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NFL players suspended for PED violations at least 258 times since 2001, but no big deal?

Sunday’s Super Bowl between the Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals is expected to be the biggest television event of the year with nearly 100 million viewers, just like it is every year for at least one big reason – to watch the best players on the best teams in an elite contest of human strength, speed and size.

That’s why it’s the “Super” Bowl. Athletic excellence is being showcased in a sport that greatly rewards players who have chiseled themselves into physical supermen, even to the point that cheating has become a somewhat routine part of that process. 

Since 2001, NFL players have been suspended for performance-enhancing drugs and related substances at least 258 times, including at least 82 times in the past five years, according to a newly published database compiled by USA TODAY Sports.  The violations have affected every team in the league and every position on the field, including players who have been named to the Pro Bowl and even long snappers, quarterbacks and at least one placekicker.

But do viewers even care? Or does it actually make the NFL product more appealing?  

EXCLUSIVE DATABASE: NFL players suspended for performance-enhancing drug use since 2001

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“I’ve argued for years drugs add to the entertainment, because what you pay big money to see is bigger-than-life people doing bigger-than-life stuff,” said Charles Yesalis, a longtime performance-enhancing drug expert at Penn State. “And if you aren’t, then hell, watch a high school football game instead.”

He has a point. Viewers didn’t seem to care, if they even knew, that a player who recently had been suspended under the league’s performance-enhancing drugs policy helped the San Francisco 49ers beat the Green Bay Packers in the playoffs last month with a key blocked punt in the fourth quarter.

That player, Jordan Willis, was suspended six games to start the season – an indication he was suspended for using an anabolic agent, according to the league’s list of penalties for first-time offenses. The game drew nearly 37 million viewers, according to Fox Sports, making it the most-watched show on a Saturday night since the 1994 Winter Olympics.

Jordan Willis of the 49ers suspended six games to start the season – an indication he was suspended for using an anabolic agent, according to the league’s list of penalties for first-time offenses.

Viewers also didn’t seem to care three years ago when New England Patriots receiver Julian Edelman was named Super Bowl MVP after starting the season with a four-game suspension for a violation of the league’s policy for PEDs. CBS broadcasters didn’t mention it during the game when Edelman caught 10 passes and nearly 100 million people watched on average, according to Nielsen data.

By contrast, Major League Baseball players are barred from the postseason if they were previously suspended that year for taking performance-enhancing drugs. Yet PED usage comes with far less of a stigma in football than in baseball, where some of the best players of all time last month were denied entry into the Hall of Fame because of their link to such substances.

The reason for this is up for debate. Less debatable is how PED-related suspensions have become part of the regular drumbeat of the NFL calendar, sometimes with 20 or more per year. They’ve even happened so frequently that they’ve become relatively unremarkable incidents, especially compared to all the other controversies in the NFL, including racial issues and one player's comments about vaccines.

How big of a problem is it?

The suspensions only represent around 1% or fewer of all NFL players each year. But Yesalis long has suspected the actual PED usage is far greater, much like in cycling, where admitted dopers avoided testing positive in drug tests. “Only careless and stupid people get caught,” he said.

And getting caught is easier to avoid if the testing program has soft spots.

Travis Tygart, the CEO of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, points out that while the NFL conducts a high number of drug tests per year – estimated at 12,000-plus – the league’s anti-doping policy isn’t as good as it could be if it really wanted to detect the true level of PED use in the game.  On the one hand, he said the NFL’s program is better than many others that are compliant with the rules of the independent World Anti-Doping Agency.

On the other hand, the NFL’s PED policy is not set by an independent party such as USADA. The policy instead is made in a negotiation between league management and the players’ union, both of which arguably have an interest in keeping a lid on the problem.

“Given the violent nature of the sport, the short-term careers of their athletes and the money that can be made, the NFL should have the best independent, anti-doping program in the world,” Tygart told USA TODAY Sports. “Unfortunately, it is hard to argue that they do.”

