The fate of Cybertron lies in the hands of the Autobots in this gripping new animated series. The Art and Making of Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy provides an incredible behind-the-scenes look at the conception of this exhilarating new story and gives readers insight into the exacting character design that brought the Autobots, Decepticons, Maximals, and Predacons to life. Featuring hundreds of pieces of gorgeous concept art, this deluxe hardcover shows the painstaking detail that went into the creation of the technological world of Cybertron, the vastness of space, and the wilderness of prehistoric Earth.

With stunning imagery and exclusive interviews with the show’s creators, producers, artists, voice actors, and more, this book will provide the ultimate look into the crafting of the action-packed series.

Written by Mike Avila, Introduction by F. J. DeSanto
Release October 11, 2022
ISBN-13 978-1-9747-3250-0
Trim Size 11 × 9
Imprint VIZ Media
Length 192 pages
Series Transformers
Category Art Book
Age Rating Not Rated

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