Last updated on: Mon Sep 30 19:04:56 2002
Since global imposition of a Latin-only font could break text in other scripts, perhaps this should be finessed to say that it should be possible for the user to specify different user preferred fonts by script group (much like eg. the common browsers allow you to set default fonts for Unicode ranges).
The heading talks about 'language' whereas the checkpoint provision talks about 'scripts (ie. Writing systems)'. Both the title and text should be changed to 'language or script', to cover both the visual rendering case and the text-to-speech (or -to-braille) case.
Well, some people might see esc-p for "print" as a two-key binding, yet you say it is acceptable as an interpretation of single-key binding:
"A single-key binding is one where a single key press performs the task, with zero modifier keys.
Discussed and resolved at 26 Sep teleconf to add application/xhtml+xml
However, see proposal from IJ
and followup from Al Gilman