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Te Puke Easter Egg Poster Competition


1. Design and Colour a creative poster of an Easter Egg OR Bunny.
2. Upload a picture of you and your poster with your age group to this events page. 😉

Others can comment and “like” to vote people’s choice.
Vector Group will have the final say on overall winners.
We will DM (direct message) the winners.
Prizes will be delivered after COVID-19 staycation is over.
Stay Safe Everyone and have fun over Easter

Competition Page:

Upload your posters here:

Peoples vote here:

Image may contain: 5 people, text

Our Easter Egg Poster competition is now in judging process.

We will be announcing official vector group prizes but we thought we would throw in an extra peoples vote.

For peoples choice we are asking you all to vote from 1 through to 9 posters. [RULES: YOU CAN ONLY VOTE FOR ONE PERSON]

1. Ben age 19-120 lol
2. Ryder age 5
3. Jasmine age 12
4. Jack age 21
5. Cooper age 5
6. Indy age 4
7. Isla age 2
8. Kady age 24
9. Juliette age 19-120 lol

To view full size images click this link


About Vector Group

Vision: A community where diversity is celebrated, and every person feels included. Mission: To create opportunities for healthy connections and self-expression. To support people who work with young people, and thereby enhance youth engagement and development and creatives so that young people thrive.