The NFL didn’t respond to messages seeking an interview on its PED policy, which also forbids masking agents or diuretics used to hide the presence of PEDs.

The USA TODAY Sports database only includes suspensions that have been publicly revealed. It still provides a window into how pervasive the problem is among certain players, what the most popular drug has been (according to players) and how players usually say they didn’t take these drugs knowingly, which is at least sometimes true.

The players' union cited this issue when contacted by USA TODAY Sports.

"The league does not have a performance-enhancing substance problem," said Brandon Parker, spokesman for the NFL Players Association. "We have found that a large number of the violations are ultimately deemed to be unintentional use of a supplement that was contaminated."

Parker acknowledged that "innocent use is not a defense" for players who are held responsible for what is in their bodies. "Innocent" or not, some get busted more than others. 

Most frequent violators

Defensive linemen (57) and linebackers (41) are the most common offenders, according to the database. Those positions place a premium on strength, size and speed. One of them, former Chicago Bears linebacker Jerrell Freeman, was suspended twice before retiring in 2018 when he faced two-year suspension for a third violation.  

“It’s pretty black and white,” Freeman told USA TODAY Sports recently. “Rules are rules.”

He declined to elaborate further.

Former Bears linebacker Jerrell Freeman was suspended twice before retiring in 2018 when he faced two-year suspension for a third violation.

The team with the most suspensions in the database is Tampa Bay with 13. By contrast, USA TODAY Sports could find only two for the Buffalo Bills. At least two different punters and a placekicker have been busted, too, twice for unapproved use of the stimulant Adderall.

'Superhuman’ drug

Though the types of drugs involved in these suspensions is confidential, Adderall is by far the most popular drug named by players. It comes up in at least 25 suspensions since 2009. A number of players have therapeutic-use exemptions for it if they’ve been approved for them by the testing program’s independent administrator or medical advisor. Under a doctor’s prescription, it is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. But it also is used to increase energy and focus, and those who are suspended for it do not have exemptions. 

Former Indianapolis Colts punter Pat McAfee said on his radio show last year that he tried the drug after he retired and understood its popularity in the league.

“I cannot believe there are therapeutic use exemptions in the NFL where guys are allowed to take Adderall because they’ve talked to a doctor,” he said. “I felt like a superhuman.”

Even so, the NFL isn't exactly cracking down on it. In an apparent tradeoff between the players’ union and league management, the two sides recently agreed to reduce penalties for the in-season use of stimulants such as Adderall.

The new collective bargaining agreement in 2020 reduced suspensions for first-time offenses from four games to two while also reducing suspensions for second offenses from 10 games to five. At the same time, the two sides also agreed to increase the penalties for anabolic agents or steroids – lengthening those suspensions from four to six games for a first offense and 10 games to 17 games for a second offense.

Parker said penalties for stimulants were reduced because the NFLPA views those drugs more as "substances of abuse," as opposed to performance-enhancing. The NFL has a separate substance-abuse policy for such drugs, including alcohol and marijuana.

"We wanted to take a more treatment-based approach to help our player members versus a punitive approach," Parker said.

'Intelligent’ testing?

One way to tell how serious a league is about catching dopers is by considering how it selects players for urine or blood testing.

The NFL began testing players for human growth hormone in 2014 but caught no players using it the first year, and it’s unclear how many have been caught ever since. In 2017, then-NFL spokesperson Joe Lockhart acknowledged players have tested positive and been suspended for HGH, but he said the players’ union was blocking the league from getting into more detail.

“It is a tough substance to detect” without specific intelligence about an athlete using it, Tygart said.

HGH detection requires blood testing, and the NFL’s PED policy states that 20% of each team’s players will be blood-tested at random each year in training camp. Players from each team also will be randomly selected for blood testing each week during the preseason and regular season, plus five from each playoff team. In the offseason, the testing program’s independent administrator will randomly assign 10% of each team’s players for blood testing, according to the league policy.

