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Ron Jeremy healthy again, ready for sex

Olivia Barker, USA TODAY
Ron Jeremy back in December, pre-surgery.

Ron Jeremy is up — in more ways than one.

You may recall that the almost 60-year-old porn legend, aka The Hedgehog, was near death last month after suffering an aneurysm near his heart. Multiple surgeries later, he's out of critical condition and ready to resume his day job.

TMZ caught up with him on Thursday in L.A. He's a little fuzzy on the details of what went down inside the operating room, but his face lights up dramatically when discussing his future, um, fitness: "They said to me at the clinic that if you can walk up two flights of stairs you're able to have sex — so I walked up two flights of stairs and three additional stairs."

Maybe hedgehogs and cockroaches have more in common than one would think?

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