on load may overlap with sounds played later.
- Fixed broken reference links.
- Updated link to SMIL 2 Recommendation.
- Editorial changes based on comments from Harvey Bingham.
- 2.4: Edited entire checkpoint based on discussion at the
26 July teleconf and discussions with the SVG WG. Pause
technique no longer mandatory, but there are requirements when it
is used to satisfy the checkpoint.
- 4.1, 4.9, 4.12, and 9.10: These checkpoints required both
configuration and control. Removed "control" requirement as this is
a subclass of configuration.
- 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 10.2, and 10.4: Per
26 July teleconf, edits to the cascade of which services to
use: range first based on what conventional choice utility offers,
otherwise lower level API.
- 6.5: Per
19 July teleconf, clarified note that only about content [the
checkpoint already says "content", so this is just clarification.]
Also, move the sentence about what an available API means from Note
to checkpoint (already done for 6.3 and 6.4).
- 9.3: Per
19 July teleconf, Added that user agent must (on configuration)
not move focus to another enabled element except on explicit user
request. Fixed note after the checkpoint.
- 10.4: Per
19 July teleconf, changed fourth provision to not require
rendering of more specific than smallest encompassing element.
- Important: For content/For UA feature labels now only used when
it's necessary to disambiguate a checkpoint. This is much easier as
it requires less reading and can be deleted in the obvious cases or
where the labels were confusing. I have also edited some of the
checkpoint text to make sure that it's clear when it's about
content or rendered content.
- 2.4: Some changes based on discussion at the
26 July teleconf and discussions with the SVG WG.
- 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 10.2, and 10.4: Added information about function
calls for these services in Windows based on discussions with Tim
Lacy: ChooseFont, ChooseColor, DrawText.
- Important: Based on comments from SVG WG,
reviewed all Notes after checkpoints and moved to checkpoints:
- Any sufficient technique.
- Any exemptions.
- Incorporated
editorial comments from Richard Premack:
- Incorporated some editorial suggestions from Harvey
- Based on some comments from Tantek Çelik, changed
"specification" to "format specification" for clarity in some
places (so that it would not be confused with "specified by the
- Refer to "synthesized speech" instead of "speech", per
12 July teleconference.
- Based on input from the WG, edited the summary to include more
scenarios and fewer checkpoints/guidelines examples.
- Use "stakeholder" per comments from Richard Premack.
- Edits to section on limits of document about output modalities.
Don't apologize for synthesized speech requirements.
- Edits to introduction describing checkpoint structure to make
clear what is normative and informative.
- Per
12 July teleconference, integrated "rendered content" label in
addition to "all content" label. Editor's note: Having integrated
this label, I am not entirely satisfied with the results and may
propose something that will be easier to use and understand. This
is a step in the right direction, however.
- 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 10.2, 10.4: Per
12 July teleconference, refer to "font services", "text
decoration services", and "color services". For 4.1, incorporated
"cascade" so that font services are required first, otherwise text
drawing services. Note that the WG did not agree
to this type of change to the other checkpoints (just 4.1), but I
made this change to all of these checkpoints for the sake of
consistency. I do not believe this changes there meaning in any
- 6.4: Added note that alert of changes does not refer to style,
only content. This clarification has not yet been
approved by the working group. Refer to
proposal from Ian.
- Important Edited based on comments from SVG
WG. This version puts the most important conformance concepts up
front, to avoid confusion.
- Added a statement that some checkpoints may not benefit some
users for some content, but are expected to benefit many users for
general purpose content. This was added based on SVG comments that
suggested that some requirements shouldn't be included in the
document because they didn't help users all the time.
- Added comment per Richard Premack observation that components
may reside on a server.
- Tried to make sure that all requirements are either stated in
checkpoints, or things referred to from checkpoints, or in the
details clauses of the conformance section.
- Added to image/animation/audio/video content type labels
information about requirements applying to media objects that may
be rendered independently and coherently according to
- Per
12 July teleconference, added statement that when a UA runs in
more than one OE, the user should consider several factors in
choosing which conventions to follow.
- Important To address
issue 517, added definitions of "image" and "audio", and edited
definition of "animation" (see also requirements added to content
type labels). The point of this change was to define these terms
such that they refer to atomic media objects that can be played on
their own. Thus, the requirements of the document apply to those
media objects that may be played independently. Refer to discussion
at the
12 July teleconference.
- Per comments from SVG WG, removed incorrect CSS example from
checkpoint about outline view.
- Overhauled the structure of the checkpoints:
- Now uses header elements properly.
- Different provisions of a checkpoint are in a bulleted list.
This should be easier to read and refer to.
- Added document date to checklists and split-out chapters
- Changed "next" link text to "next chapter". Same for
- Added xml namespaces as example of something that a user agent
might not recognize (based on SVG WG comments).
- Updated description in section of the structure of a
- 1.1: Changed note after 1.1 and notes/rationale/who benefits to
make clearer direct v. spatial access
- 3.2/3.7: Per discussion at
7 June teleconf, moved sufficient techniques (silent/invisible)
from techs to checkpoint text for 3.2 and 3.7. Make this a
sufficient but not recommended technique.
- 3.3: Per
7 June teleconf, the user agent must not drop packets in the
case of streaming content. The user must have access to all the
same content, but in non-animated and non-blinking form. Clarify
that text may be rendered in another viewport.
- 3.4: Per discussion at
21 June teleconf, clarified that a single alert for more than
zero scripts or applets is required
- 4.6: Per
7 June teleconf, made clear that transparent bg for captions
not required.
- 6.4: Per
Chair's announcement for
issue 515, added note to 6.4 that UA developers should
implement APIs that may work across software on a given OE.
- 10.8: Fixed - for content only (not user agent).
- 11.4, 11.5: Clarified that these are about user agent default
input configurations. (same language used in 11.3).
- Added [PWD-USE-WEB], even though not yet a stable document.
Added link to it from impact matrix in techniques document.
- 3.2: Left rationale for why silent/invisible is not recommended
- 4.6: Added config for this option to doing more. Added note
about which background is preferred, per comments from Cindy
- To section on known ilmitatinos, added suggestion to developers
to consider untreated issues, per
24 May teleconf.
- 1.1: State that the user must be able to operate with the
keyboard any functionality that is available through the user
interface (in some configuration). Per
30 May teleconf (
issue 514).
- 2.3: No longer about global configuration. A global config is
sufficient, but not necessary.
- 2.4: Added cross reference to 3.5 per
24 May teleconf.
- 2.8: Clarified. Edited note afterwards per
24 May teleconf.
- 2.10: Used to be 3.8. Moved per
24 May teleconf
- 3.1, 3.2, 3.7: Eliminate placeholder requirement and point to
checkpoint 2.3 since unrendered content becomes conditional
content; refer to 2.3. Removed 3.8 from audio/video/image content
label requirements. Per
24 May teleconf
- 3.3: Blinking defined (
issue 512).
- 3.3, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6 ok with no configuration. Added section
in conformance about configuration reqs. Per
30 May teleconf.
- 3.5: Clarified per
24 May teleconf
- 3.6: Clarified per
24 May teleconf.
- 4.1: No lower bound on text size. Per
30 May teleconf (
issue 512).
- 3.3: Blinking defined
- 5.5: For all form submissions, per
25 May teleconf.
- About focus events only. Clarified per
25 May teleconf (
issue 503).
- 9.5: Added to Note onfocus/onblur/onchange in the case of
- 10.3, 10.7: Don't apply when default values that are inherited.
25 May teleconf (
issue 504).
- 11.4: Single-key mode sufficient, per
25 May teleconf (
issue 505).
- New section on configuration issues.
- "Global configuration". Clarified per
30 May teleconf.
- "User agent user interface": Clarified.
- "Empty content": New
- "Explicit user request": About UA UA controls only.
- "Rendered text": Added. Per
25 May teleconf (
issue 507).
- Added statement to informative refrences section that some may
become normative if used to satisfy G6 and G8, per
24 May teleconf
- 1.1: Added rationale why cognitive burden of too much direct
key access.
- 4.3: Added technique for case of SMIL regions (and
non-applicability of foreground color). Per
25 May teleconf (
issue 507).
- 6.3: Per 31 May 2001 teleconf, added examples of non-XML/HTML
content and APIs.
- 10.3, 10.7, and 12.3: Documentation should explain how to
change defaults if inherited.
- Each checkpoint now has introductory summary phrase.
- Changed "form control" to "form element" globally, to avoid
confusion with "user interface control".
- Some changes to the section on target user agents to clarify
what the expected operating environment is.
- Deleted the term "mainstream".
- In limitations of the document, talk about limited aural space
18 May teleconf.
- 4: Deleted note about the checkpoints including conditional
content since this sounds like a normative rqeuirement but it is in
the guideline prose. Moved this to conformance section.
- 6: Edited prose. Deleted "interoperable" from "interoperable
API" per Mark Novak comment.
- 8: In prose, indicate how two checkpoints fit together.
- 10: In prose, make clearer that this is information through a
UI and not just visual.
- 12: Edited prose.
- 1.2: Per
10 May teleconference, added information about event
- 2.1: Simplified. Also, per
10 May teleconference, added exemption in case of
- 2.2: Simplified. Added link to "text source".
- 2.3: Simplified. Removed "close relationship" and now indicate
only summary, description, etc. for more precision. Alert now only
required for query option (per
10 May teleconf). Alert must be per-element.
- 2.4: Added to note to pause all synched content per
19 April teleconf.
- 2.4, 3.5, 4.5: Buffering is not required, per
19 April teleconf.
- 2.9: Per
16 May teleconf, clarified that all content doesn't need to be
in one viewport. Mention multiple configs in Note.
- 2.10: Per
17 May teleconf, natural language includes writing
- 3.3: Added note that animation is different from streaming, and
cross-ref to 3.5.
- 3.4: Added note that this is not about plug-ins based on
RealNetworks comments.
- 4.1, 4.2, 4.3: Changed to "visually rendered text" per
18 May teleconf.
- 4.5: Added to checkpoint that playback during ff and rw is not
- 4.6: Needs review. Transcripts no longer
included. More detailed about what is required. Based on
19 April teleconf but not yet approved.
- Old 4.10: Split into 4.10 and 4.11 per
18 May teleconf (refer to
proposal from Ian.
- 5.1: About changes to content-focus only.
- 5.4: UI focus is not related to viewport, do not part of this
checkpoint. This checkpoint for content only.
- 6.3-6.6: Substantial reorganization per
18 May and
23 May teleconfs. Reused "available and appropriate" from
- Deleted old 6.6 and integrated into new 6.6.
- 8.1: Modified definition of accessibility features.
- 8.2: For consistency with 2.1, added that if a spec contradicts
this spec, developer may disregard the other specification.
- Old 9.1: Split into 9.1 and 9.2. Important
Because there is no requirement to implement a selection, there is
no checkpoint for it.
- 9.1: Added note that plug-in viewports are part of this
checkpoint if in the claim.
- 9.4/9.5: Switched per request from Gregory.
- 9.4: Clarify that this is only when history mechanism is
- 9.10: Removed 6.4 cross-ref per comment from Mark Novak.
- 10.1: Added example of where summaries come from.
- 10.8: Per
19 April teleconf, added note that granularity of proportion
not specified. Moved h. and v. requirement from Note to
- 12.2: Per
23 May teleconf, edited definition of accessibility features.
12.4 and 12.5 refer to it.
- 12.4/12.5: Switched order to allow better grouping w.r.t.
- 12.5: Edited per
19 April teleconf to adopt
proposal from Ian. Per
23 May teleconf, edited scope of "all".
- New section 3.5 about the selection label. Updated well-formed
claim requirements and other information earlier in conformance
- Added section 3.9 "additional conformance topics">
- Merged some topics (logos, responsibility) under 3.8 (validity
of a claim).
- Under 3.9:
- New section on conformance and implementing specifications. Per
19 April teleconf decision that conformance possible to some
specs (but not required for all).
- Edits to description of content only /ui
- Edits to section on satisfying through API or otherwise.
- Edits to section on restricted functionality and
- Per
16 May teleconf, it's ok to satisfy a "content only"
requirement in a manner that also involves the UI.
- Per
23 May teleconf, configuration files are ok to satisfy config
requirements. Added that *should* also be do-able in UI.
- Well-formed claim should include information about
APIs and formats used to satisfy the requirements of the
- Added 4.11 to Audio label.
- Added a navigation bar to top of glossary.
- Per
23 May teleconf, added statement that glossary is
- New definitions: Override (per
19 April teleconf), Plug-in, Applet, Text source,
Non-interactive element (per
16 May teleconf).
- Disabled element: Redefined in terms of enabled only.
- Scripts: Moved some examples from conformance to here.
- Viewport, rendered content: Edited per
17 May teleconf.
- Selection, Focus: Substantial edits.
- Standard API: Definition deleted.
- Updated [UNICODE] to version 3.1.
- Added a "Who benefits" section to each checkpoint. This
replaces the impact matrix. Also generate a new appendix
summarizing which checkpoints are expected to help which
- Added a section summarizing the differences between the
Techniques document and the Guidelines.
- Added note that references to products are not
- 2.1: Explain "contradiction" case. Added technique about
configuration in case of contradiction.
- 2.3: Tweaks to emphasize the presence of more than one piece of
associated conditional content. Added technique of a global flag
(menu) and then per-element access thereafter.
