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Brock Turner

Emily Doe writing memoir to 'reclaim the story' of sexual assault by Brock Turner

Her victim impact statement four years ago went viral, changing the way many think about sexual assault, sparking widespread outrage and inspiring millions of survivors. Now Emily Doe, the anonymous woman then-Stanford University student Brock Turner sexually assaulted in 2015, is writing a memoir. 

Doe will "reclaim the story of her sexual assault," publisher Viking Books said in a press release Wednesday. 

"Emily Doe’s experience illuminates a culture built to protect perpetrators and a criminal justice system designed to fail the most vulnerable," said Viking editor-in-chief Andrea Schulz. "The book will introduce readers to the writer whose words have already changed their world and move them with its accounting of her courage and resilience."

Actors Gabourey Sidibe, Freida Pinto and Amber Heard read the letter by "Emily Doe" on the Neuhouse Hollywood stage.

The memoir will be published in September.

Many people are familiar with the statistic: 1 in 5 U.S. women is raped at some point in their lives and 1 in 3 is a victim of sexual violence involving physical contact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Doe put words to that experience, and implored us not to look away. 

Her 12-page statement on the assault, which she read in court before Turner's sentencing, was published in full by Buzzfeed on June 3, 2015. Within four days, it had been viewed 11 million times.

Parts of it were chillingly raw: "I learned that my ass and vagina were completely exposed outside, my breasts had been groped, fingers had been jabbed inside me along with pine needles and debris." Other sections were painfully eloquent: "I wanted to take off my body like a jacket and leave it at the hospital with everything else." 

Turner was convicted of assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person, penetration of an intoxicated person and penetration of an unconscious person. He faced up to 14 years in prison but was sentenced to six months in county jail. He served just three for "good behavior."

Aaron Persky, the judge who sentenced him, was recalled from office in June 2018 — becoming the first California jurist recalled from the bench in 86 years. 

California state Senate president Kevin De Leon calls for the removal of Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky at a protest outside the Santa Clara County Jail in San Jose, Calif., on Sept. 2, 2016. Persky sentenced Brock Turner to six months in jail. Turner served three.

Turner filed an appeal in December 2017 seeking a new trial, arguing that the evidence presented didn’t support his convictions. In April, a three-judge panel of the 6th District Court of Appeal in San Jose, California, ruled that his convictions had been fair. 

Some say that Doe set the stage for #MeToo, helping to raise the profile of sexual assault survivors worldwide. While Doe could not have predicted the impact of her more than 7,000 words, it's clear she didn't only write them for herself. 

"To girls everywhere, I am with you," she wrote. "On nights when you feel alone, I am with you. When people doubt you or dismiss you, I am with you. I fought everyday for you. So never stop fighting, I believe you."

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If you are a survivor of sexual assault, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or visit and receive confidential support.

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