Ego has spoken. Expressing similar sentiments to those shared by his fellow Guardians of the Galaxy castmates, Kurt Russell is defending James Gunn after the director was fired by Disney for a resurfaced history of offensive tweets. “It’s sad. But it’s a part of our fabric now, and I get it,” Russell explained to Variety when asked about Gunn this weekend. “But I do think we’re getting a little too sensitive on maybe some of the wrong people.” Unlike his castmates, however, Russell stopped short of stating Gunn should be reinstated as Vol. 3’s director. “You have to realize that when you are in that world as a comedian, a writer, whatever, you’re always stretching the boundaries and trying to find something which lead him to something that the world loves, which is Guardians of the Galaxy,” he continued. “He has a wonderful heart and a wonderful mind. I hope he is forgiven.”
Following Gunn’s firing last month — because of tweets that joked about rape and pedophilia, which Gunn took “full responsibility” for — Galaxy’s leading cast published an open letter in support of him. Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, Zoe Saldana, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Michael Rooker, Dave Bautista, and Sean Gunn all believe Gunn shouldn’t have been fired, although agree his tweets were inexcusable. “There is little due process in the court of public opinion. James is likely not the last good person to be put on trial,” they wrote, in part. “Given the growing political divide in this country, it’s safe to say instances like this will continue, although we hope Americans from across the political spectrum can ease up on the character assassinations and stop weaponizing mob mentality.”
Vol 3.’s new director has yet to be announced.