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Talking Tech

Travel photography tips with Susan Portnoy

Jefferson Graham
Travel photographer Susan Portnoy, author of the Insatiabletraveler blog.

LOS ANGELES - Travel photographer Susan Portnoy, author of blog, joined us on Facebook Live this week. She has some great tips on taking travel portraits and what type of equipment to use on a safari.

Portnoy often leaves her New York City home base and captures stunning shots of people and animals in such locales as Kenya, Masai Mara and Cuba.

You can watch the video by clicking the link below.

Spoiler alert: Portnoy says safari photography needs include a long lens (she likes the 200--400mm Canon telephoto) and a fast shutter speed to catch quick shots of the animals. You'll need a DSLR for this, but an entry level Canon Rebel or Nikon D3400 (around $500) will do the trick.

You can check out a sample of Portnoy's work here, as well as her Facebook page, and blog.

A man poses for Susan Portnoy from a window in Havana, Cuba.
A quiet moment within a Samburu home in northern Kenya
A rather noisy oxpecker perches on the nose of a cape buffalo in the Masai Mara, Kenya
A panning shot of herd of wildebeest running in the Masai Mara
A lazy lion, full from eating a buffalo kill yawns at dawn in Timbavati, South Africa
Three Kazakh wrestlers photographed at a wedding in the middle of nowhere in the Altai Mountains.

Readers--our Facebook Live video chat with Susan Portnoy is another in a series of "Meet USA TODAY readers," videos we're doing here on the new #TalkingTech blog. Have an interesting tech story to share? Have questions for us? Let's chat about it live on Facebook! Just hit me up on Twitter (@jeffersongraham) or on Facebook to set up. And don't forget to subscribe to the daily #TalkingTech podcast on iTunes and Stitcher, and leave your reviews, comments and suggestions. 

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