- 2.4: Added note about usability for some content. Added to
techniques why unsynched content need not be paused. Added other
- 2.5: Added rationale why transcripts present at same time as
visual track.
- 2.6: Added cross-reference to SMIL 2.0.
- 2.10: Added Cyrillic example.
- 3.6: Added more info to techniques about how done in HTML
- 3.7: Added note to explain why lower priority than 3.2
- 8.2: Added rationale why conformance to w3c specs not P1.
- 10.3: Per
17 May teleconf, indicate that black, white, grey are
- 10.8: Per
19 April teleconf, gave example of fifty audio clips; also
- 11.6: Added info about documenting configuration formats.
- 12.2: Added info about documenting configuration formats.
- 12.x: Say "user agent" instead of "product". Added a relative
proportion technique.
This draft of the documents is a first experiment in breaking
them into smaller pieces by default. There is still a single HTML
version available for each document, available along with the other
available formats.
- Status section update for last call draft.
- Added some techniques
- Put RFC2046 back into note after 2.2.
- Some edits to checkpoint 4.10 based on
Greg Lowney comments.
- Clarification to definitions of activate, enabled element,
interactive element (so not circular).
There were only very minor changes to the Guidelines. This was
mostly an effort to clean up the Techniques Document.
- Added same navigation tools as in Guidelines (next, previous,
guideline etc.)
- Divided techniques into five groups: notes and rationale,
example techniques, doing more, cross references in this document,
other references.
- General editing to the techniques to reduce redundancy and
update with changes to the document.
- Removed table of Netscape's keyboard bindings and replaced with
a link to the Mozilla site (which has lots of good information
about keyboard bindings that developers should think about).
- Some images were too wide, so I cropped them as best I
- Integrated executive summary per
29 March 2001 teleconference.
- Further deleted instances of "must" to fall in line with
RFC2119. "Must" only used in checkpoints, in references to
checkpoints that use "must", and in section on conformance.
- Added Note before Guideline one about checkpoint
- 1.2: This checkpoint moved from Guideline 9 per
29 March 2001 teleconference since about
- 2.3: Clarified (with one word) in checkpoint what was already
in the Note: that the config requirement is global.
- 2.5, 2.6: Added that these are special cases of 2.1.
- 2.7: Editorial changes to remove "author's intention" and
instead focus on how the content is encoded. Same language as 2.6
in essence.
- 3.2, 3.7: Per comments from Greg Lowney, changed to not talk
about activation of placeholders (but same requirement).
- 3.4, 4.16: Added some rationale to Notes about turning off
scripts/style sheets as a last resort technique.
- 3.8: New. Added per decision at
29 March 2001 teleconference. See
issue 467.
- 4.6: Changed "same" to "at least" for clarity, per decision at
29 March 2001 teleconference.
- 4.11 (and elsewhere): Changed "speech playback rate" to "speech
- 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7: Important Per decision at
29 March 2001 teleconference, added requirements that if
standard APIs not available, use some publicly documented API to
provide access.
- 8.2: Tweaks in Note about conformance to W3C specs.
- 9.2: Per decision at
29 March 2001 teleconference, did not add requirement for
reverse navigation, but did add suggestion to note.
- 9.4: Per decision at
29 March 2001 teleconference, changed language from "query" to
allow for non-query techniques.
- 10.2, 10.6: Fixed label: These checkpoints are for content
only. Moved 10.6 to section on content requirements.
- 11.4: Minimal requirement is to have single key bindings for at
least all of what's in 11.5, per decision at
29 March 2001 teleconference. Add a Note to encourage
developers to supply a bunch of single key bindings AND that most
functionalities should be available for single-key bindings. Other
edits as well to clarify the meaning of single key, option for
modifiers for default input config. See
issue 468.
- In applicability provision 3, cleaned up references to event
- Added (new) checkpoint 3.8 to content type label groups Video,
Audio, Animation, and Image.
- Added note that checkpoint grouping/order has no bearing on
- Added note that link to techniques after checkpoint is
- Some general (minor) editorial cleanup.
- "Placeholder": updates and cleanup of definition. Added some
techniques as well to convey idea.
- Updated definition of "Documentation" and deleted "document
source view" per decision at
29 March 2001 teleconference to implement
proposal from Ian.
- Event handlers: Cleaned up definition and added definition of
"explicitly associated event handler".
- Assistive technology: Added as another example of an AT
definition, link to AT act of 1998.
- 1.2: Added query and non-query techniques. Added config option
to non-query technique.
- 1.2, 9.4: Added information about what constitutes an input
device event handler in HTML 4 and DOM 2.
- 2.5, 4.6: Added techniques for SMIL 1.0 user agents on
recognizing as captions what is guarded by the system-captions test
- 2.7: Added very little in the way of examples of conditional
- 3.4: Added technique to increase granularity of on/off
- 8.2: Added link to W3C tech reports page.
- 9.4: per
29 March teleconf : added technique to restore state variables
after refresh of content. Removed first technique since part of
checkpoint now.
- 11.4: mention that entering a special mode (e.g, via one key)
and having single key bindings after that is also useful.
- Added guidelines navigations mechanisms per
request from Gregory.
- Checklist no longer sorted by groups, just priorities. Also,
added column for content, ua, or both.
- Important edits to prose of Guideline 1 to make clearer why
these 2 checkpoints are important to device-independence
- 2.3, 2.9: Per
22 March teleconf, harmonized the relationship between these
two checkpoints. Based on
proposal from Ian.
- 2.7: Per
22 March teleconf, repair techniques in checkpoint are
sufficient but not necessary. Important edits to Note after
checkpoint to give a better sense of the goal of repair.
- 4.13, 4.14, 4.15: Changes based on
22 March teleconf decision, but deviated from decision by
incorporating CSS2 terms directly into checkpoints. Left
informative reference to CSS2.
- 9.8: Per
22 March teleconf decision, added alert requirement when search
reaches end of content.
- Old 11.3: Split into 11.3 and 11.4 (as part of improving input
modality label defintions).
Important changes based on
proposal from Ian adopted at 22 March teleconference.
- Implemented labels for content only, user agent only, or both.
Labels appear after priority statement. See also new subsection of
3.7 (validity of a claim) on these labels.
- Rewrote conformance model (3.1)
- Added example of determining set of requirements.
- Added requirement to use content type labels in addition to
information about supported formats.
- Updated input modality requirements and descriptions.
- Updated definition of valid claim based on "default" set of
- Added statement to definition of DOM about most requirements
(but for repair) applying after construction of DOM.
- Added definitions of normative/informative. Link to them from
the document.
- To definition of "auditory description", added "sometimes audio
description" based on
commetnts from Geoff Freed.
- General editorial pass to harmonize prose in guidelines with
checkpoints, etc. I did not do a pass over the glossary this
- Per comments from Harvey:
- harmonized use of quotes and the code element. Added more
instances of the code element.
- added some information about typographic conventions for
glossary and references (to the beginning of each of those
- Clarified last sentence of first para of Abstract per comment
from Denis Anson
- Section 1.1: Editorial - Per
15 March teleconference, changed "support for bad authoring
practices" concept to be clearer.
- Section 1.3 (Known limitations): added single-layer only for
background image control.
General edits, notably to prose of G1, G3, G5, G9.
- Old 1.2: Deleted per
15 March teleconference.
- 2.2: Per
15 March teleconference, moved text format requirements into
checkpoint and rewrote Note.
- 2.3: Editorial clarifications.
- 3.2 and 3.7: Implemented
proposal from Ian to allow viewing visual content out of
context (as well as in context).
- 3.3: Added stock-ticker example to Note per
issue 384.
- 4.1: Editorial - added HTML paragraphs as an example in the
- 4.5: Editorial - clarified in Note that independent control is
required by this checkpoint.
- 5.4, 5.5, 5.6: Editorial - attempted to clarify the
- 9.1: Deleted sentence about pointing device per
proposal from Ian. Not yet approved.
- 9.2: Changed from P1 to P2 per
15 March teleconference.
- 9.5: Since this checkpoint is about 4 state variables, fixed
- 9.6, 10.3: Editorial - shorter sentences.
- 10.5: Editorial - tried to state clearer what an internal link
- 11.3: Added Note that key means physical key of the keyboard
input device.
- 12.4: Editorial - Added to note emphasis about integration of
access features in whole documentation.
- 4.14, 4.15: Terminology aligned with CSS2 terminology. Also,
proposal from Al. Not yet approved.
- In section 3.3 about formats: Changed "there is no restriction"
to "this specification imposes no restrictions on".
- 3.3: Added technique about rendering lots of blinking text as a
block a link away.
- 7.3: Editorial changes to info about consistency, per Bryan
Campbell comments.
- 4.13, 4.15: Added images for ViaVoice GUIs.
- Editorial: General substitution of "Allow the user to configure
the user agent to" to "Allow configuration to"
- Editorial: Global substitution of "active element" with
"enabled element". Introduction of term "Interactive element".
- Editorial: Some changes based on comments from Aaron Leventhal.
In particular, changed "must" to "needs to" in a number of places
(e.g., guidelines prose, techniques) to avoid impression that
required for conformance.
- 1.3 (Known limitations): Added a limitation that there is no
requirement in this document for all user interface
components to be under final user control; this is covered to a
large extent in Guideline 5 and also in other software
- Guideline 4 split into Guidelines 4 and 5. Moved checkpoints
about control of UI behavior to new Guideline 5.
- Guideline 5 split into Guidelines 6 and 7.
- 2.4: Checkpoint wording changed per 1-2 March
face-to-face. Added alert requirement as well. Please
review. (
issue 460).
- 2.5: Changed from "allow the user to specify" to "allow the
user to configure or control".
- 3.2: Content type "Animation", not "Image". But leave video as
- 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7: Changed "video and animations" to
"animations (including video and animated images)" per
proposal from Ian adopted at
8 March teleconf.
- 4.5: Important Based on discussion at 1-2 March
face-to-face, added the following statement: "The user agent is
not required to play synchronized audio during fast advance or
reverse of animations (though doing so may help orient the
- 4.13, 4.14, 4.15: Important These are derived
from one single checkpoint per 1-2 March
face-to-face resolution. These checkpoints need review! (Didn't
do much to move techniques around yet.)
- 5.1, 5.2, 5.3: Changed per
proposal from Ian, adopted at
8 March teleconf.
- 6.5: (Editorial) Selection and focus are no longer part of "UI
- 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7: Now form a coherent
content-focus navigation model (among viewports and among enabled
elements and among history). Changed per
proposal from Ian (adopted at
8 March teleconf) in conjunction with resolutions from 1-2 March
- 9.1: Removed this Note: "Navigation among all viewports implies
at least allowing the user to cycle through all viewports."
- 9.2, 9.7: Based on comments from Aaron Leventhal, attempt at
making the differences between these two checkpoints more apparent
(note that the first sentence is the same in both, but the other
two differ).
- 9.8: Clarification about where the default search starting
point should be (when user has not indicated). Based on resolution
from 1-2
March face-to-face.
- 10.7: No longer talks about current viewport; instead viewport
with current focus. Changed per
proposal from Ian (adopted at
8 March teleconf).
- 11.4: Browser history is not required, so history stage change
bindings moved to "if supported" section.
- 12.2, 12.5: Edits to Notes based on
comments from Harvey Bingham.
- Applicability: Added some comments about event bubbling to
third applicability provision.
- 3.5 Responsibility for Claims: Changed wording from "anyone may
make a claim" to "this spec imposes no restrictions about who may
make a claim".
- 3.1 (Content type labels): Made some adjustments based on
definition of Animation that includes Video and Animated Images. In
particular: Animated images are part of animation, not images. The
goal was to have video/image/animation conformance overlap as
little as possible. Also adjusted Speech label based on two new
speech checkpoints.
- New term: "Animation" (per
8 March discussion.
- New term: "Enabled element"
- New term: "Interactive element"
- Deleted term: "active element"
- Deleted term: "current viewport"
- Per 1-2
March face-to-face, changes to the terms "focus" (content focus
and user interface focus), "selection", "point of regard".
- "Event handlers": Added "An event handler is 'explicitly
associated with an element' when the event handler is associated
with a particular element through markup or the
- New section "How to refer to this document".
Distinguishes this version from latest version. Gives sample HTML
- Added [SMIL20]
- Fixed some cross-linking bugs between Guidelines and Techniques
pointed out by
Harvey Bingham.
- 2.7: Added some examples of "required" conditional
- 3.5: Added technique to configure-content refresh based on
CMN example.
- 4.4, 4.5: Added some techniques for doing this in SMIL 2.0.
Added some info about applicability and streaming. Added techniques
pointing to digital talking books information.
- 5.1, 5.2: Some techniques added.
- 5.5: Suggest warning user that some fee mechanisms may not be
"caught" in this configuration. Added per 1-2 March
face-to-face resolution.
- 6.1: Added rationale about advantage of access to source
content to ATs (rather than offscreen access).
- 9.9: Added some comments about where important information is
identified from (e.g., specs, metadata).
- 12.3: Added a technique to document where UA diverges from
system conventions.
- The document talks a lot more about "conditional content" and a
lot less about "equivalents", though equivalents are still
mentioned (with respect to WCAG and also checkpoint 1.3).
- Prose to Guideline 2 edited to reflect staged access
- Prose all Guidelines edited to reflect current state of
document (after evolution of checkpoints and migration of
checkpoints to other guidelines).
- Title of Guideline 4 changed per
issue 455.
