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Girls (tv series)

Hannah can't even when it comes to Adam and Jessa's relationship on 'Girls'

Erin Jensen
USA Today
Ray and Hannah.

We knew it had to happen sometime.

On Sunday's Girls, Hannah finally learned that one of her best friends--who was no longer speaking to her--and her ex-boyfriend were hanging out. Talk about all of your worst fears coming true. Our stomachs dropped just thinking about it.

In the beginning of the episode titled Hello Kitty, Hannah was reprimanded for bad-mouthing her fellow faculty members. To distract her supervisor from her transgressions, she pulled a Sharon Stone from Basic Instinct, if you catch our drift.

When Hannah told Fran how she got out of trouble, he was naturally mortified. The two argued as they walked to see Adam in a play about neighbors on the night of Kitty Genovese's murder.

Because Fran didn't want to make a scene, he and Hannah parted ways, and she met up with Ray and then Marnie. In the hallway, Marnie told Ray that she was leaving Desi and crushed his silent hopes when she said that she needed to be on her own--valuable insight that she gathered from last week's rendezvous with Charlie.

Hannah spotted Jessa across the way smoking a cigarette while looking and flirting with Adam. And from just a glance, the way it seems to only happen in movies and TV, Hannah knew that there as something between Adam and Jessa. Hannah began to panic and asked Marnie if she knew that the two were hooking up. Marnie said that she didn't have such knowledge.

At the end of the evening, Hannah saw Jessa and Adam leave together, and she really began to freak out. A completely oblivious Fran thought that Hannah was mad at him and asked her if she wanted to be alone. Though she told him earlier in the evening that she didn't think their situation was working anymore, Hannah clung to Fran in her time of desperation. With her ex and former friend now fraternizing, her relationship with Fran--though rampant with dysfunction--seemed to be all that she had.

So, Dill isn't as great as he seemed.

Hannah's roommate, Elijah, missed the play because he was at Dill's for a party where he hobnobbed with the likes of Zac Posen. While standing in line to get Dill a drink, Elijah got the vibe that he wasn't the only man in Dill's life. When he retreated to the bathroom to commiserate among the travel size soaps and lotions, Dill found him. At first, Dill chalked the rumors up to gossip, but then he admitted that he had a lot of friends, and if Elijah didn't like it then he should leave. Elijah did leave and was later woken up by a drunk Dill banging on the door offering a muddled apology.

In a preview for next week, Hannah rides in the passenger seat for a road trip with Fran for the summer--cut to Hannah sticking her head out the window for some fresh air. Marnie and Desi have complications while resuming their professional relationship, and karma shows up in the form of a fight between Adam and Jess about Hannah.

Catch all the twentysomething drama when Girls airs Sunday at 10 p.m. ET on HBO.

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