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I've picked my 'word of the year.' What's yours?

I'm choosing "wellness" as my theme for 2022. Have you ever made a word of the year? Here's how it works.

For a few years now I've determined my own "word of the year."

It's a word that is meant to highlight what I want to focus on during the year. It isn't tied to a specific resolution or goal, it's just meant to act as an overall theme for the next 12 months.

One time it was "adventure," another time was "consistency," and this year it's "wellness."

It might sound a bit funny I chose this word since my job title is Lifestyle and Wellness reporter, but it's something I'm truly passionate about outside of work as well.

I've been trying to focus on my physical wellness by getting a head start on doctor's appointments for 2022. But my word of the year extends to my mental wellness as well.

This includes me trying to make time to do things that calm my mind and feed my soul. I've been joking to my friends that "Wellness Sara" is planning to start a balcony garden after I settle in to my new place next month – and I intend to do so!

I've also gotten my family and friends in on my annual tradition.

My sister chose "mindfulness," my brother picked "simplicity" and one of my friends is focusing on "growth." Other great words that came up in conversation were "family," "nature" and "relaxation."

What I find great about setting this type of intention for the year is that it's always in the back of your mind, but it's flexible. You can give yourself the space and grace to let it transform into whatever you want it to be. There are not strict rules when it comes to picking a word of the year – do what makes you feel best

What is 'slugging,' the viral moisturizing hack? 

This winter, many people are dealing with unbearably dry, patchy skin, writes my colleague Jenna Ryu. But lucky for you, dermatologists have a simple solution.

The latest viral skincare trend is called "slugging," which involves coating your face in petrolatum, or Vaseline, to moisturize your skin overnight. Though the fad has become a talker recently (with over 80 million views on TikTok), it's not particularly new. It has long been popular in the Black community as well as in the K-beauty world to replicate that natural, dewy glow and combat dryness. 

"Petrolatum is an underrated ingredient that dermatologists have used for so many different things, including slugging," says Dr. Jenny Liu, a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology .

"Not only has it been used safely for babies as a body moisturizer, or used on wounds… but it offers great hydration to dry and irritated skin."

Many people have used slugging to obtain plump skin at home, because it only requires one product. All you need is a thick, ointment-based moisturizer like Vaseline, Aquaphor, CeraVe Healing Ointment or Cetaphil Healing Ointment.

Experts say slugging should be used as the last step of your skincare routine — after cleansing and moisturizing. Dr. Lindsey Zubritsky, a board-certified dermatologist with over 400,000 TikTok followers, recommends a "very thin layer" over your whole face — especially during the winter months. 

Click here to read Jenna's full story and learn more.

Do you have dry skin or dehydrated skin?

Today's reads

Experts say people can't help but think anal sex is somehow morally wrong due to lingering effects of homophobia.

Today's pet

Meet EV.

EV and her toy squid.

EV is a "very little dog with a great big personality," writes Karen Szyszko. EV came into Karen's life five years ago after the pup was found wandering the streets.

"We were the fortunate ones to be rescued by her," Karen says. "A lifetime – even forever – isn’t enough time for us to be with EV."

As pictured, EV is also a big fan of her chew toys.

"From the minute she wakes in the morning until it’s time to say good night, EV must have a toy with her. Her big fat yellow duck, hedgehog and squid are her favorite companions and a supply must ALWAYS be kept in stock." 

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