- 1.1, 1.2: Editorial clarifications.
- 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 (new): All changed according to
proposal from Ian adopted at
22 Feb 2001 teleconference. This addresses issues
359, and
- 3.3: Added a note that blinking may be useful to some users
(e.g., users who are deaf).
- 5.4: Per
issue 457, deleted "usign standard APIs". Added a
cross-reference to 5.6, since it covers the standard API
requirements. Checkpoint 5.4 requires read-write access in all
cases, even when no std APIs available. Moved commented examples to
Note after checkpoint, in conjunction with cross reference to
- 8.3: Per
issue 458, Added statement to that the requirement for image
maps (all image maps, not just client-side) is highlight of map as
a whole, with "should" for configuration to highlight each active
region. The idea is that the author will help here.
objection from Charles.
Based on
proposal from Ian, added text to clarify that checkpoint
groupings are not normative. This pertains to
issue 435.
- Added "conditional content"
- Modifications to the definitions of text element, text
equivalent, and equivalent. Much of the information previously
there is still there, but now the definitions point more towards
WCAG 1.0 definitions.
- Added RFC2046 (for checkpoint 2.2).
- Checkpoints 2.1, etc.: Techniques updated since checkpoints
moved around.
- Checkpoint 2.10: Add info about HTTP headers and CSS ':lang'
pseudo-class. Also, revised this sentence "For instance, a user
agent that doesn't support Korean (e.g., doesn't have the
appropriate fonts or voice set) should allow configuration to
announce the language change with the message "Unsupported language
-- unable to render" (e.g., when the language itself is not
recognized) or "Korean not supported -- unable to render" (e.g.,
when the language is recognized by the user agent doesn't have
resources to render it)."
- Checkpoint 4.4: Added note that access through two passes is
better than no access at all.
- Global change of "operating system and programming language
environment" to "operating environment". Left some OS-specific
examples, however.
- Based on discussion at
25 Jan 2001 teleconf, deleted many instances of
"author-specified" from checkpoints since the applicability
provision is in effect globally. However, left "author-specified"
when necessary to distinguish from what is from the author and what
is from the user agent: keyboard bindings and styles, navigation
order. Deleted some instances of "author-supplied" but left a few
others where they added clarity.
- At the beginning of section 2, added wording "Some checkpoints
(e.g., those requiring developers to follow conventions or
implement specifications defined outside this document) are
inherently more subject to interpretation than others."
- 2.1: Per resolution to
issue 394, (resolved at
18 Jan 2001), added source-like view to minimal requirement.
Added more rationale to Note.
- 2.2: Per
issue 452 (resolved at
25 Jan 2001 teleconf), modified checkpoint wording.
- 3.2: Content type label changed from Animation to Image.
- Old 3.4: Deleted checkpoint for no blinking
images for a couple of reasons: We are not aware of these on the
Web, and if there are, they are probably covered by the
requirements to turn of animated images.
- 3.5: Per
issue 453, resolved at
22 January 2001 teleconf, revised checkpoint to use term
"executable content".
- 3.6, 3.7: Switched order. Both clearly indicate that driven by
client, not server. Deleted "author-specified" from both
- 3.6: Raised to P1 per
issue 454 (
25 Jan 2001 teleconf).
- 5.8: New This checkpoint added per resolution
issue 327 (resolved
18 Jan 2001).
- 6.2: Per
issue 324 (resolved
18 Jan 2001), modified checkpoint wording.
- 9.6: Since this checkpoint is P3 and checkpoint 9.3 is P2,
checkpoint 9.6 is a "special case" of 9.3 but not an important
special case.
- Intro section to section 3 tweaked to be more readable.
- WCAG 1.0 conformance as part of well-formedness only in the
case when the claim is on the Web.
- Editorial changes to well-formedness section per Eric Hansen
suggestion. The result is that labels are part of well-formedness
in the case of a claim of conditional conformance. So "validity" is
reduced to well-formedness plus verified satisfaction of
- In definition of content type label for image, animated images
are now included.
- Some clarifications to definition of "active element" based on
proposal from Ian. This definition is likely to undergo more
refinement based on
comments from Eric.
- Added definition of "character encoding"
- Deleted definitions of presentation, multimedia presentation,
tactile object, tactile-only presentation, tactile track, audio
object (part of audio track now), and visual object (part of visual
track now).
- Per
issue 450 (resolved at
22 Jan 2001 teleconf), added "operating environment."
- Added mention that W3C validator handles XHTML.
- Checkpoint 2.2: Added techniques proposed by WCAG
- Checkpoint 3.5: Mention "ActiveX" in techniques. Added to
techniques that plug-ins not part of content are not part of this
- Checkpoint 3.7: Added technique: "The user agent may provide a
configuration so that when the user navigates "back" through the
user agent history to a page with a client-side redirect, the user
agent does not re-execute the client-side redirect."
This version includes:
- A revised conformance model. This one more clearly
distinguishes "conformance" from "claims of conformance" and also
introductions the notions of unconditional and conditional
- Some minor editorial changes to the introduction.
- Some checkpoints moved around (sorry folks). Notably,
checkpoints in G1 and G9 were moved to G5 since they are about
following OS conventions.
- Per issue
374 changed "inflected speech" to "speech prosody" in two
- Per
issue 397, Global change from "range of system fonts [and/or]
colors" to "full range of fonts [and/or] colors supported by the
- Changed "manual (request)" to "on demand" in several
- To avoid confusion with "selection", use the verb "choose"
rather than "select" when not about the selection.
- Per issue
356, some edits in abstract and elsewhere to no longer talk
about the "scope of the document."
Important editorial changes. Based on issue
356, section 1.2 was split into a number of sections, one of
which is "known limitations". The sections are:
- Minor: Added direct link to WAI resources page from after
- New: Relationship of this document to other
WAI guidelines. In particular, how the UAAG 1.0 uses WCAG 1.0 and
does repair in the WAI accessibility model. This is a new section
that sets the stage for additional information about importing WCAG
terms, part of resolving issues 321 and 322 (still open action
- Target user agents (mostly existing text)
- Known limitations of this document: Added to this section:
input modalities, time, security, and IPR (the last three per issue
377). Per
issue 396, added that resizing capabilities may be required for
conformance to other specifications (e.g., SVG [[SVG]]).
- Relationship to general software design guidelines (includes
some info on installation). This is mostly existing text.
- Guideline 3: Title shortened to "Allow configuration not to
render some content that may reduce accessibility."
- Guideline 6: Per
issue 428, s/promote accessibility/benefit accessibility.
- 1.1: Per
issue 416, added examples to Note, including selection.
- 1.1, 1.2: Changed "user may" to "user can".
- 1.2: Per
issue 392, language harmonized with that of 1.1 for three input
- 2.2: Per issue
- Note clearly states that this checkpoint applies only when
timing is recognized.
- Added SMIL example to note
- Added statement about what not required by 2.2
- Does not talk about scripts explicitly to avoid suggesting that
no timing can be recognized in a script.
- 2.2, 3.3: Edits to Notes to use "applicability" and "recognize"
in a consistent manner.
- 2.6: Per
issue 381, clarified language about missing equivalents. Now
repair requirement easier to read.
- 3.1, 3.5: Clarify that when background images or scripts are
present but not processed, to alert the user.
- 3.3, 3.4: Changed "motionless" to "motionless, unblinking"
- 3.3: Per issue
363, added note that this checkpoint does not address text
blinking and animation effects caused by means (e.g., scripts) that
the user agent cannot recognize.
- 3.5: Per issue
364, added "any" to checkpoint text to clarify that this is a
resource-level requirement.
- 3.6: Per
issue 428, dropped requirement for control when instantaneous
- 3.6, 3.7, 4.18: Per
issue 408, indicate in each checkpoint that one way to handle
"on demand" is through a link or responding to a prompt.
- 3.8: Added missing information about placeholder requirement
observation from Ian.
- 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.9: Now use the term "global configuration"
(see glossary).
- 4.4, 4.5 (were 4.5, 4.6): Rewritten to make "style exception"
clearer. Per
issue 398, added more rationale to note after 4.4, as well as
reference to WCAG requirements and some examples of what is
recognizable as style. Added x-ref from 4.5 to 4.4 for this
- 4.9: Per
issue 434, added an configuration option to override
author-specified and UA default settings for global volume.
- 4.10 (was 4.11): Per
issue 400, added to Note (a) Rationale about why for sounds
that are not synched. (b) UA may satisfy by allowing control of all
- 4.10, 4.12: Per
issue 434, added Note to clarify that this includes override of
author-specified volumes.
- 4.13 (was 4.14): Per
issue 361, added information about preset options to Note.
- 4.17: Per
issue 410, deleted second sentence since redundant with 4.18.
issue 411, added to end of first sentence "with which it
- 4.18: Per
issue 409, added a sentence that "If a viewport (e.g., a frame
set) contains other viewports, these requirements only apply to the
outermost container viewport."
- 4.19: Added per
issue 407.
- 5.6 (was 1.2): Per issue
367 and issue
323, checkpoint modified to make OS and programming language
APIs examples of standard accessibility APIs. [This seems more
consistent with what the WG discussed at AOL and with the
reviewer's comments.]
- 5.9 (was 5.7): Raised priority from P3 to P2
issue 437.
- 5.10 (was 8.6): Moved to Guideline 5 per
issue 421. Wording harmonized with checkpoint 5.12 (formerly
- 5.12 (was 5.8): Per
issue 412, added "that benefit accessibility" to second
- 7.3, 7.4: Per issue
350, added more clarification about their difference.
- 7.5: Per
issue 354 and
issue 417:
- Now includes requirements in the case of wrapping.
- Offending text about inside/outside viewport removed.
- 7.6: Per issue
370, incorporated editorial changes
proposed by Ian.
- 8.2: Added per
issue 422 based on
proposal from Ian.
- 8.3: Per
issue 422, subsumes checkpoints from previous draft: 8.2, 8.3,
and 8.8. Min req added that one mechanism other than color required
for graphical viewports. Per
issue 419, since fee links, recently visited links, and active
elements are rendered "statically", it's ok to use fonts to
highlight them. So added "font variations" to note after this
- 8.4: Per issue
- Moved cross-reference to 7.6 to Note.
- Edited Note to make clearer (a) outline view concept (b) what
navigable outline means (c) positive relationship to 7.6 (rather
than negative)
issue 387, rewrote based on
proposal from Ian.
- 8.6: Per
issue 422, subsumes checkpoints from previous draft: 4.15, 4.16
and first part of 8.6. Min req added that one mechanism other than
color required for graphical viewports. Per
issue 419, added recommendation that since selection/focus
change frequently, UAs should not use mechanisms that cause reflow
(e.g., font size variations).
- 8.7: About viewport highlight only. Added requirement that
default cannot rely on color alone.
- 8.9: Added per
issue 420 (as resolved at
11 Jan teleconf).
- 9.1: Per
issue 423, added Note: "To satisfy this checkpoint, the user
agent may make available binding information in a centralized
fashion (e.g., a list of bindings) or a distributed fashion (e.g.,
by listing keyboard shortcuts in user interface menus)."
- 9.2 (was 9.3): Per
issue 423, (1) Changed checkpoint text to state centralized
view explicitly. (2) Moved HTML example to note (3) More
clarifications in Note, including different views per
- 9.3 (was 9.4): Subsumes 9.4 and 9.5 from previous draft
(combined for clarity). This cancels the need for the resolution to
issue 425 (and is inspired by the reviewer's comments). Some
edits to 9.3 to make clearer modifier key requirements.
- 9.4 (was 9.8): Moved to position after 9.3 per
issue 426. Also, added note that there is no requirement in
this checkpoint for simple bindings by default.
- 10.2, 10.4: Per
issue 428, s/promote accessibility/benefit accessibility.
Important changes and clarifications here. I
have attempted to simplify the conformance model so that by
default, you have to do everything, and that to do less than that,
you must say how you narrow the scope of conformance in your claim
(through three mechanisms).
- To avoid "core" labels, made content type labels reduce the
scope. So label names now *negative*. These changes eliminate the
need for the "All" class and abbreviated labels.
- Input modality labels are also "negative" (they decrease the
- Changed content type label "Text" to "NoColorText".
- Per issue
355: Edits to section on using OS features for conformance.
Made this section a subsection of section on claim validity.
- Text no the importance of accessible by default added to note
in section on valid conformance claim. (refer to not-yet-discussed
issue 447, which complains about what "conformance by default"
- Per issue
377, Added new section "Restricted functionality and
- Per
issue 438, added statement Note: "Developers are encouraged to
design user agents that are at least partially operable through all
three input modalities."
- Applicability provisions: Per issue
357, edited provisions 2 and 3 per
proposal from Ian. Added fee links as an example of what must
be recognized in content.
- Active element: Edits for clarity per
issue 403: markup/content determines what is active (not
scripts or style). Also, per issue
369, added "For the requirements of this document, user agents
are only expected to recognize potentially active elements through
markup, not through scripts or style sheets (e.g., the ':hover'
pseudo-class of CSS 2).
- Fee link: Added per
issue 422. The definition makes clear that fee links must be
identified client-side.
- Global configuration: This term added and used in checkpoints
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.9.
