
An exclusive interview with Aya Nakamura 

The world's most popular singer just so happens to be French! Aya Nakamura's music is bringing the party spirit all around the world. She speaks to all of today's youth and speaks the words of this generation. Below, get to know a seriously cool diva.
An exclusive interview with Aya Nakamura
Carlijn Jacobs

The whole world knows Aya Nakamura. Aya has a streak of record breaking numbers to her name. With her, everything is counted in millions, included the streams of her songs, the views of her videos, her followers and her record sales ... She is only 26 years old, a young mother, surrounded by girlfriends, without a flock of agents swarming around her. She manages very well on her own. Aya Danioko was born in Bamako, Mali and grew up in France. She has kept the authenticity from her origins, which is mirrored in her melodies and the lyrics about everyday life. Aya's music takes on a magical base inspired by the griot tradition and blends this with the different sounds that please her. The diva has just broken records, hitting 800 million views on YouTube. She has also superseded the renowned Édith Piaf. One could see a certain logic in this:, as the two are both popular singers that the people understand. Edith had her Padam, Padam. Aya has her Djadja. And how does Aya feel about of all this? She is quiet, and enjoys her McDonald's with her long manicured fingers. 

An exclusive interview with Aya Nakamura 

During this fashion shoot, did you become a couture muse? How did you find it?
Aya Nakamura: It was a real fashion shoot and I don't do this kind of thing very often. Letting a fashion editor decide what I'm going to wear I mean. You really do have to let yourself be guided. I had a great time and the pictures turned out really beautifully. It's amazing to see yourself this way. However, right now I'm not focused on fashion. I like to dress up and I keep up with the trends like all young women my age. Keeping up with everything that's being done, and everything that's being released on the other hand? No, I'm not interested in that.

Even though all of your outfits are analyzed down to the last detail, and you can still be a model for women?
Honestly, I don't think about that. I don't feel like I'm putting myself out there. And the influencer thing, taking pictures of myself, showing off every day, it's not my thing. I'm not the type to do Instagram stories all the time. When I was younger, I studied pattern making and I really wanted to be a pattern maker. It takes so much patience, though, and that's not my forte. I quit in spite of myself simply because I couldn't. That was my closest relationship with fashion.

The video for Jolie Nana takes place in a hair salon, which is a real epicenter of black beauty. A place of life…
Yes, there are some salons where you can spend the whole day there. It is true that they are important places in African beauty. You meet friends, aunts, neighbors. When I am there, I can capture certain opinions, stories, and languages that reach me. It happens. I often change my hairstyle, depending on my mood. It reflects my mood of the moment. It's personal. It's not my goal to create a surprise effect. I am a singer, that's all. If you like it, great, if you don't, too bad. When I like a haircut, I do it for pleasure.

Your latest album, Aya, depicts a young woman who is rebellious in her charm and allure, but is still a bit sentimental.
It is mainly a calmer, more mature album. Apart from that it just talks about life. The relationship of seduction with men. Yes, this woman is assertive, she knows how to flirt, she is not afraid, but that does not prevent her from being romantic. She can be sarcastic, she can tease and be playful, and she knows what she wants. They are love games in fact. And this relationship between a man and a woman is quite common.

How does it feel to make the whole world dance?
It's amazing to realize that. Wow, I'm the one making all these people dance who don't even know me? That's pretty awesome. And it feels good of course! It's the power of music that can convey so many emotions. And that is magic. My music, this mixture of all the African sounds, of the Caribbean... It is what surrounds me, what is happening around me. The people I work with, the place I grew up in. There are a lot of different backgrounds. I grew up with Arabic, African and French people. This is my music. That's what makes this music so powerful. We are a mixed generation. And when we are not afraid to blend, it is powerful. You just have to be careful to protect your private life and not show everything, which is what I do. But to receive so much love, I can only appreciate it.

Photographe : Carlijn Jacobs / Stylisme : Gabriella Karefa-Johnson / Set design : Ibby Njoya / Hairstylist : Virginie de Pinto Moreira / Makeup artist : Ammy Drammeh / Nail artist : Cam Tran

What do your friends and family think of your extraordinary success?
Honestly, I don't even realize everything that's happening around me. I just focus on what I'm doing. I think they are proud of me, but they know how I live. I'm not sure they're any more surprised than that. They've always been by my side. I take them on tour, to concerts, sometimes we travel together. And that's super cool. We stay together as a family.

Your voice is a real instrument, can you adjust it as you wish?
I never took singing lessons. I was like my daughter, singing in front of videos with a hairbrush as a microphone! Probably because I was imitating the songs I watched on TV. I thought it was great.

Is this also influenced by your mother's background as a griot? 
 It definitely plays a part. Griots are storytellers. They carry stories with their voices. You don't have to be monotone. My mother sang a lot, she is someone who always liked to sing. It is part of my culture. I accompanied my mother to parties, to weddings. I observed everything. I listened to the changes in in the way she sang, in her tone and volume. I have an excellent auditory memory. And I probably retained all of it. It stayed in my head. Today, I recreate a little bit of it, without realizing it. It's a beautiful heritage. My mother is very proud of me, she puts up pictures of me everywhere in the apartment! She also tells me to be careful. She knows that this is not an easy job, it requires a certain patience and temperament. Like any parent, she worries. But she is happy for me.

What about the language? The lyrics of your songs, some words that some have tried to analyze?
The young people of the suburban neighborhoods bring an added value. Some words from the suburbs are now in the dictionary. Rap music has contributed a lot, everything that is urban in general. It is the most listened to genre, everywhere, whether you come from the suburbs, from a middle-class environment or from the countryside. We can all come from different regions and still find ourselves listening to the same rapper or the same piece of rap music. We stream and it spreads around. I think that's good.

Your songs, you success and even what you represent have sparked debate. There is a lot of controversy around you. You have also been a victim of social media harassment. How do you explain that?
I don't know. I couldn't answer that question, because honestly, I don't know. Maybe because some people are afraid of the unknown? Perhaps my words make people angry because they might be too simple. There are some who will love you for who you are, and others who will hate you for what you do. I seem normal to some and too different to others. Anyway, I don't necessarily try to understand what's going on inside people's heads. They don't try to understand how I see things, so I do the same. I know about social media, I've always been on it. So I know how to protect myself. Yes, I can be criticized a lot, but maybe that is to be expected when you reach this level of fame. You have to live with it. It's part of life. 

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