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Elizabeth Warren

Polls show Biden bounced back from first Democratic debate, holds comfortable lead heading into Detroit

WASHINGTON – When 20 Democratic candidates met last month for the first debate of the 2020 campaign, Vice President Joe Biden held a strong lead in the polls, but after what many perceived as a poor showing in Miami, his comfortable margin began to shrink. 

But in the month that followed, Biden has bounced right back to his previous lead in the polls. 

Heading into the second Democratic debate in Detroit, Biden's polling average, according to RealClearPolitics, is currently at 32%, exactly where it was before the one in Miami before dipping to a low of 26%.  

Sen. Kamala Harris of California made a lot of headlines and gained a sizable polling bounce out of the first debate thanks to a passionate exchange with Biden over his voting record on issues related to race. In a poll conducted immediately after that debate, Quinnipiac University found that Harris had climbed to within two points of the frontrunner with Biden's 22% just edging her 20%. 

But Harris' post-debate bump has since eroded and polling now has the candidates in much the same places they were a month ago. Three polls released Tuesday found Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont in second place, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts in third, Harris in fourth and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg in fifth. 

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Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, speaks during the National Urban League Conference,  July 25, 2019, in Indianapolis.

A Quinnipiac University poll on Monday found Warren in second place with 15% support over Harris in third at 12%, while Sanders was back in fourth place at 11%. Buttigieg was next with 6% support, while former Rep. Beto O'Rourke of Texas and businessman Andrew Yang were tied at 2%. The other 18 candidates were polling at 1% or less. 

The poll was conducted from July 25-28 with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4%. 

"In the blink of an eye, the post-debate surge for Sen. Kamala Harris fades and former Vice President Joseph Biden regains his footing among Democratic presidential contenders," said Mary Snow, a polling analyst for Quinnipiac University. 

"While Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris have been riding a seesaw of support, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is holding steady in the support she's seeing from Democrats and Democratic leaners and she remains the candidate seen as having the best policy ideas," Snow added. 

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Though only 21% of Democrats and voters who lean Democratic thought Biden has the best policy ideas, 51% thought he had the best chance of defeating President Donald Trump in the general election, the Quinnipiac University poll found. That contrasts sharply with Warren, whom 26% thought had the best policy ideas but only 8% felt was the most likely to beat Trump. 

"Electability remains his strongest pull. Across the board, Biden remains by far the Democrat seen as having the best chance of defeating President Trump," Snow said. 

If Trump is the Republican nominee, 32% said they "definitely" will vote for him, while 12% said they would consider it. Fifty-four percent said they would "definitely not" vote for him. The poll found the president's job approval rating at 40%, while 54% said they disapproved of the job he was doing. 

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