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Petition supported by teachers' unions asks college to disinvite DeVos

Greg Toppo

After an historically black college in Florida announced that U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos would deliver its commencement address, an online petition appeared Monday, courtesy of alumni, who asked the college to rescind the invitation.

US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos speaks at a school choice event watched by US President Donald Trump in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on May 3, 2017 in Washington, DC.

On Wednesday a second petition appeared, this one created by a leader of the Florida Education Association and endorsed by the USA’s largest teachers unions.

In just a few hours, it had earned thousands of signatures.

The new petition comes just a week before DeVos is due to deliver the May 10 keynote address at Bethune-Cookman University’s (B-CU) spring commencement ceremony.

Located in Daytona Beach, Fla., the school was founded by civil rights leader Mary McLeod Bethune. It is one of a handful of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The Trump administration last February began trying to forge closer ties with the schools, inviting leaders to the White House. But after the meeting, critics slammed DeVos, who has long championed school choice nationwide, when she praised HBCUs as “pioneers of school choice." They pointed out that the schools, many of which were founded in the South in an era of racial segregation, were often the only choice for many African-American students.

DeVos later noted that the schools were created “not out of mere choice, but out of necessity, in the face of racism, and in the aftermath of the Civil War.”

B-CU earned a measure of criticism on Monday for comparing DeVos to Bethune herself: President Edison O. Jackson said the longtime mission of the new education secretary, a white Michigan billionaire, GOP mega-donor and philanthropist, “resonates with the history and legacy” of Bethune. Jackson said the founder “was not constrained by political ideology, but worked across all parties to support B-CU.”

It was all too much for Fedrick Ingram, a 1996 B-CU alumnus and former Miami high school band teacher who is now a statewide union vice president. “On a number of levels, I think this invitation is wrong,” he told USA TODAY. “I think it sends the wrong message, that Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration support higher education.”

Ingram, a former president of United Teachers of Dade, the union representing Miami-area teachers, is now a vice president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which said it was co-sponsoring the petition. By early evening on Wednesday, Ingram's petition, titled, “Betsy DeVos has no place at our HBCU,” had garnered more than 17,500 signatures.

The president of the National Education Association, Lily Eskelsen García, on Wednesday said she supported the effort as well.

"Given Sec. Betsy DeVos' outrageous comments about Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and her long-standing antipathy towards public education, Bethune-Cookman students have a right to express their disapproval about her choice as their commencement speaker," Eskelsen Garcia said in a statement. "Politicizing a commencement speech by inviting a controversial public figure like Betsy DeVos is a disservice to the graduating students, the alumni, and the legacy of Dr. Bethune. The graduating students and their families deserve to mark this important milestone in their lives without distractions. I stand with the Bethune-Cookman students and their families during this time."

Liz Hill, DeVos’ spokeswoman, said the university had been “extremely supportive” of the secretary since the invitation went out, pointing out that Jackson, the school’s president, on Wednesday wrote an op-ed in the Orlando Sentinel that acknowledged the controversy but said: “I am of the belief that it does not benefit our students to suppress voices that we disagree with, or to limit students to only those perspectives that are broadly sanctioned by a specific community.”

Jackson added: “One of the lasting hallmarks of higher education is its willingness to engage, explore and experience that which we deem as ‘other.’ When we shelter our students and campus communities from views that are diametrically opposed to their own, we actually leave our students far less capable of combating those ideas.”

He noted that in founding the school, Bethune “depended upon the support of people who were scattered all along the ideological and political spectrum — some she agreed with, and some she did not. She understood, however, the great value of education, and she understood the nuances of how to balance delicate and difficult relationships in order to achieve her ultimate goal of building an institution of higher learning, of which we are the beneficiaries today.”

He also said the university had been financially supported by wealthy philanthropists like John D. Rockefeller and Henry Flagler of Standard Oil, which ultimately became ExxonMobil. “These leaders represented diverse political and social views, and Bethune invited them all to visit and support her institution. It is in that same vein that I have invited DeVos to speak.”

But Ingram said his petition is less about ideology than budget priorities. He noted that President Trump’s proposed 2018 budget cuts U.S. Department of Education funding by $9 billion, or 13%. The cuts, he said, would adversely affect HBCUs.

“This is not about not liking a person," he said. "This is not about ideology. This is about what is going to happen if this budget goes through as-is.”

Ingram said potential deep cuts to HBCUs could mean that, a year after the May 10 commencement, as many as one-third of B-CU students might not have the same opportunity to graduate.

Invoking Bethune himself, Ingram said, “This is not what she stood for.”

Follow Greg Toppo on Twitter: @gtoppo

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