7 Ways to Feel More Courageous

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If you live with fear and want to feel more courageous, there are a number of ways you can exercise your 'courage muscles' and make the most of every situation. Here's an overview of what you need to know about courage, as well as tips for living a more courageous life.

What Is Courage?

Many people equate courage with fearlessness, but this is a faulty interpretation. Courage involves taking action in spite of the fear you feel. It is the willingness to respond even when you have feelings of anxiety and worry.

So, never beat yourself up or assume you are not courageous if you feel fearful. To be courageous means that you are able to act even when fearful. Additionally, the more you face your fears, the more you can replace your fear-based response with a courageous one.

In fact, one of the best ways to be courageous is to understand what you're afraid of and then overcome it. If you let it, fear has the power to stop you from moving forward, taking risks, and making the most of opportunities. Meanwhile, being courageous allows you to take chances, pursue your dreams, and get what you want out of life.

Benefits of Courageousness

Being more courageous can help us respond appropriately to risks. It involves thinking things through, examining risks and rewards, and acting despite the fear that inevitably sets in.

Another benefit of being courageous is that we can accomplish positive things in our lives. Courage gives us the power to chase things that are important to us. It can also bolster self-esteem and help us to believe in ourselves and our abilities.

Other benefits of courage include:

  • Allows you to see the world from a different perspective
  • Broadens your experiences, making you more well-rounded
  • Can increase your sense of happiness
  • Encourages others to be courageous too
  • Makes you a more successful person because you're more likely to pursue your dreams and seize opportunities

How to Feel More Courageous

If fear is not viewed correctly, it can prevent you from achieving your goals and pursuing opportunities. For instance, maybe you don't go after that promotion at work and, instead, just hope they notice your hard work.

A good step toward not letting fear hold you back is to determine areas or situations in your life where you could be more courageous. Once you do, here are some actions you can take to help you move forward, even if you might feel scared to do so.

Maintain a Healthy Perspective

People often assume that courageousness is something you're born with, or not. While it is true that some people could be more predisposed to displaying courage based on its connection to certain personality traits, this virtue is more like a muscle. Everyone has the ability to become more courageous with the right training and practice.

It's also important to recognize that fear is not a bad thing. For instance, fear triggers survival instincts designed to keep you safe. For this reason, you might feel fearful when approached by a stranger in a dark alley or during a tornado. Without fear, you may not respond to risk appropriately.

Keeping a healthy perspective on the role that fear plays in our lives can help us stop beating ourselves up when this feeling creeps in. Add that to the understanding that we have the power to build our courage and we become unstoppable.

Look at fear as an opportunity to learn more about who you are and why you might be afraid or less than thrilled about stepping out of your comfort zone. You might find that if you take the time to name your fear and understand why it's there, you can uncover a better idea of how to overcome it or be courageous in spite of it.

Rather than minimizing your fear or denying that it exists, recognize what is holding you back. By acknowledging your fear—either by writing it down or sharing it with a supportive person—you are empowering yourself to be courageous, even when feeling fearful.

Identify Your Strengths

When it comes to living a life of courage, it helps to identify what you're good at and where you've been successful. Research shows that people who recognize and develop their strengths not only feel happier and less depressed but also have greater resilience.

Knowing what you're good at also helps boost your confidence, which makes it more likely that you will take risks and be courageous. Likewise, when you're confident in your abilities, you're much more willing to go all-in when an opportunity presents itself.

What's more, when you are facing fear, it's natural to focus on your shortcomings and weaknesses. But doing this just makes it less likely that you will feel courageous. For this reason, it's important to think about what you're good at as a way of building your confidence, and your courage.

Consider and Visualize Different Scenarios

When you feel fear, do you tend to imagine the worst thing that could happen if you take a risk? If you want to feel more courageous, it's also helpful to picture what would happen if you didn't act at all.

Many times, comparing the two extremes is all that is needed to move beyond your fears. This is because, most of the time, the worst thing that could happen is often minimal compared to what you could gain by acting. Regularly using comparisons like these can help you stop letting fear control you over time.

Additionally, visualize scenarios where you do something you're afraid of. Run through each possible scenario in your mind, including how you might respond or what you might say. This exercise is a way for you to practice being courageous without having to put yourself out there until you feel ready.

Practice Leaving Your Comfort Zone

When you let fear keep you from doing something fun, going after what you want, or expressing who you are at your core, it can result in a life that is not truly lived. Changing this requires that you become intentional.

Building your courage muscles means that you must push yourself to step outside of your comfort zone. Choose some scenarios that make you uncomfortable, but where the stakes are not as high.

In other words, practice being courageous by overcoming little fears like meeting new people or eating alone in a restaurant before tackling something like taking the lead on a project or heading up a community toy drive. By starting small, you can get used to being courageous with minimal risk. With enough practice, you will get to the point where you can take bigger risks.

Reduce Your Stress

Sometimes people experience fear or feel like they lack courage simply because they are exhausted and the thought of doing anything more just seems too overwhelming. It's hard to feel courageous when you are stressed out. So, if you feel overwhelmed, frazzled, or bogged down, look for ways to relieve stress.

In some instances, this might mean taking a short vacation or some much-needed time off work. Everyone needs a break now and then. Learning effective coping skills can also help keep stress from growing too large in your life.

If you feel too overwhelmed with the thought of trying to be more courageous, it could be that you first need to reduce the stress in your life.

Celebrate Courageous Actions

Every courageous act should be celebrated—especially if living courageously is new for you. It's important to pat yourself on the back and recognize the effort it took to overcome your fear. In fact, celebrating small wins can help you stay more motivated to continue this change.

Of course, you don't have to shout it from the rooftops or blast it on social media. Celebrating your success can be as simple as making a mental note of what you accomplished and allowing yourself to feel good about it.

You may even want to keep a journal of these little acknowledgments to reflect on during times when you feel discouraged or like your life lacks courage. Doing this can keep you from engaging in negative thoughts or assuming that you will never be courageous.

Welcome Failure

Being afraid of failure can keep you stagnant or stuck in the same place. The fear of failure can also lead people to develop rigid standards and become perfectionistic in an effort not to experience the embarrassment or shame that comes with failing at something.

But failure is an experience that should be embraced. Remind yourself that failure is not a bad thing, especially if you took risks or stepped outside of your comfort zone.

Failure is an opportunity to grow as a person. It allows you to learn something new, change directions, and see what you're made of. If viewed as a welcome experience instead of a worst-case scenario, failure stretches you to try new things in spite of the risks involved.


It's never too late to start living a courageous life. Courage is simply another trait that can be developed with intentional effort and practice. All it takes is the determination to recognize your fears and the willingness to choose to act despite them.

When you identify your fears and take a proactive approach to work through them to achieve your goals, you not only build your self-confidence but are also likely more successful overall. Look at your fears as an opportunity to build your courage muscles and before long, you will be able to push through your discomfort and live the kind of life you have always wanted.

5 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  5. Errida A, Lotfi B. The determinants of organizational change management success: Literature review and case study. Int J Engineer Bus Manage. 2021;13:184797902110162. doi:10.1177/18479790211016273

Additional Reading
Sherri Gordon

By Sherri Gordon
Sherri Gordon, CLC is a published author, certified professional life coach, and bullying prevention expert. She's also the former editor of Columbus Parent and has countless years of experience writing and researching health and social issues.