- Input configuration: Per
issue 424, now mentions that bindings not recognized (e.g., set
through scripts) are not applicable
- Placeholder: Added per
issue 383. Placeholders not necessarily in DOM. Placeholders
strictly in the UI (not in the DOM) are subject to 1.3
- Recognize: Important clarifications (I hope!)
to make this format-centric, not user agent centric. No longer
about what the UA is programmed to do. Instead, about what the
format enables. This change made to be consistent with language
adopted in the applicability provisions per issue
- Rendered content: definition now clearly states that some
content may not be inside viewport at some times.
- Repair content: no longer states that content generated as a
result of user preferences is necessarily for repair; that is part
of the defn of placeholder. Repair content not necessarily in
- Text decoration: Added per
issue 422.
- Voice browser: Added (based on info from voice browser activity
home page).
- Added [ADOBE] (techniques only) per issue
- Per issue
366, deleted [WAIRESOURCES] (since direct link now).
- Added [ICAB] (techniques only).
- 2.2: Added SMIL ref and HTML/META technique to 2.2
- 3.6: Per
issue 428, added technique to allow for configuration even when
- 4.4 (was 4.5): Added some techniques for "bgsound" and
"background" in HTML.
- 4.11 (was 4.12): Per
issue 403, added technique about override of author-specified
chnages to playback rate.
- 5.3: Per
issue 436, added some non-HTML/XML markup languages to
techniques. Added MSAA and JAVAAPI as apis
- 5.6 (was 1.2): Edited techniques per issue
367 and issue
- 5.12 (was 5.8): Per
issue 395, Added technique that rationale of this document for
making content accessible applies to UI as well.
- 7.3: Per
issue 439, added technique about direct navigation and when it
may be useful
- 7.5: Added a technique about small viewports or big matchs and
where to put viewport when there's a match.
- 8.2: Added mini technique add to highlighting checkpoint on
potential conflict for colors
- 8.3: Moved techniques about selection/focus to 8.6 instead.
Added some CSS techniques.
- 9.2 (was 9.3): Added some techniques. Some based on
techniques from Charles.
- 10.5: Per
issue 428, added technique to 10.5 suggesting linking from
documentation required by 10.4. Removed "at a minimum" from
techniques for 10.5.
- Added JavaScript techniques (distributed among checkpoints)
proposed by Jon.
- Fixed technique for repair content to say that repair content
should conform to WCAG (instead of "must be accessible").
- Section 1.2: Added to section 1.2 and in intro that this
document for four types of disabilities.
- Section 1.2: Per comments
Richard Premack: Added comment "Not all user agents require
installation (e.g., those that may be part of a mobile
- 1.1: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
345: Greatly simplified. Now in terms of input modalities.
Deleted notes as well.
- 1.2: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
323: Text of checkpoint modified. Note modified as well.
- 1.3: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
337: Now allows for more than one std API for the keyboard.
Added note about I18N case after checkpoint. For issue
345: Deleted second part of requirement since no longer
necessary: "and ensure that every functionality available through
the user interface is available through this API."
- 1.4: Deleted sentence after 1.4 saying that a special case of
1.1 (since 1.4 about the UI). Based on
WCAG review comments.
- 2.5: New checkpoint per resolution of issue
346. However, taken from last sentence of 2.4.
- 2.8: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
329: Checkpoint text updated.
- 3.2: Per resolution to issue
347: Removed offending sentence about silent rendering.
- 3.5: Added comment about why alert important when no content
available since scripts have been turned off.
- 3.6; Added note that the HTTP reference is for authors.
- 3.7: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
342: Editorial changes to checkpoint text.
- 4.2, 4.3: Changed "text" to "rendered text".
- 4.2: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
333: Added note that the UA may use another font family for
text content that can't be rendered in the user's preferred font
- 4.3, 4.4: Merged into 4.3 per
Proposal from Ian.
- 4.11: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
328: Checkpoint text updated, note updated.
- 4.13: Based on
comments from Al Gilman: removed definite article. Changed to
"independent of" (verified in Am. Heritage dico)
- 4.14: Changes to Note after checkpoint based on
9 November teleconference: deleted information about
properties. Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
332: Added "speech dictionary" to list of style requirements of
4.14. (As opposed to adding a new checkpoint just for this).
- 4.17: Editorial merge of two sentences.
- 4.18, 4.20: Minor clarifications about the relationship between
these two checkpoints.
- 5.1, 5.2, 5.7: Updated DOM references since DOM specs went to
Recommendation. Updates based on discussions with Philippe Le
Hegaret. Removed reference to "read-only DOM" since we are not
interested in whether the tree itself is read-only. No need to
define "read access". Refer to
proposed changes based on DOM to Recommendation.
- 5.5: In Note, give example of content in one frame causing
changes in another. Based on T.V. Raman comment.
- 7.5: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
330: Talks about script, not natural language. For issue
334: Rewritten to make clearer that a search for chars from the
document character set.
- 9.2: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
336: Changed from "Avoid" to "Ensure that default input configs
do not interfere with os accessibility conventions."
- 9.4: Change to note to talk about pointing device, not GUI
controls. This probably needs review.
- 9.5: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
335: Added clarification to Note that this checkpoint does not
require single-key bindings for character input, only for the
activation of user agent functionalities.
- 10.2: Edits to note based on
Al Gilman comments.
Many of the changes to the section on conformance were made as
part of implementing the resolution to issue
- The section on conformance was reorganized to emphasize that,
by default, you must satisfy all the checkpoints.
- Distinction between "out of scope" and "not applicable".
- New section on "input modality labels".
- Added requirement to well-formed conformance claim section for
input modality labels.
- From section on applicability, deleted part about keyboard
support since moved to input modality section.
- Moved section on conformance through the ui to sectionon
validity of claims.
- New section on responsibility for claims (created from old
- Moved conformance claim example to "up front" in the section on
conformance so that people know what we're talking about.
- Added clarification that notes are not normative.
- Addition of content labels for conformance next to each
pertinent checkpoint. Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
344: Deleted sentence in section on conformance linking content
type labels to rfc2046. Removed reference to rfc2046.
- Changed "Text" content label "to VisualText" per
Proposal from Ian.
- Based on
Al Gilman comments: Some clarification to usage of "subject of
a claim". However, did not supress term, but used "user agent" in
section 3.1 introduction.
- Based on
Al Gilman comments: Removed "valid" from "valid content type
label" in all instances.
- Updated definition of DOM.
- Added definition of "script" qua writing system. Added
cross-reference from "natural language" to "script".
- Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
331: To defn of profile, added natural language as an example
of prefs. To config, added sentence about parameterization of
configs, including natural language as one parameter.
- For issue
334: Added definition of "document character set".
- Per resolution to issue
347: Modified definition of "rendered content" to be less
- Added definitions of silent/invisible content (and linked to
- Normative and informative references now split. The normative
references are those required for conformance.
- Updated DOM reference since they went to Recommendation.
Deleted DOM2HTML.
- Deleted reference to rfc2046 per issue
- Removed AERT references and replaced with ATAG-TECHS per
WCAG review comments.
- Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
340: Now use "refer to" for references, "see" for
- 2.7: Added CSS attrib selector + lang technique
- 2.8: Added info based on checkpoint changes to 2.8.
- 3.2: Added to techniques a warning about silent/invisible
solution to meeting this requirement.
- 3.4: Fixed techniques.
- 4.1, 4.12: Per 16/17
November ftf meeting, for issue
331: Added techniques to 4.1 (text size) and 4.12 (speech rate)
about per-language configs.
- 4.11: Added English example, added point about convenient
increments (taken from checkpoint text).
- 6.2: Changes based on
proposed revision to 6.2.
- 7.5: For issue
334: Added technique that the search string input method should
follow system conventions (e.g., for international character
- 10.2: Added comment to document the UA's APIs.
- Deleted references to pwWebSpeak.
There are minor editorial changes globally based on review from
Ian, Eric, and Judy Brewer.
- Changed Braille to braille based on comments from Eric and
Updated to focus on purpose and scope of document. Scope is
expanded on in section 1.2.
- Important! Section 1.2 has been rewritten. It
is no longer essentially a summary of general design principles
(though those are still there). It is now a discussion of the scope
of the document and some assumptions that affected the choice and
elimination of some requirements.
- Titles of 1.1 and 1.2 now include "user agent" before
- Guideline 6: Some prose changed for clarification about w3c
- Guidelines 5, 8: Prose edited after redistribution of old
section 1.2 text (principles).
- Old Guideline 9 deleted. Checkpoints redistributed per
12 October teleconference.
- 1.4: Note after edited to improve readability.
- 1.5: Clarified per
12 October teleconference.
- 2.5: To note after 2.5 state that empty text eq is valid in
some cases.
- 2.6: New requirement for configuration per
12 October teleconference. Also reworded accordingly.
- 2.7: Edited note.
- 3.1: Edited note.
- 4.1: Added note about SVG per
10 October teleconf.
- 4.5: Editorial changes to wording of checkpoint text.
- 5.4: Editorial changes to help readability of
- 9.5: Redundant checkpoint text with 9.4 deleted per
10 October teleconf.
- 8.4: Minor edits for clarification.
- 8.7: Edited according to
proposal from Ian per
12 October teleconference.
- Deleted "automatic satisfaction" from four checkpoints since it
was confusing and unnecessary since the checkpoints already express
minimal requirements.
- Text in section 2 (before priorities) changed to explain
minimal requirements better.
- Added "Basic" label to content label sets per
10 October teleconf. Some other cleanup to label set
- Now, for conformance, the UA must implement some keyboard API,
even when there's no std system API per
12 October teleconference.
- The phrase "conformance logo" now appears in the document to
help people find icon/logo.
- Changed definition of document source/document source view
based on
12 October resolution and added information to tie it to HTTP
- Edits to text element, etc. based on several Eric
- Important discussion in the definition of API.
Standard device API moved to definition of API.
- New definition of "explicit user request".
Checkpoints 3.6, 3.7, 4.19, 4.20, and 9.2 were edited to use this
term. Deleted the term "user-initiated" since covered by this term
and otherwise unused.
- New definition of repair content and repair
text. Harmonized usage in the document. Added info that repair
content not required in the DOM per
12 October teleconference.
- New definitions of support, implement, conform
12 October teleconference. Some checkpoint text changed
editorially to match these definitions.
- Modified definition of "user agent" to also have meaning of
"subject", per
12 October teleconference.
- Some clarifications to definition of "web resource"
- Deleted second meaning of "synchronize" since unused in
checkpoints. Replaced with "coordinate" where used in
- In definition of alert, deleted "necessarily".
- Edits to "point of regard" for clarification.
- Use HTML 4.01 not HTML 4 throughout the document.
- Include priorities in techs, but point to UAAG 1.0 for more
conformance information.
- Some edits to intro section re: related resources.
- 1.2: Added the Mac std event queue reference as an
- 2.1: Added comment about how source view useful as last resort
- 4.8, 4.9: Added links to earlier techniques.
- 4.11: Added a technique.
- 4.16, 4.17: Added some info about selection/focus when they
encompass different font families.
- 5.2: New DOM write techniques based on Rich S.
- Added Eric Hansen as co-editor.
- Harmonize how checkpoints use graphical user interface or
graphical viewport for applicability.
- In abstract, more info about target of guidelines.
Implemented resolutions of
28 September teleconf as follows:
- To section 3.2: Modifications to Note: "Note: Some software may
not conform to this document but still be accessible to some users
with disabilities. Conformance is expected to be a strong indicator
of accessibility, but it is neither a necessary nor sufficient
condition for ensuring the accessibility of software."
- Deleted old applicability provisions 1 and 4.
- Added new section on labeled sets (3.4) of checkpoints per
resolution of
28 September teleconference
- Used the term "subject" consistently in section on
- Added to section on applicability checkpoints (3.5):
- "For each content types label in a claim, all of the
corresponding checkpoints apply."
- (In exception provisions): "The checkpoint refers explicitly to
graphical user interfaces or viewports and the subject only has an
audio or tactile user interface or viewports. "
- Added requirement for label to well-formed claim section.
- Tightened up definition of applicability.
- Added Multimedia label to sample claim.
- Guideline 2: Added note that content is expected to conform to
WCAG 1.0.
- Guideline 4: Added labels to identify checkpoints that relate
to content accessibility.
- Guideline 6: Changed title to avoid some possible ambiguity
(per Marja suggestion).
- Guideline 8: Added some prose to explain orientation.
- 1.1: Removed applicability statement.
- 1.3: Removed applicability statement. Changed "standard
keyboard API" to "standard API for the keyboard" to avoid potential
(though unlikely) confusion.
- 1.5: Some editori changes based on
comments from Eric Hansen.
- 2.1, 2.3: Changes based on
suggestions from Eric resolved per
28 Sep teleconf.
- 2.6: Editorial change based on
observation by Jon Gunderson.
- 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.8: Modified per
proposal from Ian as resolved at
12 Sept telecon.
- 3.7, 3.8: Editorial changes. For 3.7, use singular voice. For
3.8, clarified that the refresh impulse is coming from the client,
not the server. Thus, new content is not "available" (i.e., a clue
from the server). Instead, the user may retrieve new content at
regular intervals (the checkpoints says "author-specified content
- 4.5, 4.6, 4.8, 4.9: Modified per
proposal from Ian as resolved at
12 Sept telecon.
- 4.7: Minor editorial changes.
- 4.15: Clarified that user must be able to select and
apply style sheets.
- 4.16, 4.17: Changed per
proposal from Ian.
- 4.19: Modified per
14 Sep teleconf.
- 4.20: New checkpoint added per
14 Sep teleconf.
- 6.1: Deleted UAAG 1.0 and ATAG 1.0 references per
proposal from Ian.
