This is an archive of the W3C Open Source Software release news for the year 2006. Please read the Latest News for up-to-date information.
14 November 2006: Maintenance Release of the Markup Validation Service (a.k.a HTML Validator) including bug fixes and documentation updates. See Changelog. (News Archive)
23 October 2006: Maintenance Release of the Markup Validation Service (a.k.a HTML Validator) including bug fixes, usability and documentation improvements, updates to supported character encodings and document types, and a new web services API for developers. See Changelog. (News Archive)
23 October 2006: Maintenance Release of the W3C Link Checker, including documentation and usability improvements as well as updates for code dependencies. (News Archive)
18 October 2006: Amaya 9.52 and Amaya 8.8.52 are released.
Amaya 9.52 is the wxWidgets
version available for Linux, Windows XP/NT/2000 and Mac OS X platforms.
Amaya 8.8.52 is the same application based on the previous User Interface (GTK
for Linux platforms, Win32 for Windows platforms) .
See the list of bug fixes/new features for more details (
4 October 2006: Several small improvements to the HTML-XML-utils (see the Changelog) and one new program: unxmlns, the inverse of xmlns.
23 June 2006: Release of the W3C Log Validator version 1.06. The Log Validator makes it easy to manage the quality of even large Web Sites, step by step, by finding the most popular documents failing Markup or CSS validation, or with broken links.
24 April 2006: Amaya 9.51 and Amaya 8.8.51 are released.
Amaya 9.51 is the wxWidgets
version available for Linux, Windows XP/NT/2000 and Mac OS X platforms.
Amaya 8.8.51 is the same application based on the previous User Interface (GTK
for Linux platforms, Win32 for Windows platforms) .
See the list of bug fixes/new features for more details (
20 February 2006: New release of the W3C Markup Validator (a.k.a HTML Validator). Includes bug fixes for installation issues, document types and character encodings support, fixes a bug that could make the validator crash in rare situations, and improves the documentation. Read the announcement for details on this release, and instructions on using, installing or helping improve the validator.
12 February 2006: Amaya 9.4 and Amaya 8.8.4 are released.
These releases include essentially bug fixes. Amaya 9.4 is the wxWidgets
version available for Linux, Windows XP/NT/2000 and Mac OS X platforms.
Amaya 8.8.4 is the same application based on the previous User Interface (GTK
for Linux platforms, Win32 for Windows platforms) .
See the list of bug fixes/new features for more details (