This is an archive of the W3C Open Source Software release news for the year 2014. Please read the Latest News for up-to-date information.
21 October 2014: Release of version 6.9 of HTML-XML-utils. The programs that parse HTML now recognize a few more HTML5 elements (article, section, etc.). In addition, some improvements in the source code and in a regression test mean it should also compile out of the box on more systems. (Certain compiler options could previously cause a compile-time error. Reportedly, these options are enabled by default on Arch Linux.) See the ChangeLog for details.
20 August 2014: Release of
version 6.8 of HTML-XML-utils. The hxcopy
program now
has an option -s
to also rewrite links to self. The
programs now also compile with the clang compiler. See the ChangeLog for details.
16 May 2014: First release of a pair of programs to convert between CSV (comma-separated values) and tab-separated values. They are intended to conform to the first draft (27 March 2014) of Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web. See the source code
12 March 2014: A bug fix release: version 6.6 of the HTML/XML utilities was distributed with an empty header file, which meant it couldn't compile on platforms that needed that file. See the ChangeLog for details.
11 March 2014: No new features or bug
fixes in version 6.6 of the HTML/XML
utilities. The only change is to replace an #include
in the source so that hxcopy now also compiles on OpenBSD.
See the ChangeLog for
21 January 2014: Version 6.5 of the HTML/XML utilities corrects a few bugs, notably in the parsing of command-line options, that could crash programs if invalid options were given. (Bugs found by the Mayhem project.) A new feature is support for aliases (%K lines) in hxcite. See the ChangeLog for details.