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401(k) plan

401(k) plans take a page out of pensions' playbook

Russ Wiles
The Arizona Republic
With 401(k) and other defined-contribution plans, it's up to workers to save enough and pick the right investments.

From humble beginnings, 401(k) programs have nearly pulled even with traditional pensions as the main type of workplace retirement plans. They've done it by offering a starkly different approach — one that relies on workers, not employers, to make key saving and investment decisions.

But as they seek to get more employees to participate, the companies offering these plans are taking some decisions out of the hands of workers, just like pensions do.

"We're pension-izing 401(k) plans," said Tony Verheyen, executive director of the Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA), a Chicago-based group representing more than 1,000 companies that offer the retirement programs to workers. "Whether intended or not, that's what we're doing."

A key distinction between the two types of retirement programs involves the amount of control and responsibility given to employees. With 401(k) and other defined-contribution plans, it's up to workers to save enough and pick the right investments. With traditional pensions or defined-benefit plans, employers make those decisions and bear the responsibility.

Yet in recent years, companies that offer 401(k) plans have been adding features that simplify and automate decisions. Here are some of those changes and trends:

Auto enrollment and escalation

A primary frustration for companies that offer 401(k)-style plans is that not all workers sign up. That's why more employers have been enrolling participants automatically. Workers can opt out, but most don't since doing so involves effort on the employee's part. Employers thus are harnessing worker inertia to help them build a retirement nest egg.

"To get broader participation, auto enrollment is the key," said Tim Kohn, head of defined contribution at Dimensional Fund Advisors.

Auto enrollment has been around for years and shown good results. But what happens when someone just continues to contribute the minimum, usually around 3% of salary? That's where auto escalation comes in. This involves gradually and automatically increasing the amount an employee contributes — again, with an opt-out clause.

"There's little sense in having someone stay at 3% for many years,"  said Rodney Balbuena managing director of SageView Advisory Group in Pasadena, Calif. "Auto escalation is as important as auto enrollment."

Fewer choices

One key feature of pension plans is employees don't have to make any investment decisions. But in 401(k)s, participants must choose which investments to select. With an average 401(k) investment lineup of 19 choices, according to PSCA research, the process can be daunting. That's why some experts predict more employers will downsize their options, to make it easier.

It's notable that some 401(k) plans have allowed their workers to invest in virtually anything through brokerage accounts, yet few participants do so. "Nobody needs 62 (or many more) options," said Tom Kmak, CEO of Fiduciary Benchmarks.

Different target funds

Target-date funds have gained a lot of traction within 401(k) plans, and for good reason.  These portfolios hold a suitable mix of stocks and bonds given a person's expected retirement year. The funds start out aggressive, focused largely on stocks, for workers with decades to go until retirement. They gradually grow more conservative, cutting some stocks and adding more bonds, as  retirement comes into closer view.

New target-date funds from Virtus Investment Partners, which allocate assets among 10 underlying portfolios from Dimensional Fund Advisors, take more of an income focus. The idea is to start adding inflation-protected bonds such as TIPS, or Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, to the mix. TIPS pay yields that rise or fall with inflation, which can help ensure that retirees have sufficient income to meet their needs, even if inflation heats up.

For some savers, a managed 401(k)'s tailoring beats a target date fund

Education innovations

In 401(k) plans, as noted, the responsibility for important decisions lies with employees. This places a burden on companies to educate their workers  without making the decisions for them. "Most people still lack the time, talent and interest (to manage their investments)," said Kmak. "People still want to be told what to do."

The education dilemma won't be solved overnight, but employers and the 401(k) industry are working on it. For example, "robo-advisers" or Web-based services that provide investment guidance, have been gaining in importance, said Verheyen. As another example, he sees more education targeted to specific employee subgroups, such as those nearing retirement age.

Reach the reporter at [email protected] or 602-444-8616.

Investing for retirement

Americans have $23.5 trillion invested for retirement excluding Social Security, according to the Investment Company Institute and Employee Benefit Research Institute.

  • Pensions: $7.8 trillion
  • IRAs: $7.3 trillion
  • 401(k)s : $6.5 trillion
  • Annuities: $1.9 trillion

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