- 7.5: Changed per
14 Sep teleconf.
- 7.6: Made changes prescribed at
26 Sep teleconf. Added three HTML elements to informative list
of important html elements: applet, link, iframe. Made some
editorial changes suggested by Gregory.
- 8.1: Minor editorial changes.
- 8.2, 8.3: Distinguish minimum requirements for graphical
viewports from others.
- Deleted old 8.5 (in favor of 7.7) per 26
Sep teleconf
- 9.1: Added note afterwards and techniques to talk about
persistence per
28 September teleconf.
- 11.1: Removed Note after checkpoint and moved min requirement
to the checkpoint itself.
- Updated DOM references since when DOM Level 2 advanced to PR,
they split the spec into different specs.
- Fixed some broken links to external resources.
- Added WCA URI.
- Added another NISO URI.
- Added definitions of Non-text content, text content, non-text
element, text element per
14 Sep teleconf. and text equivalent per
- Added definition of text per
14 Sep teleconf.
- Added definitions of prompt and alert per
14 Sep teleconf. To definition of prompt, added some
configuration "ideas".
- Some changes to the definition of DOM per
proposal from Eric.
- Some changes to the definition of content per
proposal from Eric.
- To definition of configure/control, added a statement about
being able to read and write config values.
- Deleted the term primary content.
- Changed all instances of "equivalent alternative" to
I did my best to update techniques based on other checkpoint
changes. The techniques document should be reviewed soon to ensure
compatibility with the changed guidelines.
- Added a section on spatial issues (raised by Marja).
- Some new techniques for 7.6.
- New techniques for XML added to 4.15 (style sheets).
- Added speed-up as technique for 4.5
- Added a section on repair techniques per
21 Sep teleconf
Changes to Guidelines
- Edits to para of prose in G7 to talk more about types of blocks
(containers, etc.) for structured navigation.
Changes to Checkpoints
Changes to Glossary
- Dfn of Recognize: added example of unrecognized text
Changes to Conformance
Per the applicability
analysis and the resolution of
24 August teleconference:
- Added to section 2 that the subject of the claim is the "user
agent" of each checkpoint.
- Moved section on appliability to earlier in the document.
- There is only one claim subject. It may consist of several
- Added RFC2046 as normative reference for applicability of
content type
- Deleted 2 applicability provisions (communication, unsupported
- Edited remaining for provisions. Shortened this section and
removed explanatory prose.
Changes to References
- Added RFC2046
Editorial changes
- Added titles to initial LINK elements
- Changed UA Working Group to UAAG WG.
- s/general-purpose/mainstream per direct request from Judy
- Added Tantek Çelik to acknowledgments.
Changes to Techniques
General changes
- I moved some sections around to try to bring the guidelines
closer to the top of the document. The primary change was to move
the section on conformance to section 3. I moved the Acks to after
the references based on IETF conventions. I moved the information
on the structure of the guidelines to the beginning of section 2. I
moved the informationon related resources to immediately after the
table of contents.
- I added some LINK relationships to the beginning of the
document that provide recognizable information about alternative
- I switched the order of the editors' names based on discussion
with Jon Gunderson.
- Introduced notion of "responsibility" in introductory
Changes to Checkpoints
Changes to Glossary
- Definition of "active element": some active elements may be
inactive at times. (
issue 298).
- Definition of "native" and references to it deleted from
- Definition of "recognize" per action of
17 August teleconference (
issue 302).
Changes to Conformance
Important Conformance sections 3.2 and 3.3 have
been rewritten in light of the resolution of
issue 294 at the
17 August teleconference.
Changes to References
- Added SVG and XLINK
- Cleaned up and harmonized references format.
Changes to Techniques
- Several of the Web sites linked from our resources section were
broken (by the Webmasters of those sites!!). I fixed them.
- Checkpoint 6.1: Added note about support of optional features
per resolution of 3
Aug teleconf. (
issue 307).
- Jaws 3.7 supports single-key access to speech-rate
- Added techniques to 9.2 about which HTML elements are submit
General changes
- The word "presentation" is no longer used to mean
- Added Tim Lacy to active list of WG participants.
Changes to Guidelines
Changes to Checkpoints
- 2.6: Added a Note that this is a repair checkpoint.
- 3.2: New. Added per
27 July teleconference.
- 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5: Now about configuration to not render
globally per
27 July teleconference.
- Edited Also, deleted the applicability part (about using font
families) based on a
4.1 request from CMN.
- 4.9: Volume control of synchronized sources. Refer to
resolution of
13 July teleconference.
- 4.11: New (old, actually) about synthesized speech. Refer to
resolution of
13 July teleconference.
- 6.1: Updated with min reqs per
13 July teleconference.
- 7.2: Editorial changes in part based on a
suggestion from CMN.
- 7.5: Search requirements changed per resolution of
13 July teleconference.
- 8.1: Updated per
13 July teleconference. Also, edited Note after
- 8.2, 8.3: Rewritten to make sense for a set of links (not just
a single link) and to make the minimal rendering reqs per the
27 July teleconference.
- 8.8: Added a note that this checkpoint is only about semantics,
not presentation (refer to
issue 301).
- 10.4: Modified per
27 July teleconference. Note: The checkpoint
does not refer to a minimal list of functionalities yet since there
is a
proposal for changing 10.8.
- 10.5: Now about keyboard only, per the
27 July teleconference. Refer to Note about changes to
- 14.3, 14.4: Updated like 8.2 and 8.3 per the
27 July teleconference. Also added requirement that default
focus highlight be different from default selection highlight
Changes to Glossary
- To definition of active element, added a sentence about
elements that are sometimes inactive (refer to
issue 298).
- Added a paragraph about "levels of configuration/control" to
those defintions.
- Implemented
Eric's multimedia terms. However, I did not review the impact
of this change in the document.
Changes to References
- Added WEBCHAR for terminology.
Changes to Techniques
While there were a few changes to the techniques document, they
are not really worth documenting.
These documents incorporate more resolutions to issues raised
during the Proposed Recommendation review and other changes based
on Working Group discussion of thoses issues. In particular, this
version of the document folds in some results of the minimal
requirements discussion. Refer also to Determining Conformance to the UA
General changes
- Added link to WAI Technical Activity statement.
- 1.3 How the guidelines are organized. Two important change:
- It is now stated clearly that the notes after the checkpoints
are only normative. All normative information is moved
into the checkpoint text itself. The Notes are distinguished from
the checkpoint text in two ways: markup (DT v. DD) and the notes
begin with the word "Note".
- After the discussion of checkpoint organization, there is
discussion of minimal requirements.
Changes to checkpoints
- 1.1: Moved normative requirements from Note to checkpoint.
- 1.2: Moved normative requirements from Note to checkpoint.
- 1.3: Moved normative requirements from Note to checkpoint.
- 1.5: Moved normative requirements from Note to checkpoint.
- 2.2: Minimal requirement (pause) incorporated.
- 2.5: Minimal requirement (URI/type) incorporated. Note,
however, that this only applies when non-text content is included
by reference.
- 2.6: Edited to match wording of 2.5. Note expanded with example
and reference to WCAG 1.0
- 3.1: turn on/off changed to "not render". Note expanded with
rationale and suggested technique in this case. This requirement
may be expanded in a future draft.
- Old 3.2 deleted.
- 3.2: (Old 3.3) Freeze video changed to "not render". This
requirement may be expanded in a future draft.
- Old 3.4 deleted.
- 3.3: (Old 3.5) Min requirement incorporated (motionless
- 3.4: (Old 3.6) Min requirement incorporated (motionless
- 3.5: (Old 3.7) Wording changed to "not execute".
- 3.6: (Old 3.8) Min requirement incorporated (manual
- 3.7: (Old 3.9) Min requirement incorporated (manual
- 3.8: (Old 3.10) on/off images changed to "not render". This
requirement may be expanded in a future draft.
- 4.1: Added min requirement for font size. (system)
- 4.2: Added min requirement for font family (system)
- 4.3: Added min requirement for color (system)
- 4.4: Added min requirement for color (system)
- 4.5: Added min requirement for audio, video, animations.
- 4.6: Added "resume" to list of control requirements, per
resolution of
22 June teleconference.
- 4.7: Added min requirement (range of positions available to
- 4.8, 4.9: Two volume checkpoints about global and independent
volume control. Old checkpoints 3.2 and 3.4 deleted, per resolution
22 June teleconference.
- 4.10: (Old 4.9) Add min requirements per
6 July teleconference.
- 4.11: Add min requirements per
6 July teleconference. Enumerated voice characteristic
properties, per resolution of
15 June teleconference. Also, removed ambiguous end of sentence
about "other properties". Also, changed "family" to "gender".
- 4.16: NOT YET REVIEWED. Text changed to fix bugs and
incorporate min requirements. Refer to
proposal from Ian.
- 5.5: Moved normative requirements from Note to checkpoint.
- 5.8: Only about conventions that benefit accessibility, per
resolution of
15 June teleconference.
- 7.2: Some edits to the note after the checkpoint.
- 7.3: Add min requirements (seq navigation).
- 7.4: Add min requirements (seq navigation).
- 7.5: Add min requirements
- 7.6: Add min requirements (important or doc object).
- 7.7: Add min requirements (inclusion/exclusion).
- 8.2: NOT YET REVIEWED. Add min requirements (one approach other
than color).
- 8.4: Add min requirements (which set of elements).
- 8.5: Add min requirements (inclusion/exclusion).
- 8.6: Add min requirements (enumerated list of info).
- 8.7: Add min requirements (reference to 8.6).
- 8.8: Add min requirements (follow system conventions).
- 9.4: Add min requirements (percentage).
- 9.5: Add min requirements (percentage).
- 10.7: Add min requirements (one profile).
Important Also moved requirement from note to be
able to choose from among profiles, including no profile.
- 10.9: Add min requirements (three pieces to the req).
- 14.6: Configure and control, per resolution of
15 June teleconference.
Changes to glossary
- Some minor edits to configure/control.
Changes to the Techniques
- 2.5: Added some information about HTTP content negotiation
- 4.11: Added SAPI reference.
- Added info (for future implementation report) about emacspeak
support for speech checkpoints.
These documents incorporate more resolutions to issues raised
during the Proposed Recommendation review and other changes based
on Working Group discussion of thoses issues.
Changes to the Guidelines
- PDF version is now gzipped (reduced from 10 Megabytes to
- Style sheet fixed (was breaking under NN).
- Changed "application" to "software" in some places, notably in
definition of "user agent". Based on
suggestion from Dick Brown.
Also, the following checkpoints were affected by the resolution
of the
25 May 2000 teleconference to incorporate the
changes proposed by Madeleine Rothberg about configure and
- Configure and control: 4.8, 4.1, 4.9, 4.10, 7.7, 8.5, 8.7
- Configure: 2.2, 2.3, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.11, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15,
4.16, 9.3. There was no change to the wording of these checkpoints,
which already used the term "configure".
- Definition of "native support" modified. Now speaks more
clearly about implications/benefits of using operating system
features, and that the UA is not required to make these features
available through the UI or programatically.
- Definition of control and configure added, based on
suggested definition from Eric Hansen and resolution of
25 May 2000 teleconference.
- Definition of synchronization added, based on
suggested definition from Eric Hansen. Part of Eric's
definition was moved to the techniques for checkpoint 2.4.
Changes to the Techniques
- Clarification to language change techniques based on
comments from Mimasa.
- 4.10: Added technique that user agent should allow voice to be
louder and softer than other audio sources.
- 9.4: Added comment about gradual image rendering, percentage
info per Harvey Bingham suggestion.
These documents incorporate resolutions to issues raised during the
Proposed Recommendation review and other changes based on
Working Group discussion of thoses issues.
Changes to the Guidelines
- Long descriptions added for all images, as well as captions for
- The document is now valid XHTML 1.0 strict.
- The navigation bars are now marked up with MAP elements.
- Incorporated
Editorial comments from Susan Lesch
- References sections added to checklists.
- Global replace of "support" by "implement" (in almost all
cases). The usage should be that the user "implements" a
specification and "supports" a feature.
- Moved the accesskey "c" to the table of contents from the first
link in the navbar. Also documented this accesskey after the table
of contents. This is the only accesskey that we use.
- Dashes now marked up as dashes.
- Usage of the generic term "document object model" v. the
specific W3C DOM clarified.
- Replaced ABBR element in markup with ACRONYM.
Please note that this draft does not take into account "minimal
requirements" discussions (refer to
issue 257.
- In "1.2 Principles of accessible design", deleted information
about contextual v. direct navigation methods per the resolution of
issue 274 and moved some of this text to Guideline 7.
- In "1.3 How the guidelines are organized", added a statment
that some checkpoints overlap in scope and this is indicated in the
checkpoint description. This was added per the resolution of
issue 235.
- Moved information about "consistency" to the Techniques
document since there are no consistency requirements, per
resolution of
issue 275.
- The scope of the guidelines was not increased to include future
types of user agents explicitly, per the resolution of
issue 212.
Conformance / Applicability
- 1.7 New subsection entitled "Which user agents
may conform" per the resolution of
issue 232.
- 1.7 Clarification about the required accessibility of the
conformance claim (in "Well-formed conformance claims").
- Added clause about applicability of content purpose per
resolution of
issue 211 and
issue 247 (scope limited to what is recognized).
