
Vale employee smiling in green landscape. She is wearing a green Vale
uniform, goggles, helmet and ear plugs. Visual wave artifact Vale
Imagem de header interno Imagem de header interno
Photographer:Vale's Archive
Photographer:Vale's Archive

The Portal Nimbi is a virtual space for the commercialization of products and services that form the interface between Vale and its suppliers, increasing the integration of purchasing processes, from quotation to payment. 

With Portal Nimbi, we seek to be an even faster and more efficient company and we hope to bring more visibility at all stages of the supply processes for our suppliers. This tool was developed with transparency and user-friendliness in mind.

The Portal brings a number of benefits:

Single, integrated platform
Centralization of different processes of the purchase flow in the same environment

Reduction of tax discrepancies
Integration with the tax optimization tool

Possibility of being accessed from mobile technologies such as tablets and smartphones

Simpler and more user-friendly navigation 
Follows the concept used in social networks 

Support service 
Support service in the use of the platform for internal users and exclusive service channels for suppliers 

Risk reduction 
Risk reduction of late payment, due to the electronic invoice validation process being carried out prior to the creation of the collection 
Imagem placeholder Imagem placeholder Photographer:Vale's Archive
Foto de placeholder Foto de placeholder

Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

How can the supplier join the portal?

If you have already received an electronic invitation, please follow the guidelines in the guide below. 
If you have not received an electronic invitation, please contact us and ask to join the Portal Nimbi.

For companies located in Brazil, contact us by phone 0800 047 4242.

For companies located in the United States and Canada please contact us at +1 844 3928 535.

For companies located in Oman please contact: [email protected].

Profiles and manuals 

Vale has prepared a manual to help suppliers with all the guidelines on the processes transacted through the Portal, a document with the most frequently asked questions. 

Certifica: how to register and join the platform - available for Oman, Canada/USA, and Brazil.

Negocia: how to view, participate in quotations (RFQ), and auctions - available for Oman, Canada/USA, and Brazil.

Compra: how to view purchase orders and how to measure service orders - available for Oman, Canada/USA, and Brazil.

Transporta: how to create pickup requests and track orders - Brazil only

Paga: how to view invoices and payments - available only for Brazil.

IDF: how to view your assessment scores and generate action plans, if applicable - Brazil only

Download the Supplier Profile Navigation Manual  

This material explains the navigation in two modules of the portal from the carrier's point of view - for Brazil only.

Transporta: how to receive transport requests, view Ctes, and monitor demands. 

Paga: how to view invoices and track payments.

Attention: If the company is also a supplier, it is also necessary to consult the Navigation Manual - Supplier Profile. 

This material explains about user management and company profile and their permissions - available for Oman, Canada/USA, and Brazil.

  • Registration of new users;

  • Creating a participant list;

  • Permission change;

  • User Activation and Deactivation;

  • Setting access times.

Frequently asked questions

If your company has not yet registered with Vale, access pre-registration, and after completing the pre-registration with Vale, if your company is selected, you will receive an e-mail from the sender [email protected] to complete Vale's registration process on the Global Supplier Registration Portal (GSRP), and will also receive an invitation to register on the Nimbi Platform. 

If your company is already registered with Vale and the Nimbi Platform, to check your status on Nimbi, access the platform with your registered e-mail and password, click on the “Certifica” module, “Meus Clientes” (“My Clients”), select “Vale S.A.” and check the status that is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. Your company's status must be “Conectado” (“Connected”) so that it is able to transact with Vale through the Nimbi Platform. If your company is not in the “Conectado” (“Connected”) status, click on the “Editar Cadastro” (“Edit Registration”) button at the top of the screen and fill in all the mandatory fields, highlighted with an asterisk on all the side tabs. It will also be required to accept the “Termo de Adesão ao Emarketplace” (“Term of Adhesion to the Emarketplace”), in "Termo de Adesão” (“Term of Adhesion”). Then click on "Enviar para Avaliação” (“Submit for Evaluation”). Attention: Only administrator users have access to the “Editar Cadastro” (“Edit Registration”) option, if this option is not enabled in your profile, contact the account administrator to guide you in the regularization of registration on the Nimbi Platform. 

Click on the “Negocia” module and on “RFX Recebidas” (“RFX Received”). Click on the desired quotation request and, after reading all the information contained in the process, go to the bottom of the page to “Aceitar” (“Accept”) or “Declinar” (“Decline”) your participation. Attention: When you decline a quotation, you will not be able to participate in it again. After accepting the request for quotation, it is necessary to fill in the mandatory fields to send your response to Vale, including the specific information of the items (to do this, click on the description of each item). If necessary, you can save your proposal through the “Salvar” (“Save”) option, but remember that after filling it out, you must click on “Enviar” (“Send”) to send your proposal to Vale. Pay attention to the submission deadline established by the applicant, which is available in the “Cronograma” (“Schedule”). 
Click on the “Purchase” module and “Pedidos Recebidos” (“Received Orders”).  Click on the desired purchase order and, after reading all the information in the document, go to the bottom of the page to Accept or Return the purchase order. Attention: orders can only be accepted or returned in full. 

The supplier must issue the invoice with the information according to the purchase order and send the XML file of the Invoice validated by Sefaz to the e-mail [email protected]. After sending the Invoice, it will go through the validation process at Vale and will have its status reflected on the Nimbi Platform. You can follow the validation of your invoice through the Portal through the “Paga” menu, in the “Notas Fiscais” (“Invoices”) tab. 

Access the page with more guidance on the process of issuing invoices to Vale: