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Donald J. Trump Foundation

Trump Foundation dissolves, but Trump abuses and pursuit of personal gain live on

Donald Trump ran his campaign and is now running the White House the same way he ran his foundation: abusing the public interest, enriching himself.

Noah Bookbinder and Norman Eisen
Opinion contributors

The existence of the Donald J. Trump Foundation ended Tuesday with a whimper, as the much-maligned organization agreed to dissolve itself as part of an important lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood. Citing a "shocking pattern of illegality" stretching back more than a decade, Underwood explained that the Trump Foundation functioned "as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests."

This is, of course, illegal for a charitable foundation, as our watchdog organization, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, has extensively documented in a series of complaints that preceded the New York lawsuit. American tax laws give preference to organizations that engage in truly charitable work — feeding the hungry, or housing our homeless veterans, or countless other activities that serve the public interest. To encourage this charitable work, our laws confer significant benefits on foundations that engage in it.

But the Trump Foundation flouted this preferential status over a long period, using its tax-preferred status to settle President Donald Trump's personal debts, boost his political image, and even curry favor with politicians who could assist him. It was an early sign of the disregard for ethics and law that would come to characterize the Trump presidency.

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Take, for example, the subject of one CREW complaint against the Trump Foundation: a "donation" it made to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi's re-election campaign in September 2013, years before Trump decided to run for office. According to Florida campaign finance records, the Trump Foundation contributed $25,000 to And Justice for All, a section 527 political organization associated with Bondi.

Charitable foundations like the Trump Foundation, however, are prohibited from political activity. On its tax forms, the Trump Foundation claimed it did not transfer any money to a 527 organization or engage in any political activity, and did not report any contribution to And Justice for All. Instead, it reported a contribution to a similarly named nonprofit organization. The foundation cited "coincidences and errors," but it looked like a ham-handed attempt to hide the illegal political contribution.

In fact, something more sinister than improper political activity may have been going on. The Trump Foundation made its contribution three days after it was widely reported that Bondi's office was reviewing joining the New York attorney general's lawsuit against Trump University. Following the donation, Bondi's office decided not to join the suit or open an investigation. It is possible the contribution was meant to influence Bondi's decision, and it is possible that it worked. Whatever the intent, the payment was illegal, and the IRS ultimately sanctioned the foundation, levying a fine for the violation.

Trump used foundation to pay personal debts

On another occasion, a golf club Trump owned settled a lawsuit by agreeing to pay $158,000 to charity. Once again, neither Trump nor his organization actually sent money to charity — instead, he farmed out that responsibility to the Trump Foundation. That payment, and a similar payment to settle a lawsuit with the town of Mar-a-Lago for hundreds of thousands of dollars, was the subject of another of our complaints to the IRS. It is illegal to use your charitable foundation as a wallet to pay off your legal settlements or other debts.

Another egregious example of the Trump Foundation acting outside of its charitable purpose was an event in January 2016 prior to the Iowa caucuses. Then-candidate Trump decided to conduct a nationally televised Trump Foundation "fundraiser" for veterans in lieu of participating in a debate for Republican presidential candidates.

The event was billed as the "Donald J. Trump Special Event for Veterans." The website through which the public could get tickets, however, listed a Trump campaign staffer — the Iowa Deputy State Director for Donald J. Trump for President — as the event "Organizer." The fundraiser, disguised under the auspices of the Trump Foundation, was planned, organized, financed and directed by the Trump campaign to improve the candidate’s image. In essence, the "fundraiser" operated as a Trump campaign event meant to create good publicity for Trump's candidacy.

The Trump Foundation also fueled the campaign

Starting with this fundraiser, the Trump Foundation became a critical part of the campaign. Trump repeatedly presented giant prop checks from the Trump Foundation to veterans groups on stage during campaign events. For example, on Jan. 30, Trump produced a novelty-size check for $100,000 to Puppy Jake, a group that trains service dogs for veterans, during a rally in Davenport, Iowa. The next day, at a Sioux City rally, candidate Trump presented a $100,000 Trump Foundation check to the founder of Support Siouxland Soldiers, another veterans charity. Both Puppy Jake and Support Siouxland Soldiers reported receiving calls and instructions from the Trump campaign —not the foundation — in order to collect their donations.

This week's dissolution agreement is further confirmation of something impartial observers and ethics watchdogs have long believed about the Trump Foundation: that it abused its charitable status to advance Trump's personal and political agendas and pay his debts. This country designed its charitable giving laws to encourage Americans to provide critical and often life-saving services for the least among us. The Trump Foundation made a mockery of that noble purpose.

Not even the president is allowed to use a charitable organization as his personal slush fund. The settlement in New York sends that message loud and clear. The larger message is this: The president apparently ran his campaign and is now running the White House the same way he ran his foundation. He's abusing the public interest for personal gain.

Noah Bookbinder is the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Norman Eisen, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the chair of CREW, was ethics counsel for President Barack Obama. Follow them on Twitter: @NoahBookbinder and @NormEisen


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