- Added a general statement after the applicability provisions
that, unless indicated, all checkpoints required implementation
through the user interface, per the resolution of
issue 258.
- Added a statement that input / output device applicability
referred to the entire user agent, not a subset of functionalities,
per the resolution of
issue 255.
- Important: Removed clause about applicability
and hardware per resolution of
issue 256.
- Added "unless at least one of the following is true" to the
applicability provisions per the resolution of
issue 268.
- Per resolution at
25 April teleconference, added statement section on conformance
about how UAs and ATs fit together and the goals of improving
accessibility in tandem.
- In the resolution of
issue 259, the Working Group confirmed that using features of
the OS was recommended. There was no change to the pertinent
applicability provision.
- In the resolution of
issue 252, the Working Group confirmed the current level of
conformance granularity. There was no change to the overall
conformance policy.
- Guideline 1 added text to talk about proper use of APIs per the
resolution of
issue 255. Some minor changes made
suggested by Rich Schwerdtfeger 18 April. Editorial changes to
checkpoints in Guideline one per resolution of
issue 260.
- Guideline 3 rationale changed per resolution of
issue 218.
- Guideline 6 scope made clearer per the resolution of
issue 231. Also, some text about W3C processes moved from
techniques to rationale.
- Guideline 9: Some comments moved from Guideline 8 per the
resolution of
issue 234.
- Guideline 9: Cross reference to checkpoint 5.5 modified per the
resolution of
issue 236
- Guideline 11: No (editorial) addition about power users, per
resolution of
issue 240.
The checkpoints were moved around for several reasons:
- Groupings within Guidelines changed as a result of
issue 226 and
issue 270.
- Some priorities were changed and thus checkpoints were
- Some checkpoints were moved because they made sense in other
As a result, the numbers below indicate the numbers in the
document as of this version (which may be different from the
numbers indicated in the recorded issues).
Changes to individual checkpoints:
- Checkpoint 1.1: Edited so that it no longer speaks only about
devices, per the resolution of
issue 255.
- Checkpoint 1.2: Modified per
issue 213 and
issue 253. Note also influenced by the resolution of
issue 255.
- Checkpoint 1.3: No change to scope, per resolution of
issue 261. No change in note about client-side image maps per
resolution of
issue 214.
- Checkpoint 1.4: Edited so that it no longer speaks only about
devices, per the resolution of
issue 255. Note about client-side image maps unchanged per
resolution of
issue 219.
- Checkpoint 1.5: Fixed example in note per resolution of
issue 215 and
issue 216. Scope of checkpoint not changed per WG resolution of
issue 245.
- Checkpoint 2.1: As a result of the resolution of
issue 207 and issue
issue 246 the checkpoint was edited slightly as was the Note,
and to align the checkpoint with checkpoint 2.3, also changed as a
result of issue 207. More importantly, the reference to "including
alternative equivalents" has been dropped (and the definition of
"content" improved). And the note after 2.1 has been changed per
the resolution of
issue 241. No change has been made to 2.1 as a result of
issue 217 about locational information. I need to confirm with
the reviewer, but I have proposed to the reviewer that this is an
authoring, not user agent, issue. Lastly, no explicit information
about "recognized alt equivs" is required, per the resolution of
issue 211.
- Checkpoint 2.3: Important: I have modified
this checkpoint as an implementation of the resolution of
issue 241. The current wording (easy access to equivs in the
same viewport) reflects a resolution of the
2 May teleconference. I think this wording subsumes the wording
of the previous checkpoint (allow the user to choose equivalents).
Moved Note after 2.3 to 2.1 techniques (about choosing from among
multiple captions). The priority of this checkpoint was not
changed, per resolution of
issue 269.
- Checkpoint 3.9: Important: Priority raised to
P2 per the resolution of
issue 264.
- Checkpoint 4.1: Note after checkpoint fixed per the resolution
issue 219.
- Checkpoint 4.2: The priority of this checkpoint has not been
changed, per the resolution of
issue 248.
- Checkpoint 4.5: Added cross-reference to checkpoint 2.4 per
resolution of
issue 220. Priority not changed, per resolution of
issue 244. However, what is minimum to conform needs to be
clarified as part of issue 257.
- Checkpoint 4.7: Editorial change per resolution of
issue 271. The priority has not been changed per WG resolution
issue 249
- Checkpoint 4.15: Checkpoint text clarified per the resolution
issue 223.
- Checkpoint 4.16: Important: Checkpoint text
modified to talk about limits to the number of open windows, per
the resolution of
issue 224. Added cross-references per the resolution of
issue 225
- Checkpoint 5.5: Editorial changes to the Note after the
checkpoint per the resolution of
issue 227.
- Checkpoint 5.7: More cross references added per the resolution
issue 228.
- Checkpoint 5.9: Deleted the word "default" from the checkpoint
text and added examples after checkpoint per the resolution of
issue 230 and
issue 229. Priority of this checkpoint unchanged, but only
talks about conventions that affect accessibility, per the
resolution of
issue 262
- Checkpoint 7.2: No change, per resolution of
issue 266.
- Checkpoint 7.3: No change, per resolution of
issue 265.
- Checkpoint 7.6: Not yet approved: Refer to
5 May proposal from Ian as part of resolving
issue 233 and
issue 242
- Checkpoint 8.1: Note added about graphical user agents being
able to satisfy the checkpoint with grid layout (and a little more)
per the resolution of
issue 235. The priority was left the same per the resolution of
issue 263. Also, minor edits to Note as approved by working
group at the
25 April teleconference.
- Checkpoint 8.3: Not deleted, per the resolution of
issue 250.
- Checkpoint 8.4: Added note about navigable outline view, per
resolution of
issue 272.
- Checkpoint 8.8: Not yet approved: Formerly
checkpoint 5.6. Moved per
proposal from Ian 5 May.
- Checkpoint 9.2: Modified per
Issue 208. Refer also to clarification that general prompting
(not just special case of 9.2) satisfactory technique per
issue 279. The priority is still P2, the WG's resolution of
issue 243.
- Checkpoint 9.4: Change not yet approved by WG
Modified checkpoint text per
5 May proposal by Ian.
- Checkpoint 10.5: Added Note per the resolution of
issue 238 that in some modes number of single commands
available will be significantly reduced.
- Checkpoint 10.2: Editorial changes to the Note for clarity per
the resolution of
issue 237.
- Checkpoint 10.6: Note clarified (based on reviewer comment) per
the resolution of
issue 239.
- Checkpoint 10.7: Changed "view" to "viewport" in Note.
- Checkpoint 10.9: Editorial cleanup per the resolution of
issue 273. Added note about graphical tool bars, per discussion
20 April teleconference.
- Checkpoint 11.2: No change. Priority left the same per
resolution of
issue 267.
- Checkpoint 11.5: Only talks about changes that affect
accessibility (and info added to Note) per the resolution of
issue 251.
A number of changes were made to the glossary:
- Refer to changes in content, view, viewport, element,
attribute, document object, document object model, document source,
and document source view. These changes, mostly made per the
resolution of
issue 278, were also influenced by later
comments from Al Gilman and Eric Hansen.
- Added definition of "default styles".
- Added info to definition of configure about system limitations
in the range of configurability.
- Added additional references to IBM guidelines.
- Added SAMI.
- Added JAVAAPI.
- Added AERT, a reference to the evaluation and repair techniques
Changes to the Techniques
- Editorial changes made based on Eric Hansen detailed review
(marked up on paper). Refer also to his
comments on 10 March techniques. The comments that have not
been taken into account in this release are:
- 2. Provide better description of visuals.
- 6. Respect proprietary rights of regarding product and company
- 10. Clarify meaning of user interface
- Checkpoint 1.5: Some edits to Techniques per
Eric Hansen proposal for 1.5 techniques.
- Checkpoint 2.1: Added a technique about reading attribute
values. Added information about selecting from among multiple
- Checkpoint 4.1: Added to techniques document information about
zoom v. font size change per the resolution of
issue 254.
- Checkpoint 4.7: Added some rationale.
- Checkpoint 4.8: Added technique about using OS features for
audio control per the resolution of
issue 221.
- Checkpoint 4.11: Added technique about using OS features for
speech per the resolution of
issue 222.
- Checkpoint 4.12: Comment about XML and style sheets added per
resolution of
issue 209.
- Checkpoint 8.1: technique with HTML attributes added.
- Checkpoitn 9.2: a technique that will meet the requirements of
the checkpoint is to prompt before any form submission. Resolved at
2 May teleconf.
- To technique about hiding MAP elements, suggested looking for
"title" attribute per UAAG/WCAG discussion and
3 May proposals from Al.
- Some editorial changes to techniques of Guidelines 3 and 11 per
comments from Dick Brown.
- Some editorial changes to techniques of Guideline 9 per
comments from Mickey Quenzer.
- Some editorial changes to techniques in Guidelines 7 and 8 per
comments from Denis Anson.
- Some additional frame techniques per
25 April comments from Gregory Rosmaita.
- Added some information about JFW and tracking focus changes per
25 May Gregory comments about JFW and focus.
This version of the Guidelines is a Proposed Recommendation.
Changes to the Guidelines
- Updated status section.
- In section on conformance, changed "should" to "may" for using
the checklist to document inapplicable checkpoints.
- 1.5: Minor edits to Note after checkpoint.
- 4.16: Re-worded per 9 March teleconference and editorial work
from Ian.
- 6.2: Repaired per 9 March teleconference.
- 9.4: Changed "portion" to "proportion" per 9 March
- Modified definition of "configuration" to talk about
configuration of parameters in this document and to highlight
- Minor change to definitions of audio presentation and
equivalent alternative.
- Added reference to XHTML and mention in Guideline 6.
- Harmonized how dates are used in references.
- Link to PDF version no longer says that it's gzipped.
Changes to the Guidelines
This is a revision of the Candidate Recommendation for Working
Group review.
- Additional information required for well-formed conformance
claims (product information).
- Some edits to tighten section on well-formed conformance
- Example claim now in HTML
- 1.5: Edited based on resolution to
issue 195.
- 2.1: Added cross reference to checkpoints in Guideline 5 per
1 March teleconference.
- 2.2: Changed wording of example based on resolution to
issue 191.
- 2.6: Added collated text transcript to checkpoint text based on
resolution to
issue 204. Also, moved note after checkpoint into checkpoint
- 3.8: Edited parenthetical text based on comments from Nir Dagan
and Henrik Nielsen.
- 4.7: Added text transcript and collated text transcript to
checkpoint text based on resolution to
issue 204.
- 4.16: Editorial: deleted the word "spawned"; use "open"
- 5.1: Limited to read access to DOM 2 core/html modules based on
resolution to
issue 190 and
issue 206.
- 5.2: New. Based on resolution to
issue 190 and
issue 206.
- 5.3: New. Based on resolution to
issue 203.
- 5.4: New. Based on resolution to
issue 206.
- 5.8: Note added based on resolution to
issue 200 and
issue 201 and
- 6.2: Two changes:
- Wording changed based on resolution of
issue 196 and
issue 205.
- changed "specification" to "Recommendation"
Change proposed by Ian based on suggestion from W3C
- 8.4: Clarified based on resolution to
issue 198.
- 9.4: editorial: added "image" to examples, removed the word
"clip" from examples.
- 9.5: changed "content" to "rendered content" in checkpoint
text. Ian made this change upon review of the document.
- 10.7: Reduced scope based on resolution to
issue 197.
- 10.8: Clarified based on resolution to
issue 199.
- References to HTML 4.0 updated to HTML 4.01, as well as links
to elements/attributes.
- Updated ATAG 1.0.
- Removed DOM 1 references since unused.
- Per
3 February teleconf, references to WCAG are narrowed to WCAG
- New entries: Audio presentation, collated text transcript,
document object model, content, offscreen model.
- Deleted entries: Spawned viewport, "Documents, Elements, and
- Harmonized entry structure and capitalization.
- Added noframes and noscript examples to definition of
alternative equivalent per
2 March teleconference.
- Edited entries for transcript and recognize.
- Other entries edited.
- Expanded section 1.3 to talk about checkpoint grouping and
- Edited rationales of Guideline 4 (with some info from Guideline
2) and Guideline 11.
- Processed
comments from Eric Hansen.
- Processed
comments from Susan Lesch.
- Ensured order of checkpoints by priority.
Changes to the Techniques
This is a major revision of the Techniques
document, with too many changes to document easily. The text should
be less redundant, less verbose, easier to read, and more complete.
Some stuff:
- Deleted appendix 6 on techniques for ATs and integrated
elsehwere. The techniques were almost all in the body of the
document anywya.
- Deleted appendix
- New references and references divided into groups (guidelines,
user agents, resources, etc.).
- Add PNG format for images.
- Incorporated
comments on techniques from Susan Lesch.
- Fixed techniques based on comments from Nir Dagan:
Nir comments 1,
Nir comments 2,
Nir comments 3.
Changes to the Guidelines
- Important. Updated the conformance statement
based on the 25 January
unified conformance scheme.
- Changed all occurrences of "alternative equivalent" to
"equivalent alternative" as in WCAG and ATAG.
- Incorporated editorial comments from Judy Brewer.
- Switched checkpoints 3.8 and 3.9 to put them in the correct
priority order.
- The PDF version of the spec is no longer gzipped.
Changes to the Techniques
- Added a cross-reference from checkpoint 5.6 techniques to the
appendix on in-process loading. Also added some verbiage as the
beginning of clarificationon the meaning of "timely".
