CC/PP: Structure and Vocabularies Test Suite

This version:
Latest version:
Mark Butler [email protected], Hewlett-Packard
Kazuhiro Kitagawa [email protected],W3C
Luu Tran [email protected], Sun Microsystems


This Test Suite was designed to demonstrate that all the features in the CC/PP: Structure and Vocabularies specification is implementable, and that at least two implementations are interoperable. Individual implementations must have been developed independently by different organizations.

Each test in the Test Suite must have at least two passing implementations. It is not required that any implementation pass all of the tests. The interoperability data is not intended to be used for assessing or grading the performance of any individual implementation. This Test Suite is focused on CC/PP specific features. It does not test RDF features that are not in CC/PP.


There are three classes of applications of CC/PP that can be tested:

Document Tests

Documents may exist as resources accessible via a URL, or may be transmitted as data in a message. The table below lists valid CC/PP profile features. Sample profiles are provided as examples of valid CC/PP profiles exhibiting the corresponding feature and invalid CC/PP profiles violating the corresponding feature.

General area of feature
ID Specific area of feature Sample valid profile(s) Sample invalid profile(s)
1 MUST be valid RDF serialized in XML 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11
MUST use valid syntax for namespace declarations 01

CC/PP Profile Components
profile MUST contain one or more components 01 32
each component MUST contain one or more attributes 01
component name MAY be in rdf:about or rdf:ID attributes 12, 13
components MUST be indicated using a ccpp:component property where the namespace used to qualify component is the CC/PP namespace or a UAProf namespace 14 30
component names, component types, and attribute names must all refer to different URIs within a profile 01 34
if a component type is given as an element name and as an rdf:type element, they MUST refer to the same URI 35 36
CC/PP Profile Defaults
default references MUST be valid URLs 15, 16
defaults MAY be written as ccpp:defaults or ccpp:Defaults 15, 16
defaults MUST be indicated using a ccpp:defaults or ccpp:Defaults property where the namespace used to qualify defaults or Defaults is the CC/PP namespace or a UAProf namespace 17 33
MAY contain both a default value and a directly applied value, directly applied value takes precedence 18
MAY contain inline defaults 37
MUST NOT contain both inline and referenced defaults 37 38
MAY reference a default document which does not have an rdf:type 39
CC/PP Profile Attributes
MAY contain attributes that are sets of values (Bags) 23, 24
MAY contain attributes that are sequences of values (Seq) 25, 26
MAY contain attributes that are string values 27
MAY contain attributes that are Integer numbers 28
MAY contain attributes that are Rational numbers 29
MUST NOT contain multiple values for the same attribute in the same component
MAY contain attributes of the same name in more than one component

MAY use multiple namespaces for attributes
19, 20, 21, 22

Some of the sample valid profiles above use the following:

Producer Tests

To be considered a CC/PP conformant producer, any CC/PP profile document generated by a producer must be a valid CC/PP profile document. Different producers will demonstrate generation of valid CC/PP profile documents differently. The method by which a producer sends CC/PP profile documents to a consumer is beyond the scope of the CC/PP Structure and Vocabularies specification.  In the case of a WAP phone, for example, the phone's web client may send a URL with each request that references a valid CC/PP profile document. The web server servicing that URL may in turn respond with a valid CC/PP profile document as the body of a HTTP message.

Consumer Tests

To be considered a CC/PP conformant consumer, a consumer must accept any valid CC/PP profile document and extract appropriate information. Different consumers will demonstrate proper acceptance and extraction of information differently. In the case of a Java application server, for example, a Java servlet may be written that prints out the profile data. The method by which a consumer receives CC/PP profile documents from a producer is beyond the scope of the CC/PP Structure and Vocabularies specification. The behavior of a consumer when accepting and extracting information from an invalid profile is beyond the scope of this test suite.

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