Similarly, the NFL tests the urine of every player in training camp and also tests the urine of 10 random players per team each week from the preseason through the postseason. In the offseason, urine testing is done at the discretion of the testing program’s independent administrator, up to a maximum of six offseason tests per player.

To catch cheaters, Tygart said the best anti-doping methods involve the global standard of intelligence-driven testing, not random testing, which is a core part of the NFL PED policy.

With intelligence-driven testing, the idea is to profile and target athletes suspected of doping based on observations, whistleblowers, unusual speed or weight increases, or if they’re coming back from an injury.

But the NFL’s PED policy doesn’t call for this except if there is “reasonable cause” to do so, such as from “credible, verifiable documented information providing a reasonable basis to conclude that a player may have violated the policy.”

The difference between random testing results and targeted testing results is stark. For USADA, the positivity rate for testing is 1% or less.

“But our targeted testing numbers, when we test off of specific information, has been roughly 20% positive or in the results management process,” Tygart said.

The explanations

When players are willing to explain why they got caught, they almost always say they don’t know – and that it must have been in their dietary supplements or medication without their knowledge. This could be a bogus excuse. It also could be true.

For example, Houston offensive tackle Duane Brown got his 10-game suspension overturned in 2016 after testing positive for clenbuterol, an anabolic agent. The explanation behind his appeal was that he ingested the drug unknowingly by eating contaminated beef in Mexico. It was a credible excuse. The NFL and NFLPA even sent out a warning about this risk of eating meat produced in Mexico or China.

In another case, St. Louis Rams linebacker David Vobora was awarded $5.4 million in 2011 after he sued a supplements maker after testing positive for methyltestosterone and being suspended four games in 2009. In his lawsuit, he said that he used the company’s product without knowing it contained a banned substance.

'Players want this’

To its credit, the NFL historically has been ahead of the curve in trying to address this issue among American pro sports leagues. The question then and now is whether it’s doing enough.

In 1989, Atlanta Falcons offensive lineman Bill Fralic testified to Congress that an estimated 75% of linemen used steroids then, before the NFL began testing and punishing offenders for it later that year after banning it in 1983. Then on one day in August 1989, 13 players were suspended for steroid use.

More than 30 years later, stimulants might be more the rage these days than old-fashioned steroids, which come with harsher penalties. Tygart said one complaint about the NFL PED policy is that it bans a “finite list” of stimulants and doesn’t have a “catchall” for designer stimulants, unlike the World Anti-Doping Agency. 

“A lot of people interpret that as a license to use designer stimulants, and there’s no consequence, so that’s a problem,” Tygart said.

He argues that the best way to combat PED use also involves having an independent agency such as USADA take over the policy, instead of having the policy set by the league and players’ union. But that likely won’t happen for one reason – The NFL would be giving up control. So would the players’ union.

“The players want this policy as much as the league does,” said Jodi Balsam, a professor at Brooklyn Law School who formerly managed litigation for the NFL. “It’s been very carefully and thoroughly negotiated.”

The motive to use such drugs can be powerful for players looking for an edge in a violent game with millions of dollars at stake. Former NFL quarterback Brady Quinn suggested on a CBS podcast in 2015 that for a player making $1 million per game, the risk of a four-game suspension for PEDs didn’t compare to the potential rewards that could come with them, such as a bigger payoff later.

“Am I going to sacrifice $4 million in order for me to get that big contract on the back end?” Quinn asked hypothetically. “Yeah, I am."

Yesalis argues the policy serves as a marketing shield of plausible deniability for the NFL, helping it seem like the league cares about PED use from a health standpoint. Yet by not going as far as it could with this policy, a case could be made that the league leaves just enough room open for it to gain the elevated level of play that comes with these substances.

“The average Joe or Mary Doe sport fan either doesn’t know what Adderall is or couldn’t care less,” Yesalis said. “I don’t think your average sport fan really cares who uses drugs. They want to be entertained.”

Follow reporter Brent Schrotenboer @Schrotenboer. E-mail: [email protected]

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