- Added some techniques to 10.9 about turning on/off controls
based on a Charles request.
- Based on Mark Novak comment, added some info to Appendix 4 on
where to find access info in MS Windows.
This section summarizes the major changes to the guidelines
between the last call draft and the first Candidate Rec draft.
Total checkpoints in last call: 87
Total checkpoints in CR draft : 80
Deleted checkpoints
- 2.3 (not an access issue)
- 2.6 (subsumed by new 2.5)
- 3.10 (merged with new 3.9).
- 4.8 (subsumed by new 4.5)
- 4.10 (subsumed by new 4.6)
- 4.11 (subsumed by new 4.5)
- 5.1 (subsumed by new 5.1 and 5.2)
- 5.2 (subsumed by new 5.2 and 5.6)
- 7.3 (subsumed by new 7.6)
- 8.9 (deleted since not specific enough and part of 11.5)
- 9.1 (deleted since subsumed by new 5.4)
Added checkpoints
- 4.15 (focus control)
- 8.2 (visited links)
- 10.5 (single command now separate from new 10.2)
- 11.5 (document changes)
Modified checkpoints
Checkpoint priority changes
- 8.5 (Priority dropped to P3, now 8.4),
- 8.8 (Priority raised to P2, now 8.7)
- 10.5 (Priority raised to P1, now 10.2)
Checkpoint clarifications
The following checkpoints were clarified, modified due to
merging, or otherwise improved. If the checkpoint number changed,
the new one is in parentheses: 1.1, 1.5, 2.2 (now 2.5), 2.4 (now
2.2), 2.7 (now 2.3), 3.9 (now P2), 4.1 (order switched with 4.2),
4.7 (includes more multimedia types, now 4.5), 4.10 (now 4.6), 4.13
(includes more multimedia types, now 4.6) 4.17 (now 4.12), 4.18
(now 4.16), 5.3 (now 5.2), 5.4 (now 5.3), 10.3 (now 10.4), 10.6
(now 10.7).
Editorial changes to checkpoints
The following checkpoints had editorial changes made to them. If
the checkpoint number changed, the new one is in parentheses: 1.4,
2.1, 2.5 (now 2.6), 2.8 (now 2.4), 2.9 (now 2.7), 3.4, 4.9, 4.12
(now 4.7), 5.5 (now 5.4), 5.6 (now 5.1), 5.7 (now 5.5), 5.5 (now
5.4), 7.6 (now 7.5), 8.3 (now 8.6), 10.4, 10.7 (now 10.8), 11.4
Other changes to the guidelines not related to the
These changes were made as part of a general effort to clarify
the guidelines:
- The abstract and introduction sections were edited.
- All the rationale sections (guideline introductions) were
- There were terms added to and removed from the glossary
- Some references were added or modified.
Minority opinions
Changes to Guidelines
Changes to Techniques
- Added note about AT search on non-rendered content.
Changes to Guidelines
General changes
- Now the PDF and PS versions are gzipped since they are so
- Attempt to harmonize use of imperative verbs in all
checkpoints: provide, make available, ensure, implement, conform,
- Editorial changes made throughout based on comments from Eric
Hansen, Madeleine Rothberg, Harvey Bingham, Martin Düerst, and
- Now, the section about applicability says that that a
checkpoint or "a portion of a checkpoint" applies ...
Introduction changes
Last three paragraphs of principles of accessible design (1.2)
subsection on user interface edited to talk about installation and
consistency. Also about support for deprecated features.
Checkpoint changes
- From 20
December 1999 draft, deleted checkpoint 8.9 (consistency) per
12 January 2000 teleconf.
- Checkpoint 1.1 : Edited per
12 January 2000 teleconf.
- Checkpoint 2.1: Moved note afterwards to techniques. Refer to
issue 186
- Checkpoint 2.3: Changed to talk only about required but missing
alt text. Refer to
issue 189.
- Checkpoint 2.6: Added text transcript back.
- Checkpoint 4.6 : Changed to P1 per
5 Jan teleconf. Issue 159.
- Checkpoint 4.15: Moved info about SMIL from note to techniques.
Added mutual cross-references between 4.15 and 9.1
- Checkpoint 5.2: Added explicit mention of DOM in examples.
- Checkpoint 7.4: Editorial change to clarify meaning.
- Checkpoint 7.5: Edited per
12 January 2000 teleconf.
- Checkpoint 8.1: Clarified that this is for the user.
- Checkpoint 8.2: NEW. Added per
12 January 2000 teleconf.
- Checkpoint 8.8 : Changed to P2 per
5 Jan teleconf. Issue 161.
- Checkpoint 9.2: Added note after checkpoint per Martin
Düerst last call comment.
- Checkpoint 10.2: Changed to P1 per
12 January 2000 teleconf. . Moved part of note to 5.6
- Checkpoint 10.6: Shortened. Refer to
Issue 187
- Checkpoint 11.4: Reworded for clarity. Moved note to
- Checkpoint 11.5: NEW. Added per
12 January 2000 teleconf.
Changes to Glossary
- Added definition of profiles.
Changes to Techniques
- 3.1.5: Added xslt example.
- Added Jon Gunderson techniques for Guideline 8.
- 3.5.2: Added some techniques from info from Am. Fed. for the
Blind on reading tables.
- 10.6: Added para about compatibility mode.
Changes to Guidelines
- Lots of editorial changes to rationale sections of all
the guidelines and the glossary, in large part based on comments
from Eric Hansen.
- Added information to introduction and 1.1 note about accessible
installation based on resolution of issue
- Checkpoint 1.4: Copied note about low-level functions based on
- (old) Checkpoint 2.2: Deleted, based on issue
140. Other changes based on 140 resolution also made.
- Checkpoint 2.3: Wording changed based on resolution to issue
- (old) Checkpoint 2.6: (Choose audio track) Deleted, based on
resolution of issue
- Checkpoint 2.7: Editorial clarification.
- Checkpoint 4.6: Changed fast forward to advance in
control-multimedia based on resolution of issue
- Checkpoint 4.12: Editorial clarification to checkpoint text and
- (Old) Checkpoint 5.1: Deleted based on resolution of issue
- Checkpoints 5.2, 5.3: Modified text based on resolution of issue
- (Old) Checkpoint 5.4: Deleted based on resolution of issue
- (old) Checkpoint 7.3: Deleted based on 10 December
face-to-face. Moved techniques to 7.6.
- Checkpoint 8.5: Changed "resource" to "content".
- Changed "audio track" to "auditory track".
- Verified use of "view" and "viewport".
- Fixed style sheet for table of contents on Mac.
- Restored old Guideline three title per 9 December
- Made changes about focus (content v. ui) based on 9 December
resolution to issue
- Made changes based on resolutions from the
15 December 1999 teleconf.
- Made changes based on
WAI EO last call review.
- Removed the sentence about "common sense" from the
applicability clause.
- Added note about "Double-A v. AA" to conformance.
- Glossary: Added "graphical", "api". Deleted "insertion point"
and "current value". Simplified "property value". Created entry for
"point of regard".
Changes to Techniques
- Checkpoint 1.1: Edits based on Eric Hansen comments
- Checkpoint 4.2: Techniques added based on resolution of issue
- Checkpoint 4.5: Added (vague) techniques about slowing audio
without distortion.
- Checkpoint 4.6: Added techniques based on resolution of issue
- Checkpoint 5.2: Added note from Earl Johnson based on
resolution of issue
- Checkpoint 7.3: Moved techniques from 7.4 to 7.3
- Checkpoint 7.3: Added technique about default sequential nav
order for active elements based on natural language.
- Checkpoint 7.6: Techniques moved here from (deleted) 7.3
- Checkpoint 11.2: Added text to techniques based on resolution
of issue
Changes to Guidelines
A number of editorial changes were made based on Eric Hansen
comments. Changes include:
- New Abstract text. More about scope of Guidelines.
- New Introduction structure. Also, new text in 1.1 Benefits to
Accessibility to distinguish accessibility issues from design
- Guideline titles shortened per Gregg Vanderheiden suggestion.
Guideline subheads edited to make up for shorter titles.
- Guidelines now identify more clearly which checkpoints address
user interface accessibility and which address content
accessibility. This has resulted in some checkpoint renumbering
(old-to-new-number map not provided yet).
- Added more information about the non-normative nature of the
Techniques in the Techniques Document.
- Edits to Guideline 1 rationale.
- Edited Guideline 2 subhead and rationale.
- New I18N related notes after checkpoint 2.2.
- Checkpoint 2.9 text on natural language change notification
- The "applicability" section is now more visible under 1.7
Conformance. The term "native" has been subsumed by the
applicability section.
- Added more notes about which checkpoints are special cases of
other checkpoints.(e.g., 5.4 is special case of 5.3).
- Edited Guideline 3 rationale.
- To checkpoint 4.11, added note that UA may not be able to
control playback rate for all formats.
- Fixed bug in 4.17 checkpoint text.
- Added note to checkpoint 5.4 about availability of input config
through APIs.
- Edits Guideline 7 rationale.
- Checkpoints 7.6 and 7.7 have new notes about system conventions
for focus and selection.
- Edits Guideline 8 rationale.
- Moved note after 11.3 to Guideline 11 rationale. Also, some
edits to Guideline 11 rationale.
- New clarifying note in 11.4
- Term "alternative content" has been replaced by "alternative
equivalent". "Alternative text" has been replaced by "text
equivalent". The glossary defines both.
- Replaced "motor" by "physical" except one occurrence.
- Replaced "impairment" by "disability".
- "Continuous equivalent" has been replaced by the more specific
captions + auditory description.
- Added abbreviation expansions to key terms.
- "Braille" instead of (small "b") "braille".
- "closed captions" to "captions" with clarification in
- Some glossary structure clarification. In the glossary,
modified definitions of Assistive Technology, Natural Language,
Content, Equivalent, Text Transcript, Auditory Description,
Captions, User Styles, Author Styles, selection, focus, point of
regard, and insertion point.
- Removed some references to DOM2 event model since may be for
DOM3. Need more info.
Changes to Techniques
- Improved reference style and links directly to the pertinent
parts of other specs.
- Created linear version of NN keymap table. Added an empty line
to show no key access to documentation.
- Added a lot of techniques!
Lots of additional techniques based on WG comments during last
Changes to Guidelines
- Section 1.6 (Conformance). Added a note to reader that info
about delivery will be provided later.
- Checkpoint 5.3 Added note about providing current input config
to ATs.
- Checkpoint 8.2 generalized as per
3 November teleconf.
- Checkpoint Checkpoints 10.1 and 10.2 split into two
(author-supplied and user-agent supplied) as per
3 November teleconf.
- Checkpoint 10.3: Added "single-stroke" requirement back (moved
to note in previous version).
- Some harmonization of terminology.
Changes to Techniques
Added more techniques based on comments from Jon Gunderson, Al
Gilman, Marja Koivunen (direct mapping), and others.
Changes to Guidelines
- Incorporated resolutions of
27 October teleconf about the
proposed changes to Guidelines 1, 2, and 11.
- Separated definition of "active" from "focus".
- 1.1: edited note after the checkpoint.
- 3.2: New checkpoint, split off from 3.4
- 5.2: Added note about plug-ins and virtual machines as per
22 October teleconf.
- 11.3: Some edits to note after checkpoint.
- Some harmonization of the use of the terms content, resource,
- Some harmonization of the use of the terms platform, system,
operating system.
- The term "dependent user agent" has been removed from the
document in favor of "assistive technology".
Changes to Techniques
Major restructuring
- The content was moved all over the place.
- Some information specific to assistive technologies, including
some checkpoints formerly for dependent user agents, moved to an
- Some techniques proposed at the Redmond face-to-face (refer to
Redmond minutes).
This is a Working Group draft. There was no Techniques document
published on this date.
General changes
- Better links from definition instances to definitions. Same for
- New section 1.3 on related documents (for techniques, other
- Table of contents now resembles AUGL table of contents.
- Attempt at harmonizing use of platform/system/operating
- Attempt at harmonizing use of
Changes to Conformance
Changes to Guideline 1
- Added note that Checkpoint 1.1 applies to other functionalities
described in the document.
- Checkpoint 1.1: Added clarification to device-independent-ui
that all input APIs need not be supported, but support for standard
APIs expected. Also clarified that supported means supported by the
Changes to Guideline 2
- 2.2: Changed "and/or" to "and user help system."
Changes to Guideline 3
- 3.1: Added note about simultaneous access.
- 3.2: Now generalized to all equivalents.
- Old 3.3 split into new 3.3 and new 3.9 as per
Microsoft face-to-face
Changes to Guideline 4
Changes to Guideline 5
Changes to Guideline 6
- 6.1: New. Split off from 1.1.
- 6.2: Used to be part of 6.1 of previous draft.
- 6.3: Used to be part of 6.1 of previous draft. Also added info
about virtual machines/plugins as per
20 October teleconf. Aoso added note after
- 6.4: Removed part about standard APIs since covered by 6.1
- 6.5: New. Added as per
Microsoft face-to-face.
- 6.6: Removed part about standard APIs since covered by 6.1
Changes to Guideline 7
Changes to Guideline 8
Changes to Guideline 9
Changes to Guideline 10
- 10.4: Editing of checkpoint text.
Changes to Guideline 12
- Checkpoints 12.2 and 12.3: Changes in wording for consistency
with Authoring Tool Guidelines changes.
Appendix on Dependent UA requirements.
