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2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

Max Parrot of Canada claims slopestyle Olympic gold three years after cancer diagnosis

Rachel Axon

ZHANGJIAKOU, China — A year after he won Olympic silver in Pyeongchang, Max Parrot couldn’t have been further from a snowboard.

The Canadian had been one of the best in the world in slopestyle and big air, a multiple X Games medalist who was helping push the sport forward. Then, as he prepared for another season, he was facing chemotherapy treatments.

Parrot, 27, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in December 2018, receiving the diagnosis as he was building the snowboarding career he had dreamed of since he picked up the sport at 9 years old.

Amid chemotherapy treatments and a year after winning his silver medal, he posted a photo of him with it on Instagram. “To live more of this again in 3 years is definitely a motivation for me,” he wrote.

Now cancer-free, Parrot wouldn’t just get more of this. He’d get better. He’d get gold.

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“I had no more muscles, no more energy, no more cardio,” Parrot said. “I almost wanted to quit sometimes because it was getting so hard just to get to the next morning and to be standing here three years later and winning gold, that was completely crazy.”

Parrot won the Beijing Olympics slopestyle contest at Genting Snow Park on Monday with a massive second run, beating out China’s Su Yiming in second and fellow Canadian Mark McMorris in third. Parrot landed a triple cork on each of the three jumps, doing 1620 degrees of rotation on the first and third one.

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Max Parrot celebrates after winning gold in the men's slopestyle snowboarding final.

“I am incredibly proud of myself on the run I did,” Parrot said. “It was the hardest run I’ve ever done in my entire career.”

It’s that career and continuing to do what he loves that served as the motivation for Parrot as he went through 12 chemotherapy treatments. The port in his chest delivered the medication that would rid him of cancer, but drain him of all the things that made him a pro athlete.

He could get on his board, but he had no stamina. The chemo sapped his energy. In the time away from the gym and training, he lost muscle.

But before his eyebrows could even grow back on his slimmer face, Parrot pushed himself to get back in the weight room and training as soon as he could.

Parrot finished his last treatment in June 2019 and worked daily to get back. Two months later, he won big air gold at X Games Norway.

“As a person, I used to take life for granted,” Parrot said. “And I don’t anymore. Every time I strap my feet on my snowboard, I appreciate so much more than before. I appreciate to be able to do my passion every day.”

He’s maintained that in the years since he finished treatment. Fellow snowboarder Stale Sandbech remembers being at the top of a big air jump in Beijing after Parrot returned.

The Norwegian was worried about the bumpy, icy jump. Nothing could get to Parrot.

“He was just so stoked on everything and just fearless,” Sandbech said. “He told me, ‘I’m not scared.’ And at that time, we’re riding an icy big air and I was (expletive) scared. I was like, ‘Dude, you are strong, man.’”

Parrot and Sandbech will get another chance to stand atop a big air jump soon. The two are set to compete in the Olympic qualifier on Feb. 14. It’s there Parrot has an even better chance of adding to the dream that motivated him through chemotherapy.

Parrot has won 11 of his 14 X Games medals in big air, and he’s considered a favorite for gold.

Three years ago, he was receiving cancer treatments. Now he’ll get his gold medal, and maybe more than he hoped for from that hospital bed.

“I felt like I was lying in a cage because I wasn’t able to do what I love the most, which is snowboarding,” Parrot said.

“To be back competing after that, to be back to a third Olympics after that, I’m already grateful for all of that. And to win a gold medal today, it’s even over that. It just feels unreal.”

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