Advanced Missions
Anti-Air Warfare
Aegis ships conduct Anti-Air Warfare to defend themselves and the other high value assets like Aircraft Carriers and large deck Amphibious ships from attack by enemy missiles and aircraft.
Anti-Submarine Warfare
Conducted primarily by Cruisers, Destroyers, and Frigates, Anti-Submarine Warfare is the detection, tracking and, if required, destruction of enemy submarines.
Amphibious Warfare
Amphibious Warfare conducted by “L Class” ships enables the United States to put Marines ashore anywhere in the world and support humanitarian crisises.
Ballistic Missile Defense
Certain Cruisers and Destroyers have the capability to conduct Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense, allowing them to defend our allies and the US homeland from the threat of ballistic missile attack.
Electronic Warfare
The mission of Electronic Warfare (EW) is to use the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to control, deceive, or deny enemy use of it while ensuring friendly forces can use it. This is done by degrading the enemy's ability to use electronic systems, such as RADAR and communication systems, and to confuse or deny their ability to defend their naval assets and forces. EW is also used to detect enemy threats and counter their attempts to degrade the Navy's electronic capabilities.
Mine Warfare
Conducted by Mine-Countermeasure ships (MCMs), mine warfare enables the US Navy to combat one of the world’s cheapest and most widely available threats to both Military and Commercial shipping – Naval Mines.
Strike Warfare
Strike warfare uses naval forces to attack targets on land. These forces include aircraft, ships, submarines, and Fleet Marine Force assets.
DIVISION OFFICER OPPORTUNITY: Lead strike missions and qualify as a Tomahawk Tactical Watch Officer!
Surface Warfare
The Navy's Surface Warfare mission is to control sea space so that naval forces can operate and project power ashore. This involves offensive actions against surface and subsurface targets, while also defending against enemy forces. Surface Warfare is the oldest and most basic form of naval warfare, though modern doctrine originated in the mid-20th century.
Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS)
Selected ships in the Navy have their own VBSS (visit, board, search and seizure) team. They board and inspect boats and ships for contraband, defend the seas against piracy, and more.
DIVISION OFFICER OPPORTUNITY: Work with inorganic entities such as a USCG Advanced Interdiction Team and become your ship's VBSS Boarding Officer.
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