Get ready to be stressed out in higher picture quality than you’ve ever imagined. A24 has announced that they’ll be rereleasing three films — Ex Machina, Hereditary, and Uncut Gems — on Imax for limited screenings. The first offering will be Ex Machina on March 27, with an “exclusive sneak peek” at director Alex Garland’s latest A24 jawn, Civil War. Hereditary will follow April 24, then Uncut Gems May 22. “I will do mushrooms for the first time and see Uncut Gems in Imax and pass away,” writer Caitie Delaney wrote on Twitter, and girl, same.
Ever since Oppenheimer won hearts and minds (and Oscars) in Imax, the format has really been That Girl. Barbenheimer was a fully Imax moment, with the Greta Gerwig fantasia rereleased in Imax and with a new post-credits scene. Other films that have been getting the field trip to the museum treatment include both Dunes, Christopher Nolan’s Tenet, the Avatars, and Suga’s tour doc. But how does any Imax experience compare to seeing Dune 2 in 4DX?