- Added as per
Microsoft face-to-face discussion about addressing suggestions
for dependent UAs rather than deleting entirely from document.
Changes to the Glossary
- Added definition of "control" (as in "control styles").
- Added definition of "documentation"
- Added definition of spawned window.
- Added definition of user- and user agent-initiated.
Changes to the References
These are Working Group drafts.
Changes to the Guidelines
- Edits to prose of the Abstract, Introduction, Priority
definitions, Guideline Subheads, and Guideline rationales.
- Added some scripts to facilitate and ensure coherence of
definitions and references.
- Generalization of term "document" to "resource" or "content"
where appropriate.
Changes to the Techniques
- Added some scripts to facilitate and ensure coherence of
definitions and references.
- Added Jon Gunderson proposed techniques on Frames and
orientation, including images.
These are Working Group drafts.
Changes to the Guidelines
- The document itself now conforms to HTML 4.0 strict.
- Uses terms "discrete" and "continuous" alternative as per SMIL
access Note and 22 Sep WG teleconf decision to reuse.
- Term "closed captions" used instead of "captions" to refer to
multimedia captions.
- Term "synthesized speech" used instead of "speech" alone.
- Added missing subhead text.
- Added definition of "user agent" as per Jim Allen
- Based on Marja discussion, added prose about serial and direct
access to functionalities.
- Added some intro text about access to content through
- Important. No more subclassing for
conformance. Note however, that checkpoints for dependent user
agents have not been resolved in this draft. o
Guideline 1
- Added some rationale about output-device independence.
Guideline 2
- Edited rationale.
- 2.4: "Wherever possible" deleted.
Guideline 3
- 3.3 For all users agents, as per 22 Sep WG teleconf.
Guideline 4
Guideline 5
- 5.16: New. Added as per 22 September teleconf.
Guideline 8
Guideline 9
- 9.6: Changed from priority 3 to 2.
- 9.7: New
- 9.11: Generalized to discuss form structure and navigation.
(Refer to
Proposal from Ian).
Guideline 10
- For definition of "active element", talk about explicitly
specified handlers only.
- Added definition of continuous alternative.
- Definition of applicable checkpoint edited.
Changes to the Techniques
- Added 3.1.5 on abbreviations/acronyms
- 3.5.6: New section on skipping nav mechanisms.
- 3.6.3: New techniques on links.
- 3.6.4: New info about table metadata.
- 3.6.8: New sources of metadata
- 5.3.3: Header algorithm. More info about repair
- Section 7: Added link to [SMIL-access] Note. Will delete
remaining info from document in next version.
- Added link to [ALTIFIER], [BHO] (for timely access by
- Incorporated changes proposed by Harvey (
part 1,
part 2).
- Incorporated some
prose from David Poehlman.
- Incorporated
client-side image map techniques from Cathy Laws.
- Incorporated
techniques about scripts from Rich.
These are Working Group drafts.
Changes to the Guidelines
- The guidelines were reordered (resolved at
25 August teleconf. Note. Whenever you send
comments about a draft, please indicate which draft using the dated
(and not latest) URL.
- Clarified usage of terms "view" and "viewport".
- Added more links to terms in the glossary from the
- Changed "For dependent user agents" to "For dependent user
agents only". Same change for other class. Also, added links from
those checkpoints to the definition of the expressions.
- Started using the word "resource" instead of the more specific
"document". Thus, for example, one may want to know how much of a
resource has downloaded (document, video clip, image, etc.).
- Clarified relationship between frame and view and reviewed
usage for consistency.
- Now refer to captions as "audio captions" (4.5 and 5.9)
- Changed language "make available" into other wording as
resolved at the
18 August teleconf.
Except where indicated, guideline and checkpoint numbers refer
to those of the current draft.
- Some edits based on Judy Brewer review of similar text in
Authoring Tool Guidelines.
Guideline 1
- Checkpoint 1.2: Added example of image maps.
Guideline 3 (formerly 7)
- In rationale, added example of speaking link before link in
section on orientation information
- Checkpoint 3.8: Use term "description track" to include
captions, sign tracks, auditory descriptions, etc.
Guideline 4 (formerly 5)
- Moved information about blinking from checkpoint 4.6 to
Guideline 5 (formerly 6)
- Checkpoint 5.2: Wording now refers to text size. Font size
change or zoom are techniques. Resolved during
11 August teleconf
- Checkpoint 5.12: Clarification that audio volume means that
it's supported natively.
Guideline 6 (formerly 12)
- Checkpoint 6.4: Added note about exporting interfaces according
to system conventions. Please review this
Guideline 7 (formerly 11)
- The term "specification" is used instead of "technology"
Guideline 8
- Checkpoint 8.2: Attempt to clarify wording. Now refers
specifically to browser history.
- Checkpoints 8.3 and 8.4: Added the word "just" so that
navigation is more clearly among specific subsets of elements.
Guideline 9
Guideline 10
- Checkpoint 10.3: New wording. Attempts to clarify language.
Please review. New wording now refers to "common
types of document and viewport changes".
- Checkpoint 10.4: Removed the phrase "when the user may begin to
browse" as resolved at
11 August teleconf.
- Checkpoint 10.6: New wording as resolved at
25 August teleconf.
- Checkpoints 10.4 and 105: Changed document to resource for more
Guideline 12 (formerly 3)
- Added image map as example of active element.
- Added panner to list of viewport types.
- Added definition of highlight.
- Added definition of configure
- Added definition of natural language.
Changes to the Techniques
- 3.1: Added preliminary outline
- 3.1.4: Added some text about managing changes in active
elements over time.
- 3.2: Added example of image maps to device-independent
activation of links.
- 3.3: Added information about choosing from among available
caption/audio tracks (SMIL). Also added note about zoom for text
size changes.
- 3.4.1: Added information about highlighting the current
viewport, selection, focus.
- 3.5.5: Techniques from Charles and Håkon about view
- 3.6.3: Added note about handling broken links in a manner that
doesn't disorient.
- 3.6.5: Added Techniques and comment text from Gregory Rosmaita
about form submission behavior.
- 3.8.3: Added note about multiple icon sizes.
- New references to AMAYA and USERAGENTS
These are public drafts. There are no changes in content from
the 16 July drafts. This draft
was put on the W3C Technical Reports Page after
Interest Group Review on 29 July.
- W3C is now a registered trademark in the US and elsewhere.
- Added a number of cross-references.
- Harmonized use of "graphical desktop browser" and "assistive
technology". The former term is used more widely since can be used
in terms of conformance (thus, defined by set of checkpoints).
- Section 3.1: Removed clause about conformance through other
- Checkpoint 1.1: Now talks about device-independence through
standard OS APIs.
- Checkpoint 2.6: New wording.
- Checkpoint 2.7: Added example of Alt-F4.
- Checkpoint 7.3: No longer just about language changes. Was old
7.3 and 9.9. Note. Now priority 1 for dependent
- Checkpoint 7.6: Combines old 7.6 and 7.8
- Checkpoint 7.7: Combines old 7.7 and 7.10
- Checkpoint 7.8: Was 7.9, now slightly generalized.
- Checkpoint 9.1: Now includes view, selection, and focus
(formerly 9.1-9.3). Added note about frame as part of view to
subsume old 9.7.
- Checkpoint 9.2: Was 9.4
- Checkpoint 9.3: Was 9.8
- Checkpoint 9.4: New. Subsumes 9.10-19.14,
- Checkpoint 9.5: Was 9.18
- Checkpoint 9.6: New. Subsumes 9.15-9.17, 9.19, 9.22, 9.23,
- Checkpoint 9.7: Was 9.21
- Checkpoint 9.8: Was 9.20
- Checkpoint 9.9: Was 9.24
- Checkpoint 9.10: Was 9.25
- Checkpoint 10.1: Now says information about document and view
- Checkpoint 10.2: Was 9.5 and 9.6
- Checkpoint 10.4: Was 9.14, 10.3, and 10.4
- Checkpoint 10.5: New.
- Changed wording of Guideline 10 to include views.
- Added/modified rationale text to Guidelines 1, 3, 4, 5, 7,
- Added definition of device independence.
- Added definition of assistive technology
- Added definition of caption, auditory description, and
description track.
- Edited usage of visual and graphical as per David Poehlman
- 3.7.2: Added
suggestions from Len Kasday
- Added info about keyboard shortcuts for MSAA features
- 3.5.2, 3.5.4: Added some navigation ideas for multimedia based
on Marja comments
- 3.5.3: Added link to trace software for table navigation.
- Appendix 8: Added MS-KEYBOARD reference.
- Section 6: Removed CSS details - link to CSS Access note.
- Section 3.1: Referred incorrectly to Priority 1 checkpoints
only. This has been fixed.
- Checkpoint 2.7: New. Added as per
14 July teleconference.
The list
of changes for the 9 July 1999 guidelines is available on the
list of changes for the 9 July 1999 techniques is available on
the Web.
The list
of changes for the 11 June 1999 guidelines is available on the
list of changes for the 11 June 1999 techniques is available on
the Web.
Public version
The only changes from the previous version
(WD-WAI-USERAGENT-19990309) were related to the document's style
sheets and headers (to conform to W3C TR page styles).
The list
of changes for the 9 March 1999 version is available on the
The list
of changes for the 10 Feb 1999 version is available on the
It is difficult to summarize the changes in this draft of the
guidelines since there have been many. I recommend that people
review the entire guidelines document to verify whether changes
they requested were made. If not, please inform the editors.
Aside from general editing, some of the main changes
- Section 2: General principles of accessible design. The number
of principles in this section has been reduced to 6 in the hopes of
making them weightier.
- Section 3: Terms and definitions. There is language that the
definitions are meant to make the guidelines useful, but not more
than that. The definitions have been tightened up. "Point of
regard" has been added, but it is not fully defined yet (it may
come from one of insertion point, user selection, or focus).
- The guidelines now have more rationale/background
- The techniques are now written with a consistent voice.
- Each technique links to its "expansion" in the techniques
document. As noted above, not many of the techniques are discussed
more fully in the current release.
- There are techniques for scripts in 5.2 and 6.5
- In this release, the Postscript, PDF, and text versions of both
the guidelines and techniques documents are available (from links
at the beginning of each document).
- Added item to provide a visual indication of the presence of an
ACCESSKEY on an anchor or form input control. Priority level 2
- Separated numerical and text search items for moving the focus
directly to a link or control. Both are still Priority 2
- Added item to extend text search and element highlight
capabilities to ALT, TITLE, LONGDESC and OBJECT inner text
- Improved description of hierarchical navigation.
Changed Priorities for some of the items in the following
sections from Priority 1 to Priority 2
- Frame focus
- Element identification
- Direct navigation
- Focus indication
- Menu commands
- Documentation
- Added use of the RELative attribute with "dlink" setting to
allow identification of anchors being used as a D-Link
HTML 4.0
- Added section on HTML 4.0 compatibility
- (also called "user agent") to (and to user agent designers in
1.0 Ratings and Classifications
- Changed pages to document.
- Removed the phrase "designed without accessibility
2.0 General principles of accessible design
- Changed last sentence from: "This document does not specify how
browsers should implement the guidelines based on these principles.
It does assume that a browser can implement the guidelines based on
the characteristics, defined here." to "This document does not
specify how browsers should implement the guidelines based on these
principles. It does assume that a browser can implement the
guidelines based on the characteristics, defined here".
2.3 Selection, Focus, and Events
- Edits based on feedback from Kitch Barnicle
3.1 Control over Browser Defaults and Author Styles
- Added phrase to item 8: User profiles allow for convenient
customization and allow users to share effective profiles with each
3.2 Alternative Representations of Images
- Removed the use of the file name should never be used as
alternative text, since it provides a poor model for authors not
familiar with ALT text.
- If no ALT or TITLE text available the alt text will default to
"No alt text available".
- Replaced vertical scroll to horizontal scroll
3.3 Alternative Representations for Video, Movies, and
- System flags for closed captioning should be used for the
browsers default value
3.5 Alternative Views of Document
- Added to item 3 "serialized tables": If no heading information
(TH tags in table) is defined in the table the user should have the
option of requesting that the first column and row be used as
header information. This is useful for simple tables, where authors
have not specified the header information.
4.1 Maintenance of Document View and Focus
- As a user activates links and returns to previously visited
documents that their last view and focus in the document remain the
- Edited to improve clarity
5.2 Hierarchical Navigation
- Changed last sentence to read: The user should be able to use
keyboard commands to navigate, expand or contract the hierarchy.
The hierarchy should be based on structural block level elements
like H1-H6, UL, OL and etc...
5.3 Direct Navigation
- Changed item 1 to: [+P1] Allow the user to use the keyboard to
move the focus directly to links and controls on a page. Users
should be able to search for (and shift the focus to) a link or
control by its numerical position (a list of numbered links) or by
its name (search for search text matches only in links).
- In items 2 and 3 changed focus to selection.
- A list of resources on closed captioning
- Reformatted entire document to comply with WAI formatting
- Added section on accessible design principles
- Added definitions section for key terms
- Removed the name attribute from being a source of alternative
text information
- Add a compatibility section dealing with CCS2, HTML and
Accessibility APIs
- Added a recommendation to test browser with built-in
accessibility features
- Created an appendix for built-in accessibility operating system
accessibility features
- Removed references to implement specific Accessibility
- Created an Appendix of current accessibility APIs
- Corrected spelling mistakes in acknowledgments section
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