
A small Port Moresby parish turns into a refuge of joy

Catholic pilgrims from across Papua New Guinea have descended on Port Moresby to see Pope Francis, and Saint John the Apostle Catholic Church has thrown out the welcome mat to host them.

By Claudia Torres and Franco Piroli - Port Moresby

Saint John the Apostle Catholic Church in Tokarara, a residential suburb in Port Moresby, has become a temporary home for Catholic pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Mount Hagen, who made the long trek to the capital of Papua New Guinea to see Pope Francis during his Apostolic Journey.

A lively scene greeted our team as we drove into the parking lot, where a group of women in colorful attire danced and sang. Others, men and women, sat in small groups with friends and relatives.

But four women – Julian, Catherine, Helen and Angela – were hard at work cooking for all the guests. They were in good spirits, laughing and joking as they prepared five large pots of rice over piles of firewood outside.



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06 September 2024, 17:08