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Jeff Goldblum

Wow! A dad and daughter recreate 'Jurassic Park' with $100,000 worth of LEGOs

Hoai-Tran Bui

What started out as a father-daughter bonding project turned into one of the coolest -- and probably most expensive -- tributes to Jurassic Park.

Animator Paul Hollingsworth and his 8-year-old daughter Hailee started making LEGO recreations of their favorite Jurassic Park scenes, but soon decided that it wouldn't be right without dialogue and Jeff Goldblum impressions. So they enlisted the help of a couple of Hollingsworth's animator friends and voice actors to make a stop motion LEGO film of the 1993 classic's most iconic scenes. Three months and $100,000 worth of LEGO pieces later (you can watch the team's behind-the-scenes video

), and we get the hilarious and magical video above.

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